water rent user resource ground law transfer tenant flow rental doctrine possession landlord ownership property control river appropriation common

0.56 Edgar S. Bagley, Water Rights Law and Public Policies Relating to Ground Water "Mining" in the Southwestern States, Journal of Law and Economics, 1961.
0.44 H. Stuart Burness James P. Quirk, Water Law Water Transfers and Economic Efficiency: The Colorado River, Journal of Law and Economics, 1980.
0.43 Ronald N. Johnson Micha Gisser Michael Werner, The Definition of a Surface Water Right and Transferability, Journal of Law and Economics, 1981.
0.39 J. W. Milliman, Water Law and Private Decision-Making: A Critique, Journal of Law and Economics, 1959.
0.34 Mark Kanazawa, Pricing Subsidies and Economic Efficiency: The U S Bureau of Reclamation, Journal of Law and Economics, 1993.
0.30 Dean Lueck, The Rule of First Possession and the Design of the Law, Journal of Law and Economics, 1995.
0.28 Steven N. S. Cheung, Rent Control and Housing Reconstruction: The Postwar Experience of Prewar Premises in Hong Kong, Journal of Law and Economics, 1979.
0.22 James M. Buchanan, Rent Seeking Noncompensated Transfers and Laws of Succession, Journal of Law and Economics, 1983.
0.17 James M. Buchanan Yong J. Yoon, Symmetric Tragedies: Commons and Anticommons, Journal of Law and Economics, 2000.
0.17 Steven N. S. Cheung, A Theory of Price Control, Journal of Law and Economics, 1974.
0.16 Pablo Casas‐Arce Albert Saiz, Owning versus Renting: Do Courts Matter?, Journal of Law and Economics, 2010.
0.15 Steven N. S. Cheung, Transaction Costs Risk Aversion and the Choice of Contractual Arrangements, Journal of Law and Economics, 1969.