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1.00 Yameng Liu, To Capture the Essence of Chinese Rhetoric: An Anatomy of a Paradigm in Comparative Rhetoric, Rhetoric Review, 1996.
0.47 Carolyn Matalene, East and West: Identity and Difference, Rhetoric Review, 1997.
0.33 Xiaoye You, Conflation of Rhetorical Traditions: The Formation of Modern Chinese Writing Instruction, Rhetoric Review, 2005.
0.31 Carolyn Matalene, Carolyn Matalene Responds, College English, 1987.
0.31 Bo Wang, A Survey of Research in Asian Rhetoric, Rhetoric Review, 2004.
0.30 H. Zhao, Rhetorical Invention in "Wen Xin Diao Long", Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1994.
0.28 Chan Wing-Tsit, Lin Yutang Critic and Interpreter, College English, 1947.
0.25 Carolyn Matalene, Contrastive Rhetoric: An American Writing Teacher in China, College English, 1985.
0.25 Louie Crew, A Comment on "Contrastive Rhetoric: An American Writing Teacher in China", College English, 1987.
0.25 Lu Ming Mao, Studying the Chinese Rhetorical Tradition in the Present: Re-presenting the Native's Point of View, College English, 2007.
0.24 J. Vernon Jensen, Teaching East Asian Rhetoric, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1987.
0.24 Mary Garret Xiaosui Xiao Mary Garrett, The Rhetorical Situation Revisited, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1993.
0.21 Lu Ming Mao, Rhetorical Borderlands: Chinese American Rhetoric in the Making, College Composition and Communication, 2005.
0.17 Jane Donawerth Michele L. Alvarez Aubrey G. Baden Joe Caulfield Grace Coleman Linda Dove Audrey Kerr W. Mark Lynch Elaine Mack Michele Mason Denise D. Meringolo Karen Nelson Melissa Hope Peller Patricia Porcarelli Carla Porter Rebecca Randall Michael Schoop Anne Sheehan Synthia Shilling Melinda Schwenk, An Annotated Bibliography of the History of Non-Western Rhetorical Theory before 1900. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1994,