political public people power government politics private national authority order members popular personal freedom society defense revolution control men

0.18 Susan Maslan, Resisting Representation: Theater and Democracy in Revolutionary France, Representations, 1995.
0.14 Anna Clark, Queen Caroline and the Sexual Politics of Popular Culture in London 1820. Representations, 1990,
0.14 Tzvetan Todorov, Communist Camps and their Aftermath, Representations, 1995.
0.13 Lynn Hunt, Hercules and the Radical Image in the French Revolution, Representations, 1983.
0.12 Neil Hertz, Medusa's Head: Male Hysteria under Political Pressure, Representations, 1983.
0.10 John Plotz, Crowd Power: Chartism Carlyle and the Victorian Public Sphere, Representations, 2000.
0.10 Michel Feher, Empowerment Hazards: Affirmative Action Recovery Psychology and Identity Politics, Representations, 1996.
0.10 Michael Rogin, "Make My Day!": Spectacle as Amnesia in Imperial Politics, Representations, 1990.
0.09 Mitsuru Hashimoto Betsey Scheiner, Collision at Namamugi, Representations, 1987.
0.09 Michael Rogin, Kiss Me Deadly: Communism Motherhood and Cold War Movies, Representations, 1984.
0.09 Frederick Pollack, Theses on Intellectuals, Representations, 1992.
0.09 Istvàn Rèv, In Mendacio Veritas (In Lies there Lies the Truth), Representations, 1991.
0.08 Gyanendra Pandey, In Defense of the Fragment: Writing about Hindu-Muslim Riots in India Today, Representations, 1992.
0.08 Sandy Petrey, Pears in History, Representations, 1991.
0.08 Ann Laura Stoler, "In Cold Blood": Hierarchies of Credibility and the Politics of Colonial Narratives, Representations, 1992.
0.08 István Rév, Parallel Autopsies, Representations, 1995.
0.08 Wu Hung, Tiananmen Square: A Political History of Monuments, Representations, 1991.
0.08 Sarah Farmer, Symbols that Face Two Ways: Commemorating the Victims of Nazism and Stalinism at Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen, Representations, 1995.
0.08 Elizabeth Wingrove, Republican Romance, Representations, 1998.
0.07 Richard S. Esbenshade, Remembering to Forget: Memory History National Identity in Postwar East-Central Europe, Representations, 1995.
0.07 Frederic Wakeman_ Jr., Revolutionary Rites: The Remains of Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Tse-tung, Representations, 1985.
0.07 Randolph Starn, The Republican Regime of the "Room of Peace" in Siena 1338-40, Representations, 1987.
0.07 Allan Stoekl, Nizan Drieu and the Question of Death, Representations, 1988.
0.07 Michael Warner, Franklin and the Letters of the Republic, Representations, 1986.
0.07 Idith Zertal, From the People's Hall to the Wailing Wall: A Study in Memory Fear and War, Representations, 2000.
0.07 Regina Janes, Beheadings, Representations, 1991.
0.07 Troy Duster, Individual Fairness Group Preferences and the California Strategy, Representations, 1996.
0.07 Frances Ferguson, Sade and the Pornographic Legacy, Representations, 1991.
0.07 Martin Procházka, Prisoner's Predicament: Public Privacy in Havel's Letters to Olga, Representations, 1993.
0.07 Keith Michael Baker, Memory and Practice: Politics and the Representation of the Past in Eighteenth-Century France, Representations, 1985.
0.07 Richard Walker, California's Collision of Race and Class, Representations, 1996.
0.07 István Rév, The Necronym, Representations, 1998.
0.06 Inga Clendinnen, "Fierce and Unnatural Cruelty": Cortés and the Conquest of Mexico, Representations, 1991.
0.06 Dena Goodman, Pigalle's Voltaire nu: The Republic of Letters Represents itself to the World, Representations, 1986.
0.06 Rolf Reichardt Deborah Louise Cohen, Light against Darkness: The Visual Representations of a Central Enlightenment Concept, Representations, 1998.
0.06 Carla Hesse, Enlightenment Epistemology and the Laws of Authorship in Revolutionary France 1777-1793. Representations, 1990,
0.06 Gordon Teskey, Mutability Genealogy and the Authority of Forms, Representations, 1993.
0.06 Sacvan Bercovitch, Hawthorne's A-Morality of Compromise, Representations, 1988.
0.06 Carla Hesse, Introduction, Representations, 1998.
0.05 David A. Hollinger, Group Preferences Cultural Diversity and Social Democracy: Notes Toward a Theory of Affirmative Action, Representations, 1996.
0.05 Yael Zerubavel, The Death of Memory and the Memory of Death: Masada and the Holocaust as Historical Metaphors, Representations, 1994.
0.05 Harry Berger_ Jr., The Lie of the Land: The Text Beyond Canaan, Representations, 1989.
0.05 James E. Young, The Biography of a Memorial Icon: Nathan Rapoport's Warsaw Ghetto Monument, Representations, 1989.
0.05 Charlotte Sussman, Women and the Politics of Sugar 1792. Representations, 1994,