merger industry concentration firm product company steel large acquisition plant share industrial number manufacturing size data production establishment asset

0.68 Mary L. Streitwieser, The Extent and Nature of Establishment-Level Diversification in Sixteen U S Manufacturing Industries, Journal of Law and Economics, 1991.
0.52 Carl Eis, The 1919-1930 Merger Movement in American Industry, Journal of Law and Economics, 1969.
0.46 Yale Brozen, The Persistence of "High Rates of Return" in High-Stable Concentration Industries, Journal of Law and Economics, 1971.
0.46 Robert H. McGuckin Sang V. Nguyen Stephen H. Andrews, The Relationships among Acquiring and Acquired Firms' Product Lines, Journal of Law and Economics, 1991.
0.45 Yale Brozen, Bain's Concentration and Rates of Return Revisited, Journal of Law and Economics, 1971.
0.43 John Sylvia Jewkes, A Hundred Years of Change in the Structure of the Cotton Industry, Journal of Law and Economics, 1966.
0.43 George J. Stigler, The Economic Effects of the Antitrust Laws, Journal of Law and Economics, 1966.
0.40 Paul W. Mac Avoy James W. McKie Lee E. Preston, High and Stable Concentration Levels Profitability and Public Policy: A Response, Journal of Law and Economics, 1971.
0.38 James W. Meehan_ Jr., Vertical Foreclosure in the Cement Industry: A Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1972.
0.35 Lawrence G. Goldberg, The Effect of Conglomerate Mergers on Competition, Journal of Law and Economics, 1973.
0.35 Bruce T. Allen, Vertical Integration and Market Foreclosure: The Case of Cement and Concrete, Journal of Law and Economics, 1971.
0.34 Yale Brozen, The Antitrust Task Force Deconcentration Recommendation, Journal of Law and Economics, 1970.
0.33 B. Peter Pashigian, Market Concentration in the United States and Great Britain, Journal of Law and Economics, 1968.
0.32 Bruce T. Allen, Vertical Foreclosure in the Cement Industry: Reply, Journal of Law and Economics, 1972.
0.32 Leonard W. Weiss, The Extent and Effects of Aggregate Concentration, Journal of Law and Economics, 1983.
0.31 John J. McGowan, International Comparisons of Merger Activity, Journal of Law and Economics, 1971.
0.31 Kenneth G. Elzinga, The Antimerger Law: Pyrrhic Victories?, Journal of Law and Economics, 1969.
0.30 George J. Stigler, The Economies of Scale, Journal of Law and Economics, 1958.
0.30 Charles H. Berry, Corporate Growth and Diversification, Journal of Law and Economics, 1971.
0.29 Donald O. Parsons Edward John Ray, The United States Steel Consolidation: The Creation of Market Control, Journal of Law and Economics, 1975.
0.29 Rosemary D. Hale G. E. Hale, More on Mergers, Journal of Law and Economics, 1962.
0.28 Daryl N. Winn Dick A. Leabo, Rates of Return Concentration and Growth--Question of Disequilibrium, Journal of Law and Economics, 1974.
0.28 Bruce T. Allen, Industrial Reciprocity: A Statistical Analysis, Journal of Law and Economics, 1975.
0.27 David J. Ravenscraft Curtis L. Wagner III, The Role of the FTC's Line of Business Data in Testing and Expanding the Theory of the Firm, Journal of Law and Economics, 1991.
0.26 F. M. Scherer, The Causes and Consequences of Rising Industrial Concentration, Journal of Law and Economics, 1979.
0.26 Yale Brozen, Deconcentration Reconsidered: Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1971.
0.26 Michael T. Maloney Robert E. McCormick, Excess Capacity Cyclical Production and Merger Motives: Some Evidence from the Capital Markets, Journal of Law and Economics, 1988.
0.25 Michael Gort Thomas F. Hogarty, New Evidence on Mergers, Journal of Law and Economics, 1970.
0.25 B. Peter Pashigian, The Effect of Environmental Regulation on Optimal Plant Size and Factor Shares, Journal of Law and Economics, 1984.
0.24 D. K. Round, Industry Structure Market Rivalry and Public Policy: Some Australian Evidence, Journal of Law and Economics, 1975.
0.23 John S. McGee, Professor Weiss on Concentration, Journal of Law and Economics, 1983.
0.22 C. J. Maule, Antitrust and the Takeover Activity of American Firms in Canada, Journal of Law and Economics, 1968.
0.20 John R. Carter, Collusion Efficiency and Antitrust, Journal of Law and Economics, 1978.
0.20 Kozo Kiyota Tetsuji Okazaki, Industrial Policy Cuts Two Ways: Evidence from Cotton-Spinning Firms in Japan 1956–1964. Journal of Law and Economics, 2010,
0.20 Avi Weiss, The Role of Firm-Specific Capital in Vertical Mergers, Journal of Law and Economics, 1992.
0.20 James H. Lorie Paul Halpern, Conglomerates: The Rhetoric and the Evidence, Journal of Law and Economics, 1970.
0.20 David S. Evans, The Differential Effect of Regulation across Plant Size: Comment on Pashigian, Journal of Law and Economics, 1986.
0.19 Rosemary D. Hale, Cookware: A Study in Vertical Integration, Journal of Law and Economics, 1967.
0.19 John T. Wenders, Deconcentration Reconsidered, Journal of Law and Economics, 1971.
0.18 Sam Peltzman, The Causes and Consequences of Rising Industrial Concentration: A Reply, Journal of Law and Economics, 1979.
0.18 Grant L. Reuber, Antitrust and the Takeover Activity of American Firms in Canada: A Further Analysis, Journal of Law and Economics, 1969.
0.17 Harold Demsetz, More on Collusion and Advertising: A Reply, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.17 B. Espen Eckbo Peggy Wier, Antimerger Policy under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act: A Reexamination of the Market Power Hypothesis, Journal of Law and Economics, 1985.
0.17 Ronald S. Bond Warren Greenberg, Industry Structure Market Rivalry and Public Policy: A Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.17 George Bittlingmayer, Did Antitrust Policy Cause the Great Merger Wave?, Journal of Law and Economics, 1985.
0.17 George Bittlingmayer, Decreasing Average Cost and Competition: A New Look at the Addyston Pipe Case, Journal of Law and Economics, 1982.
0.16 Orley Ashenfelter Daniel Hosken, The Effect of Mergers on Consumer Prices: Evidence from Five Mergers on the Enforcement Margin, Journal of Law and Economics, 2010.
0.16 James M. Rock, Cookware: A Study in Vertical Integration--A Reexamination, Journal of Law and Economics, 1969.
0.16 Steven Lustgarten, Gains and Losses from Concentration: A Comment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1979.
0.16 Sam Peltzman, The Gains and Losses from Industrial Concentration, Journal of Law and Economics, 1977.
0.16 George J. Stigler, The Dominant Firm and the Inverted Umbrella, Journal of Law and Economics, 1965.