war country freedom political century inequality wa population social england bentham military government deserter democracy people civil individual city

0.50 J. Bradford De Long Andrei Shleifer, Princes and Merchants: European City Growth before the Industrial Revolution, Journal of Law and Economics, 1993.
0.43 Bruno S. Frey Heinz Buhofer, Prisoners and Property Rights, Journal of Law and Economics, 1988.
0.40 Dora L. Costa Matthew E. Kahn, Deserters Social Norms and Migration, Journal of Law and Economics, 2007.
0.38 Graziella Bertocchi Chiara Strozzi, The Evolution of Citizenship: Economic and Institutional Determinants, Journal of Law and Economics, 2010.
0.35 Robert Mac Culloch Silvia Pezzini, The Roles of Freedom Growth and Religion in the Taste for Revolution, Journal of Law and Economics, 2010.
0.34 Peter T. Leeson, Trading with Bandits, Journal of Law and Economics, 2007.
0.31 Robert K. Fleck F. Andrew Hanssen, The Origins of Democracy: A Model with Application to Ancient Greece, Journal of Law and Economics, 2006.
0.29 Jared Rubin, Social Insurance Commitment and the Origin of Law: Interest Bans in Early Christianity, Journal of Law and Economics, 2009.
0.29 H. R. Trevor-Roper, Gibbon and the Publication of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 1776-1976. Journal of Law and Economics, 1976,
0.28 R. R. Palmer, Turgot: Paragon of the Continental Enlightenment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.27 Yoram Barzel, Confiscation by the Ruler: The Rise and Fall of Jewish Lending in the Middle Ages, Journal of Law and Economics, 1992.
0.26 Bernard Bailyn, 1776 A Year of Challenge--A World Transformed, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.25 Robert Mac Culloch, Income Inequality and the Taste for Revolution, Journal of Law and Economics, 2005.
0.24 H. L. A. Hart, Bentham and the United States of America, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.21 Stanley N. Katz, Thomas Jefferson and the Right to Property in Revolutionary America, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.20 Yoram Barzel, An Economic Analysis of Slavery, Journal of Law and Economics, 1977.
0.18 Thomas W. Ross, Raising an Army: A Positive Theory of Military Recruitment, Journal of Law and Economics, 1994.
0.17 Richard A. Posner, Blackstone and Bentham, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.