0.80 , Directory of Chairmen of Freshman Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.75 , Semantics in the Composition/Communication Course, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.60 , History and Philosophy of Rhetoric and Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.60 , Tests and Their Relevance to English Teaching, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.59 , Theme Reading and Grading, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.58 , Varieties of Freshman English Curricula, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.56 , Administering the Freshman Course: The Report of Workshop No 17, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.55 , Composition for the Gifted Student, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.55 , Grammar and Usage in the Composition/Communication Course, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.55 , The Composition/Communication Course for the Gifted Student, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.55 , The Composition/Communication Course in the Liberal Arts College, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.53 , The Education of Freshman English Teachers, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.51 , Administering the Freshman Course, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.51 , Teaching Composition/Communication in Junior College, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.51 , Entrance and Placement Tests: Their Value and Limitations, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.50 , Bridging the Gap between Secondary School and College: Cooperation in State and District Associations, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.49 , Research in Composition/Communication, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.49 , Administering the Freshman Course, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.48 , Composition for the Inadequately Prepared Student, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.48 , Administering the Freshman Course, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.47 , Teaching Machines and Programed Instruction, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.47 , Determining the Quality of Composition/Communication Teaching, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.47 , The Composition/Communication Course in Junior Colleges, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.47 , Problems in Teaching the Structure of Language, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.46 , Problems of National Standards and National Accreditation, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.46 , The Function of Freshman Composition in General Education: The Report of Workshop No 1, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.46 , Literature in the Composition/Communication Course, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.46 , Literature as the Core of the C/C Course, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.46 , Linguistics in the Composition/Communication Course, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.45 , The Preparation in C/C Needed by the Secondary School Teacher, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.45 , Composition/Communication Programs for the Superior College Student, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.45 , From Reading to Writing: The Report of Workshop No 3, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.45 , Black Studies Courses in the Freshman English Program, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.45 , Final Examinations in Composition and Communication Courses: The Report of Workshop No 15, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.45 , The Composition/Communication Course in Junior Colleges, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.44 , Literature in the Composition/Communication Course, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.44 , Composition/Communication Programs for the Foreign Student, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.44 , The Course Syllabus: Preparation Content Use, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.44 , Summer Pre-College Programs for Improving Freshman Achievement, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.44 , Achieving and Maintaining Adequate Standards, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.43 , Sub-Freshman Composition: The Poorly Equipped Student: The Report of Workshop No 6, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.42 , Composition/Communication in General Education Programs, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.42 , Teaching Students to Write for Business and Industry, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.42 , The C/C Course for the Gifted Student, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.42 , Bridging the Gap between High-School and College English, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.42 , Grammar in the Composition/Communication Course: What Kind and How Much?, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.42 , Rhetoric The Neglected Art, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.42 , Administering the Large Freshman Program, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.42 , The Composition/Communication Course in the Teacher-Training Program, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.42 , Ways of Informing Experienced Teachers of the New Theories of Grammar, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.41 , Integration of High School and College Teaching of English: The Report of Workshop No 12, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.41 , The Teaching and Testing of Listening: The Report of Workshop No 13, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.41 , Semantics in the Composition/Communication Course, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.41 , Composition/Communication in General Education Programs, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.41 , Communication Skills: Sustaining Emphasis on Reading Writing Speaking Listening Observing and Demonstrating, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.40 , Special Problems of the Composition/Communication Course in Junior Colleges, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.40 , Integration of High School and College Teaching of English: The Report of Workshop No 12, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.40 , Summer Workshops in Writing, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.40 , Techniques for Obtaining Effective Class Discussion in Teaching Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.39 , Grammar in the English Curriculum, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.39 , Teaching the Foreign Student to Speak and Write Materials and Methods, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.39 , Other Methods of Handling Large Numbers in Composition/Communication, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.39 , The Freshman Anthology: Its Virtues and Shortcomings, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.39 , Super-Freshman Composition The Well-Equipped Student: The Report of Workshop No 5, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.39 , Rhetorical Invention: Finding Good Subject Matter for Student Compositions, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.39 , Problems of the C/C Course in the Two-Year Colleges, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.39 , Theory in Communication, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.39 , Teaching English with Reference to Other Languages, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.38 , The Improvement of Efficiency in Reading, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.38 , Use and Abuse of Controlled Materials for the Research Paper, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.38 , Speech in the Composition/Communication Course, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.38 , Verbal and Non-Verbal Symbolism, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.38 , The Uses of Logic in the Freshman Course, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.38 , Reading and Grading Themes: The Report of Workshop No 8, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.37 , The Composition/Communication Course in Liberal Arts Colleges, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.37 , The Final Examination in Freshman Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.37 , The Evaluation of Teaching, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.37 , The Foreign Student in the Freshman Course: The Report of Workshop No 8, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.37 , Integrating Communication Skills Classroom Procedures, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.37 , The Philosophy of the Communication Course, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.37 , The Improvement of Reading Ability: The Report of Workshop No 10, College Composition and Communication, 1952.
0.37 , Writing Clinics: The Report of Workshop No 2, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.37 , Articulation between Secondary School and College Teaching of English, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.37 , Linguistics in the Composition/Communication Course, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.37 , Improving Reading Ability: The Report of Workshop No 9, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.37 , Sub-Freshman Composition The Poorly-Equipped Student: The Report of Workshop No 6, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.37 , Content of a Communication Course: The Report of Workshop No 7, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.37 , Spelling: Research in Related Fields, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.37 , The Library Research Paper in the Freshman Course, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.37 , Composition/Communication Courses in Accelerated Programs for Gifted Students, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.36 , Writing for Business and Industry: The Report of Workshop No 16, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.36 , Composition and Communication: Two Approaches: Panel Discussion No 2, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.36 , The Rhetoric of the Paragraph: Principles and Practices, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.36 , Becoming a Communications Consultant in Industry, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.36 , Organization and Administration of the Freshman Composition Course: The Report of Workshop No 4 Section B, College Composition and Communication, 1952.
0.36 , Modification in Content and Use of National Entrance and Placement Tests, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.36 , Introductory Discussion of Linguistics, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.36 , Objectives of a Communications Program: The Report of Workshop No 7, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.36 , Relation of Other Disciplines to Communication, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.36 , Use of the Individual Conference in Teaching Composition/Communication, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.36 , Texts in Freshman English, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.36 , The Place of Linguistics in the Communication Course: The Report of Workshop No 5, College Composition and Communication, 1952.
0.36 , The Composition Career (Of All Students) after the Freshman Year: The Report of Workshop No 11, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.36 , The Freshman English Teacher as Counselor: The Report of Workshop No 2, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.35 , Organization and Administration of the Course: Colleges, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.35 , The Research Paper in the Freshman Course: A Reappraisal, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.35 , Linguistics and the Teaching of Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.35 , The Function of the Communication Course in General Education: The Report of Workshop No 2, College Composition and Communication, 1950.
0.35 , Literature and Writing for Qualified Students, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.35 , The Composition Career (Of All Students) after the Freshman Year: The Report of Workshop No 11, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.34 , Grammar in the Composition/Communication Course, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.34 , Preparation of Composition/Communication Teachers: Toward a Comprehensive Program, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.34 , Is Literacy Enough?, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.34 , Teaching the Composition Teacher, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.34 , Advanced Discussion of Linguistics, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.34 , Preparation of the Composition/Communication Teacher: The Report of Workshop No 4, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.34 , Articulation of Secondary School and College Work, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.34 , The Arts in the Composition Program, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.33 , Writing from Source Materials: The Documented Paper: The Report of Workshop No 10, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.33 , The Current Approaches to Grammar, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.33 , Applying Structural Linguistics in the Classroom, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.32 Bernard Frank, Song, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.32 , Content of the Advanced Composition Course, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.32 , Using Group Dynamics in Teaching Composition/Communication, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.32 , Rhetoric: Universities, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.32 , Grammar in the Composition/Communication Course, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.32 , Education of the English Teacher for the Composition/Comunication Program, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.32 , The Composition/Communication Course for the Technical and Engineering Student, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.32 , Improvement of Reading Ability: The Report of Workshop No 10, College Composition and Communication, 1951.
0.32 , Special Problems of the C/C Course in Technical Schools, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.31 , Criteria for Evaluating College Writing Texts, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.31 , The Composition/Communication Course in Large Schools and Universities, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.31 , Increasing Students' Vocabulary, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.31 , Newspapers Periodicals and Motion Pictures as Material for the Communication Course: The Report of Workshop No 3, College Composition and Communication, 1952.
0.31 , Semantics in the Freshman English Course: The Report of Workshop No 6, College Composition and Communication, 1950.
0.31 , Imaginative Writing in the Freshman Course: The Report of Workshop No 14, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.31 , Reading and Grading Themes: The Report of Workshop No 7, College Composition and Communication, 1951.
0.31 , Organization of the Communication Course: The Report of Workshop No 4, College Composition and Communication, 1951.
0.31 , Interdisciplinary Programs in Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.31 , Organization and Administration of the Course: Universities, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.31 , Logic in the Composition/Communication Course, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.30 , The New Instructor: Provision for Inservice Education, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.30 , Composition/Communication Programs for the Remedial Student, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.30 , Language and Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.30 , Measuring the Quality of Teaching, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.30 , The Study of News and Information in the Mass Media, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.30 , Maintaining Standards in spite of Rising Enrollments, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.30 , Using Popular Culture and Current Issues in Composition Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.30 , The Composition/Communications Course in Technical Schools, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.30 , Devices for Promoting Institution - Wide Responsibility, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.30 , Organization and Administration of the Freshman Communications Course: The Report of Workshop No 4 Section A, College Composition and Communication, 1952.
0.30 , Examinations for Entrance Placement and Progress, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.29 , From a Student's Reading to His Writing and Speaking: The Report of Workshop No 2, College Composition and Communication, 1952.
0.29 , Rhetoric and Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.29 , Technical Papers: Vocational Business and Engineering Students, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.29 , The Uses of Rhetoric in the Composition Classroom, College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.29 , Super - Freshman Composition The Well-Equipped Student: The Report of Workshop No 5, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.29 , The English Curriculum for Training Secondary Teachers, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.29 , Developing Programs to Prepare Teachers of English for the Two-Year College: Internship vs Externship, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.29 , Ways to Cross Disciplines in Teaching, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.29 , The Advanced Course in Expository Writing: Aims Texts Methods, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.29 , Administering the Freshman Program: Colleges, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.29 , Setting up a Communication Course: The Report of Workshop No 14, College Composition and Communication, 1951.
0.29 , Preparation of the Composition/Communication Teacher: The Report of Workshop No 4, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.28 , Objectives and Organization of the Communication Course: The Report of Workshop No 4, College Composition and Communication, 1950.
0.28 , Articulating High School and College Work: The Report of Workshop No 12, College Composition and Communication, 1951.
0.28 , New Directions in Technical Writing, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.28 , Critical Papers, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.28 , A CCCC Standing Committee on Review of Research and Description of Projects, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.28 , Composition/Communication Programs for the Twelfth Grade College Preparatory Student, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.28 , Articulation between Secondary School and College, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.28 , Closed-Circuit Television in Teaching Communication Skills, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.28 , Grading: Problems in Department-Wide Policy, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.28 , Should Students Choose Their Courses? Variety in Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.28 , Problems and Approaches in the Technical Writing Course, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.28 , The Position of Women-Teachers and Students, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.27 , Composition Courses for the Unprepared Freshman, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.27 , High Shool-College Articulation, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.27 , The Ethics of Political Involvement, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.27 , The Implications to the College Teacher of Composition and Communication of The English Language Arts in the Secondary School, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.27 , Grammar in the Freshman Course: The Report of Workshop No 5, College Composition and Communication, 1951.
0.27 , Administering the Freshman Program: Universities, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.27 , New Approaches in Teaching Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.27 , Imaginative Writing in the Freshman Course: The Report of Workshop No 17, College Composition and Communication, 1951.
0.27 , Standards for Evaluating Themes, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.27 , Grammar in the Freshman Course: The Report of Workshop No 5, College Composition and Communication, 1950.
0.27 , Current Conceptions of the Language Arts: Rhetoric Grammar Logic, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.27 , New Directions in the Teaching of Technical Writing (Two-Year Colleges), College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.27 , Special Problems of the Freshman Course in Liberal Arts Colleges, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.27 , Language and Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.27 , From Reading to Writing: The Report of Workshop No 3, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.27 , Imaginative Writing in Advanced Composition: The Report of Workshop No 14, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.27 , Administration of Freshman English Two-Year College, College Composition and Communication, 1967.
0.27 , Programs for the Future Teacher of C/C Courses: Elementary and Secondary Schools, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.27 , Evaluation of Oral and Written Work: The Report of Workshop No 7, College Composition and Communication, 1952.
0.26 , The Uses of Literary Materials in Composition Classes, College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.26 , Writing Assignments in Literature Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.26 , The Writing Laboratory: The Report of Workshop No 9, College Composition and Communication, 1952.
0.26 , Grading the Composition and Communication Theme, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.26 , Can Language Serve as the Unifying Context of Freshman English?, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.26 , Mass Media in Composition Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.26 , Literature and Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.26 , The Study of Style in the Composition Course, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.26 , The Composition/Communication Course in General Education Programs, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.26 , Developing Critical Capacity: The Place of Logic Semantics etc: The Report of Workshop No 6 Section A, College Composition and Communication, 1952.
0.26 , Writing or Resisting Behavioral Objectives in Composition Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.26 , Improving Reading Ability: The Report of Workshop No 9, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.26 , Teaching Students to Organize a Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.26 , Administering the Freshman Course, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.26 , Articulation of High School and College Courses in Communication: The Report of Workshop No 12, College Composition and Communication, 1952.
0.26 , Bridging the Gap between Secondary School and College, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.26 , Writing from Source Materials: The Documented Paper: The Report of Workshop No 10, College Composition and Communication, 1954.
0.26 , Analyzing and Writing about Literature in Composition Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.26 , Developing a Position concerning Individualized Instruction, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.26 , Freshman English Courses in the Two-Year Colleges, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.26 , Composition for Foreign Students, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.26 , The Process of Composing: Invention or Pre-Writing?, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.25 , Communication in General Education in Technical Schools and Community Colleges, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.25 , Logic in the Freshman Course: The Report of Workshop No 15, College Composition and Communication, 1951.
0.25 , College Section Election, College English, 1949.
0.25 , Non-Transfer Students in Junior Colleges, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.25 , Literature and Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.25 , The Role of TA's in the English Department, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.25 , The Function of the Composition Course in General Education: The Report of Workshop No 1, College Composition and Communication, 1950.
0.25 , Programs for the Future Teacher of Composition/Communication Courses: College, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.25 , Preparing College Composition Teachers, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.24 , Concepts of Language Relevant to Education: An Analytic Approach, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.24 , Superior Freshmen, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.24 , New Ideas in the Teaching of Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1967.
0.24 , The Composition/Communication Course for the Two-Year College, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.24 , Working out Articulation Programs, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.24 , Language and Literature, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.24 Dorothy Whitted Daniel A. Lindley_ Jr., The Preparation and Continuing Education of Secondary English Teachers, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.24 , Argumentative Papers, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.24 , Advanced Composition for Prospective Elementary School Teachers, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.24 , Using Films in English Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.24 , Varied Approaches to Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.24 , The Popular Arts and Introductory Courses in English, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.23 , Mass Media as Subjects for Study, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.23 , Technical Writing in College Industry and Government (The 4-Yr College Program), College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.23 , The Course in Grammar for Teachers, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.23 , The New Grammar and Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.23 , Content of the Freshman Composition Course, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.23 , Freshman English in the New Urban University, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.23 , Evaluating Thematic Approaches, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.23 , The Role of the Composition-Communication Course, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.23 , Approaches to Literature: The Rhetoric of Literature, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.23 , Summer Conference: Kalamazoo, College English, 1973.
0.23 Paul C. Wermuth, College English Department Teaching Loads in Connecticut, College English, 1960.
0.23 , Advanced Composition Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.23 , The Composition/Comunication Course in Large Schools and Universities, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.23 , Applying Structural Linguistics to Specific Teaching Problems, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.23 , Innovative Student-Centered Programs, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.23 , Designing Undergraduate Programs in Rhetoric, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.23 , Experiments in Teaching Composition and Communication, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.23 , The Naked Environment of the English Classroom, College Composition and Communication, 1972.
0.23 , Administering the Freshman Course: College, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.23 , The Freshman Handbook: A Close Look, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.22 Bonniejean Christensen, Metaphor, College English, 1971.
0.22 , The Value of Rhetorical and Stylistic Analysis of Prose, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.22 Edward Stone, M L A Convention 1959. College English, 1961,
0.22 , Teacher Training for Courses in Composition/Communication: The Report of Workshop No 16, College Composition and Communication, 1952.
0.22 , Teaching Imaginative Writing in Composition Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.22 , Contributions of Anthropology to Communication Theory, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.22 , The Advanced Composition Course, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.22 , Using Media and Technology in Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.22 , The Director of Freshman English: His Role, College Composition and Communication, 1972.
0.22 , Composition Programs in the Two-Year Colleges, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.22 , Correction: A Structural Approach to the Freshman Theme, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.22 , Composition Courses for the Unprepared Freshman, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.22 , Research on Writing Courses for the Disadvantaged, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.22 , Writing for Business and Industry: The Report of Workshop No 16, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.22 , Selecting Texts to Meet the Needs of the Communication Course: The Report of Workshop No 1, College Composition and Communication, 1952.
0.22 , Technical Writing for the Seventies A, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.22 , The Communication Course, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.22 , Advanced Standing and Advanced Placement Composition for High School Seniors, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.22 , Is Spelling out of Sound's Reach?, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.22 , Writing Assignments for Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.22 , Programs for Preparing Teaching Assistants, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.21 , Literature: Universities, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.21 Falk S. Johnson, What Future for CCCC?, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.21 , The Problem of Numbers in the Composition/Communication Course, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.21 , Lexicography: Language Composition and Literature, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.21 , Demonstration on Methods in Remedial Classes, College Composition and Communication, 1972.
0.21 , Technical Writing for the Seventies B, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.21 , Literature and Language, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.21 , CCCC Editorial Policy, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.21 , Composition for the Part-Time Evening Student, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.21 , Language Study in the Composition Course, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.21 , Discussion on Teaching Assistants: Their In-Service Training, College Composition and Communication, 1972.
0.21 , The Uses of Stylistics in Composition Classes, College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.21 , Protecting Students from Teachers Both the Innovative and the Traditional, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.21 , The Organization and Use of a Reading Clinic: The Report of Workshop No 10, College Composition and Communication, 1950.
0.21 , Communication Theory and the Study of Communication, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.21 , Trends in Freshman Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.21 , Teaching American Indian Literature and Culture, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.21 , Using Language Readers in Composition Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.21 , The Teaching of Style, College Composition and Communication, 1972.
0.21 , The Relevance of Tests to the Communication Course: The Report of Workshop No 8, College Composition and Communication, 1952.
0.21 , Administering Freshman English Programs: Continuing Problems and New Problems, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.21 , Beginning Honors Course in English, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.21 , Undergraduates as Teaching Assistants in Freshman English, College Composition and Communication, 1972.
0.21 , English Mastery and Life Adjustment: The English Language Arts in the Secondary School, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.21 , Using Semantics and Lexicography in Composition Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.21 , Section Meetings of Workshops, College Composition and Communication, 1959.
0.21 , Construction and Use of Objective Tests: The Report of Workshop No 8, College Composition and Communication, 1951.
0.21 , Using Rhetoric in Composition Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.20 , The Proper Training in C/C for Government Workers, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.20 , Materials Devices Attitudes in the Composition Course: The Report of Workshop No 3, College Composition and Communication, 1951.
0.20 , Reading Student Papers with Sensitivity, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.20 , Logic Semantics and Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.20 , Narrative and Descriptive Papers, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.20 , Teaching Composition to Large Numbers, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.20 , Students Needing Remedial Help, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.20 , Skills Laboratories for Any Student, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.20 , Freshman English as a Happening, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.20 , Culturally Disadvantaged, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.20 , Creative Writing in the Freshman Course, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.20 , Using Movies and Pictures to Motivate Writing, College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.20 , Administration of the Composition Course: The Report of Workshop No 13, College Composition and Communication, 1951.
0.20 , The Composition/Communication Course in the Twelfth Grade, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.20 , Teaching Machines and Programed Instruction, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.20 , Remedial Writing: Media and Methods, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.20 , Preparing Two-Year College Teachers: Purposes and Patterns, College Composition and Communication, 1974.
0.20 , Dialect Studies and Social Values, College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.20 , To Grade or Not to Grade, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.20 , Developing a Grading Policy for Lower Division Courses in Composition and Literature, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.20 , Administering the Freshman Course: University, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.20 , Problems in Stylistic Theory, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.19 , Advanced Composition: What Is It?, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.19 , The Grammar Course for Teachers, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.19 , Perception and the Thematic Approach in the Composition Course, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.19 Ambrose Gove, The New Collegiate Devil's Dictionary, College English, 1966.
0.19 , Training Graduate Students to Teach Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.19 , Reading and Grading Themes: The Report of Workshop No 7, College Composition and Communication, 1950.
0.19 , The Obligations of the Composition/Communication Course, College Composition and Communication, 1961.
0.19 John E. Bellamy, Committee, College English, 1971.
0.19 , Recent Developments in Teaching Reading, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.19 , The Preparation of English Teachers for the Junior College, College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.19 , The Foreign Student in the Freshman Course, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.19 , Research Projects in Freshman English, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.19 , Teaching Story Writing: The Schultz Method, College Composition and Communication, 1972.
0.19 , Student Culture and the Freshman English Classroom, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.19 , Film as Art Form and Mode of Communication, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.19 , Cooperation of the Composition/Communication Teacher and Library Personnel, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.19 , Developing Courses in Technical Writing, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.19 , Structured vs Unstructured: Two Approaches to Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1972.
0.19 , Psychology and the Composition Teacher, College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.19 , English for Foreign Students, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.19 , Research in Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.19 , Technical Writing in College and Industry, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.19 , Designing Remedial/Developmental Writing Programs, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.19 , Obscenity and Censorship, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.18 , The New Rhetoric: Composition and Literature, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.18 James Cole, Warm Milk, College English, 1973.
0.18 , The Communication Process: Conceptual Models for Research and Teaching, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.18 , Minority Problems for White Students, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.18 , Research in Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.18 , Dialect Studies and Social Values, College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.18 , Sex Voci Studenti: The Student-Eye View of Freshman English, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.18 , Literature and Freshman English, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.18 , Composition Aims in Advanced Writing Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.18 , Literature: Colleges, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.18 , Grammatical Features Marking Language, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.18 Lucile Burt, After All, College English, 1979.
0.18 , Can We Really Teach Listening?, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.18 , Preparation and Continuing Education of Secondary English Teachers, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.18 , Language Development: As Creative Imitative or Learned Behavior, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.18 , Effective Secondary School Programs, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.18 , Shall We Teach Grammar?: Panel Discussion No 6, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.18 , Rhetoric: Colleges Offering Specialized and Two-Year Programs, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.18 , Administration of Freshman English Small College, College Composition and Communication, 1967.
0.18 , Language: Universities, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.18 , ESL Programs: Composition and Literature, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.18 , Textbook Writing and Publishing, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.18 , High Schools and Colleges Working Together, College Composition and Communication, 1960.
0.17 , Literature and Criticism in the Composition Course, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.17 , Classical Rhetoric: Composition and Literature, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.17 S. P. Zitner, To K E G the Teacher, College English, 1957.
0.17 , Teaching Creativity, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.17 , Teaching Imaginative Writing in Composition Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.17 , Ideas and Issues: Colleges Offering Specialized and Two-Year Programs, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.17 , The Composing Process: How Does It Work?, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.17 , Grammar and Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.17 , Research in Communication Skills, College Composition and Communication, 1957.
0.17 Peter Makuck, John, College English, 1973.
0.17 , What Are Department Chairpersons Doing?, College Composition and Communication, 1974.
0.17 , In-Service Education for Teachers, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.17 John F. Cox, On a Military Base, Rhetoric Review, 1983.
0.17 , Preparation of Teachers for the Schools, College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.17 A. Gartrell, Death, College English, 1970.
0.17 , Evaluation of Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.17 , The Organization and Use of the Writing Laboratory: The Report of Workshop No 9, College Composition and Communication, 1950.
0.16 , Project English and the English Department, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.16 , High School College Cooperation in English: Panel Discussion No 3, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.16 , The Use of a Freshman Writing Periodical: The Report of Workshop No 1, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.16 Raymond D. Liedlich, Reflections on the State of Our Knowledge of Terminal English, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.16 , The Process of Composing, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.16 , The New Grammar and the Freshman Course, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.16 , Administration of the Communication Course: The Report of Workshop No 14, College Composition and Communication, 1950.
0.16 Barbara Winder, Medicine Bow National Park, College English, 1978.
0.16 , Using Controlled Research Materials, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.16 , National Standards and Accreditation for Composition and Communication Courses, College Composition and Communication, 1958.
0.16 , Teaching Composition through Rhetoric Analysis, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.16 , The Construction and Use of Objective Tests: The Report of Workshop No 8, College Composition and Communication, 1950.
0.16 , In the Two-Year Colleges: Basic Issues about Basic Skills, College Composition and Communication, 1974.
0.16 , The Teaching and Testing of Listening Skills: The Report of Workshop No 13, College Composition and Communication, 1955.
0.15 , Training Assistants for Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.15 , How Should Technical Writing Relate to Industry?, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.15 , Organization and Use of a Writing Laboratory: The Report of Workshop No 9, College Composition and Communication, 1951.
0.15 , Grammars and Composition Students, College Composition and Communication, 1974.
0.15 , Multi-Track Freshman English Programs, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.15 , Changing Student Teacher Roles, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.15 , Multidialects in the College Classroom, College Composition and Communication, 1974.
0.15 , Advanced Placement and Advanced Standing, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.15 , Providing Satisfactory Freshman Texts, College Composition and Communication, 1956.
0.15 , Continuing Education for Teachers, College Composition and Communication, 1968.