0.73 Warren W. Werner Isabelle K. Thompson Joyce Rothschild, A Survey of Specialized Writing Courses for English Majors: 1975-76 to 1985-86, Rhetoric Review, 1988.
0.61 Michael Moghtader Alanna Cotch Kristen Hague, The First-Year Composition Requirement Revisited: A Survey, College Composition and Communication, 2001.
0.61 Ron Smith, The Fall 1973 Survey of the Composition Requirement: A Summary of Results, College English, 1975.
0.52 Ron Smith, The Composition Requirement Today: A Report on a Nationwide Survey of Four-Year Colleges and Universities, College Composition and Communication, 1974.
0.52 Karl M. Murphy, Business Writing in the English Department, College English, 1962.
0.43 Rose Marie Lynch, Junior-College Instructors Do Need Special Training, College Composition and Communication, 1977.
0.43 Grace Pleasant Wellborn, Is the Technical Student Short-Changed in College?, College English, 1960.
0.37 Helon Howell Raines, Is There a Writing Program in This College? Two Hundred and Thirty-Six Two-Year Schools Respond, College Composition and Communication, 1990.
0.36 Jane Frick Nancy Blattner, Reflections on the Missouri CWA Surveys 1989-2001: A New Composition Delivery Paradigm, College Composition and Communication, 2002.
0.35 William J. Holmes_ Jr.Robert F. McDonnell, A Study of the Depressed Areas, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.35 Alan Golding John Mascaro, A SURVEY OF GRADUATE WRITING COURSES, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1985.
0.33 Harry H. Crosby, Recruiting English Majors at the State University of Iowa, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.33 David Chapman Jeanett Harris Christine Hult, Agents for Change: Undergraduate Writing Programs in Departments of English, Rhetoric Review, 1995.
0.33 Dwight W. Stevenson, Teaching Rhetoric to Students in Upper Division and Professional Degree Program Courses, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1980.
0.33 James E. Ford Dennis R. Perry, Research Paper Instruction in the Undergraduate Writing Program, College English, 1982.
0.32 Arthur W. Shumaker, HOW CAN A MAJOR IN COMPOSITION BE ESTABLISHED?, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1981.
0.32 Albert B. Cook, Response to Donald C Stewart "What Is an English Major and What Should It Be?", College Composition and Communication, 1990.
0.32 Margot K. Soven, A Comment on "Graduate Education in Rhetoric: Attitudes and Implications", College English, 1981.
0.32 Michael P. Hogan, Advanced Composition: A Survey, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1980.
0.31 Harlan W. Hamilton, Current Trends in the English Major, College English, 1954.
0.31 Louis E. Ingelhart, Correspondence: The Place of "Mass Communications" in a Curriculum, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.31 Philip R. Wikelund, Attracting English Majors at Indiana University, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.30 Mary A. Wilkinson, Introductory Literature: Survey of Freshman Attitudes, College English, 1981.
0.30 Thomas P. Miller Brian Jackson, What Are English Majors for?, College Composition and Communication, 2007.
0.30 Thomas W. Wilcox, Non Serviam: The Reintegration of English, College Composition and Communication, 1967.
0.29 Ronald C. Shumaker Larry Dennis Lois Green, Advanced Exposition: A Survey of Patterns and Problems, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1990.
0.28 Jay A. Ward, CHANGES IN THE TRAINING OF WRITING TEACHERS, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1981.
0.28 , Administering Freshman English Programs: Continuing Problems and New Problems, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.28 Roger Whitlow, Alive and Well: A Nationwide Study of Black Literature Courses and Teachers in American Colleges and Universities, College English, 1975.
0.28 W. N. Francis, The English Major and Liberal Education, College English, 1961.
0.28 Thomas W. Wilcox, The Study of Undergraduate English Programs: Some Preliminary Findings, College English, 1968.
0.28 Albert B. Cook, A Comment on "What Can You Do with an English Major?", College English, 1986.
0.28 Gordon H. Mundell, Exoteric Linguistics and the English Department, College English, 1978.
0.27 Lewis A. Lawson, National Trends in Remedial English, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.27 Justin V. Emerson, The English Major in Business, College English, 1949.
0.27 Theresa Enos, The Course in Classical Rhetoric: Definition Development Direction, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1989.
0.27 David R. Russell, Romantics on Writing: Liberal Culture and the Abolition of Composition Courses, Rhetoric Review, 1988.
0.27 Tyrus Hillway, Present Status of Advanced Composition and Rhetoric, College English, 1954.
0.26 William H. Evans, What Does the Research on Alternative Careers Say to English Departments and English Majors?, College English, 1978.
0.26 Peggy O'Neill Nan Stevens Lo Bue Margaret McLaughlin Angela Crow Kathy S. Albertson, A Comment on "Rhetoric as a Course of Study, College English, 1999.
0.26 Susan M. Popkin, A Comment on "Michel Foucault and the Discourse(s) of English", College English, 1989.
0.26 , Interdisciplinary Approaches to Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1974.
0.26 Donald C. Stewart, What Is an English Major and What Should It Be?, College Composition and Communication, 1989.
0.26 , Developing Programs to Prepare Teachers of English for the Two-Year College: Internship vs Externship, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.25 Kathleen Blake Yancey, There Is a Concern, College Composition and Communication, 2005.
0.25 C. W. Griffin, Programs for Writing across the Curriculum: A Report, College Composition and Communication, 1985.
0.24 Porter G. Perrin, Sample Trends in the College Teaching of English, College English, 1949.
0.24 Lennox Grey Merritt Y. Hughes Fred W. Lorch George B. Parks, National Council of Teachers of English College Section, College English, 1942.
0.24 J. Milton French, The New Curriculums of Harvard Yale and Princeton, College English, 1946.
0.24 , Designing Graduate Programs in Rhetoric, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.23 Clinton S. Burhans_ Jr., The Teaching of Writing and the Knowledge Gap, College English, 1983.
0.23 Ben F. Carruthers, English Studies in the Universities of the Other American Republics, College English, 1944.
0.23 S. Stewart Gordon, Recent Developments in Communication Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.23 Russell N. De Vinney, The Pennsylvania Survey, College English, 1960.
0.23 Rita Sturm, Advanced Composition 1980 The State of the Art, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1980.
0.23 Russell Rutter, RESEARCH WRITING IN ADVANCED COMPOSITION: AN ESSAY IN DEFINITION, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1985.
0.23 Joan Baum, Interdisciplinary Studies the Latest Experimental Rage, College Composition and Communication, 1975.
0.23 Allen Austin, The Abolition of Freshman Composition, College English, 1961.
0.23 George Tade Gary Tate Jim Corder, For Sale Lease or Rent: A Curriculum for an Undergraduate Program in Rhetoric, College Composition and Communication, 1975.
0.23 William A. Covino Nan Johnson Michael Feehan, Graduate Education in Rhetoric: Attitudes and Implications, College English, 1980.
0.22 Herbert L. Carson, A Positive Approach to Communication, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.22 , What Are Department Chairpersons Doing?, College Composition and Communication, 1974.
0.22 , The Composition/Communications Course in Technical Schools, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.22 Michael F. Shugrue, Educational Accountability and the College English Department, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.22 Oscar Cargill, In Defense, College English, 1940.
0.22 Judson Jerome, The Antioch Design: An Undergraduate Program in Literature, College English, 1960.
0.21 J. W. Souther, The Expanding Dimensions of Technical Writing, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.21 Duane C. Nichols, To New-Found Methods and to Compounds Strange, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.21 David Laurence, The Evidence Is Not There, College Composition and Communication, 2005.
0.21 Clyde W. Dow, A Speech Teacher Views College Communication Courses, College English, 1948.
0.21 George Goodin, Competence and Curriculum in English, College English, 1985.
0.21 , Developing Courses in Technical Writing, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.21 Keith Rinehart, The English Composition Sequence: Vertical Style, College English, 1966.
0.21 Michael Holzman, Writing as Technique, College English, 1982.
0.21 R. I. Brigham, Required Course, College English, 1950.
0.21 Michael S. Kearns Deborah Pickering Mary Anne Ferguson, Three Comments on "The Teaching of Writing and the Knowledge Gap", College English, 1986.
0.21 Catherine Pastore Blair, Catherine Pastore Blair Responds, College English, 1989.
0.21 Daniel Mahala Jody Swilky, Remapping the Geography of Service in English, College English, 1997.
0.21 Garrett Ballard, The English Language Program at North Texas State University, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.21 , Composition Programs in the Two-Year Colleges, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.21 Warner G. Rice, Teachers of College English: Preparation: Supply and Demand, College English, 1962.
0.21 Emerson C. Shuck, Administration of the Freshman English Program, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.20 Susan H. McLeod, Writing across the Curriculum: The Second Stage and beyond, College Composition and Communication, 1989.
0.20 , Ideas and Issues: Colleges Offering Specialized and Two-Year Programs, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.20 Elisabeth McPherson, Will the Real Terminal Student Please Stand Up?, College Composition and Communication, 1967.
0.20 , Problems and Approaches in the Technical Writing Course, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.20 Nick Aaron Ford, The Humanities Course at Morgan State College, College English, 1955.
0.20 , The Composition/Communication Course in General Education Programs, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.20 , The Composition/Communication Course for the Technical and Engineering Student, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.20 Vincent R. Ruggiero, A Choice of Attitudes, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.20 John Kinnaird, What's Happening to the English Curriculum: A Survey and Some Reflections, College English, 1973.
0.20 John T. Harwood, Freshman English Ten Years after: Writing in the World, College Composition and Communication, 1982.
0.20 Thomas Clark Pollock, Should the English Major Be a Cafeteria?, College English, 1954.
0.20 William A. Covino Nan Johnson, William A Covino and Nan Johnson Respond, College English, 1981.
0.20 Jane Donahue Eberwein, Was There Life before the English Major?, College English, 1981.
0.20 , Ways to Cross Disciplines in Teaching, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.20 James R. Squire, The Profession Faces the Future, College English, 1964.
0.20 Roy P. Basler, The College English Program, College English, 1946.
0.20 Audrey J. Roth, E-Z off E-Z on and the Super Highway, College Composition and Communication, 1972.
0.20 Roy P. Basler, The Senior College English Program, College English, 1950.
0.20 , Interdisciplinary Programs in Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.20 N. Alex Stedman_ III, Composition Finds an Ally in Industry, College Composition and Communication, 1975.
0.20 Elizabeth Tebeaux, Redesigning Professional Writing Courses to Meet the Communication Needs of Writers in Business and Industry, College Composition and Communication, 1985.
0.20 Elizabeth Tebeaux, Let's Not Ruin Technical Writing Too: A Comment on the Essays of Carolyn Miller and Elizabeth Harris, College English, 1980.
0.19 , Designing Undergraduate Programs in Rhetoric, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.19 Roberta M. Palumbo, Writing for the Pre-professional Within a Liberal Arts Curriculum, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1980.
0.19 Ambrose N. Manning, The Present Status of the Research Paper in Freshman English: A National Survey, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.19 Peter G. Beidler, What Can You Do with an English Major?, College English, 1985.
0.19 , Technical Writing in College Industry and Government (The Junior College Program), College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.19 Thomas W. Wilcox, The Varieties of Freshman English, College English, 1972.
0.19 Margaret M. Coté, Now That We Have a Room of Our Own Are We Throwing Away the Key?, College English, 1982.
0.19 Rhoda I. Sherwood, A Survey of Undergraduate Reading and Writing Needs, College Composition and Communication, 1977.
0.19 William Clyde de Vane, The English Major, College English, 1941.
0.19 , Preparing Two-Year College Teachers: Purposes and Patterns, College Composition and Communication, 1974.
0.19 , Encouraging Students to Become English Majors: Panel Discussion No 7, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.19 , Special Problems of the Freshman Course in Liberal Arts Colleges, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.18 , Section Meetings of Workshops, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.18 Oscar M. Haugh James A. Walker, Programs for Training Teachers of English, College English, 1951.
0.18 Helen Garon, Do Remedial English Students Eventually Earn Degrees?, College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.18 G. Douglas Atkins, A Comment on the Reviews of Bestor's Aside from Teaching English, College English, 1979.
0.18 Stuart C. Brown Rebecca Jackson Theresa Enos, The Arrival of Rhetoric in the Twenty-First Century: The 1999 Survey of Doctoral Programs in Rhetoric, Rhetoric Review, 2000.
0.18 , Students Needing Remedial Help, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.18 , Non-Transfer Students in Junior Colleges, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.18 , The Preparation of English Teachers for the Junior College, College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.18 George R. Bramer, Comp vs Lit What's the Score?, College Composition and Communication, 1977.
0.18 John J. Clayton, Career Planning and the English Major, College English, 1981.
0.18 Robert R. Bataille, Writing in the World of Work: What Our Graduates Report, College Composition and Communication, 1982.
0.18 , Teaching Students to Write for Business and Industry, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.18 Barbara Gleason, Remediation Phase-Out at CUNY: The "Equity versus Excellence" Controversy, College Composition and Communication, 2000.
0.18 CCCC Committee on Part-Time/Adjunct Issues, Report on the Coalition on the Academic Workforce/CCCC Survey of Faculty in Freestanding Writing Programs for Fall 1999. College Composition and Communication, 2001,
0.18 Nancy M. Fisher, Colleagues, College Composition and Communication, 1976.
0.18 Catherine Pastore Blair, Only One of the Voices: Dialogic Writing across the Curriculum, College English, 1988.
0.18 Donald Stewart, A Strange Letter, Rhetoric Review, 1988.
0.18 Strang Lawson, Uses of the Comprehensive Examination in English, College English, 1941.
0.18 , Integrating Communication Skills Classroom Procedures, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.18 Robert Keith Miller, A Comment on "Composition Readers and the Service Course", College English, 1980.
0.18 John T. Flanagan, American Literature in American Colleges, College English, 1940.
0.18 Glenn Leggett, What Are Colleges and Universities Doing in Written Composition?, College English, 1961.
0.18 Sanford Radner, Organizing a Junior College English Program, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.17 Catharine Bullard, Academic Boondoggle, College English, 1964.
0.17 Donald C. Stewart, Reply by Donald C Stewart, College Composition and Communication, 1990.
0.17 Richard C. Boys, Curricular Problems in Eighteenth-Century Literature, College English, 1956.
0.17 Raymond D. Liedlich, Reflections on the State of Our Knowledge of Terminal English, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.17 , Current Status of the Two-Year College, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.17 James R. Squire, The National Study of High School English Programs: Implications for Colleges and Universities, College English, 1966.
0.17 Kenneth E. Eble, Preparing College Teachers of English, College English, 1972.
0.17 , Guidelines and Directions for College Courses in Advanced Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1967.
0.17 Gene Montague, Honors and the Freshman Course, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.17 , The English Curriculum for Training Secondary Teachers, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.17 David R. Russell, Writing across the Curriculum in Historical Perspective: Toward a Social Interpretation, College English, 1990.
0.17 Albert R. Kitzhaber, Freshman English: A Prognosis, College English, 1962.
0.17 Regina M. Hoover, Taps for Freshman English?, College Composition and Communication, 1974.
0.17 John E. Jordan, What We Are Doing to Train College Teachers of English, College English, 1965.
0.17 John Heyda, Fighting over Freshman English: CCCC's Early Years and the Turf Wars of the 1950s, College Composition and Communication, 1999.
0.17 Robert M. Estrich, And Now the Tailor: Trimming Ideals to Fit the Situation, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.17 Hugh Campbell, Two Memos to Colleagues, College Composition and Communication, 1991.
0.17 , Writing or Resisting Behavioral Objectives in Composition Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.17 Glynda Hull Mike Rose Kay M. Losey Marisa Castellano, Reply by Glynda Hull Mike Rose Kay M Losey and Marisa Castellano, College Composition and Communication, 1993.
0.17 Carolyn Miller, Carolyn Miller Responds, College English, 1980.
0.17 J. N. Hook, College English Departments: We May Be Present at Their Birth, College English, 1978.
0.17 , Advanced Composition Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.17 Joan Baum, An Exhortation for Teachers of English in Open-Admissions Programs, College Composition and Communication, 1974.
0.17 David R. Russell, Writing across the Curriculum and the Communications Movement: Some Lessons from the Past, College Composition and Communication, 1987.
0.17 James Walter, A Comment on "Writing as Learning through the Curriculum", College English, 1984.
0.17 Warner G. Rice, A Proposal for the Abolition of Freshman English as It Is Now Commonly Taught from the College Curriculum, College English, 1960.
0.16 George Nash, Who's Minding Freshman English at U T Austin?, College English, 1976.
0.16 Eugene Grewe, A Teacher Looks at His Professional Status, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.16 , Teacher-Training for Composition or Communication: The Report of Workshop No 16, College Composition and Communication, 1951.
0.16 James P. McCormick, The English Major as a Business Man, College English, 1956.
0.16 M. Sue Hetherington, The Importance of Oral Communication, College English, 1982.
0.16 Gesa Kirsch De Ann C. Finkel Alan W. France, Three Comments on "Only One of the Voices: Dialogic Writing across the Curriculum", College English, 1989.
0.16 H. J. Sachs, National Standards, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.16 W. L. Werner, College English for American Democracy, College English, 1949.
0.16 William Randel, English as a Discipline, College English, 1958.
0.16 Robbins Burling, An Anthropological Glimpse of the English Teacher's World, College English, 1977.
0.16 Rebecca M. Howard David Hess Margaret F. Darby, A Comment on "Only One of the Voices" and "Why English Departments Should 'House' Writing across the Curriculum", College English, 1989.
0.16 Gerry Brenner, Does Your Curriculum Need Editing?, College Composition and Communication, 1988.
0.16 , The Composition Career (Of All Students) after the Freshman Year: The Report of Workshop No 11, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.16 , Advanced Composition: What Is It?, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.16 , Freshman English for Engineers: The Report of Workshop No 11, College Composition and Communication, 1950.
0.16 Theodore Pearce, Occupational Attitudes among Teachers of English in Colleges of Technology, College English, 1952.
0.16 William G. Fidone, Teaching Pilot Courses over Public Television Channels, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.16 Richard L. Harp, To Frank D Ross, College English, 1976.
0.16 Ann Kimble Loux Rebecca M. Stoddart, Denial Conflagration Pride: Three Stages in the Development of an Advanced Writing Requirement, College Composition and Communication, 1994.
0.16 , The Composition Career (Of All Students) after the Freshman Year: The Report of Workshop No 11, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.16 Donald C. Stewart, What Is an English Major? Some Afterthoughts, Rhetoric Review, 1990.
0.16 Mike Rose, When Faculty Talk about Writing, College English, 1979.
0.16 Nancy Arapoff-Cramer, A Survey of University Writing Assignments, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.16 Edward F. Grier, American Studies and the Freshman Course, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.16 , Teacher Training for Courses in Composition/Communication: The Report of Workshop No 16, College Composition and Communication, 1952.
0.16 Michael J. Svob, Prestige or Practicality: The Choice between University and Junior College English Teaching, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.16 , Communications, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.16 James A. Berlin, James A Berlin Responds, College English, 1986.
0.16 Tremaine McDowell, General Education and College English, College English, 1946.
0.15 Robert A. Smith, Measuring English Proficiency beyond the Freshman Year, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.15 Glenn H. Leggett, The Large State University, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.15 Michael F. Shugrue, Teacher Preparation and the College Department, College English, 1969.
0.15 C. B. Graham, Literature Courses for Terminal Students, College English, 1941.
0.15 Gladys A. Coryell, A University Library Examines Its Periodical Circulation, College English, 1941.
0.15 Joseph Doyle, American Literature and the English Department, College English, 1954.
0.15 Paul C. Wermuth, College English Department Teaching Loads in Connecticut, College English, 1960.
0.15 James P. Beck Jeanie C. Crain, Two More Comments on "Writing as Learning through the Curriculum", College English, 1984.
0.15 Charles W. Roberts Edwin W. Robbins Edward P. J. Corbett, General Session B Freshman English: Retrospect and Prospect, College Composition and Communication, 1967.
0.15 , Teaching American Indian Literature and Culture, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.15 , Focused Instruction in Composition: For Graduate Students, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.15 Willis D. Jacobs, A Modest Proposal, College English, 1949.
0.15 Martha H. Cox John W. Canario James R. Cypher, Remedial English: A Nation-Wide Survey, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.15 , Programs for Preparing Teaching Assistants, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.15 Ejner J. Jensen, Long-Range Thinking: A Departmental Experiment in Self-Study, College English, 1977.