process writers writing writer composing revision processes strategies composition draft text written ideas research model drafts revising plan plans

0.49 Linda Flower John R. Hayes, A Cognitive Process Theory of Writing, College Composition and Communication, 1981.
0.47 T. K. Pratt, Winter Is Icumen in, College Composition and Communication, 1976.
0.46 Nancy Roundy David Mair, THE COMPOSING PROCESS OF TECHNICAL WRITERS: A PRELIMINARY STUDY, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1982.
0.45 Linda Flower John R. Hayes Linda Carey Karen Schriver James Stratman, Detection Diagnosis and the Strategies of Revision, College Composition and Communication, 1986.
0.44 Stephen P. Witte, Pre-Text and Composing, College Composition and Communication, 1987.
0.43 Linda Flower John R. Hayes, The Cognition of Discovery: Defining a Rhetorical Problem, College Composition and Communication, 1980.
0.43 Jack Selzer, Exploring Options in Composing, College Composition and Communication, 1984.
0.42 Nancy Sommers, Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult Writers, College Composition and Communication, 1980.
0.41 John B. Rosenman, Ozymandias: A Dissenting Opinion, College Composition and Communication, 1976.
0.41 Carol Berkenkotter Donald M. Murray, Decisions and Revisions: The Planning Strategies of a Publishing Writer and Response of a Laboratory Rat: Or Being Protocoled, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.41 Muriel Harris, Composing Behaviors of One- and Multi-Draft Writers, College English, 1989.
0.40 Sondra Perl, Understanding Composing, College Composition and Communication, 1980.
0.40 Linda S. Flower John R. Hayes, Problem-Solving Strategies and the Writing Process, College English, 1977.
0.39 Richard C. Gebhardt, Writing Processes Revision and Rhetorical Problems: A Note on Three Recent Articles, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.38 Jeanette Harris, Rewriting: A Note on Definitions, Rhetoric Review, 1984.
0.38 Jeanette Harris, Student Writers and Word Processing: A Preliminary Evaluation, College Composition and Communication, 1985.
0.37 Nancy I. Sommers, The Need for Theory in Composition Research, College Composition and Communication, 1979.
0.37 Jack Selzer, The Composing Processes of an Engineer, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.37 Daniel Dieterich, Response to Richard Beach "Self-Evaluation Strategies of Extensive Revisers and Nonrevisers", College Composition and Communication, 1976.
0.37 Lester Faigley Stephen Witte, Analyzing Revision, College Composition and Communication, 1981.
0.36 Deborah L. Asher, Response to Carol Berkenkotter "Understanding a Writer's Awareness of Audience", College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.35 Richard Beach, Self-Evaluation Strategies of Extensive Revisers and Nonrevisers, College Composition and Communication, 1976.
0.34 Richard Gebhardt, Changing and Editing: Moving Current Theory on Revision into the Classroom, Rhetoric Review, 1984.
0.34 Don K. Pierstorff, Response to Linda Flower and John R Hayes "A Cognitive Process Theory of Writing", College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.34 Richard M. Collier, The Word Processor and Revision Strategies, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.33 Cherryl Armstrong, Reader-Based and Writer-Based Perspectives in Composition Instruction, Rhetoric Review, 1986.
0.33 Mimi Schwartz, Revision Profiles: Patterns and Implications, College English, 1983.
0.33 Carolyn Boiarsky, A MODEL FOR ANALYZING REVISION, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1984.
0.33 Sandra Stotsky, On Planning and Writing Plans Or Beware of Borrowed Theories!, College Composition and Communication, 1990.
0.32 Colette A. Daiute, The Computer as Stylus and Audience, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.32 Sharon Pianko, Reflection: A Critical Component of the Composing Process, College Composition and Communication, 1979.
0.31 Richard M. Coe, Outline Later, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1980.
0.29 John Pufahl, Response to Richard M Collier "The Word Processor and Revision Strategies", College Composition and Communication, 1984.
0.29 Marcia S. Curtis, Windows on Composing: Teaching Revision on Word Processors, College Composition and Communication, 1988.
0.29 Nance Van Winckel, THE ROLE OF PRECONSCIOUS THOUGHT IN THE COMPOSING PROCESS, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1982.
0.28 Roland K. Huff, Teaching Revision: A Model of the Drafting Process, College English, 1983.
0.28 Mimi Schwartz, Two Journeys through the Writing Process, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.28 Greg Mason, Poem for Dis Course, College Composition and Communication, 1979.
0.28 Robert M. Gorrell, How to Make Mulligan Stew: Process and Product Again, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.28 Carolyn Boiarsky, Fluency Fluidity and Word Processing, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1991.
0.27 Carol Berkenkotter, Understanding a Writer's Awareness of Audience, College Composition and Communication, 1981.
0.27 Carol Berkenkotter, Reply by Carol Berkenkotter, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.27 Lois Rubin, Exploration of the Writing Experience: A Way to Improve Composing, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.25 Robert Brooke, Control in Writing: Flower Derrida and Images of the Writer, College English, 1989.
0.25 Marilyn Cooper Michael Holzman, Talking about Protocols, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.25 Michael C. Flanigan Diane S. Menendez, Preception and Change: Teaching Revision, College English, 1980.
0.25 Charles Stallard, Composing: A Cognitive Process Theory, College Composition and Communication, 1976.
0.25 Richard Beach, Demonstrating Techniques for Assessing Writing in the Writing Conference, College Composition and Communication, 1986.
0.25 Sharon Crowley, Components of the Composing Process, College Composition and Communication, 1977.
0.25 Nancy Sommers, Response to Sharon Crowley "Components of the Composing Process", College Composition and Communication, 1978.
0.25 Jeffrey Carroll, Disabling Fictions: Institutionalized Delimitations of Revision, Rhetoric Review, 1989.
0.25 Gene H. Krupa, BETWEEN WRITER AND TEXT, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1982.
0.25 Richard C. Gebhardt, Initial Plans and Spontaneous Composition: Toward a Comprehensive Theory of the Writing Process, College English, 1982.
0.24 Erwin R. Steinberg, A Comment on "Control in Writing: Flower Derrida and Images of the Writer", College English, 1990.
0.24 Victor J. Vitanza, A Comment on "Protocols Retrospective Reports and the Stream of Consciousness", College English, 1987.
0.24 Jeanette Harris, Proofreading: A Reading/Writing Skill, College Composition and Communication, 1987.
0.24 Rory D. Stephens, VARIATIONS IN COMPOSING STYLE, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1981.
0.24 Ralph F. Voss, COMPOSITION AND THE EMPIRICAL IMPERATIVE, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1983.
0.23 Muriel Harris, Modeling: A Process Method of Teaching, College English, 1983.
0.23 Steven Schreiner, A Portrait of the Student as a Young Writer: Re-Evaluating Emig and the Process Movement, College Composition and Communication, 1997.
0.23 Donald M. Murray, Write before Writing, College Composition and Communication, 1978.
0.23 Michael Lopes, The Longer I Talk, College Composition and Communication, 1976.
0.23 Ronald A. Sudol, Applied Word Processing: Notes on Authority Responsibility and Revision in a Workshop Model, College Composition and Communication, 1985.
0.23 John C. Bean, Computerized Word-Processing as an Aid to Revision, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.22 Ann E. Berthoff, Response to Richard Gebhardt "Writing Processes Revision and Rhetorical Problems: A Note on Three Recent Articles", College Composition and Communication, 1984.
0.22 Gary Layne Hatch, Reviving the Rodential Model for Composition: Robert Zoellner's Alternative to Flower and Hayes, Rhetoric Review, 1992.
0.22 Linda Flower, Writer-Based Prose: A Cognitive Basis for Problems in Writing, College English, 1979.
0.22 Betty Bamberg, Rewriting -- A Waste of Time?, College English, 1979.
0.21 Ronald Primeau, Film-Editing and the Revision Process: Student as Self-Editor, College Composition and Communication, 1974.
0.21 Sheridan Blau, Invisible Writing: Investigating Cognitive Processes in Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.20 George J. Thompson, Revision: Nine Ways to Achieve a Disinterested Perspective, College Composition and Communication, 1978.
0.20 Carol Berkenkotter, Student Writers and Their Sense of Authority over Texts, College Composition and Communication, 1984.
0.20 Erwin R. Steinberg, Erwin R Steinberg Responds, College English, 1987.
0.20 Linda Flower, The Construction of Purpose in Writing and Reading, College English, 1988.
0.19 Donald Case, Processing Professorial Words: Personal Computers and the Writing Habits of University Professors, College Composition and Communication, 1985.
0.19 Kate Ronald Jon Volkmer, Another Competing Theory of Process: The Student's, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1989.
0.19 Janice M. Lauer, Toward a Metatheory of Heuristic Procedures, College Composition and Communication, 1979.
0.19 Ralph F. Voss, Janet Emig's The Composing Processes of Twelfth Graders: A Reassessment, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.18 Ruth Ray Ellen Barton, Response to Christina Haas and Linda Flower "Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning", College Composition and Communication, 1989.
0.18 Carol Peterson Haviland Adele Pittendrigh, Writing Discovery Journals: Helping Students Take Charge, College Composition and Communication, 1988.
0.18 Marilyn Cooper Michael Holzman, Reply by Marilyn Cooper and Michael Holzman, College Composition and Communication, 1985.
0.18 Mike Rose, Rigid Rules Inflexible Plans and the Stifling of Language: A Cognitivist Analysis of Writer's Block, College Composition and Communication, 1980.
0.18 Gerald Nelms, Reassessing Janet Emig's The Composing Processes of Twelfth Graders: An Historical Perspective, Rhetoric Review, 1994.
0.18 George H. Jensen John K. Di Tiberio, Personality and Individual Writing Processes, College Composition and Communication, 1984.
0.18 Richard M. Coe Kris Gutierrez, Using Problem-Solving Procedures and Process Analysis to Help Students with Writing Problems, College Composition and Communication, 1981.
0.18 Donald M. Murray, The Interior View: One Writer's Philosophy of Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.17 Richard C. Freed Glenn J. Broadhead, Using High-Affect Goals in Teaching Proposal Writing, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1987.
0.17 Erwin R. Steinberg, Protocols Retrospective Reports and the Stream of Consciousness, College English, 1986.
0.17 Valerie Arms, Creating and Recreating, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.17 Stuart Greene, Mining Texts in Reading to Write, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1992.
0.17 Richard M. Collier, Reply by Richard M Collier, College Composition and Communication, 1984.
0.16 Linda S. Flower, Response to Anthony Petrosky Review of Linda Flower Problem-Solving Strategies for Writing, College Composition and Communication, 1984.
0.16 Richard L. Larson, Toward a Linear Rhetoric of the Essay, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.16 Charles W. Bridges Ronald F. Lunsford, Response to James Kinney "Classifying Heuristics", College Composition and Communication, 1980.
0.16 James V. Catano, Computer-Based Writing: Navigating the Fluid Text, College Composition and Communication, 1985.
0.16 , The Process of Composing, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.16 Linda Flower John R. Hayes, Response to Marilyn Cooper and Michael Holzman "Talking about Protocols", College Composition and Communication, 1985.
0.16 Elizabeth Larsen, The Effect of Technology on the Composing Process, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1986.
0.16 Phillip Arrington, READING RESPONDING COMPOSING: A REVISIONARY APPROACH, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1984.
0.16 James A. Reither, Writing and Knowing: Toward Redefining the Writing Process, College English, 1985.
0.16 Charles Kostelnick, Process Paradigms in Design and Composition: Affinities and Directions, College Composition and Communication, 1989.
0.16 Ronald A. Sudol, The Accumulative Rhetoric of Word Processing, College English, 1991.
0.16 Nancy Wood, The Classical Canons in Basic Speech and English Classes, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1979.
0.15 Bruce T. Petersen Cynthia L. Selfe Billie J. Wahlstrom, Computer-Assisted Instruction and the Writing Process: Questions for Research and Evaluation, College Composition and Communication, 1984.
0.15 Patrick Hartwell, Patrick Hartwell Responds, College English, 1985.
0.15 Betty Bamberg, What Makes a Text Coherent?, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.15 Donald M. Murray, Rehearsing Rehearsing, Rhetoric Review, 1986.
0.15 Donald M. Murray, Teaching the Other Self: The Writer's First Reader, College Composition and Communication, 1982.
0.15 Stephen P. Witte, Topical Structure and Revision: An Exploratory Study, College Composition and Communication, 1983.