divorce abortion children family women effect marriage church married social religious parents year selection population human birth fertility born

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0.42 Danny Cohen-Zada William Sander, Religious Participation versus Shopping: What Makes People Happier?, Journal of Law and Economics, 2011.
0.36 Gary S. Becker Kevin M. Murphy, The Family and the State, Journal of Law and Economics, 1988.
0.35 Kerwin Kofi Charles Melvin Stephens_ Jr., Abortion Legalization and Adolescent Substance Use, Journal of Law and Economics, 2006.
0.35 Yehonatan Givati Ugo Troiano, Law Economics and Culture: Theory of Mandated Benefits and Evidence from Maternity Leave Policies, Journal of Law and Economics, 2012.
0.33 Phillip B. Levine Douglas Staiger, Abortion Policy and Fertility Outcomes: The Eastern European Experience, Journal of Law and Economics, 2004.
0.31 Todd D. Kendall Robert Tamura, Unmarried Fertility Crime and Social Stigma, Journal of Law and Economics, 2010.
0.25 Simon Rottenberg, Legislated Early Shop Closing in Britain, Journal of Law and Economics, 1961.
0.24 Jack Hirshleifer, Economics from a Biological Viewpoint, Journal of Law and Economics, 1977.
0.24 Jared Rubin, Social Insurance Commitment and the Origin of Law: Interest Bans in Early Christianity, Journal of Law and Economics, 2009.
0.20 Rick Geddes Dean Lueck Sharon Tennyson, Human Capital Accumulation and the Expansion of Women’s Economic Rights, Journal of Law and Economics, 2012.
0.20 Jennifer Hunt, Do Teen Births Keep American Crime High?, Journal of Law and Economics, 2006.
0.18 Paul Heaton, Does Religion Really Reduce Crime?, Journal of Law and Economics, 2006.