jim narrator tom conrad story island huck twain captain melville mark swift ship huckleberry finn sea book marlow lord

0.38 Robert C. Cosbey, Letter to the Editor, College English, 1958.
0.32 Tyrus Hillway Robert H. Woodward, Tom Sawyer's Fence, College English, 1958.
0.32 Lee S. Hultzén, Poetry, College English, 1958.
0.31 B. R. McElderry_ Jr., Tom Sawyer's Fence - Original Illustrations, College English, 1958.
0.31 Charles G. Hoffmann, Point of View in "The Secret Sharer", College English, 1962.
0.28 Walter Blair, Why Huck and Jim Went Downstream, College English, 1956.
0.28 W. E. Yeomans, The Houyhnhnm as Menippean Horse, College English, 1966.
0.27 Epsy Colling, Eternal Errors, College English, 1942.
0.27 J. D. O'Hara, Unlearned Lessons in "The Secret Sharer", College English, 1965.
0.27 William Van O'Connor Lauriat Lane_ Jr., Letters to the Editor, College English, 1956.
0.26 Gilbert M. Rubenstein, The Moral Structure of Huckleberry Finn, College English, 1956.
0.26 Arthur C. Cloutier, Dear Mister Seelye Yours Truly Tom Sawyer, College English, 1973.
0.26 Frederic J. Masback, Conrad's Jonahs, College English, 1961.
0.26 Carson Gibb, The Best Authorities, College English, 1960.
0.25 Eric Solomon, Huckleberry Finn Once More, College English, 1960.
0.25 Barry A. Marks Donald H. Reiman Dexter Martin Robert D. Bhaerman, Holden in the Rye, College English, 1962.
0.24 Arthur F. Kinney, Jimmy Wait: Joseph Conrad's Kaleidoscope, College English, 1965.
0.24 Raymond G. Malbone, How Shall We Teach the New Billy Budd Sailor?, College English, 1966.
0.23 Bruce Harkness, The Secret of "The Secret Sharer" Bared, College English, 1965.
0.23 Florence Clemens, Conrad's Malaysia, College English, 1941.
0.22 Tyrus Hillway, Tom Sawyer's Fence, College English, 1958.
0.21 Thomas C. Kishler, Reality in "Heart of Darkness", College English, 1963.
0.21 Sujit Mukherjee, The Marabar Mystery an Addition to the Case-Book on the Caves, College English, 1966.
0.21 Robert Gordon, Offshore Item, College English, 1961.
0.21 F. Anthony Macklin, The Flagrant Albatross, College English, 1966.
0.20 Mary Rohrberger, Point of View in "Benito Cereno": Machinations and Deceptions, College English, 1966.
0.20 A. Grove Day, Pattern in Lord Jim: One Jump after Another, College English, 1952.
0.20 Allen Austin, The Three-Stranded Allegory of Moby-Dick, College English, 1965.
0.20 James E. Bryan, Salinger's Seymour's Suicide, College English, 1962.
0.20 Charles J. McCann, Lord Jim vs the Darkness: The Saving Power of Human Involvement, College English, 1965.
0.19 J. Rea, A Topographical Guide to Under Milk Wood, College English, 1964.
0.19 Milton R. Stern, The Whale and the Minnow: Moby Dick and the Movies, College English, 1956.
0.19 Arthur L. Scott, Review of Holiday Literature, College English, 1962.
0.19 Robert S. Phillips, A Note on "What Aspern Papers? A Hypothesis", College English, 1962.
0.19 Peter Spielberg, The Albatross in Albee's Zoo, College English, 1966.
0.18 Marion B. Brady, Conrad's Whited Sepulcher, College English, 1962.
0.18 Carl Niemeyer, The Coral Island Revisited, College English, 1961.
0.18 Charles Kaplan, Holden and Huck: The Odysseys of Youth, College English, 1956.
0.18 Thomas Scarseth, At Last It Has Been Done: II, College English, 1979.
0.18 Robert F. Haugh, Joseph Conrad and Revolution, College English, 1949.
0.18 Jim Corder, Gulliver in England, College English, 1961.
0.18 Clare Goldfarb Russell Goldfarb, The Revelence of Commuting, College Composition and Communication, 1962.
0.18 R. J. Lordi, The Three Emissaries of Evil: Their Psychological Relationship in Conrad's Victory, College English, 1961.
0.18 William L. Benoit, A Guide to Line Numbers in the Aristotelian Corpus, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1981.
0.18 James V. Fletcher, Ethical Symbolism in Conrad, College English, 1940.
0.18 Robert F. Haugh, The Structure of "Lord Jim", College English, 1951.
0.17 Lauriat Lane_ Jr., Why Huckleberry Finn Is a Great World Novel, College English, 1955.
0.17 Samuel Withers, S A D Story, College English, 1961.
0.17 William van O'Connor, Why Huckleberry Finn Is Not the Great American Novel, College English, 1955.
0.17 William J. Lowe, The Mountain Shakes, College English, 1961.
0.16 Mary A. Wyman, A Note on Mark Twain, College English, 1946.
0.16 M. Elizabeth Macandrew, A Splacknuck and a Dung-Beetle: Realism and Probability in Swift and Kafka, College English, 1970.
0.16 Frederic I. Carpenter, Herman Wouk, College English, 1956.
0.16 Richard M. Eastman, The Open Parable: Demonstration and Definition, College English, 1960.
0.16 Marion B. Brady, Reality in "Heart of Darkness": Reply, College English, 1963.
0.16 Robin Magowan, Masque and Symbol in Melville's "Benito Cereno", College English, 1962.
0.16 James R. Browne, Distortion in the Caine Mutiny, College English, 1956.
0.16 Ted E. Boyle, Adela Quested's Delusion: The Failure of Rationalism in A Passage to India, College English, 1965.
0.16 Bradford Smith, Mark Twain and the Mystery of Identity, College English, 1963.
0.16 Kirby L. Duncan, William Golding and Vardis Fisher: A Study in Parallels and Extensions, College English, 1965.
0.16 , The Re-Baring of "The Secret Sharer": Leg Pull?, College English, 1966.
0.16 Peter Spielberg, Reply: The Albatross Strikes Again!, College English, 1966.
0.16 Virginia Hick, Prayer for the M A Exam, College Composition and Communication, 1976.
0.15 Barbara Johnson Marjorie Garber, Secret Sharing: Reading Conrad Psychoanalytically, College English, 1987.
0.15 John Tagliabue, Wordy and Balmy, College English, 1962.
0.15 Peter J. Seng, The Fallen Idol: The Immature World of Holden Caulfield, College English, 1961.
0.15 James E. Bryan, Salinger's Seymour: Another Autopsy: Reply, College English, 1963.
0.15 A. M. Tibbetts, Possessed by Love Death and Taxes, College English, 1958.
0.15 Kathy J. Phillips, Billy Budd as Anti-Homophobic Text, College English, 1994.
0.15 Michael Pettit, Watson and the Shark, College English, 1990.
0.15 Kenneth A. Bruffee, Elegiac Romance, College English, 1971.