time make years individual long simply world early computer change means large great experience major process small ways traditional

0.35 Joseph Raben, Retrospect, Computers and the Humanities, 1986.
0.26 , Prospect III, Computers and the Humanities, 1974.
0.25 William Watts, The Brave New World of Desktop Publishing, Computers and the Humanities, 1992.
0.24 Wendell Piez, The ACH Page: HUMANIST or the Glory of Motion, Computers and the Humanities, 2002.
0.23 , Prospect III, Computers and the Humanities, 1968.
0.23 Glyn Holmes, Editorial, Computers and the Humanities, 1988.
0.22 Thomas J. Condon, Approaches to Funding Support for Humanistic Scholarship, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.22 Louis T. Milic, The Next Step, Computers and the Humanities, 1966.
0.21 A. G. Morton A. Q. Morton, The Annals of Computing: The Greek Testament, Computers and the Humanities, 1980.
0.21 Jon Bosak, XML Ubiquity and the Scholarly Community, Computers and the Humanities, 1999.
0.21 Julia Flanders John Unsworth, The ACH Page: The Challenge for ACH, Computers and the Humanities, 2002.
0.20 Ronald C. Turner, Letter to the Editor, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.20 William Ingram, Concordances in the Seventies, Computers and the Humanities, 1974.
0.20 Whitney Bolton, Opinion, Computers and the Humanities, 1991.
0.20 Dan Brink, Input Output, Computers and the Humanities, 1990.
0.19 Kenneth C. Lindsay, Art Art History and the Computer, Computers and the Humanities, 1966.
0.18 Barton D. Thurber, , Computers and the Humanities, 1988.
0.18 Ernest G. Griffin, A Modern Drama Concordance, Computers and the Humanities, 1971.
0.18 Charles F. Goldfarb, Preface, Computers and the Humanities, 1995.
0.18 Whitney Bolton, Vandals and Bandits, Computers and the Humanities, 1993.
0.17 Hans Möller, , Computers and the Humanities, 1981.
0.17 Daniel Greenstein, Preface: Publishing Scholarly Information in a Digital Millennium, Computers and the Humanities, 1998.
0.17 Norman N. Holland, Futures: A Non-Summary of the EDUCOM Symposium on the Computer and Humanistic Studies 8 9 10 June 1967. Computers and the Humanities, 1967,
0.17 Charles Gellert, , Computers and the Humanities, 1975.
0.16 James J. O'Donnell, , Computers and the Humanities, 1994.
0.16 Hans Möller, , Computers and the Humanities, 1980.
0.16 Paul Brians, Annotating "The Satanic Verses": An Example of Internet Research and Publication, Computers and the Humanities, 1999.
0.16 Nancy Ide Elli Mylonas, From the Editors, Computers and the Humanities, 2004.
0.16 Laurence Urdang, The Systems Designs and Devices Used to Process: The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Computers and the Humanities, 1966.
0.16 Lester H. Cohen, , Computers and the Humanities, 1982.
0.16 Emmanuel G. Mesthene, Technology and Humanistic Values, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.16 Everett Ellin, Museums and the Computer: An Appraisal of New Potentials, Computers and the Humanities, 1969.
0.16 Kenneth Thibodeau, Machine Readable Archives and Future History, Computers and the Humanities, 1976.
0.16 Charles Ess, Wag the Dog? Online Conferencing and Teaching, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.15 Richard A. Bassler, , Computers and the Humanities, 1977.
0.15 Geoffrey Channon, Tailor-Made or Off-the-Peg? Virtual Courses in the Humanities, Computers and the Humanities, 2000.
0.15 W. P. Lehmann, Lagging Machine-Translation Research, Computers and the Humanities, 1970.
0.15 Joseph Raben, Humanities Computing 25 Years Later, Computers and the Humanities, 1991.
0.15 John F. Hall, , Computers and the Humanities, 1979.