sentence sentences paragraph paragraphs topic words discourse composition information syntactic clause writers clauses prose christensen number length written cohesion

0.53 Betty Cain, Discourse Competence in Nonsense Paralogs, College Composition and Communication, 1973.
0.48 Janet Ross, A Transformational Approach to Teaching Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.47 Frank J. D'Angelo, The Topic Sentence Revisited, College Composition and Communication, 1986.
0.46 Lester Faigley, Names in Search of a Concept: Maturity Fluency Complexity and Growth in Written Syntax, College Composition and Communication, 1980.
0.45 Robert L. Walker, The Common Writer: A Case for Parallel Structure, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.44 Stephen P. Witte Lester Faigley, Coherence Cohesion and Writing Quality, College Composition and Communication, 1981.
0.43 , Research in Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1967.
0.41 William J. Vande Kopple, Functional Sentence Perspective Composition and Reading, College Composition and Communication, 1982.
0.40 Erwin R. Steinberg, A Pox on Pithy Prescriptions, College Composition and Communication, 1986.
0.40 Bonniejean McGuire Christensen, Structures on Mrs Johnson's Strictures, College English, 1970.
0.39 Alice S. Horning, Readability: Reading/Writing Tools for Measurement, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1987.
0.39 Arthur A. Stern, When Is a Paragraph?, College Composition and Communication, 1976.
0.38 Marion Crowhurst, Sentence Combining: Maintaining Realistic Expectations, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.37 Marilyn Sternglass, Sentence-Combining and the Reading of Sentences, College Composition and Communication, 1980.
0.37 Sandra Stotsky, On Learning to Write about Ideas, College Composition and Communication, 1986.
0.36 Stephen P. Witte, Topical Structure and Revision: An Exploratory Study, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.35 Sandra Stotsky, Types of Lexical Cohesion in Expository Writing: Implications for Developing the Vocabulary of Academic Discourse, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.35 A. L. Becker, A Tagmemic Approach to Paragraph Analysis, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.35 Sabina Thorne Johnson, Some Tentative Strictures on Generative Rhetoric, College English, 1969.
0.34 William K. Riley, Sentence Openers in Freshman Writing, College English, 1964.
0.34 Alice Horning, Readable Writing: The Role of Cohesion and Redundancy, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1991.
0.33 Donald A. Daiker Andrew Kerek Max Morenberg, Sentence-Combining and Syntactic Maturity in Freshman English, College Composition and Communication, 1978.
0.33 Gary Sloan, Reply by Gary Sloan, College Composition and Communication, 1985.
0.32 William F. Irmscher Francis Christensen A. L. Becker Paul C. Rodgers_ Jr.Josephine Miles David H. Karrfalt, Symposium on the Paragraph, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.31 Stephenie Yearwood, A Comment on Rosemary L Hake and Joseph M Williams' "Style and Its Consequences: Do as I Do Not as I Say", College English, 1983.
0.31 Gregory G. Colomb Joseph M. Williams, A Comment on "Textual Research and Coherence: Findings Intuition Application", College English, 1990.
0.30 Jeanne Fahnestock, Semantic and Lexical Coherence, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.30 William H. Pixton, On Refining the Free Modifier, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1990.
0.29 Suzanne Jacobs, Composing the In-Class Essay: A Case Study of Rudy, College English, 1984.
0.29 Richard Warner, Teaching the Paragraph as a Structural Unit, College Composition and Communication, 1979.
0.29 Marie Secor, A Comment on "Style and Its Consequences", College English, 1982.
0.29 Leo Rockas, Further Comments on the Paragraph, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.28 Francis Christensen, A Generative Rhetoric of the Paragraph, College Composition and Communication, 1965.
0.28 David H. Karrfalt, The Generation of Paragraphs and Larger Units, College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.28 Frank J. D'Angelo, A Generative Rhetoric of the Essay, College Composition and Communication, 1974.
0.28 Carol Cohan, Writing Effective Paragraphs, College Composition and Communication, 1976.
0.28 Lester L. Faigley, Generative Rhetoric as a Way of Increasing Syntactic Fluency, College Composition and Communication, 1979.
0.27 Robin Bell Markels, Cohesion Paradigms in Paragraphs, College English, 1983.
0.26 Dennis J. Packard, A Generative Rhetoric, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1986.
0.26 Gary Sloan, Relational Ambiguity between Sentences, College Composition and Communication, 1988.
0.26 Robert de Beaugrande, Psychology and Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1979.
0.26 John R. Clark, Paragraphs for Freshmen, College English, 1970.
0.25 Rosemary Hake Joseph Williams, Rosemary Hake and Joseph Williams Respond, College English, 1983.
0.25 W. Ross Winterowd, Response to Gary Sloan "Transitions: Relationships among T-Units", College Composition and Communication, 1985.
0.25 Muriel Harris, Mending the Fragmented Free Modifier, College Composition and Communication, 1981.
0.25 Alice S. Horning, PROPOSITIONAL ANALYSIS AND THE TEACHING OF READING WITH WRITING, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1985.
0.25 Joseph M. Williams, Defining Complexity, College English, 1979.
0.25 Mike Duncan, Whatever Happened to the Paragraph?, College English, 2007.
0.25 Glenn J Broadhead James A. Berlin, Twelve Steps to Using Generative Sentences and Sentence Combining in the Composition Classroom, College Composition and Communication, 1981.
0.25 Gary Sloan, The Frequency of Transitional Markers in Discursive Prose, College English, 1984.
0.24 Irene Teoh Brosnahan, A Few Good Words for the Comma Splice, College English, 1976.
0.24 Rick Eden Ruth Mitchell, Paragraphing for the Reader, College Composition and Communication, 1986.
0.24 George Goodin Kyle Perkins, Discourse Analysis and the Art of Coherence, College English, 1982.
0.23 Gary Sloan, Transitions: Relationships among T-Units, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.23 Dale W. Holloway, Semantic Grammars: How They Can Help Us Teach Writing, College Composition and Communication, 1981.
0.23 , New Ideas in Freshman Composition: Elimination Reduction Extension?, College Composition and Communication, 1967.
0.22 Marilyn S. Sternglass, Composition Teacher as Reading Teacher, College Composition and Communication, 1976.
0.22 Anita Brostoff, Coherence: "Next to" Is Not "Connected to", College Composition and Communication, 1981.
0.22 Willis L. Pitkin_ Jr., Hierarchies and the Discourse Hierarchy, College English, 1977.
0.22 Paul C. Rodgers_ Jr., A Discourse-Centered Rhetoric of the Paragraph, College Composition and Communication, 1966.
0.22 Dorothy Margaret Guinn, Composing an Abstract: A Practical Heuristic, College Composition and Communication, 1979.
0.22 Rosemary Hake Joseph Williams, Rosemary Hake and Joseph Williams Respond, College English, 1982.
0.22 Francis Christensen, Response to Leo Rockas "Further Comments on the Paragraph", College Composition and Communication, 1967.
0.22 Rochelle Smith, Paragraphing for Coherence: Writing as Implied Dialogue, College English, 1984.
0.22 David S. Kaufer Erwin R. Steinberg, Economies of Expression: Some Hypotheses, College Composition and Communication, 1988.
0.21 Gracia Grindal Ellen Quandahl, Freshman English: A Rhetoric for Teachers, College English, 1977.
0.21 Ralph F. Voss, CALCULATORS AND QUALITY: A PARADOX FOR WRITING TEACHERS, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1981.
0.21 Keith Grant-Davie, Functional Redundancy and Ellipsis as Strategies in Reading and Writing, JAC, 1995.
0.21 Paul Rodgers, The Stadium of Discourse, College Composition and Communication, 1967.
0.20 Margaret E. Ashida, Response to Paul Rodgers "The Stadium of Discourse", College Composition and Communication, 1968.
0.20 Robert De Beaugrande, Moving from Product toward Process, College Composition and Communication, 1979.
0.19 Rob Scoles, The Buzzard, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.19 Richard H. Haswell, Textual Research and Coherence: Findings Intuition Application, College English, 1989.
0.19 W. Ross Winterowd, Prolegomenon to Pedagogical Stylistics, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.19 Willis L. Pitkin_ Jr., Discourse Blocs, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.18 Richard B. Larsen, Sentence Patterning, College Composition and Communication, 1986.
0.18 Richard Ohmann, Reply to H L Anshutz, College English, 1972.
0.18 Bonnie J. F. Meyer, Reading Research and the Composition Teacher: The Importance of Plans, College Composition and Communication, 1982.
0.18 Martha A. Fisher, The Cloze: A Comment on "Toward a Process-Intervention Model in Literature Teaching", College English, 1984.
0.18 Robert J. Connors, The Erasure of the Sentence, College Composition and Communication, 2000.
0.18 Joyce B. Mac Allister James Duckworth, Readability and Style: The View from Our Textbooks, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1981.
0.18 R. Craig Hogan, Self-Instructional Units Based on the Christensen Method, College Composition and Communication, 1977.
0.18 Betty Bamberg, What Makes a Text Coherent?, College Composition and Communication, 1983.
0.18 Sabina Thorne Johnson, A Reply to Mrs Christensen, College English, 1970.
0.18 R. D. Walshe, Report on a Pilot Course on the Christensen Rhetoric Program, College English, 1971.
0.18 W. Ross Winterowd, The Grammar of Coherence, College English, 1970.
0.18 Sandra Stotsky, The Vocabulary of Essay Writing: Can It Be Taught?, College Composition and Communication, 1981.
0.17 Dale T. Adams, Not Back to the Pedagogenic Basics, College Composition and Communication, 1976.
0.17 Michael Grady, A Conceptual Rhetoric of the Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1971.
0.17 David Bergsten, Mouse, College Composition and Communication, 1964.
0.17 Mary P. Hiatt, The Feminine Style: Theory and Fact, College Composition and Communication, 1978.
0.17 E. K. Lybbert D. W. Cummings, On Repetition and Coherence, College Composition and Communication, 1969.
0.17 Stephen A. Bernhardt, Seeing the Text, College Composition and Communication, 1986.
0.16 Victor J. Vitanza, A Tagmemic Heuristic for the Whole Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1979.
0.16 Sharon A. Myers, ReMembering the Sentence, College Composition and Communication, 2003.
0.16 William J. Vande Kopple, Some Exploratory Discourse on Metadiscourse, College Composition and Communication, 1985.
0.16 Richard L. Graves, Levels of Skill in the Composing Process, College Composition and Communication, 1978.
0.16 W. Paul Jones, Punctuating Nonrestrictives, College English, 1948.
0.15 Francis Christensen, Notes toward a New Rhetoric, College English, 1963.
0.15 Patrick Hartwell, Teaching Arrangement: A Pedagogy, College English, 1979.
0.15 , Problems in Stylistic Theory, College Composition and Communication, 1970.
0.15 Francis Christensen, A Generative Rhetoric of the Sentence, College Composition and Communication, 1963.