0.60 W. J. Pepicello, Linguistic Strategies in Riddling, Western Folklore, 1980.
0.57 Thomas A. Green W. J. Pepicello, Sight and Spelling Riddles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1980.
0.56 Jeffrey L. Kallen Carol M. Eastman, "I Went to Mombasa There I Met an Old Woman" Structure and Meaning in Swahili Riddles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1979.
0.52 John Lotz, Kamassian Verse, The Journal of American Folklore, 1954.
0.50 Thomas A. Green W. J. Pepicello, The Riddle Process, The Journal of American Folklore, 1984.
0.50 Monique J. Layton, Luba and Finnish Riddles: A Double Analysis, The Journal of American Folklore, 1976.
0.50 Robert A. Georges Alan Dundes, Toward a Structural Definition of the Riddle, The Journal of American Folklore, 1963.
0.49 Jack Glazier Phyllis Gorfain Glazier, Ambiguity and Exchange: The Double Dimension of Mbeere Riddles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1976.
0.49 David Evans, A Note on Riddling Sessions, Western Folklore, 1985.
0.49 Lyndon Harries, Semantic Fit in Riddles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1976.
0.48 Lyndon Harries, The Riddle in Africa, The Journal of American Folklore, 1971.
0.48 Dan Ben-Amos, On the Final [s] in "Folkloristics", The Journal of American Folklore, 1985.
0.47 Donald Bahr, A Format and Method for Translating Songs, The Journal of American Folklore, 1983.
0.47 Thomas A. Burns, Riddling: Occasion to Act, The Journal of American Folklore, 1976.
0.47 Thomas A. Green W. J. Pepicello, The Folk Riddle: A Redefinition of Terms, Western Folklore, 1979.
0.46 Anthony K. Webster, Running Again Roasting Again Touching Again: On Repetition Heightened Affective Expressivity and the Utility of the Notion of Linguaculture in Navajo and Beyond, The Journal of American Folklore, 2008.
0.45 Dennis R. Preston, 'Ritin' Fowklower Daun 'Rong: Folklorists' Failures in Phonology, The Journal of American Folklore, 1982.
0.44 G. Legman, Encounters of the Fifth Type from a Martian Dictionary, The Journal of American Folklore, 1986.
0.44 Dan Ben-Amos, Solutions to Riddles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1976.
0.41 Corinne A. Kratz, Persuasive Suggestions and Reassuring Promises: Emergent Parallelism and Dialogic Encouragement in Song, The Journal of American Folklore, 1990.
0.41 D. H. Hymes, Myth and Tale Titles of the Lower Chinook, The Journal of American Folklore, 1959.
0.41 Michael D. Lieber, Riddles Cultural Categories and World View, The Journal of American Folklore, 1976.
0.40 Dell Hymes, Language Memory and Selective Performance: Cultee's "Salmon's Myth" as Twice Told to Boas, The Journal of American Folklore, 1985.
0.40 Arthur G. Brodeur Archer Taylor, The Man the Horse and the Canary, California Folklore Quarterly, 1943.
0.39 Robert H. Lowie, Crow Rapid-Speech Puzzles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1914.
0.39 Jack L. Fischer, Meter in Eastern Carolinian Oral Literature, The Journal of American Folklore, 1959.
0.38 Elizabeth Fine, In Defense of Literary Dialect: A Response to Dennis R Preston, The Journal of American Folklore, 1983.
0.37 Brian Stross, Serial Order in Nez Percé Myths, The Journal of American Folklore, 1971.
0.36 Lee Haring, On Knowing the Answer, The Journal of American Folklore, 1974.
0.35 Mary R. Haas, Thai Word-Games, The Journal of American Folklore, 1957.
0.35 Alexander F. Chamberlain, Cree and Ojibwa Literary Terms, The Journal of American Folklore, 1906.
0.35 Dennis R. Preston, Mowr Bayud Spellin': A Reply to Fine, The Journal of American Folklore, 1983.
0.35 Elli Köngäs Maranda, Riddles and Riddling: An Introduction, The Journal of American Folklore, 1976.
0.34 Wm. F. Hansen, A Note on the Final [s] in Folkloristics, The Journal of American Folklore, 1987.
0.34 John H. McDowell, Toward a Semiotics of Nicknaming the Kamsá Example, The Journal of American Folklore, 1981.
0.34 W. D. Preston, Japanese Riddle Materials, The Journal of American Folklore, 1948.
0.33 C. Douglas Chrétien, Boontling, California Folklore Quarterly, 1942.
0.33 Elli Köngäs Maranda, Theory and Practice of Riddle Analysis, The Journal of American Folklore, 1971.
0.33 David Evans, Riddling and the Structure of Context, The Journal of American Folklore, 1976.
0.32 C. F. Voegelin, A Modern Method for Field Work Treatment of Previously Collected Texts, The Journal of American Folklore, 1954.
0.32 Joel Sherzer, Strategies in Text and Context: Cuna kaa kwento, The Journal of American Folklore, 1979.
0.31 Martha Long, An Old Riddle from Berkeley California, Western Folklore, 1948.
0.31 Bruce Jackson, Into the Looking Glass: Reply to Kirshenblatt-Gimblett and Ben-Amos, The Journal of American Folklore, 1986.
0.30 Danielle M. Roemer, In the Eye of the Beholder: A Semiotic Analysis of the Visual Descriptive Riddle, The Journal of American Folklore, 1982.
0.30 Melville Jacobs, Titles in an Oral Literature, The Journal of American Folklore, 1957.
0.29 Ved Prakash Vatuk, Amir Khusro and Indian Riddle Tradition, The Journal of American Folklore, 1969.
0.29 Eda Lou Walton, Navajo Song Patterning, The Journal of American Folklore, 1930.
0.29 John H. McDowell, The Community-Building Mission of Kamsá Ritual Language, Journal of Folklore Research, 1990.
0.28 Ved Prakash Vatuk, Panjabi Riddles from the West Coast, Western Folklore, 1970.
0.27 Michael Taft, The Essential Idea of the Blues Formula: A Response to David Evans, The Journal of American Folklore, 2009.
0.27 Butler Waugh, Structural Analysis in Literature and Folklore, Western Folklore, 1966.
0.27 Alexander F. Chamberlain, Translation: A Study in the Transference of Folk-Thought, The Journal of American Folklore, 1901.
0.27 Archer Taylor, Ainu Riddles, Western Folklore, 1947.
0.26 Edward Stankiewicz, Slavic Kinship Terms and the Perils of the Soul, The Journal of American Folklore, 1958.
0.26 John H. McDowell, The Poetic Rites of Conversation, Journal of Folklore Research, 1985.
0.26 Jack Berry Earl W. Stevick, Oral Data Collecting and Linguistics in Africa, Journal of the Folklore Institute, 1969.
0.26 Bennison Gray, Repetition in Oral Literature, The Journal of American Folklore, 1971.
0.26 Charles T. Scott, New Evidence of American Indian Riddles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1963.
0.25 Maung Than Sein Alan Dundes, Twenty-Three Riddles from Central Burma, The Journal of American Folklore, 1964.
0.25 George W. Boswell, A Note-Commentary on J Barre Toelken's "An Oral Canon for the Child Ballads", Journal of the Folklore Institute, 1971.
0.25 Michael J. Preston, The English Literal Rebus and the Graphic Riddle Tradition, Western Folklore, 1982.
0.25 Michael D. Lieber, Analogic Ambiguity: A Paradox of Proverb Usage, The Journal of American Folklore, 1984.
0.25 Archer Taylor, The Riddle, California Folklore Quarterly, 1943.
0.24 David S. Cohen, Schooners and Oysters: Reply to Bethke, The Journal of American Folklore, 1986.
0.24 Lee Haring, Malagasy Riddling, The Journal of American Folklore, 1985.
0.24 Thomas Rhys Williams, The Form and Function of Tambunan Dusun Riddles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1963.
0.24 S. J. Sackett, Poetry and Folklore: Some Points of Affinity, The Journal of American Folklore, 1964.
0.23 Dennis Tedlock, On the Translation of Style in Oral Narrative, The Journal of American Folklore, 1971.
0.23 Gary H. Gossen, Chamula Genres of Verbal Behavior, The Journal of American Folklore, 1971.
0.23 Archer Taylor, An Armenian Riddle of an Eggplant, California Folklore Quarterly, 1942.
0.23 Karen M. Duffy, Narrator Style and Purpose in a Story's Crafting: Two Tellings of a Tale from Acoma, Journal of Folklore Research, 1995.
0.23 B. N. Colby, Analytical Procedures in Eidochronic Study, The Journal of American Folklore, 1973.
0.23 Kenneth W. Clarke, Griffrätsel at Home and Abroad, Western Folklore, 1967.
0.23 Dell Hymes, The Contribution of Folklore to Sociolinguistic Research, The Journal of American Folklore, 1971.
0.23 Joseph Russo, The Poetics of the Ancient Greek Proverb, Journal of Folklore Research, 1983.
0.23 David P. McAllester, Riddles and Other Verbal Play among the Comanches, The Journal of American Folklore, 1964.
0.23 William C. Hickman, More on Turkish Boys' Verbal Dueling, The Journal of American Folklore, 1979.
0.22 Nicholas Howe, Rewriting Initialisms: Folk Derivations and Linguistic Riddles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1989.
0.22 Hans Wolff, Discussion of Jack Berry's Paper, Journal of the Folklore Institute, 1969.
0.21 Archer Taylor, American Indian Riddles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1944.
0.21 Archer Taylor, A Riddle for Ashes, Western Folklore, 1955.
0.21 Bruno Nettl, Observations on Meaningless Peyote Song Texts, The Journal of American Folklore, 1953.
0.21 David Evans, Formulaic Composition in the Blues: A View from the Field, The Journal of American Folklore, 2007.
0.21 M. B. Emeneau Archer Taylor, Annamese Arabic and Panjabi Riddles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1945.
0.21 Bruce Jackson, Folkloristics, The Journal of American Folklore, 1985.
0.21 Eliot A. Singer, The Whodunit as Riddle: Block Elements in Agatha Christie, Western Folklore, 1984.
0.21 Elaine J. Lawless, Oral "Character" and "Literary" Art: A Call for a New Reciprocity between Oral Literature and Folklore, Western Folklore, 1985.
0.20 Greg Urban, Speech about Speech in Speech about Action, The Journal of American Folklore, 1984.
0.20 James N. Tidwell, Hate Jokes from San Diego, Western Folklore, 1960.
0.20 Bahaeddin Ögel, Riddles from Erzurum, The Journal of American Folklore, 1950.
0.20 Charles A. Ferguson W. D. Preston, 107 Bengali Proverbs, The Journal of American Folklore, 1946.
0.20 John H. McDowell, The Mexican Corrido: Formula and Theme in a Ballad Tradition, The Journal of American Folklore, 1972.
0.20 Alan Dundes Robert A. Georges, Some Minor Genres of Obscene Folklore, The Journal of American Folklore, 1962.
0.20 Tom Mould, Prophetic Riddling: A Dialogue of Genres in Choctaw Performance, The Journal of American Folklore, 2002.
0.20 , Style Guide and Information for Contributors to the Journal of American Folklore, The Journal of American Folklore, 1981.
0.20 Bruce A. Rosenberg, The Formulaic Quality of Spontaneous Sermons, The Journal of American Folklore, 1970.
0.20 Dell Hymes, A Response to Craig Mishler's Review of "In Vain I Tried to Tell You", The Journal of American Folklore, 1984.
0.20 Lauri Honko, Empty Texts Full Meanings: On Transformal Meaning in Folklore, Journal of Folklore Research, 1985.
0.19 Jan Brunvand, More Non-Oral Riddles, Western Folklore, 1960.
0.19 Melville Jacobs, Areal Spread of Indian Oral Genre Features in the Northwest States, Journal of the Folklore Institute, 1972.
0.19 Joel Sherzer, Reply to Bierhorst, The Journal of American Folklore, 1979.
0.19 Thomas A. Green Lisa Devaney, Linguistic Play in Autograph Book Inscriptions, Western Folklore, 1989.
0.19 Ellen B. Basso, The Last Cannibal, Journal of Folklore Research, 1990.
0.19 Richard Bauman, The Turtles: An American Riddling Institution, Western Folklore, 1970.
0.19 T. M. Pearce, Some Spanish Riddles in New Mexico, Western Folklore, 1947.
0.19 Richard C. Rudolph, Notes on the Riddle in China, California Folklore Quarterly, 1942.
0.19 Carol L. Edwards, The Parry-Lord Theory Meets Operational Structuralism, The Journal of American Folklore, 1983.
0.19 Archer Taylor, A Riddle for the Sun Sky and Stars, California Folklore Quarterly, 1944.
0.19 Roger D. Abrahams, A Riddling on St Vincent, Western Folklore, 1983.
0.18 Mac E. Barrick, The Newspaper Riddle Joke, The Journal of American Folklore, 1974.
0.18 Kenneth S. Goldstein, Riddling Traditions in Northeastern Scotland, The Journal of American Folklore, 1963.
0.18 Alfred Coester, The Name Carquinez, Western Folklore, 1947.
0.18 Griselda Maria Lopez Luz Graciela Joly Richard Dauenhauer, Notes on Swanton Numbers 80 and 81, The Journal of American Folklore, 1981.
0.18 Jean-Louis Siran, Names and Proverbs among the Vute (Cameroon): Signification Meaning and Value, Journal of Folklore Research, 1989.
0.18 Guillermo Bartelt, Amerindian English Invocative Discourse Layers, Western Folklore, 1992.
0.18 Linda C. White, Unemphatic 'Love', Western Folklore, 1975.
0.18 Elsie Clews Parsons, Riddles and Metaphors among Indian Peoples, The Journal of American Folklore, 1936.
0.18 , Style Guide and Information for Contributors to the Journal of American Folklore, The Journal of American Folklore, 1988.
0.18 Archer Taylor, Attila and Modern Riddles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1943.
0.18 , Errata Corrigenda to Roth and Hearne, Western Folklore, 2006.
0.18 William Cumming Wilde, Some Words on Thief Talk, The Journal of American Folklore, 1889.
0.18 John Lindow, A Note on the Sources of Redundancy in Oral Epic, The Journal of American Folklore, 1974.
0.17 Phyllis Gorfain, Riddles and Reconciliation: Formal Unity in All's Well That Ends Well, Journal of the Folklore Institute, 1976.
0.17 Andy Arleo, With a Dirty Dirty Dishrag on Your Mother's Big Fat Toe: The Coda in the Counting-Out Rhyme, Western Folklore, 1980.
0.17 John R. Rickford Angela E. Rickford, Cut-Eye and Suck-Teeth: African Words and Gestures in New World Guise, The Journal of American Folklore, 1976.
0.17 George Patterson, Notes on the Dialect of the People of Newfoundland III, The Journal of American Folklore, 1897.
0.17 Robert D. Bethke, Bugeyes and Skipjacks: Reply to Cohen, The Journal of American Folklore, 1986.
0.17 John B. Smith Bruce A. Rosenberg, Thematic Structure in Four Fundamentalist Sermons, Western Folklore, 1975.
0.17 Lord Raglan, More on Myth and Ritual, The Journal of American Folklore, 1957.
0.17 George Boswell, Reciprocal Controls Exerted by Ballad Texts and Tunes, The Journal of American Folklore, 1967.
0.17 Archer Taylor, No Soap, Western Folklore, 1957.
0.17 William R. Bascom, Literary Style in Yoruba Riddles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1949.
0.17 William H. Davenport, Fourteen Marshallese Riddles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1952.
0.17 J. A. C. Leland, Two Folksongs from Ohio, Western Folklore, 1948.
0.16 Linda Hunter, Transformation in African Verbal Art: Voice Speech Language, The Journal of American Folklore, 1996.
0.16 Mac E. Barrick, The Verse Competition Jest in Central Pennsylvania, The Journal of American Folklore, 1972.
0.16 Marilyn Jorgensen, A Social-Interactional Analysis of Phone Pranks, Western Folklore, 1984.
0.16 Roger D. Abrahams, Introductory Remarks to a Rhetorical Theory of Folklore, The Journal of American Folklore, 1968.
0.16 M. Mattley, Sassingers, Western Folklore, 1957.
0.16 Andy Arleo, Counting-out and the Search for Universals, The Journal of American Folklore, 1997.
0.16 Janet Wall Hendricks, Manipulating Time in an Amazonian Society: Genre and Event among the Shuar, Journal of Folklore Research, 1990.
0.16 Philip M. Peek, The Power of Words in African Verbal Arts, The Journal of American Folklore, 1981.
0.16 George Patterson, Notes on the Dialect of the People of Newfoundland II, The Journal of American Folklore, 1896.
0.16 Herman T. Lukens, Speech of Children, The Journal of American Folklore, 1895.
0.16 William Bascom, Stylistic Features of Proverbs a Comment, The Journal of American Folklore, 1965.
0.16 J. Dyneley Prince, Some Forgotten Indian Place-Names in the Adirondacks, The Journal of American Folklore, 1900.
0.16 George Patterson, Notes on the Dialect of the People of Newfoundland, The Journal of American Folklore, 1895.
0.16 Heda Jason, Texture Text and Context of the Folklore Text vs Indexing, Journal of Folklore Research, 1997.
0.16 Archer Taylor Wolfram Eberhard, Turkish Riddles from the Taurus Mountains, Western Folklore, 1958.
0.16 Archer Taylor, A Man Must Live, Western Folklore, 1962.
0.16 Barbara Kerewsky Halpern John Miles Foley, The Power of the Word: Healing Charms as an Oral Genre, The Journal of American Folklore, 1978.
0.16 Albert Muntsch, American Indian Riddles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1941.
0.15 Wilbur Smith, Shivaree, Western Folklore, 1955.
0.15 John Charlot, A Pattern in Three Hawaiian Chants, The Journal of American Folklore, 1983.
0.15 Alexander F. Chamberlain, Algonkian Words in American English: A Study in the Contact of the White Man and the Indian, The Journal of American Folklore, 1902.
0.15 Gwladys H. Simon, Four Riddles from Ceylon, The Journal of American Folklore, 1955.
0.15 Donald C. Simmons, Cultural Functions of the Efik Tone Riddle, The Journal of American Folklore, 1958.
0.15 Kwesi Yankah, Risks in Verbal Art Performance, Journal of Folklore Research, 1985.
0.15 F. G. Speck, Some Catawba Texts and Folk-Lore, The Journal of American Folklore, 1913.
0.15 John O. West, Cultural Confusion on the Playground, The Journal of American Folklore, 1971.
0.15 Archer Taylor, Riddles Dealing with Family Relationships, The Journal of American Folklore, 1938.
0.15 Shih-Hsiang Chen, Cantonese Riddles in San Francisco, Western Folklore, 1947.
0.15 William Bright, Some Place Names on the Klamath River, Western Folklore, 1952.
0.14 William R. Bascom, Verbal Art, The Journal of American Folklore, 1955.
0.14 Frank Proschan, Puppet Voices and Interlocutors: Language in Folk Puppetry, The Journal of American Folklore, 1981.
0.14 Ellen B. Basso, A "Musical View of the Universe" Kalapalo Myth and Ritual as Religious Performance, The Journal of American Folklore, 1981.
0.14 Brian M. du Toit, Riddling Traditions in an Isolated South African Community, The Journal of American Folklore, 1966.
0.14 W. F. Ganong W. J. Wintemberg De Cost Smith Leroy Milton Yale, Algonkian Words in American English, The Journal of American Folklore, 1903.
0.14 Susan Gelman, Toward the Study of Postal Graffiti: Text and Context in an Adolescent Girls' Genre, Western Folklore, 1978.
0.14 Wolfgang Mieder, Proverbs of the Native Americans; A Prize Competition, Western Folklore, 1989.
0.14 Charles A. Wolfe, Computer Language, Western Folklore, 1971.
0.14 Jan Harold Brunvand, On Abrahams' Besom, The Journal of American Folklore, 1970.
0.14 Owen S. Adams, Proverbial Comparisons from California, California Folklore Quarterly, 1946.
0.14 C. Grant Loomis, Traditional Riddles in American Periodicals, Western Folklore, 1955.
0.14 John R. Krueger, Turco-Mongolian Curses and Obscenities, The Journal of American Folklore, 1964.
0.14 Catherine Ellison, A Folk Song from Kentucky, Western Folklore, 1962.
0.14 B. N. Colby George A. Collier Susan K. Postal, Comparison of Themes in Folktales by the General Inquirer System, The Journal of American Folklore, 1963.
0.14 J. Barre Toelken, Riddles Wisely Expounded, Western Folklore, 1966.
0.14 Alexander F. Chamberlain, Notes of Cree Folk-Lore, The Journal of American Folklore, 1902.
0.13 W. D. Preston, Six Seneca Jokes, The Journal of American Folklore, 1949.
0.13 Erwin G. Gudde, A Footnote to Quesesosi, Western Folklore, 1948.
0.13 C. Grant Loomis, Traditional American Wordplay: The Conundrum, Western Folklore, 1949.
0.13 S. J. Sackett, Folk Speech in Schoenchen Kansas, Western Folklore, 1960.
0.13 Archer Taylor, The Blind Man the Armless Man the Legless Man and the Naked Man, Western Folklore, 1964.
0.13 William F. Hanks, Sanctification Structure and Experience in a Yucatec Ritual Event, The Journal of American Folklore, 1984.
0.13 Edward Sapir, Song Recitative in Paiute Mythology, The Journal of American Folklore, 1910.
0.13 Shirley L. Arora, Some Spanish Proverbial Comparisons from California, Western Folklore, 1961.
0.13 John H. McDowell, Folklore as Commemorative Discourse, The Journal of American Folklore, 1992.
0.13 Lori Ann Garner, Representations of Speech in the WPA Slave Narratives of Florida and the Writings of Zora Neale Hurston, Western Folklore, 2000.
0.13 , Singing a Lullaby in Kuna; A Female Verbal Art, The Journal of American Folklore, 1981.
0.13 Reidar Th. Christiansen, Myth Metaphor and Simile, The Journal of American Folklore, 1955.
0.13 E. N. Anderson_ Jr.Marja L. Anderson, The Social Context of a Local "Lingo", Western Folklore, 1970.
0.13 Theodore Stern, Some Sources of Variability in Klamath Mythology, The Journal of American Folklore, 1956.
0.13 John Miles Foley, Word-Power Performance and Tradition, The Journal of American Folklore, 1992.
0.13 Luisa Del Giudice, Oral Theory and the Northern Italian Ballad Tradition: An Ethnographic Approach to the Ballad Formula, Journal of Folklore Research, 1994.
0.13 Kimberly J. Lau, Structure Society and Symbolism: Toward a Holistic Interpretation of Fairy Tales, Western Folklore, 1996.
0.13 Donald Brenneis, "Turkey" "Wienie" "Animal" "Stud": Intragroup Variation in Folk Speech, Western Folklore, 1977.
0.13 J. L. Fischer Teigo Yoshida, The Nature of Speech according to Japanese Proverbs, The Journal of American Folklore, 1968.
0.12 Chief Oludare Olajubu, Yoruba Verbal Artists and Their Work, The Journal of American Folklore, 1978.
0.12 Mac E. Barrick, No Soap, Western Folklore, 1985.
0.12 Alan Dundes, On Computers and Folk Tales, Western Folklore, 1965.
0.12 Greg Urban, Agent- and Patient-Centricity in Myth, The Journal of American Folklore, 1981.
0.12 İlhan Başgöz, Functions of Turkish Riddles, Journal of the Folklore Institute, 1965.
0.12 Herbert Halpert, Proverbial Comparisons from Idaho Territory, Western Folklore, 1947.
0.12 Michael Herzfeld, Performative Categories and Symbols of Passage in Rural Greece, The Journal of American Folklore, 1981.
0.12 John Miles Foley, Strategies for Translating Serbo-Croatian Traditional Oral Narrative, Journal of Folklore Research, 1991.
0.12 Dennis Tedlock, From Voice and Ear to Hand and Eye, The Journal of American Folklore, 1990.
0.12 Aurelio M. Espinosa, All-Souls Day at Zuñi Acoma and Laguna, The Journal of American Folklore, 1918.
0.12 Dell Hymes, Folklore's Nature and the Sun's Myth, The Journal of American Folklore, 1975.
0.12 W. W. N., Plantation Courtship II, The Journal of American Folklore, 1895.
0.12 Thomas Solomon, Coplas de Todos Santos in Cochabamba: Language Music and Performance in Bolivian Quechua Song Dueling, The Journal of American Folklore, 1994.
0.12 Roger D. Abrahams, A Note on Neck-Riddles in the West Indies as They Comment on Emergent Genre Theory, The Journal of American Folklore, 1985.
0.12 Harry Joe Jaffe, The Welfare Letters, Western Folklore, 1975.
0.12 George T. Flom, Noa Words in North Sea Regions; A Chapter in Folklore and Linguistics, The Journal of American Folklore, 1925.
0.12 John D. Dorst, Neck-Riddle as a Dialogue off Genres: Applying Bakhtin's Genre Theory, The Journal of American Folklore, 1983.
0.12 John H. McDowell, Beyond Iconicity: Ostension in Kamsá Mythic Narrative, Journal of the Folklore Institute, 1982.
0.12 Philip Wheelwright, The Semantic Approach to Myth, The Journal of American Folklore, 1955.
0.12 Simon J. Bronner, Structural and Stylistic Relations of Oral and Literary Humor: An Analysis of Leo Rosten's H*Y*M*A*N K*A*P*L*A*N Stories, Journal of the Folklore Institute, 1982.
0.12 Roger L. Welsch, A Note on Definitions, The Journal of American Folklore, 1968.
0.12 Eugene Hammel, A Mountain Climber's Song, Western Folklore, 1955.
0.12 Elsie Clews Parsons, Riddles from Andros Island Bahamas, The Journal of American Folklore, 1917.
0.12 Craig Mishler, Telling about Bear: A Northern Athapaskan Men's Riddle Tradition, The Journal of American Folklore, 1984.
0.12 Kenneth Wiggins Porter, Bangum the Boar-Slayer and His Weapon, The Journal of American Folklore, 1941.
0.12 John Greenway, Dinah the Cat, Western Folklore, 1960.
0.12 Kate Ware, Two Riddles from California, Western Folklore, 1947.
0.12 Frank de Caro, On "Remus Orthography", Journal of Folklore Research, 1999.
0.12 William Sayers, Comment: Malarkey and Its Etymology, Western Folklore, 2002.
0.12 Janet L. Langlois, Folklore and Semiotics: An Introduction, Journal of Folklore Research, 1985.
0.12 Lew Girdler, Further Notes on "A Man Must Live", Western Folklore, 1963.
0.11 Diane E. Goldstein, The Language of Religious Experience and Its Implications for Fieldwork, Western Folklore, 1983.
0.11 W. W. N., Jack the Giant-Killer, The Journal of American Folklore, 1891.
0.11 Donald C. Simmons, Efik Tone Riddles and Anang Proverb-Riddles, The Journal of American Folklore, 1961.
0.11 Charles L. Briggs, Treasure Tales and Pedagogical Discourse in Mexicano New Mexico, The Journal of American Folklore, 1985.
0.11 John Minton, The Fause Knight upon the Road: A Reappraisal, The Journal of American Folklore, 1985.
0.11 Archer Taylor, "No Soap!" Once More, Western Folklore, 1961.
0.11 Charles G. Zug III, The Nonrational Riddle: The Zen Koan, The Journal of American Folklore, 1967.
0.11 George R. Stewart, Carquinez Again, California Folklore Quarterly, 1946.
0.11 Martha W. Beckwith, A Reply to the Review of Hawaiian Mythology, The Journal of American Folklore, 1942.
0.11 Emil Vrabie, A Nineteenth-Century Incantation of Bulgarian Refugees in Romania, The Journal of American Folklore, 1978.
0.11 Vivian Labrie Nicolas Finsey, Cartography and Graphic Analysis of the Physical Universe in the Odyssey Story, Journal of Folklore Research, 1983.
0.11 Arthur E. Hutson, The Translation of Folk Tales, Western Folklore, 1949.
0.11 Signe M. Carlson, The Monsters of Beowulf: Creations of Literary Scholars, The Journal of American Folklore, 1967.
0.11 Adrian Birney, Crack Puns: Text and Context in an Item of Latrinalia, Western Folklore, 1973.
0.11 Alsace Yen, On Vladimir Propp and Albert B Lord: Their Theoretical Differences, The Journal of American Folklore, 1973.
0.11 Archer Taylor, A Lithuanian Formula Tale, The Journal of American Folklore, 1946.
0.11 C. Douglas Chrétien, Comments on Naval Slang, Western Folklore, 1947.
0.11 Brenda Danet Bryna Bogoch, "Whoever Alters This May God Turn His Face from Him on the Day of Judgment": Curses in Anglo-Saxon Legal Documents, The Journal of American Folklore, 1992.
0.11 , Request for Information in Regard to Terms Used in Talking to Domestic Animals, The Journal of American Folklore, 1888.
0.11 Robert H. Lowie, Crow Curses, The Journal of American Folklore, 1959.
0.11 Stuart A. Gallacher, Mormon: An Example of Folk Etymology, Western Folklore, 1949.
0.10 Michael Dane Moore, Linguistic Aggression and Literary Allusion, Western Folklore, 1979.
0.10 Américo Paredes, Mexican Riddling Wellerisms, Western Folklore, 1960.
0.10 Max Louwerse, Bits and Pieces: Toward an Interactive Classification of Folktales, Journal of Folklore Research, 1997.
0.10 Archer Taylor, More Examples of an Obscure Manner of Riddling, Western Folklore, 1957.
0.10 Alex. F. Chamberlain, Some Items of Algonkian Folk-Lore, The Journal of American Folklore, 1900.
0.10 Alan Dundes Jerry W. Leach Bora Özkök, The Strategy of Turkish Boys' Verbal Dueling Rhymes, The Journal of American Folklore, 1970.
0.10 Dorothy H. Huggins, "Quesesosi" or "Guesesosi", Western Folklore, 1947.
0.10 William Cumming Wilde, Notes on Thief Talk, The Journal of American Folklore, 1890.
0.10 Madison S. Beeler, Sonoma Carquinez Umunhum Colma: Some Disputed California Names, Western Folklore, 1954.
0.10 D. H. Hymes, Two Wasco Motifs, The Journal of American Folklore, 1953.
0.10 Adrienne L. Kaeppler, Folklore as Expressed in the Dance in Tonga, The Journal of American Folklore, 1967.
0.10 Brenda E. F. Beck, Body Imagery in the Tamil Proverbs of South India, Western Folklore, 1979.
0.10 Thomas E. Murray, A New Look at the Folk Speech of American Tramps, Western Folklore, 1992.
0.10 William Bascom, Folklore Research in Africa, The Journal of American Folklore, 1964.