government private public plan pension benefit political funding sector corruption enterprise service contribution employee level percent defined erisa expenditure

0.34 Richard A. Ippolito, A Study of the Regulatory Effect of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, Journal of Law and Economics, 1988.
0.32 Richard A. Ippolito, Reversion Taxes Contingent Benefits and the Decline in Pension Funding, Journal of Law and Economics, 2001.
0.32 Richard A. Ippolito, The Economic Function of Underfunded Pension Plans, Journal of Law and Economics, 1985.
0.21 Elizabeth Becker Cotton M. Lindsay, Does the Government Free Ride?, Journal of Law and Economics, 1994.
0.17 William Clark, Production Costs and Output Qualities in Public and Private Employment Agencies, Journal of Law and Economics, 1988.
0.16 David G. Davies, Property Rights and Economic Efficiency--The Australian Airlines Revisited, Journal of Law and Economics, 1977.