0.71 C. C. Willoughby, An Analysis of the Decorations upon Pottery from the Mississippi Valley, The Journal of American Folklore, 1897.
0.70 J. Walter Fewkes, The Micoñinovi Flute Altars, The Journal of American Folklore, 1896.
0.66 J. Walter Fewkes, The Growth of the Hopi Ritual, The Journal of American Folklore, 1898.
0.65 J. Walter Fewkes, Sky-God Personations in Hopi Worship, The Journal of American Folklore, 1902.
0.65 J. Walter Fewkes, An Interpretation of Katcina Worship, The Journal of American Folklore, 1901.
0.62 J. Walter Fewkes, Hopi Basket Dances, The Journal of American Folklore, 1899.
0.57 J. Walter Fewkes, The Ceremonial Circuit among the Village Indians of Northeastern Arizona, The Journal of American Folklore, 1892.
0.56 J. Walter Fewkes, The Oraibi Flute Altar, The Journal of American Folklore, 1895.
0.53 J. Walter Fewkes, The Sacrificial Element in Hopi Worship, The Journal of American Folklore, 1897.
0.52 J. Walter Fewkes, The Walpi Flute Observance: A Study of Primitive Dramatization, The Journal of American Folklore, 1894.
0.49 Edwin Wade David Evans, The Kachina Sash: A Native Model of the Hopi World, Western Folklore, 1973.
0.46 Ivar Paulson, Outline of Permian Folk Religion, Journal of the Folklore Institute, 1965.
0.45 Marshall H. Saville, A Comparative Study of the Graven Glyphs of Copan and Quirigua A Preliminary Paper, The Journal of American Folklore, 1894.
0.45 Gertrude P. Kurath, Calling the Rain Gods, The Journal of American Folklore, 1960.
0.43 , The Pá-Lü-Lü-Koñ-Ti: A Tusayan Ceremony, The Journal of American Folklore, 1893.
0.43 Elsie Clews Parsons, The Pueblo Indian Clan in Folk-Lore, The Journal of American Folklore, 1921.
0.43 J. Walter Fewkes, A Suggestion as to the Meaning of the Moki Snake Dance, The Journal of American Folklore, 1891.
0.40 Elsie Clews Parsons, The Zuñi Mo'lawia, The Journal of American Folklore, 1916.
0.40 G. M. Godden, Clothed Images, The Journal of American Folklore, 1894.
0.39 Edwin M. Loeb, A Note on Two Far-Travelled Kachinas, The Journal of American Folklore, 1943.
0.38 M. Jane Young, Images of Power and the Power of Images: The Significance of Rock Art for Contemporary Zunis, The Journal of American Folklore, 1985.
0.37 Alfred M. Tozzer, A Note on Star-Lore among the Navajos, The Journal of American Folklore, 1908.
0.37 Paul Radin, The Ritual and Significance of the Winnebago Medicine Dance, The Journal of American Folklore, 1911.
0.35 J. Walter Fewkes A. M. Stephens, The Nā-Ác-Nai-Ya: A Tusayan Initiation Ceremony, The Journal of American Folklore, 1892.
0.34 Karl H. Schwerin, Ceremonies Concerned with Hail and Rain in Tlaxcala, The Journal of American Folklore, 1963.
0.34 Mischa Titiev, Two Hopi Myths and Rites, The Journal of American Folklore, 1948.
0.34 Eddie W. Wilson, The Gourd in Folk Symbolism, Western Folklore, 1951.
0.34 M. Jane Young, Women Reproduction and Religion in Western Puebloan Society, The Journal of American Folklore, 1987.
0.33 Neil M. Judd, When the Jemez Medicine Men Came to Zuni, The Journal of American Folklore, 1947.
0.33 C. F. Voegelin Robert C. Euler, Introduction to Hopi Chants, The Journal of American Folklore, 1957.
0.33 Lucile Hoerr Charles, Growing up Through Drama, The Journal of American Folklore, 1946.
0.32 Charles Wagley, World View of the Tapirape Indians, The Journal of American Folklore, 1940.
0.32 Lucile Hoerr Charles, Drama in Shaman Exorcism, The Journal of American Folklore, 1953.
0.31 S. C. Simms, The Metawin Society of the Bungees or Swampy Indians of Lake Winnipeg, The Journal of American Folklore, 1906.
0.31 Karl A. Wittfogel Esther S. Goldfrank, Some Aspects of Pueblo Mythology and Society, The Journal of American Folklore, 1943.
0.30 William F. Hanks, Sanctification Structure and Experience in a Yucatec Ritual Event, The Journal of American Folklore, 1984.
0.29 Michael Atwood Mason, "I Bow My Head to the Ground": The Creation of Bodily Experience in a Cuban American Santería Initiation, The Journal of American Folklore, 1994.
0.29 Rosemary Gipson, Los Voladores The Flyers of Mexico, Western Folklore, 1971.
0.29 Ruth L. Bunzel, Further Note on San Felipe, The Journal of American Folklore, 1928.
0.29 Richard W. Howell, The Kamui Oina: A Sacred Charter of the Ainu, The Journal of American Folklore, 1952.
0.29 Crawford H. Toy, Mexican Human Sacrifice, The Journal of American Folklore, 1905.
0.29 M. E. Opler, The Influence of Aboriginal Pattern and White Contact on a Recently Introduced Ceremony the Mescalero Peyote Rite, The Journal of American Folklore, 1936.
0.29 Ruth Bunzel, Notes on the Katcina Cult in San Felipe, The Journal of American Folklore, 1928.
0.28 Lucile Hoerr Charles, Drama in First-Naming Ceremonies, The Journal of American Folklore, 1951.
0.28 W. W. N., Observation of Primitive Ritual, The Journal of American Folklore, 1892.
0.28 Howard Cline, Lore and Deities of the Lacandon Indians Chiapas Mexico, The Journal of American Folklore, 1944.
0.28 , Navajo Rite-Myths, The Journal of American Folklore, 1894.
0.28 Elsie Clews Parsons, Zuñi Names and Naming Practices, The Journal of American Folklore, 1923.
0.27 Washington Matthews, The Ceremonial Circuit, The Journal of American Folklore, 1892.
0.27 Oliver C. Farrington, The Worship and Folk-Lore of Meteorites, The Journal of American Folklore, 1900.
0.27 A. Popov, Consecration Ritual for a Blacksmith Novice among the Yakuts, The Journal of American Folklore, 1933.
0.26 Edward P. Dozier, The Role of the Hopi-Tewa Migration Legend in Reinforcing Cultural Patterns and Prescribing Social Behavior, The Journal of American Folklore, 1956.
0.26 Bernard Mishkin, Cosmological Ideas among the Indians of the Southern Andes, The Journal of American Folklore, 1940.
0.26 James H. Howard, The Tree Dweller Cults of the Dakota, The Journal of American Folklore, 1955.
0.25 M. Jane Young, "Pity the Indians of Outer Space": Native American Views of the Space Program, Western Folklore, 1987.
0.24 Jonathan D. Hill, Poetic Transformations of Narrative Discourse in an Amazonian Society, Journal of Folklore Research, 1990.
0.24 D. R. Stoddart, Myth and Ceremonial among the Tunebo Indians of Eastern Colombia, The Journal of American Folklore, 1962.
0.24 , Ritual Regarded as the Dramatization of Myth, The Journal of American Folklore, 1894.
0.24 Gladys A. Reichard, Good Characters in Myth: The Navaho Sun God, The Journal of American Folklore, 1943.
0.24 Alice C. Fletcher, Giving Thanks: A Pawnee Ceremony, The Journal of American Folklore, 1900.
0.24 Lucile Hoerr Charles, Regeneration Through Drama at Death, The Journal of American Folklore, 1948.
0.23 Roland B. Dixon, Some Aspects of the American Shaman, The Journal of American Folklore, 1908.
0.23 Eddie W. Wilson, The Gourd in Magic, Western Folklore, 1954.
0.23 , Witch Lore, Western Folklore, 1951.
0.23 L. Bryce Boyer Ruth M. Boyer, The Sacred Clown of the Chiricahua and Mescalero Apaches: Additional Data, Western Folklore, 1983.
0.23 Stewart Culin, Chinese Secret Societies in the United States, The Journal of American Folklore, 1890.
0.23 Margot Astrov, The Concept of Motion as the Psychological Leitmotif of Navaho Life and Literature, The Journal of American Folklore, 1950.
0.23 Paul Radin, Religion of the North American Indians, The Journal of American Folklore, 1914.
0.22 Paul Siliceo Pauer, Cat's-Cradle, The Journal of American Folklore, 1920.
0.22 Lynne S. Crumrine N. Ross Crumrine, Ritual Service and Blood Sacrifice as Mediating Binary Oppositions: A Structural Analysis of Several Mayo Myths and Rituals, The Journal of American Folklore, 1970.
0.22 Harold Blau, Function and the False Faces: A Classification of Onondaga Masked Rituals and Themes, The Journal of American Folklore, 1966.
0.21 Virginia Rodríguez Rivera, The Quiatlazques, Journal of the Folklore Institute, 1966.
0.21 Elsie Clews Parsons, Cosmography of Indians of Imbabura Province Ecuador, The Journal of American Folklore, 1940.
0.21 Alexander F. Chamberlain, Kootenay "Medicine-Men", The Journal of American Folklore, 1901.
0.21 Gladys A. Reichard, Individualism and Mythological Style, The Journal of American Folklore, 1944.
0.21 Keith Cunningham, Folklore and Bureaucracy: Zuni Culture and Anglo-American Definitions, Western Folklore, 1990.
0.21 Lucile Hoerr Charles, Drama in War, The Journal of American Folklore, 1955.
0.21 W. W. Newell, Navaho Legends, The Journal of American Folklore, 1896.
0.21 Eda Lou Walton, Navajo Song Patterning, The Journal of American Folklore, 1930.
0.21 Lord Raglan, Myth and Ritual, The Journal of American Folklore, 1955.
0.21 John Batchelor, Items of Ainu Folk-Lore, The Journal of American Folklore, 1894.
0.20 Martha W. Beckwith, Function and Meaning of the Kumulipo Birth Chant in Ancient Hawaii, The Journal of American Folklore, 1949.
0.20 , Giant Story, Western Folklore, 1948.
0.20 Alanson Skinner, The Menomini Word "Häwätûk", The Journal of American Folklore, 1915.
0.20 , A Pueblo Rabbit-Hunt, The Journal of American Folklore, 1895.
0.20 Alfred Métraux, A Myth of the Chamacoco Indians and Its Social Significance, The Journal of American Folklore, 1943.
0.20 Ph. J. J. Valentini, Trique Theogony An Alleged Specimen of Ancient Mexican Folk-Lore, The Journal of American Folklore, 1899.
0.20 Marinus Anthony van der Sluijs Anthony L. Peratt, The Ourobóros as an Auroral Phenomenon, Journal of Folklore Research, 2009.
0.19 Elsie Clews Parsons, All-Souls Day at Zuñi Acoma and Laguna, The Journal of American Folklore, 1917.
0.19 Washington Matthews, Songs of Sequence of the Navajos, The Journal of American Folklore, 1894.
0.19 Phyllis M. Correa, Otomí Rituals and Celebrations: Crosses Ancestors and Resurrection, The Journal of American Folklore, 2000.
0.19 Elsie Clews Parsons, Nativity Myth at Laguna and Zuñi, The Journal of American Folklore, 1918.
0.19 Agnes Morgan, The Feast of Lanterns and the Feast of the Star Weaver in Japan, The Journal of American Folklore, 1897.
0.19 James Mooney, The Cherokee River Cult, The Journal of American Folklore, 1900.
0.19 Susan Tower Hollis, Women of Ancient Egypt and the Sky Goddess Nut, The Journal of American Folklore, 1987.
0.18 Ensho Ashikaga, Votive Pictures: A Japanese Superstition, Western Folklore, 1954.
0.18 , Rain Making, Western Folklore, 1950.
0.18 Washington Matthews, Navaho Night Chant, The Journal of American Folklore, 1901.
0.18 George A. Dorsey, The Ocimbanda or Witch-Doctor of the Ovimbundu of Portuguese Southwest Africa, The Journal of American Folklore, 1899.
0.18 William Lipkind, Carajá Cosmography, The Journal of American Folklore, 1940.
0.18 Heli Chatelain, African Fetishism, The Journal of American Folklore, 1894.
0.18 E. T. Kirby, The Origin of the Mummers' Play, The Journal of American Folklore, 1971.
0.18 , Rain Dance, Western Folklore, 1948.
0.18 Ernst S. Dick, The Bridesman in the Indo-European Tradition: Ritual and Myth in Marriage Ceremonies, The Journal of American Folklore, 1966.
0.18 George Frederick Kunz, Exhibition of Gems Used as Amulets etc, The Journal of American Folklore, 1891.
0.18 Dennis Tedlock, The Witches Were Saved: A Zuni Origin Story, The Journal of American Folklore, 1988.
0.18 Francis La Flesche, Who Was the Medicine Man?, The Journal of American Folklore, 1905.
0.17 Herbert Weisinger, Before Myth, Journal of the Folklore Institute, 1965.
0.17 Barbara A. Babcock, Pueblo Cultural Bodies, The Journal of American Folklore, 1994.
0.17 S. C. Simms, Myths of the Bungees or Swampy Indians of Lake Winnipeg, The Journal of American Folklore, 1906.
0.17 Ruth Landes, Fetish Worship in Brazil, The Journal of American Folklore, 1940.
0.17 , Intelligence and Originality of Primitive Man, The Journal of American Folklore, 1894.
0.17 , The Twenty-One Precepts of the Ottawa Indians, The Journal of American Folklore, 1892.
0.17 Lucile Hoerr Charles, The Clown's Function, The Journal of American Folklore, 1945.
0.17 T. M. Pearce, Some Indian Place Names of New Mexico, Western Folklore, 1951.
0.16 , The Origin of Playing - Cards, The Journal of American Folklore, 1895.
0.16 Richard W. Howell, The Classification and Description of Ainu Folklore, The Journal of American Folklore, 1951.
0.16 Eddie W. Wilson, The Moon and the American Indian, Western Folklore, 1965.
0.16 Alphonse Riesenfeld, Ignorance of Physiological Paternity in Melanesia, The Journal of American Folklore, 1949.
0.16 John Charlot, A Pattern in Three Hawaiian Chants, The Journal of American Folklore, 1983.
0.16 Edwin M. Loeb, Kuanyama Ambo Magic 2 Kuanyama Doctors, The Journal of American Folklore, 1955.
0.16 , Sacredness of the North, The Journal of American Folklore, 1894.
0.16 Washington Matthews, The Study of Ceremony, The Journal of American Folklore, 1897.
0.15 Thomas J. Steele, The Matachine Agüelo: A Life outside the Theater, Western Folklore, 2001.
0.15 Clara Regnoni-Macera, The Song of May, Western Folklore, 1964.
0.15 Samuel H. Elbert, The Chief in Hawaiian Mythology 7 The Chief and Religion, The Journal of American Folklore, 1957.
0.15 Geo. A. Dorsey, A Ceremony of the Quichuas of Peru, The Journal of American Folklore, 1894.
0.15 Frank G. Speck, Notes on Chickasaw Ethnology and Folk-Lore, The Journal of American Folklore, 1907.
0.15 , The Sacred Pole of the Omaha Tribe, The Journal of American Folklore, 1895.
0.15 Stewart Culin, American Indian Games, The Journal of American Folklore, 1898.
0.15 Eddie W. Wilson, The Spider and the American Indian, Western Folklore, 1951.
0.15 Judith McCulloh, Pair United in Unholy Wedlock, Western Folklore, 1968.
0.15 , [Green Corn Dance and the Great Feather Dance], The Journal of American Folklore, 1891.
0.15 Thomas Vennum_ Jr., Ojibwa Origin-Migration Songs of the mitewiwin, The Journal of American Folklore, 1978.
0.15 Aurelio M. Espinosa, All-Souls Day at Zuñi Acoma and Laguna, The Journal of American Folklore, 1918.
0.15 Albert S. Gatschet, Water-Monsters of American Aborigines, The Journal of American Folklore, 1899.
0.14 Elsie Clews Parsons, The Origin Myth of Zuñi, The Journal of American Folklore, 1923.
0.14 William Morgan Alfred North Whitehead, The Organization of a Story and a Tale, The Journal of American Folklore, 1945.
0.14 Dr. Bulmer, Demon-Worship in Southern India, The Journal of American Folklore, 1894.
0.14 William E. Simeone, The Mythical Robin Hood, Western Folklore, 1958.
0.14 William P. Malm, The Eighth Day Festival on Miyakejima, The Journal of American Folklore, 1963.
0.14 H. Carrington Bolton, Decoration of Graves of Negroes in South Carolina, The Journal of American Folklore, 1891.
0.14 J. Walter Fewkes, The Destruction of the Tusayan Monsters, The Journal of American Folklore, 1895.
0.14 Charles Peabody, The Doughnut, The Journal of American Folklore, 1905.
0.14 H. Newell Wardle, Note on the Ground-Hog Myth and Its Origin, The Journal of American Folklore, 1919.
0.14 , Sacred Trees, The Journal of American Folklore, 1901.
0.14 , Folk-Lore at the Columbian Exposition, The Journal of American Folklore, 1893.
0.14 James S. Griffith, Quetzalcoatl on the Border? Mestizo Water Serpent Beliefs of the Pimeria Alta, Western Folklore, 1990.
0.14 A. S. Gatschet, Greek Folk-Lore concerning the Moon, The Journal of American Folklore, 1891.
0.14 Alice C. Fletcher, Hae-thu-ska Society of the Omaha Tribe, The Journal of American Folklore, 1892.
0.14 , The Prayer of a Navajo Shaman, The Journal of American Folklore, 1888.
0.14 Alexander M. Stephen, Hopi Tales, The Journal of American Folklore, 1929.
0.14 Edison Carneiro, The Structure of African Cults in Bahia, The Journal of American Folklore, 1940.
0.13 , Seneca White Dog Feast, The Journal of American Folklore, 1905.
0.13 Washington Matthews, The Treatment of Ailing Gods, The Journal of American Folklore, 1901.
0.13 Rosalie Hankey, Ghosts and Shamanism in Kwangtung, California Folklore Quarterly, 1943.
0.13 Justus M. van der Kroef, Folklore and Tradition in Javanese Society, The Journal of American Folklore, 1955.
0.13 Willard Johnson, A Recently Received Native American Shamanistic Myth of Little Spirits, Western Folklore, 1992.
0.13 James Denbow, Heart and Soul: Glimpses of Ideology and Cosmology in the Iconography of Tombstones from the Loango Coast of Central Africa, The Journal of American Folklore, 1999.
0.13 Frank Hamilton Cushing, Origin Myth from Oraibi, The Journal of American Folklore, 1923.
0.13 , Tree-Planting at Childbirth, The Journal of American Folklore, 1895.
0.13 Louise Kennedy, Voodoo and Vodun, The Journal of American Folklore, 1890.
0.13 Robert H. Lowie, The Crow Sun Dance, The Journal of American Folklore, 1914.
0.13 Stanley Edgar Hyman, The Ritual View of Myth and the Mythic, The Journal of American Folklore, 1955.
0.13 , Erratum: A Theory of Indo-European Märchen, The Journal of American Folklore, 1931.
0.13 N. J. Girardot, Initiation and Meaning in the Tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, The Journal of American Folklore, 1977.
0.12 Stewart Culin, Retrospect of the Folk-Lore of the Columbian Exposition, The Journal of American Folklore, 1894.
0.12 , Fox Possession in Japan, The Journal of American Folklore, 1900.
0.12 , Indian Rain, Western Folklore, 1949.
0.12 , Witchcraft Revoked, Western Folklore, 1950.
0.12 , Treasure Troves, Western Folklore, 1950.
0.12 Alice C. Fletcher, Pawnee Star Lore, The Journal of American Folklore, 1903.
0.12 James H. Howard, Peyote Jokes, The Journal of American Folklore, 1962.
0.12 George Hendricks, Human Sacrifice, Western Folklore, 1964.
0.12 Stephen D. Glazier, Syncretism and Separation: Ritual Change in an Afro-Caribbean Faith, The Journal of American Folklore, 1985.
0.12 Dorothy Eggan, The Personal Use of Myth in Dreams, The Journal of American Folklore, 1955.
0.12 Constance Goddard Du Bois, Ceremonies and Traditions of the Diegueño Indians, The Journal of American Folklore, 1908.
0.12 Frances Densmore, Imitative Dances among the American Indians, The Journal of American Folklore, 1947.
0.12 Felix Oinas, The Sower, Journal of Folklore Research, 1983.
0.12 Alexander F. Chamberlain, Notes of Tagal Folk-Lore, The Journal of American Folklore, 1902.
0.12 Bruce A. Rosenberg, The Meaning of Æcerbot, The Journal of American Folklore, 1966.
0.12 P. S. Sparkman A. L. Kroeber Thomas Waterman Edward Sapir, Notes on California Folk-Lore, The Journal of American Folklore, 1908.
0.12 George Herzog, A Comparison of Pueblo and Pima Musical Styles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1936.
0.12 H. F. C. ten Kate, A Zuñi Folk-Tale, The Journal of American Folklore, 1917.
0.12 Louis Vossion, Nat-Worship among the Burmese, The Journal of American Folklore, 1891.
0.12 , Touch Wood, Western Folklore, 1949.
0.11 Star Coulbrooke, Women's Mid-Life Rites of Passage and "The Goddess of Hysterectomy", Western Folklore, 2002.
0.11 Anna-Leena Siikala, Variation in the Incantation and Mythical Thinking: The Scope of Comparative Research, Journal of Folklore Research, 1986.
0.11 Justus M. van der Kroef, Rice Legends of Indonesia, The Journal of American Folklore, 1952.
0.11 George A. Barton, Sacrifice among the Wakamba in British East Africa, The Journal of American Folklore, 1899.
0.11 Martha W. Beckwith, The Hawaiian Hula-Dance, The Journal of American Folklore, 1916.
0.11 J. H. Kwabena Nketia, The Intensity Factor in African Music, Journal of Folklore Research, 1988.
0.11 William R. Bascom, The Relationship of Yoruba Folklore to Divining, The Journal of American Folklore, 1943.
0.11 W. H. Babcock, Charms for Young Women, The Journal of American Folklore, 1888.
0.11 Morris Siegel, The Creation Myth and Acculturation in Acatán Guatemala, The Journal of American Folklore, 1943.
0.11 John Bierhorst, American Indian Verbal Art and the Role of the Literary Critic, The Journal of American Folklore, 1975.
0.11 Mrs. Lucien Howe W. W. N., The Burial of the Wren, The Journal of American Folklore, 1893.
0.11 , Poltergeist, Western Folklore, 1949.
0.11 J. W. Powell, The Interpretation of Folk-Lore, The Journal of American Folklore, 1895.
0.11 H. Carrington Bolton, A Relic of Astrology, The Journal of American Folklore, 1898.
0.11 Alfred Métraux, South American Thunderbirds, The Journal of American Folklore, 1944.
0.11 A. M. Stephen, Legend of the Snake Order of the Moquis as Told by Outsiders, The Journal of American Folklore, 1888.
0.11 J. F. Scheltema, Sry Nagasary, The Journal of American Folklore, 1919.
0.11 Henry John Drewal, Interpretation Invention and Re-Presentation in the Worship of Mami Wata, Journal of Folklore Research, 1988.
0.11 Elsie Clews Parsons, Riddles and Metaphors among Indian Peoples, The Journal of American Folklore, 1936.
0.11 Edwin M. Loeb, Kuanyama Ambo Magic, The Journal of American Folklore, 1955.
0.11 Thomas Johnston, Secret Initiation Songs of the Shangana-Tsonga Circumcision Rite: A Textual and Musical Analysis, The Journal of American Folklore, 1974.
0.11 Jill D. Sweet Karen E. Larson, The Horse Santiago and a Ritual Game: Pueblo Indian Responses to Three Spanish Introductions, Western Folklore, 1994.
0.11 Henry Winfred Splitter, The Chinese Feast of Lanterns, The Journal of American Folklore, 1950.
0.10 George Eaton Simpson, Four Vodun Ceremonies, The Journal of American Folklore, 1946.
0.10 Washington Matthews, Noqoìlpi the Gambler: A Navajo Myth, The Journal of American Folklore, 1889.
0.10 John G. Bourke, Notes upon the Gentile Organization of the Apaches of Arizona, The Journal of American Folklore, 1890.
0.10 Zelia Nuttall, Ancient Mexican Superstitions, The Journal of American Folklore, 1897.
0.10 Eddie W. Wilson, The Owl and the American Indian, The Journal of American Folklore, 1950.
0.10 Michael Edward Melody, Maka's Story: A Study of a Lakota Cosmogony, The Journal of American Folklore, 1977.
0.10 John O'Neill, Straw, The Journal of American Folklore, 1895.
0.10 Austin J. Shelton, Departure of the Nshie: A North Nsukka Ibo Origin Legend, The Journal of American Folklore, 1965.
0.10 Marta Weigle, Creation and Procreation Cosmogony and Childbirth: Reflections on Ex Nihilo Earth Diver and Emergence Mythology, The Journal of American Folklore, 1987.
0.10 Venetia Newall, Easter Eggs, The Journal of American Folklore, 1967.
0.10 Roxie Martin, Old Remedies Collected in the Blue Ridge Mountains, The Journal of American Folklore, 1947.
0.10 Gertrude Prokosch Kurath, Mexican Moriscas: A Problem in Dance Acculturation, The Journal of American Folklore, 1949.
0.10 G. Stanley Koehler, Milton's Milky Stream, The Journal of American Folklore, 1969.
0.10 J. Russell Reaver, Mythic Motivation in Willa Cather's "O Pioneers!", Western Folklore, 1968.