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0.15 Philip Fisher, Democratic Social Space: Whitman Melville and the Promise of American Transparency, Representations, 1988.
0.11 Elaine Scarry, Work and the Body in Hardy and Other Nineteenth-Century Novelists, Representations, 1983.
0.10 John Rajchman, Crisis, Representations, 1989.
0.10 Philip Fisher, Pins A Table Works of Art, Representations, 1983.
0.09 David Antin, The Price, Representations, 1989.
0.08 Angelika Rauch, The Broken Vessel of Tradition, Representations, 1996.
0.08 Franco Moretti, The Comfort of Civilization, Representations, 1985.
0.07 Elaine Scarry, On Vivacity: The Difference between Daydreaming and Imagining-Under-Authorial-Instruction, Representations, 1995.
0.07 Henry Staten, How the Spirit (Almost) Became Flesh: Gospel of John, Representations, 1993.
0.07 Louis A. Sass, Introspection Schizophrenia and the Fragmentation of Self, Representations, 1987.
0.07 Aleida Assmann, Texts Traces Trash: The Changing Media of Cultural Memory, Representations, 1996.
0.07 Martin Procházka, Prisoner's Predicament: Public Privacy in Havel's Letters to Olga, Representations, 1993.
0.06 William Fitzgerald, The Questionability of Music, Representations, 1994.
0.06 Sharon Cameron, Representing Grief: Emerson's "Experience", Representations, 1986.
0.06 T. V. Reed, Unimagined Existence and the Fiction of the Real: Postmodernist Realism in Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, Representations, 1988.
0.06 Mark McGurl, Social Geometries: Taking Place in Henry James, Representations, 1999.
0.06 Denis Hollier, Bloody Sundays, Representations, 1989.
0.05 Kristin Ross, Rimbaud and the Resistance to Work, Representations, 1987.