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0.38 Lisbet Koerner, Linnaeus' Floral Transplants, Representations, 1994.
0.31 Jonathan Sheehan, Enlightenment Details: Theology Natural History and the Letter h, Representations, 1998.
0.28 Valentin Groebner, Inside Out: Clothes Dissimulation and the Arts of Accounting in the Autobiography of Matthäus Schwarz 1496-1574. Representations, 1999,
0.26 Yuri Slezkine, Naturalists Versus Nations: Eighteenth-Century Russian Scholars Confront Ethnic Diversity, Representations, 1994.
0.24 Martin Warnke, On Heinrich Wölfflin, Representations, 1989.
0.23 Harold Mah, The Epistemology of the Sentence: Language Civility and Identity in France and Germany Diderot to Nietzsche, Representations, 1994.
0.23 Robert Darnton, Censorship a Comparative View: France 1789-East Germany 1989. Representations, 1995,
0.22 Jan Assmann, The Mosaic Distinction: Israel Egypt and the Invention of Paganism, Representations, 1996.
0.19 Jane O. Newman, The Word Made Print: Luther's 1522 New Testament in an Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Representations, 1985.
0.19 Samuel Kinser, Presentation and Representation: Carnival at Nuremberg 1450-1550. Representations, 1986,
0.13 John Felstiner, "Deep in the Glowing Text-Void": Translating Late Celan, Representations, 1990.
0.13 Angelika Rauch, The Broken Vessel of Tradition, Representations, 1996.
0.09 Neil Flax, Fiction Wars of Art, Representations, 1984.
0.07 Londa Schiebinger, Skeletons in the Closet: The First Illustrations of the Female Skeleton in Eighteenth-Century Anatomy, Representations, 1986.
0.06 Sarah Farmer, Symbols that Face Two Ways: Commemorating the Victims of Nazism and Stalinism at Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen, Representations, 1995.
0.06 James Elkins, On Visual Desperation and the Bodies of Protozoa, Representations, 1992.
0.06 Geoff Waite, Nietzsche's Baudelaire or the Sublime Proleptic Spin of his Politico-Economic Thought, Representations, 1995.
0.05 Carla Hesse Thomas Laqueur, Introduction, Representations, 1994.
0.05 W. J. T. Mitchell, The Politics of Genre: Space and Time in Lessing's Laocoon, Representations, 1984.
0.05 , Front Matter, Representations, 1985.