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0.43 Lawrence Shepard, Cartelization of the California-Arizona Orange Industry 1934-1981. Journal of Law and Economics, 1986,
0.42 Reuben A. Kessel, Economic Effects of Federal Regulation of Milk Markets, Journal of Law and Economics, 1967.
0.40 Steven N. S. Cheung, The Fable of the Bees: An Economic Investigation, Journal of Law and Economics, 1973.
0.37 Douglas Allen Dean Lueck, Contract Choice in Modern Agriculture: Cash Rent versus Cropshare, Journal of Law and Economics, 1992.
0.37 Richard A. Ippolito Robert T. Masson, The Social Cost of Government Regulation of Milk, Journal of Law and Economics, 1978.
0.31 Douglas W. Allen Dean Lueck, The Nature of the Farm, Journal of Law and Economics, 1998.
0.29 Mary K. Muth Randal R. Rucker Walter N. Thurman Ching‐Ta Chuang, The Fable of the Bees Revisited: Causes and Consequences of the US Honey Program, Journal of Law and Economics, 2003.
0.27 George Selgin John L. Turner, Strong Steam Weak Patents or the Myth of Watt’s Innovation-Blocking Monopoly Exploded, Journal of Law and Economics, 2011.
0.24 Darren Filson Edward Keen Eric Fruits Thomas Borcherding, Market Power and Cartel Formation: Theory and an Empirical Test, Journal of Law and Economics, 2001.
0.24 J. R. Gould, Meade on External Economies: Should the Beneficiaries Be Taxed?, Journal of Law and Economics, 1973.
0.24 Ronald N. Johnson, Retail Price Controls in the Dairy Industry: A Political Coalition Argument, Journal of Law and Economics, 1985.
0.22 Kenneth G. Elzinga Thomas F. Hogarty, Utah Pie and the Consequences of Robinson-Patman, Journal of Law and Economics, 1978.
0.21 Graziella Bertocchi Chiara Strozzi, The Evolution of Citizenship: Economic and Institutional Determinants, Journal of Law and Economics, 2010.
0.21 David B. Johnson, Meade Bees and Externalities, Journal of Law and Economics, 1973.
0.19 Thomas D. Crocker, Externalities Property Rights and Transactions Costs: An Empirical Study, Journal of Law and Economics, 1971.
0.19 G. Warren Nutter, The Coase Theorem on Social Cost: A Footnote, Journal of Law and Economics, 1968.
0.18 D. Gale Johnson, Government and Agriculture: Is Agriculture a Special Case?, Journal of Law and Economics, 1958.
0.15 Roger W. Weiss, The Case for Federal Meat Inspection Examined, Journal of Law and Economics, 1964.