adam milton paradise eve gluttony sin farce marx baldung fall god satan temptation samson genesis line rules john heterogeneity

0.20 Fred Hoerner, "Fire to Use": A Practice-Theory Approach to Paradise Lost, Representations, 1995.
0.18 Regina Schwartz, Rethinking Voyeurism and Patriarchy: The Case of Paradise Lost, Representations, 1991.
0.16 William Ian Miller, Gluttony, Representations, 1997.
0.15 Stephen Tifft, DrĂ´le de Guerre: Renoir Farce and the Fall of France, Representations, 1992.
0.15 Jonathan Beck, Genesis Sexual Antagonism and the Defective Couple of the Twelfth-Century Jeu d'Adam, Representations, 1990.
0.11 Joseph Leo Koerner, The Mortification of the Image: Death as a Hermeneutic in Hans Baldung Grien, Representations, 1985.
0.09 Peter Stallybrass, Marx and Heterogeneity: Thinking the Lumpenproletariat, Representations, 1990.