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0.11 Robert Darnton, Policing Writers in Paris Circa 1750. Representations, 1984,
0.11 Leo Lowenthal, Memorial, Representations, 1989.
0.10 Judith R. Walkowitz, Science and the Seance: Transgressions of Gender and Genre in Late Victorian London, Representations, 1988.
0.10 James E. B. Breslin, The Trials of Mark Rothko, Representations, 1986.
0.10 Thomas Laqueur, Bodies Death and Pauper Funerals, Representations, 1983.
0.10 Harriet Ritvo, Race Breed and Myths of Origin: Chillingham Cattle as Ancient Britons, Representations, 1992.
0.10 , Note, Representations, 1993.
0.09 , Errata: "Spenser's Ravishment: Rape and Rapture in The Faerie Queene", Representations, 2000.
0.09 Martin Hall, Heads and Tales, Representations, 1996.
0.08 Thomas R. Metcalf, Architecture and the Representation of Empire: India 1860-1910. Representations, 1984,
0.08 Mitsuru Hashimoto Betsey Scheiner, Collision at Namamugi, Representations, 1987.
0.08 Stuart Semmel, Reading the Tangible Past: British Tourism Collecting and Memory after Waterloo, Representations, 2000.
0.08 Valentin Groebner, Inside Out: Clothes Dissimulation and the Arts of Accounting in the Autobiography of Matthäus Schwarz 1496-1574. Representations, 1999,
0.08 Lila Abu-Lughod, The Interpretation of Culture(s) after Television, Representations, 1997.
0.08 George Dimock, Anna and the Wolf-Man: Rewriting Freud's Case History, Representations, 1995.
0.08 Frederic Wakeman_ Jr., Revolutionary Rites: The Remains of Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Tse-tung, Representations, 1985.
0.08 Gyan Prakash, Science "Gone Native" in Colonial India, Representations, 1992.
0.08 Chris Waters, Representations of Everyday Life: L S Lowry and the Landscape of Memory in Postwar Britain, Representations, 1999.
0.07 Melani McAlister, "The Common Heritage of Mankind": Race Nation and Masculinity in the King Tut Exhibit, Representations, 1996.
0.07 Richard L. Stein, Remember the Téméraire: Turner's Memorial of 1839. Representations, 1985,
0.07 John J. Winkler, The Ephebes' Song: Tragôidia and Polis, Representations, 1985.
0.07 Dena Goodman, Pigalle's Voltaire nu: The Republic of Letters Represents itself to the World, Representations, 1986.
0.07 Norman Jacobson, The Strange Case of the Hobbesian Man, Representations, 1998.
0.07 Natalie Zemon Davis, Religion and Capitalism Once Again? Jewish Merchant Culture in the Seventeenth Century, Representations, 1997.
0.07 Sabine Mac Cormack, Demons Imagination and the Incas, Representations, 1991.
0.07 Inga Clendinnen, "Fierce and Unnatural Cruelty": Cortés and the Conquest of Mexico, Representations, 1991.
0.07 Anna Clark, Queen Caroline and the Sexual Politics of Popular Culture in London 1820. Representations, 1990,
0.07 Paul Landau, The Illumination of Christ in the Kalahari Desert, Representations, 1994.
0.07 Don Herzog, The Trouble with Hairdressers, Representations, 1996.
0.07 Margaret Morganroth Gullette, The Puzzling Case of the Deceased Wife's Sister: Nineteenth-Century England Deals with a Second-Chance Plot, Representations, 1990.
0.07 Wu Hung, Tiananmen Square: A Political History of Monuments, Representations, 1991.
0.07 Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie R. Howard Bloch, My Everydays, Representations, 1993.
0.07 Peter Metcalf, Aban Jau's Boast, Representations, 1992.
0.07 Jane O. Newman, The Word Made Print: Luther's 1522 New Testament in an Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Representations, 1985.
0.07 James E. Young, The Biography of a Memorial Icon: Nathan Rapoport's Warsaw Ghetto Monument, Representations, 1989.
0.07 Richard Helgerson, The Land Speaks: Cartography Chorography and Subversion in Renaissance England, Representations, 1986.
0.06 Richard Helgerson, Soldiers and Enigmatic Girls: The Politics of Dutch Domestic Realism 1650-1672. Representations, 1997,
0.06 Yuri Slezkine, Naturalists Versus Nations: Eighteenth-Century Russian Scholars Confront Ethnic Diversity, Representations, 1994.
0.06 Jeffrey Kallberg, The Harmony of the Tea Table: Gender and Ideology in the Piano Nocturne, Representations, 1992.
0.06 Michael Mac Donald, Suicide and the Rise of the Popular Press in England, Representations, 1988.
0.06 Neil Hertz, Medusa's Head: Male Hysteria under Political Pressure, Representations, 1983.
0.06 Alex Zwerdling, Anger and Conciliation in Woolf's Feminism, Representations, 1983.
0.06 Ann Laura Stoler, "In Cold Blood": Hierarchies of Credibility and the Politics of Colonial Narratives, Representations, 1992.
0.06 Philip Schwyzer, The Scouring of the White Horse: Archaeology Identity and "Heritage", Representations, 1999.
0.06 Richard Walker, California's Collision of Race and Class, Representations, 1996.
0.06 Rolena Adorno, The Negotiation of Fear in Cabeza de Vaca's Naufragios, Representations, 1991.
0.06 Greil Marcus, Dock Boggs in Thomas Jefferson's Virginia, Representations, 1997.
0.06 Daniel Cottom, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Digestion, Representations, 1999.
0.06 Anne M. Wagner, Henry Moore's Mother, Representations, 1999.
0.06 Sandy Petrey, Pears in History, Representations, 1991.
0.06 Alan Stewart, The Early Modern Closet Discovered, Representations, 1995.
0.06 Peter Metcalf, Wine of the Corpse: Endocannibalism and the Great Feast of the Dead in Borneo, Representations, 1987.
0.06 Jed Rasula, Nietzsche in the Nursery: Naive Classics and Surrogate Parents in Postwar American Cultural Debates, Representations, 1990.
0.06 Kathleen Kete, La Rage and the Bourgeoisie: The Cultural Context of Rabies in the French Nineteenth Century, Representations, 1988.
0.06 Ronald Schechter, Gothic Thermidor: The Bals des victimes the Fantastic and the Production of Historical Knowledge in Post-Terror France, Representations, 1998.
0.06 R. Howard Bloch, "Mieux vaut jamais que tard": Romance Philology and Old French Letters, Representations, 1991.
0.06 Michael Moon, "The Gentle Boy from the Dangerous Classes": Pederasty Domesticity and Capitalism in Horatio Alger, Representations, 1987.
0.06 Idith Zertal, From the People's Hall to the Wailing Wall: A Study in Memory Fear and War, Representations, 2000.
0.06 Stephen Greenblatt, Murdering Peasants: Status Genre and the Representation of Rebellion, Representations, 1983.
0.06 Giulia Calvi, A Metaphor for Social Exchange: The Florentine Plague of 1630. Representations, 1986,
0.06 Ines G. Županov, Aristocratic Analogies and Demotic Descriptions in the Seventeenth-Century Madurai Mission, Representations, 1993.
0.06 Laura Engelstein, Morality and the Wooden Spoon: Russian Doctors View Syphilis Social Class and Sexual Behavior 1890-1905. Representations, 1986,
0.06 Deborah Poole, Figueroa Aznar and the Cusco Indigenistas: Photography and Modernism in Early Twentieth-Century Peru, Representations, 1992.
0.06 Lisbet Koerner, Linnaeus' Floral Transplants, Representations, 1994.
0.06 David Antin, Biography, Representations, 1986.
0.05 Barbara T. Christian, Camouflaging Race and Gender, Representations, 1996.
0.05 István Rév, Parallel Autopsies, Representations, 1995.
0.05 Lynn Hunt, Hercules and the Radical Image in the French Revolution, Representations, 1983.
0.05 Renato Rosaldo, Imperialist Nostalgia, Representations, 1989.
0.05 Wu Hung, The Transparent Stone: Inverted Vision and Binary Imagery in Medieval Chinese Art, Representations, 1994.
0.05 Lisa Tickner, Vanessa Bell: Studland Beach Domesticity and "Significant Form", Representations, 1999.
0.05 Stephen Greenblatt István Rév Randolph Starn, Introduction, Representations, 1995.
0.05 Jan Goldstein, The Uses of Male Hysteria: Medical and Literary Discourse in Nineteenth-Century France, Representations, 1991.
0.05 Michel Zink, Nerval in the Library or The Archives of the Soul, Representations, 1996.
0.05 David A. Brewer, Making Hogarth Heritage, Representations, 2000.
0.05 Philip Connell, Bibliomania: Book Collecting Cultural Politics and the Rise of Literary Heritage in Romantic Britain, Representations, 2000.
0.05 Peter Brown, The Saint as Exemplar in Late Antiquity, Representations, 1983.
0.05 Stephen Orgel, The Authentic Shakespeare, Representations, 1988.
0.05 Judith R. Walkowitz, Going Public: Shopping Street Harassment and Streetwalking in Late Victorian London, Representations, 1998.
0.05 Lee Rust Brown, The Emerson Museum, Representations, 1992.
0.05 Edward Marx, How We Lost Kafiristan, Representations, 1999.
0.05 Leslie S. Katz, The Merry Wives of Windsor: Sharing the Queen's Holiday, Representations, 1995.
0.05 Terry Castle, Marie Antoinette Obsession, Representations, 1992.
0.05 Troy Duster, Individual Fairness Group Preferences and the California Strategy, Representations, 1996.
0.05 Terry Castle, The Female Thermometer, Representations, 1987.
0.05 Regina Janes, Beheadings, Representations, 1991.
0.05 David N. Keightley, Art Ancestors and the Origins of Writing in China, Representations, 1996.
0.05 Louis A. Montrose, Idols of the Queen: Policy Gender and the Picturing of Elizabeth I, Representations, 1999.
0.05 Michael Warner, Franklin and the Letters of the Republic, Representations, 1986.
0.05 Randolph Starn Loren Partridge, Representing War in the Renaissance: The Shield of Paolo Uccello, Representations, 1984.
0.05 Luce Giard, Epilogue: Michel de Certeau's Heterology and the New World, Representations, 1991.
0.05 Svetlana Alpers, Foreword, Representations, 1985.
0.05 Dror Wahrman, Gender in Translation: How the English Wrote Their Juvenal 1644-1815. Representations, 1999,