0.28 Wilber G. Katz, Responsibility and the Modern Corporation, Journal of Law and Economics, 1960.
0.27 S. R. Dennison, The British Restrictive Trade Practices Act of 1956. Journal of Law and Economics, 1959,
0.26 Milton Friedman, The Monetary Theory and Policy of Henry Simons, Journal of Law and Economics, 1967.
0.26 E. R. Livernash, The Relation of Power to the Structure and Process of Collective Bargaining, Journal of Law and Economics, 1963.
0.26 John Jewkes, British Monopoly Policy 1944-56, Journal of Law and Economics, 1958.
0.25 R. H. Coase, The Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee, Journal of Law and Economics, 1962.
0.25 R. H. Coase, The British Post Office and the Messenger Companies, Journal of Law and Economics, 1961.
0.25 George P. Shultz, Strategies for National Labor Policy, Journal of Law and Economics, 1963.
0.25 A. Dale Tussing, The Case for Bank Failure, Journal of Law and Economics, 1967.
0.25 George Selgin John L. Turner, Strong Steam Weak Patents or the Myth of Watt’s Innovation-Blocking Monopoly Exploded, Journal of Law and Economics, 2011.
0.24 Trevor W. Jones, The Appointment of Pigou as Marshall's Successor: The Other Side of the Coin, Journal of Law and Economics, 1978.
0.24 M. W. Reder, Corruption as a Feature of Governmental Organization: Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1975.
0.24 Roland H. Koller II, Inheritance Justified: A Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1973.
0.24 Bernard Norwood, The Kennedy round: A Try at Linear Trade Negotiations, Journal of Law and Economics, 1969.
0.23 Kenneth Diplock, Antitrust and the Judicial Process, Journal of Law and Economics, 1964.
0.23 Kenneth W. Dam, Oil and Gas Licensing and the North Sea, Journal of Law and Economics, 1965.
0.23 R. H. Coase, Payola in Radio and Television Broadcasting, Journal of Law and Economics, 1979.
0.23 R. H. Coase, The Federal Communications Commission, Journal of Law and Economics, 1959.
0.23 George W. Hilton, The Consistency of the Interstate Commerce Act, Journal of Law and Economics, 1966.
0.23 Gordon Tullock, General Discussion, Journal of Law and Economics, 1975.
0.22 Harry Kalven_ Jr., Broadcasting Public Policy and the First Amendment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1967.
0.22 R. H. Coase, The Appointment of Pigou as Marshall's Successor, Journal of Law and Economics, 1972.
0.22 J. F. Barron, Restrictive Hiring Practices in Institutions of Higher Learning in California, Journal of Law and Economics, 1961.
0.22 Samuel Hollander, Adam Smith and the Self-Interest Axiom, Journal of Law and Economics, 1977.
0.22 R. H. Coase, Comment on Thomas W Hazlett: Assigning Property Rights to Radio Spectrum Users: Why Did FCC License Auctions Take 67 Years?, Journal of Law and Economics, 1998.
0.22 R. H. Coase, The Lighthouse in Economics, Journal of Law and Economics, 1974.
0.22 E. G. West, The Political Economy of American Public School Legislation, Journal of Law and Economics, 1967.
0.22 Aaron Director, The Parity of the Economic Market Place, Journal of Law and Economics, 1964.
0.22 D. S. Lees, The Logic of the British National Health Service, Journal of Law and Economics, 1962.
0.22 A. W. Coats, Political Economy and the Tariff Reform Campaign of 1903. Journal of Law and Economics, 1968,
0.21 Gardiner C. Means, Hessen's "Reappraisal", Journal of Law and Economics, 1983.
0.21 Harry G. Johnson, The International Monetary System and the Rule of Law, Journal of Law and Economics, 1972.
0.21 Edward Greenberg, Wire Television and the FCC's Second Report and Order on CATV Systems, Journal of Law and Economics, 1967.
0.21 R. H. Coase, The Coase Theorem and the Empty Core: A Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1981.
0.21 Jacob Viner, The Intellectual History of Laissez Faire, Journal of Law and Economics, 1960.
0.21 A. W. Coats, The Role of Authority in the Development of British Economics, Journal of Law and Economics, 1964.
0.21 Robert H. Bork, Legislative Intent and the Policy of the Sherman Act, Journal of Law and Economics, 1966.
0.21 Herbert Stein, Pre-Revolutionary Fiscal Policy: The Regime of Herbert Hoover, Journal of Law and Economics, 1966.
0.21 Geoffrey R. Stone, Ronald Coase’s First Amendment, Journal of Law and Economics, 2011.
0.21 Lord Kilmuir, The Shaftesbury Tradition in Conservative Politics, Journal of Law and Economics, 1960.
0.20 Alfred S. Eichner, Monopoly the Emergence of Oligopoly and the Case of Sugar Refining: A Reply, Journal of Law and Economics, 1971.
0.20 B. S. Yamey, Predatory Price Cutting: Notes and Comments, Journal of Law and Economics, 1972.
0.20 Richard A. Epstein, Unconscionability: A Critical Reappraisal, Journal of Law and Economics, 1975.
0.20 Scott Gordon, Economics and the Conservation Question, Journal of Law and Economics, 1958.
0.20 James R. Schlesinger, Systems Analysis and the Political Process, Journal of Law and Economics, 1968.
0.20 George J. Stigler, Henry Calvert Simons, Journal of Law and Economics, 1974.
0.20 George J. Stigler, Private Vice and Public Virtue, Journal of Law and Economics, 1961.
0.20 R. H. Coase, Marshall on Method, Journal of Law and Economics, 1975.
0.20 R. H. Coase, Adam Smith's View of Man, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.20 Kenneth Le M. Carter, Canadian Tax Reform and Henry Simons, Journal of Law and Economics, 1968.
0.20 John Hanner, Government Response to the Buffalo Hide Trade 1871-1883. Journal of Law and Economics, 1981,
0.20 R. H. Coase, The Problem of Social Cost, Journal of Law and Economics, 1960.
0.20 William R. Allen, Irving Fisher and the 100 Percent Reserve Proposal, Journal of Law and Economics, 1993.
0.20 Guido Calabresi, Transaction Costs Resource Allocation and Liability Rules--A Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1968.
0.20 Geoffrey C. Hazard_ Jr., Rationing Justice, Journal of Law and Economics, 1965.
0.20 George J. Stigler, The Goals of Economic Policy, Journal of Law and Economics, 1975.
0.19 John S. McGee, Predatory Price Cutting: The Standard Oil (N J) Case, Journal of Law and Economics, 1958.
0.19 S. J. Liebowitz Stephen E. Margolis, The Fable of the Keys, Journal of Law and Economics, 1990.
0.19 Bernard D. Meltzer, Labor Unions Collective Bargaining and the Antitrust Laws, Journal of Law and Economics, 1963.
0.19 Gordon Tullock, Inheritance Rejustified, Journal of Law and Economics, 1973.
0.19 Rutledge Vining, On the Problem of Recognizing and Diagnosing Faultiness in the Observed Performance of an Economic System, Journal of Law and Economics, 1962.
0.19 Michael E. Levine, Regulating Airmail Transportation, Journal of Law and Economics, 1975.
0.19 Alfred Marshall, Three Lectures on Progress and Poverty by Alfred Marshall, Journal of Law and Economics, 1969.
0.19 M. Bronfenbrenner, Monetary Rules: A New Look, Journal of Law and Economics, 1965.
0.19 Richard O. Zerbe, Monopoly the Emergence of Oligopoly and the Case of Sugar Refining, Journal of Law and Economics, 1970.
0.19 Don Patinkin, Keynes and Chicago, Journal of Law and Economics, 1979.
0.19 Edward C. Banfield, Corruption as a Feature of Governmental Organization, Journal of Law and Economics, 1975.
0.19 Steven N. S. Cheung, Rent Control and Housing Reconstruction: The Postwar Experience of Prewar Premises in Hong Kong, Journal of Law and Economics, 1979.
0.19 William J. Baumol Janusz A. Ordover, Use of Antitrust to Subvert Competition, Journal of Law and Economics, 1985.
0.19 Jack Hirshleifer, Capitalist Ethics--Tough or Soft?, Journal of Law and Economics, 1959.
0.19 A. W. Coats, The Appointment of Pigou as Marshall's Successor: Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1972.
0.19 The Secretary, The Sumptuary Manifesto, Journal of Law and Economics, 1959.
0.19 Roger C. Cramton, The Supreme Court and the Decline of State Power, Journal of Law and Economics, 1959.
0.19 Nathan Rosenberg, Comments on Robert Hessen "The Modern Corporation and Private Property: A Reappraisal", Journal of Law and Economics, 1983.
0.19 Roger W. Weiss, The Case for Federal Meat Inspection Examined, Journal of Law and Economics, 1964.
0.18 R. H. Coase, The Auction System and North Sea Gas: A Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1970.
0.18 David J. Gerber, The United States Sugar Quota Program: A Study in the Direct Congressional Control of Imports, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.18 Milton Friedman, Real and Pseudo Gold Standards, Journal of Law and Economics, 1961.
0.18 James A. Crutchfield, An Economic Evaluation of Alternative Methods of Fishery Regulation, Journal of Law and Economics, 1961.
0.18 C. K. Rowley, Mergers and Public Policy in Great Britain, Journal of Law and Economics, 1968.
0.18 R. H. Coase, The Choice of the Institutional Framework: A Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1974.
0.18 Rita Ricardo-Campbell, Comments on the Structure of Ownership and the Theory of the Firm, Journal of Law and Economics, 1983.
0.18 William L. Baldwin, The Feedback Effect of Business Conduct on Industry Structure, Journal of Law and Economics, 1969.
0.18 Wallace Mendelson, The Politics of Judicial Supremacy, Journal of Law and Economics, 1961.
0.18 Morton J. Horwitz, The Legacy of 1776 in Legal and Economic Thought, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.18 Rosemary D. Hale G. E. Hale, More on Mergers, Journal of Law and Economics, 1962.
0.18 Richard A. Posner, Killing or Wounding to Protect a Property Interest, Journal of Law and Economics, 1971.
0.18 John C. Wood, Alfred Marshall and the Tariff-Reform Campaign of 1903. Journal of Law and Economics, 1980,
0.18 Howard Kunreuther, The Case for Comprehensive Disaster Insurance, Journal of Law and Economics, 1968.
0.18 James Tobin, On Limiting the Domain of Inequality, Journal of Law and Economics, 1970.
0.18 Paul E. Sands, How Effective Is Safety Legislation?, Journal of Law and Economics, 1968.
0.18 R. H. Coase, The Acquisition of Fisher Body by General Motors, Journal of Law and Economics, 2000.
0.18 , A Tribute to Edward Levi, Journal of Law and Economics, 2000.
0.18 Kenneth W. Dam, The Evolution of North Sea Licensing Policy in Britain and Norway, Journal of Law and Economics, 1974.
0.18 Mancur Olson, The Demand for and Supply of Inflation: Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1975.
0.18 Peter Temin, The Origin of Compulsory Drug Prescriptions, Journal of Law and Economics, 1979.
0.18 R. R. Palmer, Turgot: Paragon of the Continental Enlightenment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.18 Stanley N. Katz, Thomas Jefferson and the Right to Property in Revolutionary America, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.18 R. H. Coase, Law and Economics at Chicago, Journal of Law and Economics, 1993.
0.17 John S. McGee, Economies of Size in Auto Body Manufacture, Journal of Law and Economics, 1973.
0.17 James C. Miller III, Comments on Baumol and Ordover, Journal of Law and Economics, 1985.
0.17 Terence Hutchison, Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.17 Sam Peltzman, The Causes and Consequences of Rising Industrial Concentration: A Reply, Journal of Law and Economics, 1979.
0.17 Kenneth W. Dam, The Pricing of North Sea Gas in Britain, Journal of Law and Economics, 1970.
0.17 H. L. A. Hart, Bentham and the United States of America, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.17 B. S. Yamey, Monopoly Competition and the Incentive to Invent: A Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1970.
0.17 Richard A. Epstein, Holdouts Externalities and the Single Owner: One More Salute to Ronald Coase, Journal of Law and Economics, 1993.
0.17 Victor E. Ferrall_ Jr., Quantity Discounts and Competition: Economic Rationality or Robinson-Patman, Journal of Law and Economics, 1960.
0.17 Herbert Stein, Managing the Federal Debt, Journal of Law and Economics, 1958.
0.17 Victor R. Fuchs, From Bismarck to Woodcock: The "Irrational" Pursuit of National Health Insurance, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.17 James M. Buchanan, Politics Property and the Law: An Alternative Interpretation of Miller et al v Schoene, Journal of Law and Economics, 1972.
0.17 Harvey J. Levin, Federal Control of Entry in the Broadcast Industry, Journal of Law and Economics, 1962.
0.17 P. S. Atiyah, Liability for Railway Nuisance in the English Common Law: A Historical Footnote, Journal of Law and Economics, 1980.
0.17 Richard C. Bernhard, English Law and American Law on Monopolies and Restraints of Trade, Journal of Law and Economics, 1960.
0.17 Henry Steele, Monopoly and Competition in the Ethical Drugs Market, Journal of Law and Economics, 1962.
0.17 Stanley M. Besen, The Economics of the Cable Television "Consensus", Journal of Law and Economics, 1974.
0.17 Richard A. Posner, Blackstone and Bentham, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.17 Kenneth G. Elzinga, Predatory Pricing: The Case of the Gunpowder Trust, Journal of Law and Economics, 1970.
0.17 Jo Desha Lucas, Constitutional Law and Economic Liberty, Journal of Law and Economics, 1968.
0.17 James M. Buchanan, Positive Economics Welfare Economics and Political Economy, Journal of Law and Economics, 1959.
0.17 Earl R. Brubaker, Free Ride Free Revelation or Golden Rule?, Journal of Law and Economics, 1975.
0.16 Stanley S. Surrey, The United States Taxation of Foreign Income, Journal of Law and Economics, 1958.
0.16 Gardiner C. Means, Corporate Power in the Marketplace, Journal of Law and Economics, 1983.
0.16 Gordon Tullock, Inheritance Justified, Journal of Law and Economics, 1971.
0.16 Paul Craig Roberts, The Polycentric Soviet Economy, Journal of Law and Economics, 1969.
0.16 Allison Dunham, Promises Respecting the Use of Land, Journal of Law and Economics, 1965.
0.16 Arnold R. Weber, The Structure of Collective Bargaining and Bargaining Power: Foreign Experiences, Journal of Law and Economics, 1963.
0.16 John S. McGee, Patent Exploitation: Some Economic and Legal Problems, Journal of Law and Economics, 1966.
0.16 Thomas G. Moore, From Bismarck to Woodcock: The "Irrational" Pursuit of National Health Insurance: Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.16 Bernard Bailyn, 1776 A Year of Challenge--A World Transformed, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.16 Gary S. Becker, Competition and Democracy, Journal of Law and Economics, 1958.
0.16 Kenneth G. Elzinga, The Antimerger Law: Pyrrhic Victories?, Journal of Law and Economics, 1969.
0.16 Robert Hessen, The Modern Corporation and Private Property: A Reappraisal, Journal of Law and Economics, 1983.
0.16 James H. Lorie Paul Halpern, Conglomerates: The Rhetoric and the Evidence, Journal of Law and Economics, 1970.
0.16 James M. Buchanan, The Independent Judiciary in an Interest-Group Perspective: Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1975.
0.16 Grant L. Reuber, Antitrust and the Takeover Activity of American Firms in Canada: A Reply, Journal of Law and Economics, 1970.
0.16 Oliver E. Williamson, Transaction-Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations, Journal of Law and Economics, 1979.
0.16 Robert F. Freeland, Creating Holdup through Vertical Integration: Fisher Body Revisited, Journal of Law and Economics, 2000.
0.16 W. W. Sharkey, A Decentralized Method for Utility Regulation: A Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1979.
0.16 Douglas G. Baird, Revisiting Auctions in Chapter 11, Journal of Law and Economics, 1993.
0.16 Bernard H. Siegan, Non-Zoning in Houston, Journal of Law and Economics, 1970.
0.16 Thomas W. Hazlett, The Rationality of U S Regulation of the Broadcast Spectrum, Journal of Law and Economics, 1990.
0.15 Kenneth W. Dam, Implementation of Import Quotas: The Case of Oil, Journal of Law and Economics, 1971.
0.15 Simon Rottenberg, Economic Policy in the Poor Countries, Journal of Law and Economics, 1959.
0.15 Harvey J. Levin, The Radio Spectrum Resource, Journal of Law and Economics, 1968.
0.15 Wesley J. Liebeler, Comments on Baumol and Ordover; Telser; Lande and Zerbe; And Ordover and Willig, Journal of Law and Economics, 1985.
0.15 Simon Rottenberg, Legislated Early Shop Closing in Britain, Journal of Law and Economics, 1961.
0.15 Timothy J. Brennan, The Spectrum as Commons: Tomorrow's Vision Not Today's Prescription, Journal of Law and Economics, 1998.
0.15 Richard Schmalensee, Comments on Beales Craswell and Salop, Journal of Law and Economics, 1981.
0.15 Thomas H. Jackson, Comment on Baird "Revisiting Auctions in Chapter 11", Journal of Law and Economics, 1993.
0.15 Gerald P. O'Driscoll_ Jr., The American Express Case: Public Good or Monopoly?, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.15 Richard James Sweeney Robert D. Tollison Thomas D. Willett, Market Failure the Common-Pool Problem and Ocean Resource Exploitation, Journal of Law and Economics, 1974.
0.15 Donald H. Regan, The Problem of Social Cost Revisited, Journal of Law and Economics, 1972.
0.15 Edmund W. Kitch, The Fire of Truth: A Remembrance of Law and Economics at Chicago 1932-1970. Journal of Law and Economics, 1983,
0.15 Michael E. Levine, Landing Fees and the Airport Congestion Problem, Journal of Law and Economics, 1969.
0.15 J. W. Milliman, Water Law and Private Decision-Making: A Critique, Journal of Law and Economics, 1959.
0.15 Jora R. Minasian, The Political Economy of Broadcasting in the 1920's, Journal of Law and Economics, 1969.
0.15 Charles L. Jackson, Coase and the New Zealand Spectrum Reforms, Journal of Law and Economics, 2011.
0.15 C. J. Maule, Antitrust and the Takeover Activity of American Firms in Canada: A Final Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1970.