criminal sentencing sentence prison penalties guidelines cases crime enforcement deterrence sentences fines defendants offense offenders fine penalty punishment trial

0.54 David Bjerk, Making the Crime Fit the Penalty: The Role of Prosecutorial Discretion under Mandatory Minimum Sentencing, Journal of Law and Economics, 2005.
0.50 Joel Waldfogel, Are Fines and Prison Terms Used Efficiently? Evidence on Federal Fraud Offenders, Journal of Law and Economics, 1995.
0.49 Richard T. Boylan, The Effect of Punishment Severity on Plea Bargaining, Journal of Law and Economics, 2012.
0.47 Peter T. Leeson, Ordeals, Journal of Law and Economics, 2012.
0.46 Chantale Lacasse A. Abigail Payne, Federal Sentencing Guidelines and Mandatory Minimum Sentences: Do Defendants Bargain in the Shadow of the Judge?, Journal of Law and Economics, 1999.
0.45 Oren Bar-Gill Oren Gazal Ayal, Plea Bargains Only for the Guilty, Journal of Law and Economics, 2006.
0.40 Eric Helland Alexander Tabarrok, The Fugitive: Evidence on Public versus Private Law Enforcement from Bail Jumping, Journal of Law and Economics, 2004.
0.39 David B. Mustard, Racial Ethnic and Gender Disparities in Sentencing: Evidence from the US Federal Courts, Journal of Law and Economics, 2001.
0.37 James M. Anderson Jeffrey R. Kling Kate Stith, Measuring Interjudge Sentencing Disparity: Before and after the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, Journal of Law and Economics, 1999.
0.36 Cindy R. Alexander Jennifer Arlen Mark A. Cohen, Regulating Corporate Criminal Sanctions: Federal Guidelines and the Sentencing of Public Firms, Journal of Law and Economics, 1999.
0.33 Randi Hjalmarsson, Juvenile Jails: A Path to the Straight and Narrow or to Hardened Criminality?, Journal of Law and Economics, 2009.
0.31 Dan M. Kahan Eric A. Posner, Shaming White‐Collar Criminals: A Proposal for Reform of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, Journal of Law and Economics, 1999.
0.30 Emily G. Owens, More Time Less Crime? Estimating the Incapacitative Effect of Sentence Enhancements, Journal of Law and Economics, 2009.
0.30 William M. Landes, An Economic Analysis of the Courts, Journal of Law and Economics, 1971.
0.30 Daniel Kessler Steven D. Levitt, Using Sentence Enhancements to Distinguish between Deterrence and Incapacitation, Journal of Law and Economics, 1999.
0.28 Beth A. Freeborn, Arrest Avoidance: Law Enforcement and the Price of Cocaine, Journal of Law and Economics, 2009.
0.28 Jeffrey S. Parker Raymond A. Atkins, Did the Corporate Criminal Sentencing Guidelines Matter? Some Preliminary Empirical Observations, Journal of Law and Economics, 1999.
0.27 Joel Waldfogel, Criminal Sentences as Endogenous Taxes: Are They "Just" or "Efficient"?, Journal of Law and Economics, 1993.
0.26 John R. Lott_ Jr., Public and Private Penalties: Introduction, Journal of Law and Economics, 1999.
0.25 Radha Iyengar, Who’s the Fairest in the Land? Analysis of Judge and Jury Death Penalty Decisions, Journal of Law and Economics, 2011.
0.25 Edward A. Snyder, The Effect of Higher Criminal Penalties on Antitrust Enforcement, Journal of Law and Economics, 1990.
0.22 Joanna M. Shepherd, Police Prosecutors Criminals and Determinate Sentencing: The Truth about Truth‐in‐Sentencing Laws, Journal of Law and Economics, 2002.
0.22 A. Mitchell Polinsky Steven Shavell, Enforcement Costs and the Optimal Magnitude and Probability of Fines, Journal of Law and Economics, 1992.
0.20 Eric Rasmusen, Stigma and Self-Fulfilling Expectations of Criminality, Journal of Law and Economics, 1996.
0.20 Matteo Rizzolli Luca Stanca, Judicial Errors and Crime Deterrence: Theory and Experimental Evidence, Journal of Law and Economics, 2012.
0.19 Cindy R. Alexander, On the Nature of the Reputational Penalty for Corporate Crime: Evidence, Journal of Law and Economics, 1999.
0.17 Richard T. Boylan Cheryl X. Long, Salaries Plea Rates and the Career Objectives of Federal Prosecutors, Journal of Law and Economics, 2005.
0.15 Louis Kaplow Steven Shavell, Accuracy in the Determination of Liability, Journal of Law and Economics, 1994.