liability damage rule fisher body party gm general care harm negligence plaintiff defendant expected motor case probability victim fire

0.66 Steven Shavell, Torts in Which Victim and Injurer Act Sequentially, Journal of Law and Economics, 1983.
0.65 Steven Shavell, Uncertainty over Causation and the Determination of Civil Liability, Journal of Law and Economics, 1985.
0.44 Steven Shavell, Corrective Taxation versus Liability as a Solution to the Problem of Harmful Externalities, Journal of Law and Economics, 2011.
0.42 R. H. Coase, The Acquisition of Fisher Body by General Motors, Journal of Law and Economics, 2000.
0.39 Louis Kaplow Steven Shavell, Accuracy in the Assessment of Damages, Journal of Law and Economics, 1996.
0.38 Donald Wittman, The Price of Negligence under Differing Liability Rules, Journal of Law and Economics, 1986.
0.32 Robert F. Freeland, Creating Holdup through Vertical Integration: Fisher Body Revisited, Journal of Law and Economics, 2000.
0.32 Frank H. Easterbrook William M. Landes Richard A. Posner, Contribution among Antitrust Defendants: A Legal and Economic Analysis, Journal of Law and Economics, 1980.
0.31 Benjamin Klein, Fisher—General Motors and the Nature of the Firm, Journal of Law and Economics, 2000.
0.31 Jonathan Yoder, Liability Regulation and Endogenous Risk: The Incidence and Severity of Escaped Prescribed Fires in the United States, Journal of Law and Economics, 2008.
0.28 Edward A. Snyder, Efficient Assignment of Rights to Sue for Antitrust Damages, Journal of Law and Economics, 1985.
0.28 Ramon Casadesus‐Masanell Daniel F. Spulber, The Fable of Fisher Body, Journal of Law and Economics, 2000.
0.24 P. S. Atiyah, Liability for Railway Nuisance in the English Common Law: A Historical Footnote, Journal of Law and Economics, 1980.
0.20 Pablo T. Spiller, Comments on Easterbrook and Snyder, Journal of Law and Economics, 1985.
0.20 Hilary Sigman, Environmental Liability and Redevelopment of Old Industrial Land, Journal of Law and Economics, 2010.
0.20 R. H. Coase, The Problem of Social Cost, Journal of Law and Economics, 1960.
0.19 Steven Shavell, The Optimal Structure of Law Enforcement, Journal of Law and Economics, 1993.
0.17 David D. Friedman, An Economic Analysis of Alternative Damage Rules for Breach of Contract, Journal of Law and Economics, 1989.
0.16 Frank H. Easterbrook, Detrebling Antitrust Damages, Journal of Law and Economics, 1985.
0.16 William Breit Kenneth G. Elzinga, Private Antitrust Enforcement: The New Learning, Journal of Law and Economics, 1985.
0.16 William Breit Kenneth G. Elzinga, Antitrust Enforcement and Economic Efficiency: The Uneasy Case for Treble Damages, Journal of Law and Economics, 1974.