subject desire relation difference order identity question moment logic act possibility notion object calls history mode place sense kind

0.34 Jeffrey T. Nealon, The Ethics of Dialogue: Bakhtin and Levinas, College English, 1997.
0.34 D. Diane Davis, "Addicted to Love"; Or Toward an Inessential Solidarity, JAC, 1999.
0.33 D. Diane Davis, Finitude's Clamor; Or Notes toward a Communitarian Literacy, College Composition and Communication, 2001.
0.32 D. Diane Davis, Agonizing [With] Chantal Mouffe, JAC, 1999.
0.29 Robert Brooke, René Girard and the Dynamics of Imitation Scapegoating and Renunciative Identification: A Response to Richard Boyd, JAC, 2000.
0.28 David Metzger, Another Para(noid)-rhetoric? A Response to Diane Davis, JAC, 2000.
0.27 Debra Jacobs, Waiting for the Other: Lyotard on Writing Resistance and Potential, JAC, 1996.
0.26 Arabella Lyon, Mother and Teacher: Subjectivity in "Unmotherhood", JAC, 2002.
0.25 Daniel L. Smith, Ethics and "Bad Writing": Dialectics Reading and Affective Pedagogy, JAC, 2003.
0.24 Ronald Schleifer, Lacan's Enunciation and the Cure of Mortality: Teaching Transference and Desire, College English, 1987.
0.24 John Muckelbauer Tim Donovan, To Do Justice To This Moment: Between Exhaustion and Totality, JAC, 2004.
0.24 Mario Di Paolantino, Trying to Transmit: Working Through the Educative Hermeneutics Implicit in Trials for Past Social Abuses, JAC, 2004.
0.23 D. Diane Davis, Confessions of an Anacoluthon: Avital Ronell on Writing Technology Pedagogy Politics, JAC, 2000.
0.22 Daniel Smith, Desire and Immanence: The Difficulties of Post-Dualist Thought, JAC, 2003.
0.22 Timothy Richardson, Writing (and Doing) Trauma Study, JAC, 2004.
0.22 Thomas Rickert, "Hands Up You're Free": Composition in a Post-Oedipal World, JAC, 2001.
0.22 Michelle Ballif, Listening "Some More": A Response to Eve Wiederhold's "Feminist Rhetoric and Representational Fatigue", JAC, 2008.
0.22 Robert Miklitsch, Passing on Popular Culture: "Art for Lacan's Sake", JAC, 2001.
0.21 Robert Con Davis, Pedagogy Lacan and the Freudian Subject, College English, 1987.
0.21 Richard Doyle, Uploading Anticipation Becoming-Silicon, JAC, 2000.
0.20 Michelle Baillif, Seducing Composition: A Challenge to Identity-Disclosing Pedagogies, Rhetoric Review, 1997.
0.20 Teresa L. Ebert, The "Difference" of Postmodern Feminism, College English, 1991.
0.20 Michael Bernard-Donals, Against Publics (Exilic Writing), JAC, 2008.
0.19 Martina Sciolino, Kathy Acker and the Postmodern Subject of Feminism, College English, 1990.
0.19 Alexandre Leupin, The Impossible Copula (Humanities and Judaeo-Christianity), Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1999.
0.19 Michael Bernard-Donals, No Not Really: A Reply to Stephen Yarbrough, JAC, 2008.
0.19 Elizabeth A. Flynn, Writing as Resistance, JAC, 1996.
0.19 M. Todd Harper, Strange Loops as (Inter)Disciplinary "Ecriture" and Invention, JAC, 2004.
0.19 Jeffrey T. Nealon, The Cash Value of Paradox: Žižek's Rhetoric, JAC, 2001.
0.19 Gary A. Olson Lynn Worsham, Changing the Subject: Judith Butler's Politics of Radical Resignification, JAC, 2000.
0.19 Diane Davis, "Breaking up" [At] Phallocracy: Postfeminism's Chortling Hammer, Rhetoric Review, 1995.
0.19 Elizabeth Hirsh Gary A. Olson Gaëtan Brulotte, "Je—Luce Irigaray": A Meeting with Luce Irigaray, JAC, 1996.
0.19 Robert Samuels, Žižek's Rhetorical Matrix: The Symptomatic Enjoyment of Postmodern Academic Writing, JAC, 2002.
0.18 Michelle Ballif D. Diane Davis Roxanne Mountford, Negotiating the Differend: A Feminist Trilogue, JAC, 2000.
0.18 Karen L. Kopelson, Tripping Over Our Tropes: Of "Passing" and Postmodern Subjectivity—What's in a Metaphor?, JAC, 2005.
0.18 Patrick McGee, Truth and Resistance: Teaching as a Form of Analysis, College English, 1987.
0.18 Avital Ronell, Erratum: "Addicted to Love"; Or Toward an Inessential Solidarity, JAC, 2000.
0.18 Victor J. Vitanza, Some Meditations-Ruminations on Cheryl Glenn's "Unspoken: A Rhetoric of Silence", JAC, 2007.
0.18 Gary A. Olson Lynn Worsham, Staging the Politics of Difference: Homi Bhabha's Critical Literacy, JAC, 1998.
0.18 Sarah J. Arroyo, W/holes: Rethinking Writing Spaces Moving Toward a Post-Critical Composition, JAC, 2003.
0.18 Julie Drew, The Politics of Persuading: Ernesto Laclau and the Question of Discursive Force, JAC, 1999.
0.17 Bernadette Longo, Tensions in the Community: Myth Strategy Totalitarianism Terror, JAC, 2003.
0.17 Jane Tompkins, A Short Course in Post-Structuralism, College English, 1988.
0.17 David J. Gunkel, Hacking Cyberspace, JAC, 2000.
0.17 Alan Wright, Sentence Fragments: Elements of Style Postcolonial Edition, JAC, 1998.
0.17 Thomas J. Rickert, Engaging Modernisms Emerging Posthumanisms and the Rhetorics of Doing, JAC, 2000.
0.17 Susan C. Jarratt, Parallel Lives/Speaking in Tongues, JAC, 2000.
0.17 Suzanne Holland, Levinas and Otherwise-than-Being (Tolerant): Homosexuality and the Discourse of Tolerance, JAC, 2003.
0.16 Thomas Rickert, Enjoying Theory: Žižek Critique Accountability, JAC, 2002.
0.16 Steve Whitson, "Sanitized for Your Protection": On the Hygiene of Metaphors, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1989.
0.16 Gila Aloni, Lucrece's "Myght": Rhetorical/Sexual Potency and Potentiality in Geoffrey Chaucer's "Legend of Lucrece", Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1999.
0.16 Collin Gifford Brooke, Forgetting to be (Post)Human: Media and Memory in a Kairotic Age, JAC, 2000.
0.16 Peter McLaren, Slavoj Žižek's Naked Politics: Opting for the Impossible A Secondary Elaboration, JAC, 2001.
0.16 Michelle Ballif, What is it That the Audience Wants? Or Notes Toward a Listening with a Transgendered Ear for (Mis) Understanding, JAC, 1999.
0.16 Michelle Ballif, Writing the Third-Sophistic Cyborg: Periphrasis on an [In]Tense Rhetoric, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1998.
0.16 Catherine Chaput, Identity Postmodernity and an Ethics of Activism, JAC, 2000.
0.16 Jeffrey T. Nealon, Nietzsche's Money!, JAC, 2000.
0.16 Ronald Schleifer, Deconstruction and Linguistic Analysis, College English, 1987.
0.16 Shirley Sharon-Zisser, Re(de)-Erecting Collatine: Castrative Collatio in "The Rape of Lucrece", Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1999.
0.16 Patricia Bizzell, Fredric Jameson and Composition Studies, JAC, 1996.
0.16 John Trimbur, Agency and the Death of the Author: A Partial Defense of Modernism, JAC, 2000.
0.16 Lynn Worsham Gary A. Olson, Hegemony and the Future of Democracy: Ernesto Laclau's Political Philosophy, JAC, 1999.
0.16 Geoffrey Sirc, Godless Composition Tormented Writing, JAC, 1995.
0.16 John Muckelbauer Debra Hawhee, Posthuman Rhetorics: "It's the Future Pikul", JAC, 2000.
0.15 Don Kraemer, Achieving the High Intention?: Wayne Booth's Pluralist Equivalence and Postmodern Difference, College English, 1990.
0.15 Nishant G. Shahani, Pedagogical Practices and the Reparative Performance of Failure or "What does [Queer] Knowledge do?", JAC, 2005.
0.15 Joyce Carroll, While Writing a Poem, College Composition and Communication, 1978.
0.15 Deborah P. Britzman Alice J. Pitt, Pedagogy and Clinical Knowledge: Some Psychoanalytic Observations on Losing and Refinding Significance, JAC, 2004.