0.50 John C. Messenger_ Jr., Reinterpretations of Christian and Indigenous Belief in a Nigerian Nativist Church, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.49 Austin J. Shelton, Reply to Lydia Black, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.44 George Devereux, Mohave Soul Concepts, American Anthropologist, 1937.
0.41 Erika E. Bourguignon, Comment on Leacock's "Ceremonial Drinking in an Afro-Brazilian Cult", American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.40 George Eaton Simpson, The Shango Cult in Nigeria and in Trinidad, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.38 E. M. Loeb, Shaman and Seer, American Anthropologist, 1929.
0.37 Lydia T. Black, Comment on Shelton's Review of Sacrifice in Ibo Religion, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.37 Louis C. Faron, On Ancestor Propitiation among the Mapuche of Central Chile, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.37 Austin J. Shelton, The Meaning and Method of Afa Divination among the Northern Nsukka Ibo, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.36 S. F. Nadel, Two Nuba Religions: An Essay in Comparison, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.36 John A. Noon, A Preliminary Examination of the Death Concepts of the IBO, American Anthropologist, 1942.
0.35 Ako Adjei, Mortuary Usages of the Ga People of the Gold Coast, American Anthropologist, 1943.
0.35 Monica Wilson, Nyakyusa Ritual and Symbolism, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.34 Morris Siegel, Religion in Western Guatemala: A Product of Acculturation, American Anthropologist, 1941.
0.34 , Australian Fantasy, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.34 Erika E. Bourguignon, Dreams and Dream Interpretation in Haiti, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.33 Grenville Goodwin, White Mountain Apache Religion, American Anthropologist, 1938.
0.33 Michael J. Harner, Jívaro Souls, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.33 M. D. W. Jeffreys, District Officer in Cameroons Answers Ako Adjei, American Anthropologist, 1944.
0.33 Simon D. Messing, Group Therapy and Social Status in the Zar Cult of Ethiopia, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.33 John W. Chapman, Tinneh Animism, American Anthropologist, 1921.
0.33 John J. Honigmann, Northern and Southern Athapaskan Eschatology, American Anthropologist, 1945.
0.32 Laura Makarius, The Crime of Manabozo, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.32 E. E. Evans-Pritchard, The Nuer Conception of Spirit in Its Relation to the Social Order, American Anthropologist, 1953.
0.31 Hans-Dieter Evers, Magic and Religion in Sinhalese Society, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.31 Eduardo Seda Bonilla, Spiritualism Psychoanalysis and Psychodrama, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.31 Jane Monnig Atkinson, The Effectiveness of Shamans in an Indonesian Ritual, American Anthropologist, 1987.
0.31 William R. Holland Roland G. Tharp, Highland Maya Psychotherapy, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.31 M. Fortes, Ritual Festivals and Social Cohesion in the Hinterland of the Gold Coast, American Anthropologist, 1936.
0.31 E. E. Evans-Pritchard, The Morphology and Function of Magic, American Anthropologist, 1929.
0.31 J. David Sapir, Kujaama: Symbolic Separation among the Diola-Fogny, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.31 Michael M. Ames, Buddha and the Dancing Goblins: A Theory of Magic and Religion, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.31 Thomas G. Kirsch, Restaging the Will to Believe: Religious Pluralism Anti-Syncretism and the Problem of Belief, American Anthropologist, 2004.
0.30 John G. Kennedy, Mushahara: A Nubian Concept of Supernatural Danger and the Theory of Taboo, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.30 David G. Mandelbaum, Transcendental and Pragmatic Aspects of Religion, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.30 Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer, Flights of the Sacred: Symbolism and Theory in Siberian Shamanism, American Anthropologist, 1996.
0.30 Spencer L. Rogers, Disease Concepts in North America, American Anthropologist, 1944.
0.30 Arthur E. Robinson, The Cult of the Crocodile, American Anthropologist, 1932.
0.29 L. Carlyle May, A Survey of Glossolalia and Related Phenomena in Non-Christian Religions, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.29 Philip Singer Daniel E. Desole, The Australian Subincision Ceremony Reconsidered: Vaginal Envy or Kangaroo Bifid Penis Envy, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.29 Raymond C. White, The Luiseño Theory of "Knowledge", American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.29 George Devereux, Dream Learning and Individual Ritual Differences in Mohave Shamanism, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.29 Seth Leacock, Ceremonial Drinking in an Afro-Brazilian Cult, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.29 Raymond C. White, Two Surviving Luiseño Indian Ceremonies, American Anthropologist, 1953.
0.28 Wilfrid D. Hambly, Tribal Initiation of Boys in Angola, American Anthropologist, 1935.
0.28 John J. Honigmann, Parallels in the Development of Shamanism among Northern and Southern Athapaskans, American Anthropologist, 1949.
0.28 Willard Z. Park, Paviotso Shamanism, American Anthropologist, 1934.
0.28 Wilfrid D. Hambly, The Serpent in African Belief and Custom, American Anthropologist, 1929.
0.28 Horace Miner, Body Ritual among the Nacirema, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.28 Paul Bohannan, Extra-Processual Events in Tiv Political Institutions, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.27 George H. Fathauer, The Mohave "Ghost Doctor", American Anthropologist, 1951.
0.27 M. E. Opler, The Concept of Supernatural Power among the Chiricahua and Mescalero Apaches, American Anthropologist, 1935.
0.27 Dorothy Hammond, Magic: A Problem in Semantics, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.27 Verne F. Ray, The Bluejay Character in the Plateau Spirit Dance, American Anthropologist, 1937.
0.27 Richard P. Werbner, The Superabundance of Understanding: Kalanga Rhetoric and Domestic Divination, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.27 William W. Elmendorf, The Cultural Setting of the Twana Secret Society, American Anthropologist, 1948.
0.27 A. L. Kroeber, Preliminary Sketch of the Mohave Indians, American Anthropologist, 1902.
0.27 Thomas Waterman, Analysis of the Mission Indian Creation Story, American Anthropologist, 1909.
0.26 Walter Mischel Frances Mischel, Psychological Aspects of Spirit Possession, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.26 Melville J. Herskovits, African Gods and Catholic Saints in New World Negro Belief, American Anthropologist, 1937.
0.25 J. Andrew Darling, Mass Inhumation and the Execution of Witches in the American Southwest, American Anthropologist, 1998.
0.25 Susan Parman, Book Reviews as Comic Opera: Reply to Bourguignon, American Anthropologist, 1993.
0.25 Bethel Bower, Notes on Shamanism among the Tepehua Indians, American Anthropologist, 1946.
0.25 Herman K. Haeberlin, Sbetetda'q a Shamanistic Performance of the Coast Salish, American Anthropologist, 1918.
0.25 Jules Blumensohn, The Fast among North American Indians, American Anthropologist, 1933.
0.25 Todd Sanders, Reconsidering Witchcraft: Postcolonial Africa and Analytic (Un)Certainties, American Anthropologist, 2003.
0.25 William Morgan, Navaho Dreams, American Anthropologist, 1932.
0.25 Louis C. Faron, Symbolic Values and the Integration of Society among the Mapuche of Chile, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.25 Harold K. Schneider, Turu Esthetic Concepts, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.24 Ruth Fulton Benedict, The Vision in Plains Culture, American Anthropologist, 1922.
0.24 Paul Mercier, The Social Role of Circumcision among the Bεsorubε, American Anthropologist, 1951.
0.24 Walter P. Zenner, Memorialism - Some Jewish Examples, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.24 George Devereux, Mohave Beliefs concerning Twins, American Anthropologist, 1941.
0.24 H. U. E. Thoden van Velzen, Revenants That Cannot Be Shaken: Collective Fantasies in a Maroon Society, American Anthropologist, 1995.
0.24 Philip L. Newman, Religious Belief and Ritual in a New Guinea Society, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.24 M. D. W. Jeffreys, Some Rules of Directed Culture Change under Roman Catholicism, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.24 Erika E. Bourguignon, More on the Equine Subconscious: Comment on Utley's Comment on Gladwin, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.24 I. M. Casanowicz, Parsee Religious Ceremonial Objects in the National Museum, American Anthropologist, 1903.
0.24 Anthony F. C. Wallace, Dreams and the Wishes of the Soul: A Type of Psychoanalytic Theory among the Seventeenth Century Iroquois, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.24 Grace Harris, Possession "Hysteria" in a Kenya Tribe, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.24 Renato I. Rosaldo_ Jr., Metaphors of Hierarchy in a Mayan Ritual, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.24 Keshari N. Sahay, Impact of Christianity on the Uraon of the Chainpur Belt in Chotanagpur: An Analysis of Its Cultural Processes, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.24 John R. Swanton, Three Factors in Primitive Religion, American Anthropologist, 1924.
0.24 Ichiro Hori, Japanese Folk-Beliefs, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.24 Edgar V. Winans Robert B. Edgerton, Hehe Magical Justice, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.23 E. M. Loeb, The Shaman of Niue, American Anthropologist, 1924.
0.23 Ellen Russell Emerson, The Book of the Dead and Rain Ceremonials, American Anthropologist, 1894.
0.23 Edward Norbeck, African Rituals of Conflict, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.23 W. H. R. Rivers, Sun-Cult and Megaliths in Oceania, American Anthropologist, 1915.
0.23 William Christie Mac Leod, Certain Mortuary Aspects of Northwest Coast Culture, American Anthropologist, 1925.
0.23 Emílio Willems, Acculturative Aspects of the Feast of the Holy Ghost in Brazil, American Anthropologist, 1949.
0.22 Edwin M. Loeb, Mentawei Social Organization, American Anthropologist, 1928.
0.22 Ioan Lewis, Spirit Possession and Biological Reductionism: A Rejoinder to Kehoe and Giletti, American Anthropologist, 1983.
0.22 C. F.E. W. Voegelin, The Shawnee Female Deity in Historical Perspective, American Anthropologist, 1944.
0.22 Melville J. Herskovits, The Southernmost Outposts of New World Africanisms, American Anthropologist, 1943.
0.22 George C. Barker, Some Functions of Catholic Processions in Pueblo and Yaqui Culture Change, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.22 George C. Homans, Anxiety and Ritual: The Theories of Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown, American Anthropologist, 1941.
0.22 A. M. Hocart, Polynesian Tombs, American Anthropologist, 1918.
0.22 Esther Schiff, A note on Twins, American Anthropologist, 1921.
0.22 Peggy Reeves Sanday, Response to Abler, American Anthropologist, 1988.
0.22 John C. McCall, Portrait of a Brave Woman, American Anthropologist, 1996.
0.22 William E. Carter, Secular Reinforcement in Aymara Death Ritual, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.21 H. Ian Hogbin, Sorcery at Ongtong Java, American Anthropologist, 1932.
0.21 Walter Goldschmidt, Clan Fission among the Ygoloporthna: A Study in Dysfunction, American Anthropologist, 1986.
0.21 E. M. Loeb, The Religious Organizations of North Central California and Tierra Del Fuego, American Anthropologist, 1931.
0.21 James W. Fernandez, Symbolic Consensus in a Fang Reformative Cult, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.21 Laura C. Green Martha Warren Beckwith, Hawaiian Customs and Beliefs Relating to Sickness and Death, American Anthropologist, 1926.
0.21 Craig T. Palmer Lyle B. Steadman Reed L. Wadley, Commentary on "Restaging the Will to Believe", American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.21 Morris E. Opler, Component Assemblage and Theme in Cultural Integration and Differentiation, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.21 Joseph H. Greenberg, Some Aspects of Negro-Mohammedan Culture-Contact among the Hausa, American Anthropologist, 1941.
0.21 Tanya M. Luhrmann, Metakinesis: How God Becomes Intimate in Contemporary US Christianity, American Anthropologist, 2004.
0.21 James H. Leuba, The Varieties Classification and Origin of Magic, American Anthropologist, 1912.
0.21 Thomas S. Abler, A Mythical Myth: Comments on Sanday's Explanation of Iroquoian Cannibalism, American Anthropologist, 1988.
0.21 Melford E. Spiro, Sorcery Evil Spirits and Functional Analysis: A Rejoinder, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.20 David M. Schneider, Political Organization Supernatural Sanctions and the Punishment for Incest on Yap, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.20 Lydia Black, Response to Dunn and Dunn, American Anthropologist, 1984.
0.20 Leo J. Frachtenberg, Eschatology of the Quileute Indians, American Anthropologist, 1920.
0.20 Ralph Linton, The Origin of the Skidi Pawnee Sacrifice to the Morning Star, American Anthropologist, 1926.
0.20 A. Irving Hallowell, Primitive Concepts of Disease, American Anthropologist, 1935.
0.20 Harry Turney-High, The Bluejay Dance, American Anthropologist, 1933.
0.20 J. E. Cawte, Further Comment on the Australian Subincision Ceremony, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.20 Edward S. Handy, Some Conclusions and Suggestions Regarding the Polynesian Problem, American Anthropologist, 1920.
0.20 David Bidney, The Concept of Myth and the Problem of Psychocultural Evolution, American Anthropologist, 1950.
0.20 P. Phister, The Indian Messiah, American Anthropologist, 1891.
0.20 Elsie Clews Parsons, Links between Religion and Morality in Early Culture, American Anthropologist, 1915.
0.20 Robert H. Lowie, Ceremonialism in North America, American Anthropologist, 1914.
0.20 James Dow, Reply to Finkler's Review of The Shaman's Touch, American Anthropologist, 1988.
0.20 Oliver Lamere Paul Radin, Description of a Winnebago Funeral, American Anthropologist, 1911.
0.19 Matt Tomlinson, Ritual Risk and Danger: Chain Prayers in Fiji, American Anthropologist, 2004.
0.19 S. F. Nadel, Witchcraft in Four African Societies: An Essay in Comparison, American Anthropologist, 1952.
0.19 Truman Michelson, Maiden Sacrifice among the Ojibwa, American Anthropologist, 1934.
0.19 Sherry B. Ortner, Sherpa Purity, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.19 Alexander Lesser, Cultural Significance of the Ghost Dance, American Anthropologist, 1933.
0.19 Verne F. Ray, The Kolaskin Cult: A Prophet Movement of 1870 in Northeastern Washington, American Anthropologist, 1936.
0.19 Jaime de Angulo L. S. Freeland, A New Religious Movement in North-Central California, American Anthropologist, 1929.
0.19 Berard Haile, A Note on the Navaho Visionary, American Anthropologist, 1940.
0.19 Alice C. Fletcher, Star Cult among the Pawnee-A Preliminary Report, American Anthropologist, 1902.
0.19 John Lee Maddox, The Spirit Theory in Early Medicine, American Anthropologist, 1930.
0.19 George Eaton Simpson, The Vodun Service in Northern Haiti, American Anthropologist, 1940.
0.19 Arthur C. Parker, Secret Medicine Societies of the Seneca, American Anthropologist, 1909.
0.19 Charles R. Kaut, Notes on Western Apache Religious and Social Organization, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.19 Raphael Patai, Reply to Urrutia, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.18 Stephen K. Sanderson Wesley W. Roberts, The Evolutionary Forms of the Religious Life: A Cross-Cultural Quantitative Analysis, American Anthropologist, 2008.
0.18 Ruth Shonle, Peyote the Giver of Visions, American Anthropologist, 1925.
0.18 George R. Stetson, The Animistic Vampire in New England, American Anthropologist, 1896.
0.18 Susan Starr Sered, Women Religion and Modernization: Tradition and Transformation among Elderly Jews in Israel, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.18 Raphael Patai, Seger's Review of the Hebrew Goddess: Was She "Orthodox" or "Legitimate" in Hebrew-Jewish Religion?, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.18 Edward Norbeck, Reply to Yinger, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.18 Waldemar Jochelson, The Mythology of the Koryak, American Anthropologist, 1904.
0.18 Lila Shaara Andrew Strathern, A Preliminary Analysis of the Relationship between Altered States of Consciousness Healing and Social Structure, American Anthropologist, 1992.
0.18 Fred W. Voget, The American Indian in Transition: Reformation and Accommodation, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.18 George Eaton Simpson, The Belief System of Haitian Vodun, American Anthropologist, 1945.
0.18 Robert Charles Williams, Scientific Creationism: An Exegesis for a Religious Doctrine, American Anthropologist, 1983.
0.18 Erika Bourguignon Lenora Greenbaum Ucko, Comment on Shaara and Strathern, American Anthropologist, 1993.
0.18 Gerard A. Zegwaard, Headhunting Practices of the Asmat of Netherlands New Guinea, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.18 A. M. H., Postscript, American Anthropologist, 1918.
0.18 Gladys A. Reichard, The Navaho and Christianity, American Anthropologist, 1949.
0.17 Alan Dundes, Earth-Diver: Creation of the Mythopoeic Male, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.17 Thomas J. Csordas, Prophecy and the Performance of Metaphor, American Anthropologist, 1997.
0.17 A. S. Gatschet Julie Mindeleff, Notes and News, American Anthropologist, 1894.
0.17 Bernard Barber, A Socio-Cultural Interpretation of the Peyote Cult, American Anthropologist, 1941.
0.17 Courtney Handman, Events of Translation: Intertextuality and Christian Ethnotheologies of Change among Guhu-Samane Papua New Guinea, American Anthropologist, 2010.
0.17 I. Schapera, Herding Rites of the Bechuanaland Bakxatla, American Anthropologist, 1934.
0.17 William Morgan, Navaho Treatment of Sickness: Diagnosticians, American Anthropologist, 1931.
0.17 Melvin R. Gilmore, Some Cosmogonic Ideas of the Dakota, American Anthropologist, 1926.
0.17 David Hicks, Literary Masks and Metaphysical Truths: Intimations from Timor, American Anthropologist, 1988.
0.17 W. C. Mac Leod, "Jumping over" from West Africa to South America, American Anthropologist, 1928.
0.17 Charles L. Henning, On the Origin of Religion, American Anthropologist, 1898.
0.17 Susan Parman, Orduighean: A Dominant Symbol in the Free Church of the Scottish Highlands, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.17 Elliott P. Skinner, Christianity and Islam among the Mossi, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.17 Robert H. Lowie, Religion in Human Life, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.17 T. M. Luhrmann Howard Nusbaum Ronald Thisted, The Absorption Hypothesis: Learning to Hear God in Evangelical Christianity, American Anthropologist, 2010.
0.17 J. N. B. Hewitt, Orenda and a Definition of Religion, American Anthropologist, 1902.
0.16 Weston La Barre, Note on Richard Schultes' "The Appeal of Peyote", American Anthropologist, 1939.
0.16 Daniel Jordan Smith, Burials and Belonging in Nigeria: Rural-Urban Relations and Social Inequality in a Contemporary African Ritual, American Anthropologist, 2004.
0.16 Raymond Firth, Spiritual Aroma: Religion and Politics, American Anthropologist, 1981.
0.16 Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer, Rituals of Gender Identity: Markers of Siberian Khanty Ethnicity Status and Belief, American Anthropologist, 1981.
0.16 Justus M. van der Kroef, Dualism and Symbolic Antithesis in Indonesian Society, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.16 Bennetta Jules-Rosette, The Veil of Objectivity: Prophecy Divination and Social Inquiry, American Anthropologist, 1978.
0.16 Edwin Oliver James, Cremation and the Preservation of the Dead in North America, American Anthropologist, 1928.
0.16 Erika Bourguignon Anna Bellisari Susan McCabe, Women Possession Trance Cults and the Extended Nutrient-Deficiency Hypothesis, American Anthropologist, 1983.
0.16 Bruce W. Derr, Implications of Menstruation as a Liminal State, American Anthropologist, 1982.
0.16 A. L. Kroeber, Disposal of the Dead, American Anthropologist, 1927.
0.16 D. C. Graham, The Lolo of Szechuan Province China, American Anthropologist, 1930.
0.16 Berard Haile, Navaho Chantways and Ceremonials, American Anthropologist, 1938.
0.16 Pierre Liénard Pascal Boyer, Whence Collective Rituals? A Cultural Selection Model of Ritualized Behavior, American Anthropologist, 2006.
0.16 Robert F. Heizer, A Californian Messianic Movement of 1801 among the Chumash, American Anthropologist, 1941.
0.16 W. C. Mac Leod, On California Mortuaries, American Anthropologist, 1929.
0.16 S. A. Tokarev, On Dunn's Review, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.16 Michael V. Angrosino, The Culture Concept and the Mission of the Roman Catholic Church, American Anthropologist, 1994.
0.16 Anthony F. C. Wallace, Revitalization Movements, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.16 Robert C. Williams, Scientific Creationism and Evangelical Christianity: A Reply, American Anthropologist, 1985.
0.16 Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer, On the Scent of Gender Theory and Practice: Reply to Child and Child, American Anthropologist, 1985.
0.16 Gary H. Gossen, From Olmecs to Zapatistas: A Once and Future History of Souls, American Anthropologist, 1994.
0.15 John Gillin, Crime and Punishment among the Barama River Carib of British Guiana, American Anthropologist, 1934.
0.15 Carol Laderman, The Limits of Magic, American Anthropologist, 1997.
0.15 Robert H. Lowie, Crow Prayers, American Anthropologist, 1933.
0.15 Corinne A. Kratz, Amusement and Absolution: Transforming Narratives during Confession of Social Debts, American Anthropologist, 1991.
0.15 J. D. Y. Peel, Okediji's Review of Aladura: A Religious Movement among the Yoruba: A Comment, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.15 John R. Swanton, Sun Worship in the Southeast, American Anthropologist, 1928.
0.15 Ruth S. Freed Stanley A. Freed, Unity in Diversity in the Celebration of Cattle-Curing Rites in a North Indian Village: A Study in the Resolution of Conflict, American Anthropologist, 1966.