0.41 Donna G. Strickland, Questioning the Cultural Discourse of Composition, JAC, 2002.
0.40 Bruce Horner, Politics Pedagogy and the Profession of Composition: Confronting Commodification and the Contingencies of Power, JAC, 2000.
0.36 Julie Drew, (Teaching) Writing: Composition Cultural Sudies Production, JAC, 1999.
0.35 Patricia Harkin, "Rhetorics Poetics and Cultures" as an Articulation Project, JAC, 1997.
0.35 Susan Searls Giroux Henry A. Giroux, Making the Political More Pedagogical: Reading Homi Bhabha, JAC, 1999.
0.35 Min-Zhan Lu Bruce Horner, The Problematic of Experience: Redefining Critical Work in Ethnography and Pedagogy, College English, 1998.
0.34 Catherine Fox, Reprosexuality Queer Desire and Critical Pedagogy: A Response to Hyoejin Yoon, JAC, 2006.
0.32 Henry A. Giroux, Paulo Freire and the Politics of Postcolonialism, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1992.
0.32 Bruce McComiskey, Ideology and Critique in Composition Studies, JAC, 2002.
0.31 K. Hyoejin Yoon, Affecting the Transformative Intellectual: Questioning "Noble" Sentiments in Critical Pedagogy and Composition, JAC, 2005.
0.31 Stephen Gilbert Brown, New Writers of the Cultural Sage: The Ethnographic-Self Reconfigured, JAC, 2004.
0.31 William J. Spurlin, Theorizing Queer Pedagogy in English Studies after the 1990s, College English, 2002.
0.31 Bruce Horner, Students Authorship and the Work of Composition, College English, 1997.
0.31 Anis Bawarshi, Taking Up Language Differences in Composition, College English, 2006.
0.30 Ilene Crawford, Building a Theory of Affect in Cultural Studies Composition Pedagogy, JAC, 2002.
0.30 Carl G. Herndl, Tactics and the Quotidian: Resistance and Professional Discourse, JAC, 1996.
0.30 Gwen Gorzelsky, Reshaping Professionalization, College Composition and Communication, 2000.
0.30 John Muckelbauer, On Reading Differently: Through Foucault's Resistance, College English, 2000.
0.30 Jane E. Hindman, Writing an Important Body of Scholarship: A Proposal for an Embodied Rhetoric of Professional Practice, JAC, 2002.
0.30 Thomas West Gary A. Olson, Rethinking Negotiation in Composition Studies, JAC, 1999.
0.29 Donna Le Court, WAC as Critical Pedagogy: The Third Stage?, JAC, 1996.
0.29 Michael Blitz, Whole Lotta Resistin' Goin' On, JAC, 2002.
0.29 Catherine Chaput Danielle Mitchell, A Comment on "The Speaker Respoken", College English, 2000.
0.29 Susan Welsh, Resistance Theory and Illegitimate Reproduction, College Composition and Communication, 2001.
0.29 James E. Porter Patricia Sullivan Stuart Blythe Jeffrey T. Grabill Libby Miles, Institutional Critique: A Rhetorical Methodology for Change, College Composition and Communication, 2000.
0.29 Dale M. Bauer, Dale M Bauer Responds, College English, 1991.
0.29 Thomas Rosteck, Readers and a Cultural Rhetorical Studies, Rhetoric Review, 2001.
0.29 Eric Weiner, Making the Pedagogical (Re)Turn: Henry Giroux's Insurgent Cultural Pedagogy, JAC, 2001.
0.29 Carl G. Herndl, Teaching Discourse and Reproducing Culture: A Critique of Research and Pedagogy in Professional and Non-Academic Writing, College Composition and Communication, 1993.
0.29 Donald Morton, Donald Morton Responds, College English, 1997.
0.28 Bruce Horner, Traditions and Professionalization: Reconceiving Work in Composition, College Composition and Communication, 2000.
0.28 Connie Monson Jacqueline Rhodes, Risking Queer: Pedagogy Performativity and Desire in Writing Classrooms, JAC, 2004.
0.28 Ronald Strickland, Confrontational Pedagogy and Traditional Literary Studies, College English, 1990.
0.28 Alan W. France, Theory Cop: Kurt Spellmeyer and the Boundaries of Composition, College Composition and Communication, 1997.
0.28 William H. Thelin, William H Thelin's Response to Russel Durst, College Composition and Communication, 2006.
0.28 Thomas West, The Racist Other, JAC, 1997.
0.28 Gordon Grant, The Specificity of the Writing Classroom: A Response to Stuart Hall, JAC, 1998.
0.28 Bruce McComiskey, Social-Process Rhetorical Inquiry: Cultural Studies Methodologies for Critical Writing about Advertisements, JAC, 1997.
0.27 Henry A. Giroux, Breaking into the Movies: Pedagogy and the Politics of Film, JAC, 2001.
0.27 Arabella Lyon Mary Conway, Who's Sandra Harding? Where's She Standing?, JAC, 1995.
0.27 Bruce Horner, Redefining Resisting and Negotiating Professionalization in Composition, College Composition and Communication, 2000.
0.27 Eric Miraglia, Resistance and the Writing Teacher, JAC, 1997.
0.27 James A. Berlin, Poststructuralism Cultural Studies and the Composition Classroom: Postmodern Theory in Practice, Rhetoric Review, 1992.
0.26 Pat Bruch Richard Marback, From Athens to Detroit: Civic Space and Learning Writing, Rhetoric Review, 1996.
0.26 Julie Drew, On Critique Cultural Studies and Community: A Regular Sort of Reply to Victor Vitanza, JAC, 1999.
0.26 Alan W. France, Assigning Places: The Function of Introductory Composition as a Cultural Discourse, College English, 1993.
0.26 Andrea A. Lunsford Lisa Ede, Representing Audience: "Successful" Discourse and Disciplinary Critique, College Composition and Communication, 1996.
0.26 Alan W. France William B. Lalicker Chris Teutsch, Perpetrating Fraud upon the Laity?, College Composition and Communication, 2000.
0.26 Bruce McComiskey, Composing Postmodern Subjectivities in the Aporia between Identity and Difference, Rhetoric Review, 1997.
0.25 Susan Brown Carlton, Composition as a Postdisciplinary Formation, Rhetoric Review, 1995.
0.25 Alfhild Ingberg, A Comment on " 'Contact Zones' and English Studies", College English, 1995.
0.25 Joe Marshall Hardin, A Language of Possibility: A Response to Homi Bhabha, JAC, 1999.
0.25 Francis J. Sullivan Arabella Lyon Dennis Lebofsky Susan Wells Eli Goldblatt, The Reform of Service the Service of Reform, College Composition and Communication, 1998.
0.25 Bruce Horner, Critical Ethnography Ethics and Work: Rearticulating Labor, JAC, 2002.
0.25 Michelle Baillif, Seducing Composition: A Challenge to Identity-Disclosing Pedagogies, Rhetoric Review, 1997.
0.24 Alan W. France, Alan France Responds, College English, 1994.
0.24 Dennis Lynch Stephen Jukuri, Beyond Master and Slave: Reconciling Our Fears of Power in the Writing Classroom, Rhetoric Review, 1998.
0.24 Russel K. Durst, Can We Be Critical of Critical Pedagogy?, College Composition and Communication, 2006.
0.24 Cheryl Geisler, How Ought We to Understand the Concept of Rhetorical Agency? Report from the ARS, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 2004.
0.24 Bonnie Lenore Kyburz, Meaning Finds a Way: Chaos (Theory) and Composition, College English, 2004.
0.24 Henry A. Giroux, Cultural Studies and the Culture of Politics: Beyond Polemics and Cynicism, JAC, 2000.
0.24 Gordon A. Grant III, Re-Fusing the Edifice: Postmodernism and the Reconstruction of English Studies, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1994.
0.23 William H. Thelin, A Comment on "The Arts of Complicity", College English, 1999.
0.23 Donna Le Court, Performing Working-Class Identity in Composition: Toward a Pedagogy of Textual Practice, College English, 2006.
0.23 James A. Berlin, Freirean Pedagogy in the US: A Response, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1992.
0.23 Jane E. Hindman, Thoughts on Reading "The Personal": Toward a Discursive Ethics of Professional Critical Literacy, College English, 2003.
0.23 Nancy McKoski, A Postmodern Critique of the Modern Projects of Fredric Jameson and Patricia Bizzell, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1993.
0.23 Julie Lindquist, Class Affects Classroom Affectations: Working through the Paradoxes of Strategic Empathy, College English, 2004.
0.23 Shari J. Stenberg, Liberation Theology and Liberatory Pedagogies: Renewing the Dialogue, College English, 2006.
0.23 Shari Stenberg Amy Lee, Developing Pedagogies: Learning the Teaching of English, College English, 2002.
0.23 Julie Drew, The Politics of Persuading: Ernesto Laclau and the Question of Discursive Force, JAC, 1999.
0.23 Henry A. Giroux, Slacking Off: Border Youth and Postmodern Education, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1994.
0.23 Ellen Quandahl, A Comment on "Rhetoric and Ideology in the Writing Class, College English, 1990.
0.23 Paul Munn, A Comment on "'Contact Zones' and English Studies", College English, 1995.
0.23 Kristie S. Fleckenstein, Resistance Women and Dismissing the "I", Rhetoric Review, 1998.
0.23 Raúl Sánchez, Composition's Ideology Apparatus: A Critique, JAC, 2001.
0.23 Jim Henry, A Narratological Analysis of WAC Authorship, College English, 1994.
0.22 Jeffrey M. Ringer, Liberating "Liberatory" Education or What Do We Mean by "Liberty" Anyway?, JAC, 2005.
0.22 J. Blake Scott, Extending Rhetorical-Cultural Analysis: Transformations of Home HIV Testing, College English, 2003.
0.22 Carl G. Herndl, Writing Ethnography: Representation Rhetoric and Institutional Practices, College English, 1991.
0.22 Adriana Hernández, Feminist Pedagogy: Experience and Difference in a Politics of Transformation, College Composition and Communication, 1992.
0.22 Steve Fishman, Steve Fishman Responds, College English, 1993.
0.22 Claire L. Alexander, I/i: Feminist Postcolonial Studies and Cultural Studies Composition, JAC, 1999.
0.22 Teresa L. Ebert, The "Difference" of Postmodern Feminism, College English, 1991.
0.22 Min-Zhan Lu, Redefining the Literate Self: The Politics of Critical Affirmation, College Composition and Communication, 1999.
0.22 Marshall W. Alcorn_ Jr., Changing the Subject of Postmodernist Theory: Discourse Ideology and Therapy in the Classroom, Rhetoric Review, 1995.
0.22 Jennifer Seibel Trainor, A Comment on "Iago Lives in the Panopticon", College English, 2000.
0.22 Donald C. Jones, Changing the Paradigmatic Terms: A Response to David Foster, JAC, 1998.
0.22 Lynn Worsham, Going Postal: Pedagogic Violence and the Schooling of Emotion, JAC, 1998.
0.22 Peter Mortensen Gesa E. Kirsch, On Authority in the Study of Writing, College Composition and Communication, 1993.
0.22 Diana George, Stuart Hall and the Problem of the Postmodern in "Cultural Composition", JAC, 1998.
0.22 Teresa L. Ebert, For a Red Pedagogy: Feminism Desire and Need, College English, 1996.
0.22 Karen Kopelson, Rhetoric on the Edge of Cunning; Or the Performance of Neutrality (Re)Considered as a Composition Pedagogy for Student Resistance, College Composition and Communication, 2003.
0.22 Catherine Chaput, Identity Postmodernity and an Ethics of Activism, JAC, 2000.
0.22 Christopher Carter, History as the Path of Invention: A Response to Jeffrey Williams, JAC, 2006.
0.22 Phyllis Mentzell Ryder, Will Your Disciplinary Umbrella Cover Me?, College Composition and Communication, 1996.
0.22 Lynn Worsham, On the Rhetoric of Theory in the Discipline of Writing: A Comment and a Proposal, JAC, 1999.
0.22 Robert P. Yagelski, The Ambivalence of Reflection: Critical Pedagogies Identity and the Writing Teacher, College Composition and Communication, 1999.
0.21 Theresa A. Kulbaga, Theresa A Kulbaga Responds, College English, 2009.
0.21 Michelle Sidler Richard Morris, Writing in a Post-Berlinian Landscape: Cultural Composition in the Classroom, JAC, 1998.
0.21 James Berlin, James Berlin Responds, College English, 1989.
0.21 Jennifer Seibel Trainor, Critical Pedagogy's "Other": Constructions of Whiteness in Education for Social Change, College Composition and Communication, 2002.
0.21 Richard Boyd, Reading Student Resistance: The Case of the Missing Other, JAC, 1999.
0.21 Joe Marshall Hardin, English Studies Aestheticism and the Art-Culture System, JAC, 1999.
0.21 Linda Brodkey, Remembering Writing Pedagogy, JAC, 1997.
0.21 Ilene Crawford, Immigrant Act, JAC, 2006.
0.21 Francis J. Sullivan, Critical Theory and Systemic Linguistics: Textualizing the Contact Zone, JAC, 1995.
0.21 Christy Friend, Christy Friend Responds, College English, 1992.
0.21 Janet M. Atwill, Rhetoric and Institutional Critique: Uncertainty in the Postmodern Academy, JAC, 2002.
0.21 Jennifer Beech William H. Thelin Joseph Harris, A Comment on Joseph Harris's "Revision as a Critical Practice", College English, 2004.
0.21 Jane E. Hindman, Introduction, College English, 2001.
0.21 Daniel Mahala Jody Swilky, Telling Stories Speaking Personally: Reconsidering the Place of Lived Experience in Composition, JAC, 1996.
0.21 Karen Kopelson, Dis/Integrating the Gay/Queer Binary: "Reconstructed Identity Politics" for a Performative Pedagogy, College English, 2002.
0.21 Bruce Horner, "Students' Right" English Only and Re-Imagining the Politics of Language, College English, 2001.
0.21 Sharon Crowley, Jacques Derrida on Teaching and Rhetoric: A Response, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1990.
0.21 Michael Murphy, After Progressivism: Modern Composition Institutional Service and Cultural Studies, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1993.
0.21 Tammie M. Kennedy, Enthymematical Epistemic and Emotional Silence(s) in the Rhetoric of Whiteness, JAC, 2007.
0.21 Sherry Lee Linkon Irvin Peckham Benjamin G. Lanier-Nabors, Struggling with Class in English Studies, College English, 2004.
0.21 Joy S. Ritchie, Resistance to Reading: Another View of the Minefield, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1992.
0.20 Colleen Connolly, Realizing the Integrity of English Studies: An Ethos of Commitment, JAC, 1999.
0.20 Mary Poovey, Cultural Criticism: Past and Present, College English, 1990.
0.20 Mary Ann Cain, "To Be Lived": Theorizing Influence in Creative Writing, College English, 2009.
0.20 John Clifford, Toward a Productive Crisis: A Response to Gayatri Spivak, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1991.
0.20 Gary A. Olson, Encountering the Other: Postcolonial Theory and Composition Scholarship, JAC, 1998.
0.20 Richard E. Miller, Composing English Studies: Towards a Social History of the Discipline, College Composition and Communication, 1994.
0.20 Rebecca Moore Howard, Rebecca Moore Howard Responds, College English, 2001.
0.20 Sharon Crowley, Composition's Ethic of Service the Universal Requirement and the Discourse of Student Need, JAC, 1995.
0.20 Thomas West, Beyond Dissensus: Exploring the Heuristic Value of Conflict, Rhetoric Review, 1996.
0.20 Judy Z. Segal, Pedagogies of Decentering and a Discourse of Failure, Rhetoric Review, 1996.
0.20 Patricia Bizzell, "Cultural Criticism": A Social Approach to Studying Writing, Rhetoric Review, 1989.
0.20 Marjorie Godlin Roemer, Marjorie Godlin Roemer Responds, College English, 1988.
0.20 Gerald Graff, A Comment on Patricia Laurence's Comment on the Symposium on Basic Writing, College English, 1995.
0.20 Lisa Langstraat, The Point Is There Is No Point: Miasmic Cynicism and Cultural Studies Composition, JAC, 2002.
0.20 Christy Friend, The Excluded Conflict: The Marginalization of Composition and Rhetoric Studies in Graff's Professing Literature, College English, 1992.
0.20 Debra Jacobs, Disrupting Understanding: The Critique of Writing as Process, JAC, 2001.
0.20 Jennifer Seibel Trainor, From Identity to Emotion: Frameworks for Understanding and Teaching Against Anticritical Sentiments in the Classroom, JAC, 2006.
0.20 Keith S. Peterson, An Archaeology of Voices in the Parlor, Rhetoric Review, 1990.
0.20 Laurie Finke, Knowledge as Bait: Feminism Voice and the Pedagogical Unconscious, College English, 1993.
0.20 Karen L. Kopelson, Tripping Over Our Tropes: Of "Passing" and Postmodern Subjectivity—What's in a Metaphor?, JAC, 2005.
0.19 Ann E. Berthoff Laurence Behrens, Two Comments on "Assigning Places: The Function of Introductory Composition as a Cultural Discourse", College English, 1994.
0.19 bell hooks, Remembered Rapture: Dancing with Words, JAC, 2000.
0.19 Marika Seigel, Exposing the Body, JAC, 2001.
0.19 Michael Bernard-Donals, Mikhail Bakhtin Classical Rhetoric and Praxis, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1992.
0.19 Richard Marback, Somewhere Between Ethical Demands and Material Constraints, JAC, 2000.
0.19 Julie Drew, The Personal Is Rhetorical: Ethos Politics and Narrative, JAC, 2002.
0.19 Carl G. Herndl Danny A. Bauer, Speaking Matters: Liberation Theology Rhetorical Performance and Social Action, College Composition and Communication, 2003.
0.19 Patrocinio P. Schweickart, Patrocinio P Schweickart Responds, College English, 1998.
0.19 George Kalamaras, Interrogating the Boundaries of Discourse in a Creative Writing Class: Politicizing the Parameters of the Permissible, College Composition and Communication, 1999.
0.19 Darin Payne, English Studies in Levittown: Rhetorics of Space and Technology in Course-Management Software, College English, 2005.
0.19 Lance Massey, Toward a Meso-Social Politics of the Personal, JAC, 2008.
0.19 Janice Hladki, Making a "Difference" in/with/for "Autobiography", JAC, 2001.
0.19 Seth Kahn-Egan, Pedagogy of the Pissed: Punk Pedagogy in the First-Year Writing Classroom, College Composition and Communication, 1998.
0.19 Gesa E. Kirsch, Toward an Engaged Rhetoric of Professional Practice, JAC, 2002.
0.19 Thomas J. Rickert, Engaging Modernisms Emerging Posthumanisms and the Rhetorics of Doing, JAC, 2000.
0.19 Phyllis Mentzell Ryder, Putting "it" in Context: Diversity in Composition Classes, JAC, 1996.
0.19 Bronwyn T. Williams, Speak for Yourself? Power and Hybridity in the Cross-Cultural Classroom, College Composition and Communication, 2003.
0.19 Virginia Anderson, Confrontational Teaching and Rhetorical Practice, College Composition and Communication, 1997.
0.19 John Champagne, A Comment on "The Class Politics of Queer Theory", College English, 1997.
0.19 Thomas Rickert, "Hands Up You're Free": Composition in a Post-Oedipal World, JAC, 2001.
0.19 Victoria M. Tischio, Signs and Subjects: Revising Perspectives on College Writing Textbooks, JAC, 2003.
0.19 Ann E. Berthoff, Introductory Remarks, College Composition and Communication, 1994.
0.19 Gwen Gorzelsky, Ghosts: Liberal Education and Negotiated Authority, College English, 2002.
0.18 Vorris L. Nunley, Optimistic Pessimism: A Response to Matthew Jackson, JAC, 2007.
0.18 Richard E. Miller, Richard E Miller Responds, College English, 1999.
0.18 Ana Louise Keating, Investigating "Whiteness" Eavesdropping on "Race", JAC, 2000.
0.18 Wendy S. Hesford, Reading Rape Stories: Material Rhetoric and the Trauma of Representation, College English, 1999.
0.18 Min-Zhan Lu Bruce Horner, Composing in a Global-Local Context: Careers Mobility Skills, College English, 2009.
0.18 Henry A. Giroux, Where Have All the Public Intellectuals Gone? Racial Politics Pedagogy and Disposable Youth, JAC, 1997.
0.18 Kory Lawson Ching, Theory and Its Practice in Composition Studies, JAC, 2007.
0.18 Julie Lindquist, Class Ethos and the Politics of Inquiry: What the Barroom Can Teach Us about the Classroom, College Composition and Communication, 1999.
0.18 Frank Farmer, Dialogue and Critique: Bakhtin and the Cultural Studies Writing Classroom, College Composition and Communication, 1998.
0.18 Ralph Cintron, The Timidities of Ethnography: A Response to Bruce Horner, JAC, 2002.
0.18 Leda Cooks, Considering Race Position Performance in Engaged Pedagogy, JAC, 2008.
0.18 David Bartholomae, Writing with Teachers: A Conversation with Peter Elbow, College Composition and Communication, 1995.
0.18 John Trimbur, Articulation Theory and the Problem of Determination: A Reading of "Lives on the Boundary", Journal of Advanced Composition, 1993.
0.18 Richard E. Zeikowitz, Befriending the Medieval Queer: A Pedagogy for Literature Classes, College English, 2002.
0.18 Tammie M. Kennedy Joyce Irene Middleton Krista Ratcliffe, The Matter of Whiteness: Or Why Whiteness Studies Is Important to Rhetoric and Composition Studies, Rhetoric Review, 2005.
0.18 Amy Goodburn, It's a Question of Faith: Discourses of Fundamentalism and Critical Pedagogy in the Writing Classroom, JAC, 1998.
0.18 Janice M. Wolff, Reply by Janice M Wolff, College Composition and Communication, 1992.
0.18 Jane E. Hindman, Making Writing Matter: Using "The Personal" to Recover[y] an Essential[ist] Tension in Academic Discourse, College English, 2001.
0.18 Teresa L. Ebert, Manifesto as Theory and Theory as Material Force: Toward a Red Polemic, JAC, 2003.
0.18 Davida Charney, Paradigm and Punish, College Composition and Communication, 1997.
0.18 Jean Ferguson Carr, Rereading the Academy as Worldly Text, College Composition and Communication, 1994.
0.18 Frank D. Walters, Writing Teachers Writing and the Politics of Dissent, College English, 1995.
0.18 Seth Kahn, Rethinking the Historical Narratives of Composition's Ethics Debate, College Composition and Communication, 2000.
0.18 Patrick McGann, Working the In-Between Ever More Consciously: A Reply to Sue Hum, JAC, 2000.
0.18 Sue Hum, Choice and the Contradictions of Identity Politics: A Reply to Pat McGann, JAC, 2000.
0.18 Jennifer Beech, Redneck and Hillbilly Discourse in the Writing Classroom: Classifying Critical Pedagogies of Whiteness, College English, 2004.
0.18 Timothy Barnett, Timothy Barnett Responds, College English, 2001.
0.18 Charles Bazerman Susan Miller, Two Comments on "A Common Ground: The Essay in Academe", College English, 1990.
0.18 Pamela L. Caughie, Reservations: A Response to Karen Kopelson, JAC, 2006.
0.18 Thomas West, The Rhetoric of Therapy and the Politics of Anger: From the Safe House to a Praxis of Shelter, Rhetoric Review, 2000.
0.18 Susan Miller, Technologies of Self?-Formation, JAC, 1997.
0.18 Susan Welsh, Writing: In and with the World, College Composition and Communication, 1995.
0.17 Libby Miles, Rhetorical Work: Social Materiality Kairos and Changing the Terms, JAC, 2007.
0.17 Wendy Wolters Hinshaw, Teaching for Social Justice? Resituating Student Resistance, JAC, 2007.
0.17 Lisa Langstraat, A Chorus of Cynics and Provisional Ethics: A Response to Matthew Levy, JAC, 2006.
0.17 Patrick Bruch Richard Marback, Race Identity Writing and the Politics of Dignity: Reinvigorating the Ethics of "Students' Right to Their Own Language", JAC, 1997.
0.17 Nancy Mack, Being the Namer or the Named: Working-Class Discourse Conflicts, JAC, 2007.
0.17 Daniel Mahala Jody Swilky, Remapping the Geography of Service in English, College English, 1997.
0.17 Julie Drew, Cultural Composition: Stuart Hall on Ethnicity and the Discursive Turn, JAC, 1998.
0.17 Deepika Bahri, Terms of Engagement: Postcolonialism Transnationalism and Composition Studies, JAC, 1998.
0.17 Wendy S. Hesford Eileen E. Schell, Introduction: Configurations of Transnationality: Locating Feminist Rhetorics, College English, 2008.
0.17 Patricia Bizzell, Patricia Bizzell Responds, College English, 1991.
0.17 Jacqueline Jones Royster Jean C. Williams, Reading Past Resistance: A Response to Valerie Balester, College Composition and Communication, 2000.
0.17 Mark Noe, The Corrido: A Border Rhetoric, College English, 2009.
0.17 Donna Le Court, Interrogating Our Vision: The Ethical Potential and Challenges of Cyberspace, JAC, 2006.
0.17 Cynthia Ryan, Rhetoric(s) of Becoming: Possibilities for Composing Intersectional Identities of Difference, JAC, 2007.
0.17 Nishant G. Shahani, Pedagogical Practices and the Reparative Performance of Failure or "What does [Queer] Knowledge do?", JAC, 2005.
0.17 Jennifer Beech, So Much Depends Upon the Route, JAC, 2007.
0.17 Elizabeth A. Flynn, Feminism and Scientism, College Composition and Communication, 1995.
0.17 Catherine Fox, From Transaction to Transformation: (En)Countering White Heteronormativity in "Safe Spaces", College English, 2007.
0.17 Nedra Reynolds, Ethos as Location: New Sites for Understanding Discursive Authority, Rhetoric Review, 1993.
0.17 A. Suresh Canagarajah, Safe Houses in the Contact Zone: Coping Strategies of African-American Students in the Academy, College Composition and Communication, 1997.
0.17 Judy Segal Anthony ParéDoug Brent Douglas Vipond, The Researcher as Missionary: Problems with Rhetoric and Reform in the Disciplines, College Composition and Communication, 1998.
0.17 Pegeen Reichert, A Contributing Listener and Other Composition Wives: Reading and Writing the Feminine Metaphors in Composition Studies, JAC, 1996.
0.17 Deepika Bahri, Marginally Off-Center: Postcolonialism in the Teaching Machine, College English, 1997.
0.17 Min-Zhan Lu, The Vitality of the Ungrateful Receiver: Making Giving Mutual between Composition and Postcolonial Studies, JAC, 1999.
0.17 Christian R. Weisser, Subaltern Counterpublics and the Discourse of Protest, JAC, 2008.
0.17 Laura R. Micciche, Making a Case for Rhetorical Grammar, College Composition and Communication, 2004.
0.17 David M. Sheridan Jim Ridolfo Anthony J. Michel, The Available Means of Persuasion: Mapping a Theory and Pedagogy of Multimodal Public Rhetoric, JAC, 2005.
0.17 Jonathan Alexander Michelle Gibson, Queer Composition(s): Queer Theory in the Writing Classroom, JAC, 2004.
0.17 Joy Ritchie Kathleen Boardman, Feminism in Composition: Inclusion Metonymy and Disruption, College Composition and Communication, 1999.
0.17 Linda Brodkey, On the Subjects of Class and Gender in "The Literacy Letters", College English, 1989.
0.17 Nancy Maloney Grimm, Rearticulating the Work of the Writing Center, College Composition and Communication, 1996.
0.17 C. H. Knoblauch, A Response to Gary Olson's Interview with Paulo Freire, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1992.
0.17 Judith Goleman, Writing the Act Reading the Act: A Response to Thomas Rickert, JAC, 2001.
0.17 Richard E. Miller, Ships in the Night Revisited, College Composition and Communication, 1995.
0.17 Michelle Ballif, Listening "Some More": A Response to Eve Wiederhold's "Feminist Rhetoric and Representational Fatigue", JAC, 2008.
0.17 John Trimbur, Consensus and Difference in Collaborative Learning, College English, 1989.
0.17 Pegeen Reichert Powell, Critical Discourse Analysis and Composition Studies: A Study of Presidential Discourse and Campus Discord, College Composition and Communication, 2004.
0.17 Patricia Bizzell, Are Shared Discourses Desirable? A Response to Nancy McKoski, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1994.
0.17 Ann Louise Keating, Interrogating "Whiteness" (De)Constructing "Race", College English, 1995.
0.17 Richard E. Miller, The Arts of Complicity: Pragmatism and the Culture of Schooling, College English, 1998.
0.17 Richard Marback, Rhetoric at the End of History:Postcolonial Theory and Writing Histories of Rhetoric, JAC, 1998.
0.17 Ellen Cushman, Postmodern Ethnographies, JAC, 2002.
0.17 John Schilb, Ideology and Composition Scholarship, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1988.
0.17 Ellen Barton, The Implications of Narratives: A Reply to Seth Kahn, College Composition and Communication, 2000.
0.17 Mary Ann Cain, Introduction, College Composition and Communication, 1999.
0.17 Krista Ratcliffe, A Rhetoric of Textual Feminism: (Re)Reading the Emotional in Virginia Woolf's Three Guineas, Rhetoric Review, 1993.
0.17 Darin Payne, Effacing Difference in the Royal Society: The Homogenizing Nature of Disciplinary Dialogue, Rhetoric Review, 2001.
0.17 Tom Fox, Literacy and Activism: A Response to bell hooks, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1994.
0.17 Nancy Buffington Clyde Moneyhun Gerald Graff Ira Shor, A Conversation with Gerald Graff and Ira Shor, JAC, 1997.
0.17 Robert G. Wood, The Dialectic Suppression of Feminist Thought in Radical Pedagogy, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1993.
0.17 Stephen Gilbert Brown, Racial Conflict and Radical Pedagogy in the Contact Zone, JAC, 1997.
0.17 Nicholas Thomas, Pedagogy and the Work of Michel Foucault, JAC, 2008.
0.16 Gregory Jay, Gregory Jay Responds, College English, 1992.
0.16 Krista Ratcliffe, Eavesdropping on Others, JAC, 2000.
0.16 Tom Fox, Change and Complicity, College Composition and Communication, 1998.
0.16 Ellen Cushman, The Rhetorician as an Agent of Social Change, College Composition and Communication, 1996.
0.16 Kristie S. Fleckenstein, Writing Bodies: Somatic Mind in Composition Studies, College English, 1999.
0.16 Lee Ann Carroll, Pomo Blues: Stories from First-Year Composition, College English, 1997.
0.16 Chris Gallagher Peter Gray, Ambivalent Reflections: On Telling "True" Stories of the Classroom, College Composition and Communication, 2001.
0.16 Gary A. Olson, Struggling over Theory Struggling over Identity, JAC, 2008.
0.16 Debra Hawhee, Regarding History, College Composition and Communication, 2000.
0.16 Jeremiah Dyehouse, Reading Composition Research: Toward an Affirmative Consumption of Work in Composition, JAC, 2003.
0.16 Christine R. Farris, Response to "Diversity Writing: Natural Languages Authentic Voices" by Phillip P Marzluf, College Composition and Communication, 2007.
0.16 Wendy S. Hesford, Visual Auto/biography Hysteria and the Pedagogical Performance of the "Real", JAC, 2000.
0.16 Lizabeth A. Rand, Enacting Faith: Evangelical Discourse and the Discipline of Composition Studies, College Composition and Communication, 2001.
0.16 David Blakesley Thomas Rickert, From Nodes to Nets: Our Emerging Culture of Complex Interactive Networks, JAC, 2004.
0.16 Vorris L. Nunley, "Crash": Rhetorically Wrecking Discourses of Race Tolerance and White Privilege, College English, 2007.
0.16 Gregory Clark, Rescuing the Discourse of Community, College Composition and Communication, 1994.
0.16 Geoffrey Chase, Accommodation Resistance and the Politics of Student Writing, College Composition and Communication, 1988.
0.16 Mary R. Boland, The Stakes of Not Staking Our Claim: Academic Freedom and the Subject of Composition, College English, 2007.
0.16 Suellynn Duffey Ben Feigert Vic Mortimer Jennifer Phegley Melinda Turnley, Conflict Collaboration and Authority: Graduate Students and Writing Program Administration, Rhetoric Review, 2002.
0.16 Don Bialostosky, Should College English Be Close Reading?, College English, 2006.
0.16 Joseph Harris, Revision as a Critical Practice, College English, 2003.
0.16 Patricia Webb Kirsti Cole Thomas Skeen, Feminist Social Projects: Building Bridges between Communities and Universities, College English, 2007.
0.16 David Foster, Community and Cohesion in the Writing/Reading Classroom, JAC, 1997.
0.16 Celeste Michelle Condit, Rhetorical Formations of Genetics in Science and Society, Rhetoric Review, 2001.
0.16 Gregory Clark, What Kind of Place Is the Writing Classroom?: Response, College Composition and Communication, 1994.
0.16 Vandana S. Gavaskar, "I Don't Identify With the Text": Exploring the Boundaries of Personal/Cultural in a Postcolonial Pedagogy, JAC, 1998.
0.16 Marilyn Edelstein, Multiculturalisms Past Present and Future, College English, 2005.
0.16 Kristie S. Fleckenstein, Bodysigns: A Biorhetoric for Change, JAC, 2001.
0.16 Timothy Barnett, Timothy Barnett Responds, College English, 2007.
0.16 John Schilb, On Personally Constructing "Social Construction": A Response to Richard Rorty, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1990.
0.16 Matthew A. Levy, Cynicism Social Epistemic and the Institutional Context of College Composition, JAC, 2005.
0.16 Jeffrey Williams, Jeffrey Williams Responds, College English, 2000.
0.16 Kristie S. Fleckenstein, A Third Voice: The Heterophonic Blend of Culture and Psyche, JAC, 1997.
0.16 Dale Jacobs, What's Hope Got to Do With It? Toward a Theory of Hope and Pedagogy, JAC, 2005.
0.16 Jeanne Gunner, Among the Composition People: The WPA as English Department Agent, JAC, 1998.
0.16 Henry A. Giroux, Resisting Market Fundamentalism and the New Authoritarianism: A New Task for Cultural Studies?, JAC, 2005.
0.16 Dale M. Bauer, The Other "F" Word: The Feminist in the Classroom, College English, 1990.
0.16 Roxanne Mountford Nedra Reynolds, Rhetoric and Graduate Studies: Teaching in a Postmodern Age, Rhetoric Review, 1996.
0.16 John Trimbur, Agency and the Death of the Author: A Partial Defense of Modernism, JAC, 2000.
0.16 Dawn Skorczewski, "Everybody Has Their Own Ideas": Responding to Cliché in Student Writing, College Composition and Communication, 2000.
0.16 Ellen Cushman, Another Approach to Our Role as Rhetoricians: Response, College Composition and Communication, 1997.
0.16 Laura Micciche, Emotion Ethics and Rhetorical Action, JAC, 2005.
0.16 Janice H. Peritz, When Learning Is Not Enough: Writing Across the Curriculum and the (Re)turn to Rhetoric, Journal of Advanced Composition, 1994.
0.15 Richard Marback, Detroit and the Closed Fist: Toward a Theory of Material Rhetoric, Rhetoric Review, 1998.
0.15 Daphne Desser, On Silence and Listening: "Bewilderment Confrontation Refusal and Dream", JAC, 2006.
0.15 Craig Stroupe, The Lost Island of English Studies: Globalization Market Logic and the Rhetorical Work of Department Web Sites, College English, 2005.
0.15 Patricia Harkin, Hyperscholarship and the Curriculum, Rhetoric Review, 1991.
0.15 David Seitz, A Comment on "Multi-Vocal Texts and Interpretive Responsibility", College English, 1998.
0.15 Laurie Grobman, "Just Multiculturalism": Teaching Writing as Critical and Ethical Practice, JAC, 2002.
0.15 Virginia Anderson, Antithetical Ethics: Kenneth Burke and the Constitution, JAC, 1995.
0.15 Stephen Schneider, Freedom Schooling: Stokely Carmichael and Critical Rhetorical Education, College Composition and Communication, 2006.
0.15 David Sebberson, Composition Philosophy and Rhetoric: The "Problem of Power", Journal of Advanced Composition, 1993.
0.15 Peter Vandenberg, Taming Multiculturalism: The Will to Literacy in Composition Studies, JAC, 1999.
0.15 Francis J. Sullivan Arabella Lyon Dennis Lebofsky Susan Wells Eli Goldblatt, Student Needs and Strong Composition: The Dialectics of Writing Program Reform, College Composition and Communication, 1997.
0.15 Stuart Greene, Toward a Dialectical Theory of Composing, Rhetoric Review, 1990.
0.15 Mark Mossman, Visible Disability in the College Classroom, College English, 2002.
0.15 Karen Kopelson, Back at the Bar of Utility: Theory and/as Practice in Composition Studies (Reprise), JAC, 2008.
0.15 Kay Halasek, Starting the Dialogue: What Can We Do about Bakhtin's Ambivalence toward Rhetoric?, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1992.
0.15 Dylan B. Dryer, Taking Up Space: On Genre Systems as Geographies of the Possible, JAC, 2008.
0.15 Jane E. Hindman, "Take What You Like and Leave the Rest": (Mis)Recognizing Context and Materiality in Professional Critical Literacy, JAC, 2008.
0.15 Patricia Laurence Peter Rondinone Barbara Gleason Thomas J. Farrell Paul Hunter Min-Zhan Lu, Symposium on Basic Writing Conflict and Struggle and the Legacy of Mina Shaughnessy, College English, 1993.
0.15 Helen Rothschild Ewald, A Comment on the November 1992 Issue of College English, College English, 1993.
0.15 Don Kraemer, Abstracting the Bodies of/in Academic Discourse, Rhetoric Review, 1991.
0.15 Aaron Schutz Anne Ruggles Gere, Aaron Schutz and Anne Ruggles Gere Respond, College English, 1999.
0.15 Margaret K. Willard-Traub, Rhetorics of Gender and Ethnicity in Scholarly Memoir: Notes on a Material Genre, College English, 2003.
0.15 John Trimbur, John Trimbur Responds, College English, 1990.
0.15 Helen Rothschild Ewald David L. Wallace, Exploring Agency in Classroom Discourse or Should David Have Told His Story?, College Composition and Communication, 1994.
0.15 William J. Spurlin, Theorizing Signifying(g) and the Role of the Reader: Possible Directions for African-American Literary Criticism, College English, 1990.