enforcement fund legal penalty compliance violation spill sanction detection size noncompliance fee illegal probability expense fine level osha act

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0.26 Jonathan S. Feinstein, Detection Controlled Estimation, Journal of Law and Economics, 1990.
0.23 A. Mitchell Polinsky Steven Shavell, Enforcement Costs and the Optimal Magnitude and Probability of Fines, Journal of Law and Economics, 1992.
0.23 Louis Kaplow Steven Shavell, Accuracy in the Determination of Liability, Journal of Law and Economics, 1994.
0.22 B. Peter Pashigian, A Theory of Prevention and Legal Defense with an Application to the Legal Costs of Companies, Journal of Law and Economics, 1982.
0.19 Steven Shavell, The Optimal Structure of Law Enforcement, Journal of Law and Economics, 1993.
0.19 Rodney T. Smith, The Legal and Illegal Markets for Taxed Goods: Pure Theory and an Application to State Government Taxation of Distilled Spirits, Journal of Law and Economics, 1976.
0.17 Ann P. Bartel Lacy Glenn Thomas, Predation through Regulation: The Wage and Profit Effects of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency, Journal of Law and Economics, 1987.