0.95 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.90 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1974.
0.85 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1976.
0.85 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1976.
0.84 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1976.
0.83 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.81 , Summer Institutes Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1976.
0.80 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1973.
0.80 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1973.
0.79 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.79 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.78 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1967.
0.77 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1974.
0.77 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.77 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1974.
0.76 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.76 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1976.
0.75 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.74 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.72 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1966.
0.71 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1973.
0.71 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1976.
0.70 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1974.
0.70 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.70 , New Courses Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1970.
0.70 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1966.
0.69 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.68 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.68 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.67 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.66 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1970.
0.66 , New Courses Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.64 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.64 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1973.
0.61 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1967.
0.61 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.60 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1967.
0.59 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1976.
0.58 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1970.
0.58 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1967.
0.57 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.56 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.55 , Summer Institutes, Computers and the Humanities, 1973.
0.55 David A. Bantz, Notes and News, Computers and the Humanities, 1990.
0.55 , Summer Institutes, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.55 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.54 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.52 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1970.
0.51 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.51 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.49 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1974.
0.49 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.48 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1967.
0.48 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.48 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.47 , Summer Institutes Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.47 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.46 , Summer Institutes Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.46 David A. Bantz, Notes and News, Computers and the Humanities, 1990.
0.46 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.45 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1967.
0.45 , Summer Institutes, Computers and the Humanities, 1973.
0.45 , Meeting Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1970.
0.45 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1973.
0.44 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.44 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.44 , Summer Institutes, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.43 , New Courses Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.41 , New Courses Listed, Computers and the Humanities, 1970.
0.39 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1970.
0.39 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.38 , New Courses Listed, Computers and the Humanities, 1970.
0.38 , Seminar, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.37 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.36 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1966.
0.36 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1976.
0.35 , New Courses Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.34 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.34 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1973.
0.33 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.33 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.32 , Front Matter, Computers and the Humanities, 1974.
0.31 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.31 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1977.
0.31 W. Nelson Francis, International Colloquium on Automatic Dialect Mapping: A Report, Computers and the Humanities, 1977.
0.31 Theodore F. Brunner, The 1975 Madrid Computers in Linguistics Conference, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.30 , Back Matter, Computers and the Humanities, 1980.
0.30 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.30 , New Courses Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1970.
0.30 Benjamin Suchoff, A National Science Computer Network: A Report on the First Working Seminar, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.30 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.29 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1976.
0.29 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.29 Thea D. Hodge, , Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.29 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1967.
0.29 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1973.
0.29 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.28 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.28 Alyce E. Sands, The Pennsylvania State University Conference on Bibliography: A Report, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.28 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1978.
0.28 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.28 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1977.
0.27 , Meeting Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.27 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1970.
0.26 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1967.
0.26 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1973.
0.26 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1974.
0.24 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1967.
0.24 Hilda Coppens-Ide, Conference Report on the Belgian Symposium: The Computer in the Human Sciences, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.24 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1977.
0.24 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.24 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1976.
0.23 , New Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.23 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1973.
0.22 Robert M. Hayes, Electronic Links to Knowledge, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.22 Geraint A. Wiggins, Preface: The AISB'99 Convention and the Focus Workshop, Computers and the Humanities, 2001.
0.22 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1973.
0.22 David Bantz, Notes and News, Computers and the Humanities, 1989.
0.21 John Leyerle, "The Dictionary of Old English": A Progress Report, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.21 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.21 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.21 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.21 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1974.
0.21 R. L. Widmann, The World Shakespeare Congress: A Report, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.20 , New Courses Established, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.20 Peter Tancig, Letter from Ljubljana, Computers and the Humanities, 1981.
0.20 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1967.
0.20 J. B. Bessinger Jr., Computers and Old English/A Conference Report, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.20 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.20 James J. Sheehan, Conference on Quantitative Data in Western European History: A Report, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.20 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1967.
0.20 , Front Matter, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.20 Joseph Raben, The Grinnell House Round Table on a Center for Computer-Aided Humanities Research, Computers and the Humanities, 1985.
0.20 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1970.
0.20 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.20 Julia Flanders, The ACH Page, Computers and the Humanities, 2004.
0.19 Roy A. Boggs, Computer-Aided Studies of Middle High German Texts: A Report on the Mannheim Symposium, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.19 Susan Hockey, , Computers and the Humanities, 1982.
0.19 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1970.
0.19 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.19 Philippe Thoiron, La Recherche française par ordinateur en langue et littérature: A Colloquium Report, Computers and the Humanities, 1984.
0.19 Gayle Byerly, The Ninth Conference on Computers in the Undergraduate Curricula: A Report, Computers and the Humanities, 1978.
0.19 , New Courses, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.19 , Front Matter, Computers and the Humanities, 1974.
0.18 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1977.
0.18 John A. Moyne, The Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Computers and the Humanities, 1973.
0.18 T. R. Waldo, The Shakespeare Association of America: A Report of the First Annual Meeting, Computers and the Humanities, 1973.
0.18 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.18 , Back Matter, Computers and the Humanities, 1974.
0.18 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1966.
0.18 John Unsworth Julia Flanders, The ACH Page, Computers and the Humanities, 2003.
0.18 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1976.
0.18 Lorna Hughes John Lavagnino, Introduction: ACH/ALLC 2001 Proceedings, Computers and the Humanities, 2003.
0.18 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1976.
0.18 , Meetings Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1967.
0.18 Pauline Cochrane, , Computers and the Humanities, 1980.
0.17 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.17 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.17 Ronald Slosberg, , Computers and the Humanities, 1979.
0.17 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1976.
0.17 John Dawson Willard McCarty Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen Espen Ore John Unsworth, The Roberto Busa Award: Final Call for Nominations for the 2004 Award, Computers and the Humanities, 2002.
0.17 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.17 , Back Matter, Computers and the Humanities, 2003.
0.17 , New Course Established, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.17 Colette M. Charpentier, Editor's Preface, Computers and the Humanities, 1986.
0.17 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.17 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1974.
0.17 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1977.
0.17 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1967.
0.17 Joseph Raben, Report: Converging Technologies on Campus: A Report on the 1981 EDUCOM Conference, Computers and the Humanities, 1982.
0.17 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1978.
0.16 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.16 , Recent Publications, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.16 Lou Burnard, The ACH Page: TEI Consortium Members Meet in Chicago, Computers and the Humanities, 2003.
0.16 , Data Collection and Dissemination in Museums: A Workshop Report, Computers and the Humanities, 1970.
0.16 , Back Matter, Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.16 , Front Matter, Computers and the Humanities, 1970.
0.16 Stephen V. F. Waite, Computers and the Classics, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.16 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.16 Stefan Bauer-Mengelberg, Letter to the Editor: Music: The Photon Printer and DARMS, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.15 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.15 , New Course Announced, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.15 Stephen V. F. Waite, Computers and Classical Literature: 1970-1971. Computers and the Humanities, 1971,
0.15 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1974.
0.15 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.15 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1972.
0.15 , News and Notes, Computers and the Humanities, 1974.