0.49 William Frank, Warren's Achievement, College English, 1958.
0.44 Clinton W. Oleson, "The Fly" Rescued, College English, 1961.
0.44 Stephen A. Reid, Teaching Oedipus Rex, College English, 1968.
0.44 Wallace L. Anderson, Of Gods and Men in the "Iliad", College English, 1953.
0.43 Simon O. Lesser, Oedipus the King: The Two Dramas the Two Conflicts, College English, 1967.
0.42 Maurice Beebe, The Three Motives of Raskolnikov: A Reinterpretation of Crime and Punishment, College English, 1955.
0.41 J. Lyndon Shanley, Macbeth: The Tragedy of Evil, College English, 1961.
0.41 Minas Savvas, King Lear as a Play of Divine Justice, College English, 1966.
0.40 Henry Ebel, The Killing of Lykaon: Homer and Literary "Structure", College English, 1968.
0.36 William G. McCollom, The Downfall of the Tragic Hero, College English, 1957.
0.35 Richard O. Allen, Hysteria and Heroism: Tragic Dissociation and the Two Tragedies, College English, 1971.
0.35 Seymour L. Gross, The Achievement of Robert Penn Warren, College English, 1958.
0.34 Norman Kelvin, The Failure of Robert Penn Warren, College English, 1957.
0.34 Philip Hallie, Camus and the Literature of Revolt, College English, 1954.
0.34 Naomi Christensen, L'Etranger: The Unheroic Hero, College English, 1962.
0.34 Harold H. Watts, Multivalence in Robinson Jeffers, College English, 1941.
0.33 Gunther Heilbrunn, On Teaching Oedipus Rex: A Rejoinder, College English, 1968.
0.33 Stephen A. Reid, On Teaching Oedipus Rex: A Rejoinder: Reply, College English, 1968.
0.33 Richard E. Amacher, Antigone: "The Most Misread of Ancient Plays", College English, 1959.
0.32 Richard M. Eastman, Idea and Method in a Scene by Dostoevsky, College English, 1955.
0.32 Donald Heiney, Jean Anouilh: The Revival of Tragedy, College English, 1955.
0.32 John C. McCloskey, The Motivation of Iago, College English, 1941.
0.32 Dan Vogel, Steinbeck's "Flight": The Myth of Manhood, College English, 1961.
0.31 James F. Light, Violence Dreams and Dostoevsky: The Art of Nathanael West, College English, 1958.
0.30 J. D. Thomas, Symbol and Parallelism in "The Fly", College English, 1961.
0.30 Oscar Cargill, Anatomist of Monsters, College English, 1947.
0.30 G. Mitchell Reyes, Sources of Persuasion in the Iliad, Rhetoric Review, 2002.
0.30 Elizabeth Dawson, Ibsen and the Greek Tragedians, College English, 1941.
0.29 Everett H. Emerson Harold E. Davis Ira Johnson, Intention and Achievement in All for Love, College English, 1955.
0.28 Gladys W. Ekeberg, "The Ordeal of Richard Feverel" as Tragedy, College English, 1946.
0.28 Margaret Church, "Death in Venice": A Study of Creativity, College English, 1962.
0.27 Karl P. Wentersdorf, Structure and Characterization in Othello and King Lear, College English, 1965.
0.27 Marvin Bell, From: The Book of the Dead Man (#5), Rhetoric Review, 1993.
0.27 Ann Louise Hentz, Hamlet: The Anatomy of a Task, College English, 1966.
0.27 Charlton G. Laird, Aristotle's Katharsis in an Impersonal World, College English, 1941.
0.26 Stanley G. Eskin, Tristram Shandy and Oedipus Rex: Reflections on Comedy and Tragedy, College English, 1963.
0.26 Elizabeth Sale Cox, The Folktale, College English, 1956.
0.26 Chester F. Chapin, Pepé Torres: A Steinbeck "Natural", College English, 1962.
0.26 Russell Amos Kirk, Tragedy and the Moderns, College English, 1940.
0.26 Harriet Dye, The Appearance-Reality Theme in King Lear, College English, 1964.
0.26 Mattie Swayne, Shakespeare's King Henry VI as a Pacifist, College English, 1941.
0.26 John Ellis, Rooted Affection: The Genesis of Jealousy in the Winter's Tale, College English, 1964.
0.26 Lois A. Michel, The Absurd Predicament in Conrad's Political Novels, College English, 1961.
0.25 Florence L. Walzl, Pattern of Paralysis in Joyce's Dubliners: A Study of the Original Framework, College English, 1961.
0.25 Ihab H. Hassan, The Victim: Images of Evil in Recent American Fiction, College English, 1959.
0.25 Mimi R. Gladstein, Ayn Rand and Feminism: An Unlikely Alliance, College English, 1978.
0.25 Charles Mitchell, The Moral Superiority of Chaucer's Pardoner, College English, 1966.
0.25 Charles Kaplan, Jack Burden: Modern Ishmael, College English, 1960.
0.25 Frederic I. Carpenter, Scarlet a Minus, College English, 1944.
0.25 John Lindberg, Individual Conscience and Social Injustice in Great Expectations, College English, 1961.
0.25 Todd S. Frobish, An Origin of a Theory: A Comparison of Ethos in the Homeric "Iliad" with That Found in Aristotle's "Rhetoric", Rhetoric Review, 2003.
0.25 John C. McCloskey, Hamlet's Quest of Certainty, College English, 1941.
0.24 Richard Armour, Department Head, College English, 1956.
0.24 Nick Aaron Ford, The Ordeal of Richard Wright, College English, 1953.
0.24 Lysander Kemp, Understanding "Hamlet", College English, 1951.
0.24 Kenneth Rowe, Values for the War in Hamlet Othello King Lear and the Tempest, College English, 1944.
0.24 Robert Palfrey Utter_ Jr., In Defense of Hamlet, College English, 1950.
0.24 Stephen A. Lawrence, The Right Dream in Miller's Death of a Salesman, College English, 1964.
0.24 Robert F. Haugh, The Second Secret in the Scarlet Letter, College English, 1956.
0.23 Samuel Hazo, For My Godsons, College English, 1964.
0.23 L. L. Lee, Walter Van Tilburg Clark's Ambiguous American Dream, College English, 1965.
0.23 William W. Main, Bearings for Readership, College English, 1956.
0.23 Harold H. Watts, Maxwell Anderson: The Tragedy of Attrition, College English, 1943.
0.23 James Schroeter, Mr Lesser Mr Freud and Mr Sophocles, College English, 1968.
0.23 Donna Gerstenberger, Meaning and Form in Intruder in the Dust, College English, 1961.
0.23 Albert van Aver, The Study of Literature during the War, College English, 1942.
0.23 Elias Schwartz, Detachment and Tragic Effect, College English, 1956.
0.23 John Nist, In a World Where, College English, 1961.
0.23 John C. McCloskey, The Theme of Despair in Marlowe's Faustus, College English, 1942.
0.23 Elias Schwartz, The Possibilities of Christian Tragedy, College English, 1960.
0.23 Stephen A. Shapiro, Romeo and Juliet: Reversals Contraries Transformations and Ambivalence, College English, 1964.
0.22 William B. Dillingham, Insensibility in the Red Badge of Courage, College English, 1963.
0.22 Kirby L. Duncan, William Golding and Vardis Fisher: A Study in Parallels and Extensions, College English, 1965.
0.22 Matthew Proser, Coriolanus: The Constant Warrior and the State, College English, 1963.
0.22 Judith Wilt, On Atlas Shrugged, College English, 1978.
0.22 Robert F. Haugh, The Structure of "Lord Jim", College English, 1951.
0.22 Eugene McNamara, "Death in Venice": The Disguised Self, College English, 1962.
0.22 Perry D. Westbrook, A Note on "Macbeth" Act II Scene 1, College English, 1946.
0.22 D. C. Fowler, Lesser on Yeats's "Sailing to Byzantium", College English, 1967.
0.22 Robert R. Hellenga, The Known Facts about Hamlet: Response to Alma Blinn Hill, College English, 1974.
0.22 Robert A. Wichert, The Quality of Graham Greene's Mercy, College English, 1963.
0.22 Leo Gurko, Under Western Eyes: Conrad and the Question of "Where to?", College English, 1960.
0.22 George G. Gates, The Bread That Every Man Must Eat Alone: Robinson Jeffers: A Point of View, College English, 1942.
0.22 Peter V. Le Page, The Search for Godhead in Marlowe's Tamburlaine, College English, 1965.
0.21 R. J. Lordi, The Three Emissaries of Evil: Their Psychological Relationship in Conrad's Victory, College English, 1961.
0.21 Elias Schwartz, On the Quarrel Scene in Julius Caesar, College English, 1958.
0.21 Edward Wagenknecht, The Perfect Revenge-Hamlet's Delay a Reconsideration, College English, 1949.
0.21 Robert Ornstein, Teaching Hamlet, College English, 1964.
0.21 Benjamin T. Spencer, King Lear: A Prophetic Tragedy, College English, 1944.
0.21 Tom H. Towers, The Problem of Determinism in Frederic's First Novel, College English, 1965.
0.21 Edmund Reiss, The Final Irony of the Pardoner's Tale, College English, 1964.
0.21 Art Homer, Old Stories the Morning News, College English, 1982.
0.21 Lawrence E. Bowling, Duality in the Minor Characters in Antony and Cleopatra, College English, 1957.
0.21 Mimi Gladstein, Mimi Gladstein Responds, College English, 1978.
0.21 Vivian C. Hopkins, "The Iceman" Seen through "The Lower Depths", College English, 1949.
0.20 Rich Ives, The Faith Healer's Secret Confession, College English, 1992.
0.20 Warren Beck, 1941: Faulkner's Point of View, College English, 1960.
0.20 John V. Hagopian, Eternal Moments in the Short Fiction of E M Forster, College English, 1965.
0.20 Davis D. McElroy, "To Be or Not to Be" -- Is That the Question?, College English, 1964.
0.20 Murray F. Markland, The Craven Comitatus, College English, 1961.
0.20 E. W. Tedlock_ Jr., Thomas Mann and the Age of Unreason, College English, 1952.
0.20 Robert M. Browne, In Defense of Esmé, College English, 1961.
0.20 Andrew J. Green, Great Lines, College English, 1943.
0.20 Melvin Backman, Faulkner's "An Odor of Verbena": Dissent from the South, College English, 1961.
0.20 Ralph Gordon, Polarity, College English, 1956.
0.20 John C. McCloskey, Caliban Savage Clown, College English, 1940.
0.20 William T. Moynihan, The Martyrdom of Robert Jordan, College English, 1959.
0.20 Max Keith Sutton, Language as Defense in "Porphyria's Lover", College English, 1969.
0.20 Carl Niemeyer, The Coral Island Revisited, College English, 1961.
0.20 Chester E. Eisinger, Twenty Years of Wallace Stegner, College English, 1958.
0.20 Robert F. Haugh, Joseph Conrad and Revolution, College English, 1949.
0.20 Arthur M. Sampley, Theory and Practice in Maxwell Anderson's Poetic Tragedies, College English, 1944.
0.19 Kenneth A. Bruffee, Elegiac Romance, College English, 1971.
0.19 Warren Beck, Faulkner's Point of View, College English, 1941.
0.19 Lyle Glazier, The Struggle between Good and Evil in the First Book of "The Faerie Queene", College English, 1950.
0.19 Bickford Sylvester, Natural Mutability and Human Responsibility: Form in Shakespeare's Lucrece, College English, 1965.
0.19 Paul Levine, Love and Money in the Snopes Trilogy, College English, 1961.
0.19 U. C. Knoepflmacher, The Humors as Symbolic Nucleus in Henry IV Part I, College English, 1963.
0.19 Michael E. Adelstein, Duality of Theme in the Vicar of Wakefield, College English, 1961.
0.19 R. M. Lumiansky, Wiglaf, College English, 1953.
0.19 Richard Lehan, Faulkner's Poetic Prose: Style and Meaning in The Bear, College English, 1965.
0.19 Richard A. Levine, The Tragedy of Hamlet's World View, College English, 1962.
0.19 Laurence Perrine, "Peter Quince at the Clavier": A Protest, College English, 1966.
0.19 Dayton Kohler, William Faulkner and the Social Conscience, College English, 1949.
0.19 Peggy Ann Knapp, "Stay Illusion" or How to Teach Hamlet, College English, 1974.
0.19 Robert Cooperman, The Sorrows of the Emperor Diocletian, College English, 1988.
0.19 Geoffrey Wagner, Geoffrey Wagner Replies, College English, 1978.
0.19 Mordecai Marcus, Melville's Bartleby as a Psychological Double, College English, 1962.
0.19 William R. Herman, Heroism and Paradise Lost, College English, 1959.
0.19 Barbara A. Welch, Comment on W B Stone, College English, 1973.
0.19 Robert Bossler, Was Macbeth a Victim of Battle Fatigue?, College English, 1947.
0.19 Barbara Gray Bartholomew, The Thematic Function of Malory's Gawain, College English, 1963.
0.19 Karl F. Thompson, Troilus and Cressida: The Incomplete Achilles, College English, 1966.
0.19 Bob Dowell, The Moment of Grace in the Fiction of Flannery O'Connor, College English, 1965.
0.18 M. L. Rosenthal W. C. Hummel, A Contemporary Aesthetic Injustice, College English, 1942.
0.18 Martin L. Kornbluth, A Twentieth-Century Everyman, College English, 1959.
0.18 Norman Lavers, Freud the Clerkes Tale and Literary Criticism, College English, 1964.
0.18 Leo Gurko, The Achievement of Ernest Hemingway, College English, 1952.
0.18 Curtis Dahl, The Victorian Wasteland, College English, 1955.
0.18 Thomas D. Bowman, A Further Study in the Characterization and Motivation of Iago, College English, 1943.
0.18 Henry Popkin, Arthur Miller's "The Crucible", College English, 1964.
0.18 Shelley Ross, To Mimi Gladstein, College English, 1978.
0.18 Neville Braybrooke, Graham Greene: A Pioneer Novelist, College English, 1950.
0.18 Leonard F. Dean, Tragic Pattern in Conrad's "the Heart of Darkness", College English, 1944.
0.18 Roxanne J. Fand, Reading The Fountainhead: The Missing Self in Ayn Rand's Ethical Individualism, College English, 2009.
0.18 Roger Weaver, The Judgement, College English, 1972.
0.18 Thomas E. Connolly, A Skeletal Outline of Absalom Absalom!, College English, 1963.
0.18 William Van O'Connor, The Grotesque in Modern American Fiction, College English, 1959.
0.18 Charles F. Duncan_ Jr., A Blackboard Model of Shakespearean Irony, College English, 1973.
0.18 Charles Moorman, Suspense and Foreknowledge in "Beowulf", College English, 1954.
0.18 Ira Grushow, Brave New World and The Tempest, College English, 1962.
0.18 James R. Giles, Religious Alienation and "Homosexual Consciousness" in City of Night and Go Tell It on the Mountain, College English, 1974.
0.18 Constance Hunting, Ars et Grammatica, College English, 1955.
0.18 Gordon Gilsdorf, Tragedy, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.18 Eric Solomon, Jane Eyre: Fire and Water, College English, 1963.
0.17 Elmo Howell, Reverend Hightower and the Uses of Southern Adversity, College English, 1962.
0.17 B. R. McElderry_ Jr., The Narrative Structure of Light in August, College English, 1958.
0.17 James V. Baker, An Existential Examination of King Lear, College English, 1962.
0.17 Charles Child Walcutt, Housman and the Empire: An Analysis of "1887", College English, 1944.
0.17 John K. Simon, What Are You Laughing at Darl? Madness and Humor in As I Lay Dying, College English, 1963.
0.17 Henry W. Wells, A Philosophy of War: The Outlook of Robinson Jeffers, College English, 1944.
0.17 Frederic I. Carpenter, The Romantic Tragedy of Eugene O'Neill, College English, 1945.
0.17 Edward Wasiolek, Maisie: Pure or Corrupt?, College English, 1960.
0.17 Alma Blinn Hill, Hamlet as an Undergraduate, College English, 1974.
0.17 H. L. Anshutz, College English? College English?, College English, 1972.
0.17 Lawrence W. Hyman, Milton's Samson and the Modern Reader, College English, 1966.
0.17 G. Robert Stange, Expectations Well Lost Dickens' Fable for His Time, College English, 1954.
0.17 Gilbert P. Voigt, The Meaning of "The Minister's Black Veil", College English, 1952.
0.17 Jack C. Gray, Irony: A Practical Definition, College English, 1960.
0.17 Larry S. Champion, The Conclusion of Paradise Lost - A Reconsideration, College English, 1966.
0.17 Katherine Stockholder, Power and Pleasure in Troilus and Cressida or Rhetoric and Structure of the Anti-Tragic, College English, 1969.
0.17 Charles Thomas Samuels, The Dramatic Rhythm of the Wakefield Crucifixion, College English, 1961.
0.17 Norman Friedman, The Tragic Hero, College English, 1958.
0.17 Gerhard Friedrich Florence L. Walzl, Joyce's Pattern of Paralysis in Dubliners, College English, 1961.
0.17 Allen Austin, The Three-Stranded Allegory of Moby-Dick, College English, 1965.
0.17 Robert L. Morris, The Classical Reference in Conrad's Fiction, College English, 1946.
0.17 Ambrose Gove, The New Collegiate Devil's Dictionary, College English, 1966.
0.17 Richard Levin, My Theme Can Lick Your Theme, College English, 1975.
0.17 Harry R. Warfel, Metaphysical Ideas in the Scarlet Letter, College English, 1963.
0.17 Burke Johnston, First Servant in "King Lear", College English, 1954.
0.17 Hazel S. Alberson, Dilemma and Resolution in Bhagavad-Gita and Job, College English, 1957.
0.17 Peter F. Neumeyer, Ingratitude Is Monstrous: An Approach to Coriolanus, College English, 1964.
0.17 Samuel Weingarten, The Name of King in Richard II, College English, 1966.
0.16 Daniel R. Schwarz, Conrad's Quarrel with Politics in Nostromo, College English, 1997.
0.16 David Kaula, Time and the Timeless in Everyman and Dr Faustus, College English, 1960.
0.16 Bruce King, Green Ice and a Breast of Proof, College English, 1965.
0.16 Kester Svendsen, Adam's Soliloquy in Book X of "Paradise Lost", College English, 1949.
0.16 Walter McDonald, For Kelly Missing in Action, College English, 1973.
0.16 Peter Spielberg, The Albatross in Albee's Zoo, College English, 1966.
0.16 Ted N. Weissbuch, Jack Burden: Call Me Carraway, College English, 1961.
0.16 Joseph E. Baker, Western Man against Nature Giants in the Earth, College English, 1942.
0.16 Barbara Seward, Elizabeth Bowen's World of Impoverished Love, College English, 1956.
0.16 James W. Gargano, The Question of Poe's Narrators, College English, 1963.
0.16 Charles Mitchell, Dalila's Return: The Importance of Pardon, College English, 1965.
0.16 Roger Shattuck, [The Leopard and the Priest: Reply], College English, 1972.
0.16 Arthur L. Scott, In Defense of Robert Cohn, College English, 1957.
0.16 Joseph E. Baker, Irony in Fiction: "All the King's Men", College English, 1947.
0.16 Richard Lehan, Dreiser's An American Tragedy: A Critical Study, College English, 1963.
0.16 Robert W. Cochran, Hawthorne's Choice: The Veil or the Jaundiced Eye, College English, 1962.
0.16 Nicholas A. Salerno, La Dolce Vita or La Vita Nuova?, College Composition and Communication, 1963.
0.16 H. Kelly Crockett, The Bible and the Grapes of Wrath, College English, 1962.
0.16 Warren French, Salinger's Seymour: Another Autopsy, College English, 1963.
0.16 Thomas E. Connolly, Faulkner's A Fable in the Classroom, College English, 1959.
0.16 Jesse Bier, O'Hara's Appointment in Samarra: His First and Only Real Novel, College English, 1963.
0.16 Herbert R. Coursen_ Jr., Nature's Center, College English, 1963.
0.16 George Soule, Hamlet's Quietus, College English, 1964.
0.16 Bruce King, Dryden's Intent in All for Love, College English, 1963.
0.16 Frederic J. Masback, Conrad's Jonahs, College English, 1961.
0.16 Edgar M. Branch, The Two Providences: Thematic Form in "Huckleberry Finn", College English, 1950.
0.16 Walter S. Minot, Friendship, College Composition and Communication, 1974.
0.16 Frederic I. Carpenter, The Three Age's of Henry Adams, College English, 1953.
0.16 Leo Gurko, The Old Man and the Sea, College English, 1955.
0.16 Laurence Perrine, Housman's Lovers, College English, 1975.
0.16 Simon O. Lesser, Act One Scene One of Lear, College English, 1970.
0.16 Troy Organ, Browning's Message for Dark Days, College English, 1943.
0.16 David S. Berkeley, On Oversimplifying Antony, College English, 1955.
0.16 Stanley G. Eskin, Reflections on "Reflections": Reply, College English, 1963.
0.16 Bernard Knieger, La Dolce Vita: Twentieth-Century Man?, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.16 Allen Austin, Distortion in "The (Complete) Scarlet Letter", College English, 1961.
0.16 Morris Freedman, The Modern Tragicomedy of Wilde and O'Casey, College English, 1964.
0.16 Stanley Cooperman, Hemingway and Old Age: Santiago as Priest of Time, College English, 1965.
0.16 Paul N. Siegel, Willy Loman and King Lear, College English, 1956.
0.16 Norman N. Holland, Transactive Teaching: Cordelia's Death, College English, 1977.
0.16 Eric Solomon, Huckleberry Finn Once More, College English, 1960.
0.15 Lloyd N. Jeffrey, Browning as Psychologist: Three Notes, College English, 1956.
0.15 Paul Baker Newman, The Check, College English, 1973.
0.15 Thomas R. Moore, Circles: Obstacles to Loving, College English, 1975.
0.15 Darrel Abel, Hawthorne's Hester, College English, 1952.
0.15 Richard B. Hauck, The Comic Christ and the Modern Reader, College English, 1970.
0.15 Larry S. Champion, The Perspective of Comedy: Shakespeare's the Winter's Tale, College English, 1971.
0.15 Fred Chappell, The Betrayal, College English, 1986.
0.15 Alfred David, Criticism and the Old Man in Chaucer's Pardoner's Tale, College English, 1965.
0.15 Robert L. Chapman, Alas Poor Grendel, College English, 1956.
0.15 Frederic I. Carpenter, The West of Walter Van Tilburg Clark, College English, 1952.
0.15 Robert E. Knoll, The Unvanquished for a Start, College English, 1958.
0.15 Irvin Ehrenpreis, Swift and Satire, College English, 1952.
0.15 Dayton Kohler, A Fable: The Novel as Myth, College English, 1955.
0.15 Arthur Sherbo, Sherwood Anderson's I Want to Know Why and Messrs Brooks and Warren, College English, 1954.
0.15 Olive Henneberger, Banquo Loyal Subject, College English, 1946.
0.15 Joseph A. Hynes, Attention Must Be Paid, College English, 1962.
0.15 Warren Taylor, Lear and the Lost Self, College English, 1964.
0.15 Quentin G. Kraft, The Question of Freedom in James's Fiction, College English, 1965.
0.15 Richard J. Stonesifer, Faulkner's Old Man in the Classroom, College English, 1956.