service act office postal commission post company mail mr board monopoly record public department government letter committee private report

0.47 R. H. Coase, The British Post Office and the Messenger Companies, Journal of Law and Economics, 1961.
0.47 Tab Lewis, Records Pertaining to Contracts and the Activities of Firms in the National Archives: An Overview, Journal of Law and Economics, 1991.
0.46 George L. Priest, The History of the Postal Monopoly in the United States, Journal of Law and Economics, 1975.
0.38 George M. Wattles, The Rates and Costs of the United States Postal Service, Journal of Law and Economics, 1973.
0.36 Michael E. Levine, Regulating Airmail Transportation, Journal of Law and Economics, 1975.
0.35 Simon Rottenberg, Legislated Early Shop Closing in Britain, Journal of Law and Economics, 1961.
0.33 R. H. Coase, The Lighthouse in Economics, Journal of Law and Economics, 1974.
0.24 Howard P. Marvel, Factory Regulaton: A Reinterpretation of Early English Experience, Journal of Law and Economics, 1977.
0.20 R. H. Coase, The Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee, Journal of Law and Economics, 1962.
0.17 Clinton H. Whitehurst_ Jr., The Merchant Marine Act of 1936: An Operational Subsidy in Retrospect, Journal of Law and Economics, 1965.
0.16 Gerald P. O'Driscoll_ Jr., The American Express Case: Public Good or Monopoly?, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.16 Dan Bogart Gary Richardson, Property Rights and Parliament in Industrializing Britain, Journal of Law and Economics, 2011.