rights national government political state public civil united president law people lincoln policy action freedom federal address act speech

0.43 Mary Stuckey, Legitimating Leadership: The Rhetoric of Succession as a Genre of Presidential Discourse, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1992.
0.43 William D. Harpine, Playing to the Press in McKinley's Front Porch Campaign: The Early Weeks of a Nineteenth-Century Pseudo-Event, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 2000.
0.42 Sonia Pressman Fuentes, University Women and the Law, College English, 1971.
0.41 Adrian Tinsley, An Overview of Class and Individual Action Strategies, College English, 1972.
0.39 Susan R. Benda Morton H. Halperin, Forbidden Writers-The Foreign Threat in Literary Garb, College English, 1985.
0.35 Heather Bruce, In Politics Perception Is Reality: Exploring the Backlash Rhetorics of Anti-Affirmative Action, JAC, 2003.
0.35 Bryan Trabold, "Hiding Our Snickers": "Weekly Mail" Journalists' Indirect Resistance in Apartheid South Africa, College English, 2006.
0.31 Fred J. Kauffeld, Veracity Accusation and Conspiracy in Lincoln's Campaign for the Senate, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1994.
0.28 Terry Desch Croy Carrie Chapman Catt, The Crisis: A Complete Critical Edition of Carrie Chapman Catt's 1916 Presidential Address to the National American Woman Suffrage Association, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1998.
0.26 Linda Selzer, Historicizing Lincoln: Garry Wills and the Canonization of the "Gettysburg Address", Rhetoric Review, 1997.
0.25 Henry Petroski, Politic Prosody, College English, 1980.
0.25 Lewis C. Smith_ Jr., The Truth Beaten down, College Composition and Communication, 1953.
0.25 Terence P. Moran, Public Doublespeak: On Politics and Pardons, College English, 1975.
0.25 Kimber Charles Pearce Dean Fadely, Justice Sacrifice and the Universal Audience: George Bush's "Address to the Nation Announcing Allied Military Action in the Persian Gulf", Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1992.
0.25 Sam Meyer, The John F Kennedy Inauguration Speech: Function and Importance of Its "Address System", Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1982.
0.23 Carole Blair Neil Michel, Reproducing Civil Rights Tactics: The Rhetorical Performances of the Civil Rights Memorial, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 2000.
0.23 Haig A. Bosmajian, Obscenity Sexism and Freedom of Speech, College English, 1978.
0.23 Ruth Smith John Trimbur, Rhetorics of Unity and Disunity: The Worcester Firefighters Memorial Service, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 2003.
0.23 Lawrence D. Freeman, The Students' Right to Their Own Language: Its Legal Bases, College Composition and Communication, 1975.
0.22 Elizabeth Vander Lei Keith D. Miller, Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" in Context: Ceremonial Protest and African American Jeremiad, College English, 1999.
0.22 Richard Marback, Language Rights in South Africa: Lessons for the United States, JAC, 2002.
0.21 Douglas Canfield, Big Bad Bill, College English, 1972.
0.21 Patrick Bruch Richard Marback, Race Literacy and the Value of Rights Rhetoric in Composition Studies, College Composition and Communication, 2002.
0.21 William D. Harpine, "We Want Yer Mckinley": Epideictic Rhetoric in Songs from the 1896 Presidential Campaign, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 2004.
0.21 Terence S. Morrow Terence A. Morrow, Common Sense Deliberative Practice: John Witherspoon James Madison and the US Constitution, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1999.
0.21 , Current English Forum, College English, 1961.
0.21 Miles Myers, Why Participate?, College Composition and Communication, 1995.
0.21 Margaret M. S. Lowry, Pretty and Therefore "Pink": Helen Gahagan Douglas and the Rhetorical Constraints of US Political Discourse, Rhetoric Review, 2003.
0.20 Terence P. Moran, Public Doublespeak: On Mistakes and Misjudgments, College English, 1975.
0.20 Frank S. Zepezauer, Frank S Zepezauer Responds, College English, 1981.
0.18 Patricia Roberts-Miller, John Quincy Adams's Amistad Argument: The Problem of Outrage; Or the Constraints of Decorum, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 2002.
0.18 Frank J. D'Angelo, A Generative Rhetoric of the Essay, College Composition and Communication, 1974.
0.18 Terence P. Moran, Public Doublespeak: On Expletives Deleted and Characterizations Omitted, College English, 1975.
0.17 Margaret M. Strain, In Defense of a Nation: The National Defense Education Act Project English and the Origins of Empirical Research in Composition, JAC, 2005.
0.17 Douglas L. Wilson Steven Mailloux Nan Johnson John Stauffer Tony Wolk John Schilb, Reflections on Lincoln and English Studies, College English, 2009.
0.17 Scott Wible, Composing Alternatives to a National Security Language Policy, College English, 2009.
0.17 David Sutton, The Rhetoric of the Vietnam War: An Annotated Bibliography, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1994.
0.17 Mya Poe, Genre Testing and the Constructed Realities of Student Achievement, College Composition and Communication, 2008.
0.17 Wendy B. Sharer, The Persuasive Work of Organizational Names: The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and the Struggle for Collective Identification, Rhetoric Review, 2001.
0.16 Mark Ashin, The Argument of Madison's "Federalist" No 10, College English, 1953.
0.16 Donald Lazere, Patriotism Partisanship and the Conscience of Conservative Scholars, JAC, 2003.
0.16 William Raymond Smith, The Rhetoric of the Declaration of Independence, College English, 1965.
0.16 Robert F. Drinan, The Rhetoric of Peace, College Composition and Communication, 1972.
0.16 Resa Crane Bizzaro, Shooting Our Last Arrow: Developing a Rhetoric of Identity for Unenrolled American Indians, College English, 2004.
0.15 Eve Wiederhold, Called to the Law: Tales of Pleasure and Obedience, Rhetoric Review, 2001.
0.15 M. Karen Powers Catherine Chaput, "Anti-American Studies" in the Deep South: Dissenting Rhetorics the Practice of Democracy and Academic Freedom in Wartime Universities, College Composition and Communication, 2007.