identity difference space ways issues identities contact people spaces multicultural cultural differences place politics texts diversity race groups experiences

0.34 Sue Hum, Choice and the Contradictions of Identity Politics: A Reply to Pat McGann, JAC, 2000.
0.29 Marilyn Edelstein, Multiculturalisms Past Present and Future, College English, 2005.
0.28 David L. Wallace, Transcending Normativity: Difference Issues in "College English", College English, 2006.
0.26 Nedra Reynolds, Who's Going to Cross this Border? Travel Metaphors Material Conditions and Contested Places, JAC, 2000.
0.26 Patrick McGann, Working the In-Between Ever More Consciously: A Reply to Sue Hum, JAC, 2000.
0.25 Catherine Fox, From Transaction to Transformation: (En)Countering White Heteronormativity in "Safe Spaces", College English, 2007.
0.25 William De Genaro, Eight-Mile and Woodward: Intersections of Difference and the Rhetoric of Detroit, JAC, 2007.
0.25 Richard Marback, Somewhere Between Ethical Demands and Material Constraints, JAC, 2000.
0.23 Lindsay Pentolfe Aegerter, Michelle Cliff and the Paradox of Privilege, College English, 1997.
0.23 Cynthia Ryan, Rhetoric(s) of Becoming: Possibilities for Composing Intersectional Identities of Difference, JAC, 2007.
0.23 Pamela L. Caughie, Reservations: A Response to Karen Kopelson, JAC, 2006.
0.22 Thomas West, The Rhetoric of Therapy and the Politics of Anger: From the Safe House to a Praxis of Shelter, Rhetoric Review, 2000.
0.21 Karen L. Kopelson, Tripping Over Our Tropes: Of "Passing" and Postmodern Subjectivity—What's in a Metaphor?, JAC, 2005.
0.20 Joseph Harris, Correction: Writing as Travel or Rhetoric on the Road, College Composition and Communication, 1998.
0.20 Alfhild Ingberg, A Comment on " 'Contact Zones' and English Studies", College English, 1995.
0.19 Thomas West, The Racist Other, JAC, 1997.
0.19 Thomas West, Beyond Dissensus: Exploring the Heuristic Value of Conflict, Rhetoric Review, 1996.
0.19 Phillip P. Marzluf, "Diversity Stuff": Response to Margaret Himley and Christine Farris, College Composition and Communication, 2007.
0.18 Jan Cooper, Queering the Contact Zone, JAC, 2004.
0.18 Ruth Spack, Ruth Spack Responds, College English, 1997.
0.17 Karen Kopelson, Dis/Integrating the Gay/Queer Binary: "Reconstructed Identity Politics" for a Performative Pedagogy, College English, 2002.
0.17 A. Suresh Canagarajah, Safe Houses in the Contact Zone: Coping Strategies of African-American Students in the Academy, College Composition and Communication, 1997.
0.17 Ana Louise Keating, Investigating "Whiteness" Eavesdropping on "Race", JAC, 2000.
0.17 Laurie Grobman, "Just Multiculturalism": Teaching Writing as Critical and Ethical Practice, JAC, 2002.
0.16 Katherine K. Sohn, Sustainability and Identity, JAC, 2008.
0.16 Christine R. Farris, Response to "Diversity Writing: Natural Languages Authentic Voices" by Phillip P Marzluf, College Composition and Communication, 2007.
0.16 Margaret Himley, Response to Phillip P Marzluf "Diversity Writing: Natural Languages Authentic Voices", College Composition and Communication, 2007.
0.16 Michelle Gibson Martha Marinara Deborah Meem, Bi Butch and Bar Dyke: Pedagogical Performances of Class Gender and Sexuality, College Composition and Communication, 2000.
0.15 Ruth Spack, The (In) Visibility of the Person(al) in Academe, College English, 1997.
0.15 Amy Goodburn Beth Ina, Collaboration Critical Pedagogy and Struggles Over Difference, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1994.
0.15 David Bleich, Collaboration and the Pedagogy of Disclosure, College English, 1995.
0.15 Mary Soliday, Translating Self and Difference through Literacy Narratives, College English, 1994.