genre bakhtin genres russian generic dialogue carnival dialogic literary mikhail literature rabelais poetics dostoevsky text speech work theory pushkin

0.97 Herb Blau, From "(Re)Sublimating the 60s", Social Text, 1984.
0.84 George Drury, No Answer, Social Text, 1984.
0.28 Gary Saul Morson Caryl Emerson, Imputations and Amputations: Reply to Wall and Thomson, Diacritics, 1993.
0.25 Alexander Zholkovsky, Comparing Poetic Worlds, Diacritics, 1980.
0.22 Renate Lachmann Raoul Eshelman Marc Davis, Bakhtin and Carnival: Culture as Counter-Culture, Cultural Critique, 1988.
0.21 Igor Shaitanov, Aleksandr Veselovskii's Historical Poetics: Genre in Historical Poetics, New Literary History, 2001.
0.21 Anthony Wall Clive Thomson, Chronic Chronotopicity: Reply to Morson and Emerson, Diacritics, 1994.
0.20 Gary Saul Morson, Dialogue Monologue and the Social: A Reply to Ken Hirschkop, Critical Inquiry, 1985.
0.19 David Duff, Maximal Tensions and Minimal Conditions: Tynianov as Genre Theorist, New Literary History, 2003.
0.19 Benjamin Zephaniah, Rong Radio, boundary 2, 2006.
0.19 Robert Young, Back to Bakhtin, Cultural Critique, 1985.
0.19 Yuri Tynianov Ann Shukman, The Ode as an Oratorical Genre, New Literary History, 2003.
0.18 Ralph Cohen, Introduction: Notes toward a Generic Reconstitution of Literary Study, New Literary History, 2003.
0.18 Gary Saul Morson, Bakhtin Genres and Temporality, New Literary History, 1991.
0.18 Mikita Hoy, Bakhtin and Popular Culture, New Literary History, 1992.
0.17 Peter Seitel, Theorizing Genres: Interpreting Works, New Literary History, 2003.
0.17 Michael Holquist, Bakhtin and Rabelais: Theory as Praxis, boundary 2, 1982.
0.17 Ralph Cohen, Introduction, New Literary History, 2003.
0.16 Gary Saul Morson, Who Speaks for Bakhtin?: A Dialogic Introduction, Critical Inquiry, 1983.
0.16 Michael André Bernstein, When the Carnival Turns Bitter: Preliminary Reflections upon the Abject Hero, Critical Inquiry, 1983.
0.16 Maria Shevtsova, Dialogism in the Novel and Bakhtin's Theory of Culture, New Literary History, 1992.
0.16 Nina Pelikan Straus, "Why Did I Say 'Women!'?" Raskolnikov Reimagined, Diacritics, 1993.
0.16 Nicholas Rzhevsky, Kozhinov on Bakhtin, New Literary History, 1994.
0.16 Martin Puchner, It's Not Over ('Til It's Over), New Literary History, 2010.
0.16 Ralph Cohen, History and Genre, New Literary History, 1986.
0.15 Ken Hirschkop, A Response to the Forum on Mikhail Bakhtin, Critical Inquiry, 1985.
0.15 Caryl Emerson, Preface to Mikhail K Ryklin "Bodies of Terror", New Literary History, 1993.
0.15 Ken Hirschkop, Is Dialogism for Real?, Social Text, 1992.
0.15 Peter Hitchcock, The Genre of Postcoloniality, New Literary History, 2003.
0.15 Dominick La Capra, History and Genre: Comment, New Literary History, 1986.
0.15 Michael André Bernstein, "O Totiens Servus": Saturnalia and Servitude in Augustan Rome, Critical Inquiry, 1987.
0.14 Michael André Bernstein, "These Children That Come at You with Knives": "Ressentiment" Mass Culture and the Saturnalia, Critical Inquiry, 1991.
0.14 Caryl Emerson, Response to Thomas Pavel "Freedom from Romance to the Novel: Three Anti-Utopian American Critics", New Literary History, 1998.
0.14 Donald Wesling, The Speaking Subject in Russian Poetry and Poetics since 1917. New Literary History, 1992,
0.14 Igor P. Smirnov Ann Shukman, On the Systematic-Diachronic Approach to Medieval Russian Culture of the Early Period, New Literary History, 1984.
0.13 Wayne C. Booth, Reply to Richard Berrong, Critical Inquiry, 1985.
0.13 Caryl Emerson, Pushkin Literary Criticism and Creativity in Closed Places, New Literary History, 1998.
0.13 Jurij Striedter, Poetic Genre and the Sense of History in Pushkin, New Literary History, 1977.
0.13 Thomas Dana-Cohen, Reading a Blind "Parataxis" Dostoyevsky (Nietzsche) Bakhtin, boundary 2, 1988.
0.13 Gary Saul Morson, Narrativeness, New Literary History, 2003.
0.13 S. G. Bocharov Ann Feltham, The Queen of Spades, New Literary History, 1978.
0.13 Tom Cohen, The Ideology of Dialogue: The Bakhtin/De Man (Dis)Connection, Cultural Critique, 1996.
0.13 Hayden White, Anomalies of Genre: The Utility of Theory and History for the Study of Literary Genres, New Literary History, 2003.
0.13 Hayden White, Commentary: Good of Their Kind, New Literary History, 2003.
0.13 Gary Saul Morson, Tolstoy's Absolute Language, Critical Inquiry, 1981.
0.12 Gary Saul Morson, Sideshadowing and Tempics, New Literary History, 1998.
0.12 Michael Holquist, Answering as Authoring: Mikhail Bakhtin's Trans-Linguistics, Critical Inquiry, 1983.
0.12 Thomas Pavel, Concluding Statement, New Literary History, 1998.
0.12 Lahcen Haddad, Bakhtin's Imaginary Utopia, Cultural Critique, 1992.
0.12 Caryl Emerson, The Outer Word and Inner Speech: Bakhtin Vygotsky and the Internalization of Language, Critical Inquiry, 1983.
0.12 Michael André Bernstein, Keeping the Conversation Going: Prosaics and Literary Theory, New Literary History, 1998.
0.12 Caryl Emerson, Keeping the Self Intact during the Culture Wars: A Centennial Essay for Mikhail Bakhtin, New Literary History, 1996.
0.12 Ralph Cohen, Reply to Dominick LaCapra and Richard Harvey Brown, New Literary History, 1986.
0.11 Qian Zhongwen, Problems of Bakhtin's Theory about "Polyphony", New Literary History, 1997.
0.11 Gary Saul Morson, Return to Process: The Unfolding of The Idiot, New Literary History, 2009.
0.11 Gary Saul Morson, Contingency and Freedom Prosaics and Process, New Literary History, 1998.
0.11 Thomas Pavel, Freedom from Romance to the Novel: Three Anti-Utopian American Critics, New Literary History, 1998.
0.10 Susan Stewart, Shouts on the Street: Bakhtin's Anti-Linguistics, Critical Inquiry, 1983.
0.10 Allon White, The Struggle over Bakhtin: Fraternal Reply to Robert Young, Cultural Critique, 1987.
0.10 Boguslaw Zylko, Culture and Semiotics: Notes on Lotman's Conception of Culture, New Literary History, 2001.