medical health body medicine disease aids drug illness mental patients treatment patient clinical healing hysteria madness addiction bodies coffee

0.26 Rebecca Garden, The Problem of Empathy: Medicine and the Humanities, New Literary History, 2007.
0.25 Andrew Lakoff, The Simulation of Madness: Buenos Aires 1903. Critical Inquiry, 2005,
0.23 John Hoberman, Medical Racism and the Rhetoric of Exculpation: How Do Physicians Think about Race?, New Literary History, 2007.
0.22 Scott L. Montgomery, Illness and Image in Holistic Discourse: How Alternative Is "Alternative"?, Cultural Critique, 1993.
0.22 Cary Federman Dave Holmes Jean Daniel Jacob, Deconstructing the Psychopath: A Critical Discursive Analysis, Cultural Critique, 2009.
0.21 Ursula Link-Heer Jamie Owen Daniel, "Male Hysteria": A Discourse Analysis, Cultural Critique, 1990.
0.21 Bradley Lewis, The New Global Health Movement: Rx for the World?, New Literary History, 2007.
0.21 Janice M. Irvine, Regulated Passions: The Invention of Inhibited Sexual Desire and Sex Addiction, Social Text, 1993.
0.21 Lesley A. Sharp, Monkey Business: Interspecies Longing and Scientific Prophecy in Experimental Xenotransplantation, Social Text, 2011.
0.21 Priscilla Wald, Cultures and Carriers: "Typhoid Mary" and the Science of Social Control, Social Text, 1997.
0.20 João Biehl, The Activist State: Global Pharmaceuticals Aids and Citizenship in Brazil, Social Text, 2004.
0.19 David B. Morris, Reading Is Always Biocultural, New Literary History, 2006.
0.19 Elizabeth Mazzolini, FOOD WASTE AND JUDGMENT ON MOUNT EVEREST, Cultural Critique, 2010.
0.18 C. Nadia Seremetakis, Toxic Beauties: Medicine Information and Body Consumption in Transnational Europe, Social Text, 2001.
0.18 Arthur Kleinman, The Bioculture of Caregiving: A Commentary on "Biocultures", New Literary History, 2007.
0.18 James Dawes, Narrating Disease: Aids Consent and the Ethics of Representation, Social Text, 1995.
0.18 Christine Richards, Belief and Context Determinacy in Interpreting Fiction, Diacritics, 1998.
0.18 David B. Morris, Un-Forgetting Asclepius: An Erotics of Illness, New Literary History, 2007.
0.18 Yadhu N. Singh, Kava: An Old Drug in a New World, Cultural Critique, 2009.
0.18 Cheryl Mattingly, Reading Medicine: Mind Body and Meditation in One Interpretive Community, New Literary History, 2006.
0.18 Jennifer L. Fleissner, Obsessional Modernity: The “Institutionalization of Doubt”, Critical Inquiry, 2007.
0.17 Laurence J. Kirmayer, Toward a Medicine of the Imagination, New Literary History, 2006.
0.17 Benjamin Reiss, Madness after Virginia Tech: From Psychiatric Risk to Institutional Vulnerability, Social Text, 2010.
0.17 Warwick Anderson, "Where Every Prospect Pleases and Only Man Is Vile": Laboratory Medicine as Colonial Discourse, Critical Inquiry, 1992.
0.17 Ed Cohen, Immune Communities Common Immunities, Social Text, 2008.
0.17 James Miller, The Voice in Tourette Syndrome, New Literary History, 2001.
0.17 Helen Deutsch, Symptomatic Correspondences: The Author's Case in Eighteenth-Century Britain, Cultural Critique, 1999.
0.17 Sander L. Gilman, The Struggle of Psychiatry with Psychoanalysis: Who Won?, Critical Inquiry, 1987.
0.17 Ed Cohen, The Paradoxical Politics of Viral Containment; or How Scale Undoes Us One and All, Social Text, 2011.
0.17 Steven Topik, Coffee as a Social Drug, Cultural Critique, 2009.
0.16 Elizabeth Freudenthal, Anti-Interiority: Compulsiveness Objectification and Identity in Infinite Jest, New Literary History, 2010.
0.16 Curtis Marez, The Coquero in Freud: Psychoanalysis Race and International Economies of Distinction, Cultural Critique, 1993.
0.16 Bernice L. Hausman, Things (Not) to Do with Breasts in Public: Maternal Embodiment and the Biocultural Politics of Infant Feeding, New Literary History, 2007.
0.16 Mariam Fraser, Standards Populations and Difference, Cultural Critique, 2009.
0.16 Felicia McCarren, The "Symptomatic Act" circa 1900: Hysteria Hypnosis Electricity Dance, Critical Inquiry, 1995.
0.16 Charles L. Briggs Daniel C. Hallin, Biocommunicability: The Neoliberal Subject and Its Contradictions in News Coverage of Health Issues, Social Text, 2007.
0.16 Rae Beth Gordon, From Charcot to Charlot: Unconscious Imitation and Spectatorship in French Cabaret and Early Cinema, Critical Inquiry, 2001.
0.15 Warwick Anderson, Excremental Colonialism: Public Health and the Poetics of Pollution, Critical Inquiry, 1995.
0.15 Ruth Mayer, Virus Discourse: The Rhetoric of Threat and Terrorism in the Biothriller, Cultural Critique, 2007.
0.15 Robert J. Richards, Rhapsodies on a Cat-Piano or Johann Christian Reil and the Foundations of Romantic Psychiatry, Critical Inquiry, 1998.
0.14 Joseph Pugliese, Biometrics Infrastructural Whiteness and the Racialized Zero Degree of Nonrepresentation, boundary 2, 2007.
0.14 Giuliana Lund, "Healing the Nation": Medicolonial Discourse and the State of Emergency from Apartheid to Truth and Reconciliation, Cultural Critique, 2003.
0.14 Susan Gubar, In the Chemo Colony, Critical Inquiry, 2011.
0.14 Paul Gootenberg, Talking about the Flow: Drugs Borders and the Discourse of Drug Control, Cultural Critique, 2009.
0.13 Hans T. van der Veen, Regulation in Spite of Prohibition: The Control of Cannabis Distribution in Amsterdam, Cultural Critique, 2009.
0.13 Lauren Berlant, Slow Death (Sovereignty Obesity Lateral Agency), Critical Inquiry, 2007.
0.13 Stephen Dougherty, The Biopolitics of the Killer Virus Novel, Cultural Critique, 2001.
0.13 Brian Stock, Rosenbach Lectures: Minds Bodies Readers, New Literary History, 2006.
0.13 Lisa Lynch, Strange Germs and Hopeful Monsters: Alexander Laing's 1930s American Biotechnology Tales, New Literary History, 2005.
0.12 Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga, Vermin Beings: On Pestiferous Animals and Human Game, Social Text, 2011.
0.12 Debbie Nathan, Dividing to Conquer? Women Men and the Making of Multiple Personality Disorder, Social Text, 1994.
0.12 Susan Willis, Anthrax "Я" Us, Social Text, 2002.
0.12 Peter Seeberg Nadia Christensen Alexander Taylor, The Patient: A Story, boundary 2, 1973.
0.12 Steven Feld, They Repeatedly Lick Their Own Things, Critical Inquiry, 1998.
0.12 James C. Wilson, (Re)Writing the Genetic Body-Text: Disability Textuality and the Human Genome Project, Cultural Critique, 2002.
0.11 Sydney Bryn Austin, AIDS and Africa: United States Media and Racist Fantasy, Cultural Critique, 1989.
0.11 Ian Hacking, Two Souls in One Body, Critical Inquiry, 1991.
0.11 Sanford F. Schram, In the Clinic: The Medicalization of Welfare, Social Text, 2000.
0.11 Tobin Siebers, What Can Disability Studies Learn from the Culture Wars?, Cultural Critique, 2003.
0.11 Juan Obarrio, ER () Ellipses, Social Text, 2011.
0.11 Frida Gorbach Eileen Brockbank, Hysteria and History: A Meditation on Mexico, Social Text, 2007.
0.11 Ian Hacking, Our Neo‐Cartesian Bodies in Parts, Critical Inquiry, 2007.
0.11 Brett Neilson Mohammed Bamyeh, Drugs in Motion: Toward a Materialist Tracking of Global Mobilities, Cultural Critique, 2009.
0.10 George Piggford, "In Time of Plague": AIDS and Its Significations in Hervé Guibert Tony Kushner and Thom Gunn, Cultural Critique, 2000.