0.54 Robert W. Hefner, Global Violence and Indonesian Muslim Politics, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.47 Nazif M. Shahrani, War Factionalism and the State in Afghanistan, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.46 Elizabeth Hopkins, The Politics of Crime: Aggression and Control in a Colonial Context, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.45 David M. Rosen, Child Soldiers International Humanitarian Law and the Globalization of Childhood, American Anthropologist, 2007.
0.44 Mahmood Mamdani, Good Muslim Bad Muslim: A Political Perspective on Culture and Terrorism, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.39 Ilana Feldman, Ad Hoc Humanity: UN Peacekeeping and the Limits of International Community in Gaza, American Anthropologist, 2010.
0.38 Robert M. Hayden, Rape and Rape Avoidance in Ethno-National Conflicts: Sexual Violence in Liminalized States, American Anthropologist, 2000.
0.38 E. Adamson Hoebel, Fundamental Cultural Postulates and Judicial Lawmaking in Pakistan, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.38 Jonathan Benthall, Commentary on " 'Good Muslim Bad Muslim': A Political Perspective on Culture and Terrorism", American Anthropologist, 2003.
0.36 Carol J. Greenhouse, Hegemony and Hidden Transcripts: The Discursive Arts of Neoliberal Legitimation, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.36 Weston La Barre, Religious Freedom of Indians Again Upheld, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.36 Christina Schwenkel, From John McCain to Abu Ghraib: Tortured Bodies and Historical Unaccountability of US Empire, American Anthropologist, 2009.
0.36 Keith F. Otterbein, Five Feuds: An Analysis of Homicides in Eastern Kentucky in the Late Nineteenth Century, American Anthropologist, 2000.
0.36 Jane Schneider Peter Schneider, The Mafia and al-Qaeda: Violent and Secretive Organizations in Comparative and Historical Perspective, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.34 Wilcomb E. Washburn, "Of Indians and Anthropologists": A Response to Karl Schlesier, American Anthropologist, 1980.
0.34 Dan F. Henderson, Settlement of Homicide Disputes in Sakya (Tibet), American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.33 Weston La Barre, A Step Backward, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.33 Veena Monga, On Bohannan and the Law, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.32 Wilcomb E. Washburn, Response to Biolsi, American Anthropologist, 1985.
0.32 Ralph Rozema, Forced Disappearance in an Era of Globalization: Biopolitics Shadow Networks and imagined Worlds, American Anthropologist, 2011.
0.31 M. Jamil Hanifi, In Response to Robert L Canfield, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.31 James C. Welling, The Law of Torture: A Study in the Evolution of Law, American Anthropologist, 1892.
0.31 Sally Engle Merry, Spatial Governmentality and the New Urban Social Order: Controlling Gender Violence Through Law, American Anthropologist, 2001.
0.30 Joseph Westermeyer, Assassination and Conflict Resolution in Laos, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.30 James H. Blodgett, Suffrage and Its Mechanism in Great Britain and the United States, American Anthropologist, 1889.
0.30 James R. McLeod, The Sociodrama of Presidential Politics: Rhetoric Ritual and Power in the Era of Teledemocracy, American Anthropologist, 1999.
0.30 Richard H. Thompson, Ethnic Minorities and the Case for Collective Rights, American Anthropologist, 1997.
0.29 Paul Bohannan, Reply to Monga, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.29 Catherine Lutz, Making War at Home in the United States: Militarization and the Current Crisis, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.29 Richard Ashby Wilson, Afterword to "Anthropology and Human Rights in a New Key": The Social Life of Human Rights, American Anthropologist, 2006.
0.29 Paul Bohannan, The Differing Realms of the Law, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.29 Jeffery L. Deal, Torture by "Cieng": Ethical Theory Meets Social Practice among the Dinka Agaar of South Sudan, American Anthropologist, 2010.
0.28 Thomas Biolsi, The IRA and the Politics of Acculturation: The Sioux Case, American Anthropologist, 1985.
0.28 James C. Welling, The Last Town Election in Pompeii: An Archæological Study of Roman Municipal Politics Based on Pompeian Wall Inscriptions, American Anthropologist, 1893.
0.28 Charles O. Frake, Abu Sayyaf: Displays of Violence and the Proliferation of Contested Identities among Philippine Muslims, American Anthropologist, 1998.
0.28 Judith Nagata, Beyond Theology: Toward an Anthropology of "Fundamentalism", American Anthropologist, 2001.
0.27 Lila Abu-Lughod, Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and Its Others, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.27 Alexander Laban Hinton, Agents of Death: Explaining the Cambodian Genocide in Terms of Psychosocial Dissonance, American Anthropologist, 1996.
0.27 Lawrence Rosen, The Excavation of American Indian Burial Sites: A Problem in Law and Professional Responsibility, American Anthropologist, 1980.
0.27 Steven C. Caton, Coetzee Agamben and the Passion of Abu Ghraib, American Anthropologist, 2006.
0.26 Jessica Greenberg, On the Road to Normal: Negotiating Agency and State Sovereignty in Postsocialist Serbia, American Anthropologist, 2011.
0.26 Samuel Martínez, Indifference within Indignation: Anthropology Human Rights and the Haitian Bracero, American Anthropologist, 1996.
0.26 David D. Laitin Guadalupe Rodríguez Gómez, Language Ideology and the Press in Catalonia, American Anthropologist, 1992.
0.26 Lawrence Rosen, The Anthropologist as Expert Witness, American Anthropologist, 1977.
0.26 Jeffrey Witsoe, Rethinking Postcolonial Democracy: An Examination of the Politics of Lower-Caste Empowerment in North India, American Anthropologist, 2011.
0.26 David Nugent, Building the State Making the Nation: The Bases and Limits of State Centralization in "Modern" Peru, American Anthropologist, 1994.
0.26 Krista Harper, "Wild Capitalism" and "Ecocolonialism": A Tale of Two Rivers, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.25 John R. Bowen, Does French Islam Have Borders? Dilemmas of Domestication in a Global Religious Field, American Anthropologist, 2004.
0.25 Keith Brown, "All They Understand Is Force": Debating Culture in Operation Iraqi Freedom, American Anthropologist, 2008.
0.25 Maximilian C. Forte, The Human Terrain System and Anthropology: A Review of Ongoing Public Debates, American Anthropologist, 2011.
0.25 Carole Blackburn, Searching for Guarantees in the Midst of Uncertainty: Negotiating Aboriginal Rights and Title in British Columbia, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.25 Karin Andriolo, Murder by Suicide: Episodes from Muslim History, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.24 Stephen W. Silliman, The "Old West" in the Middle East: US Military Metaphors in Real and Imagined Indian Country, American Anthropologist, 2008.
0.24 Robert L. Canfield, A Commentary on Jamil Hanifi's Review, American Anthropologist, 2004.
0.24 Richard F. Salisbury, Despotism and Australian Administration in the New Guinea Highlands, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.24 William J. Peace David H. Price, The Cold War Context of the FBI's Investigation of Leslie A White, American Anthropologist, 2001.
0.23 Didier Fassin Estelle D'Halluin, The Truth from the Body: Medical Certificates as Ultimate Evidence for Asylum Seekers, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.23 Melissa Demian, Fictions of Intention in the "Cultural Defense", American Anthropologist, 2008.
0.23 Laura Nader, Choices in Legal Procedure: Shia Moslem and Mexican Zapotec, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.23 Omer C. Stewart, An Expert Witness Answers Rosen, American Anthropologist, 1979.
0.23 Allen Feldman, Imaginary Ethics and Prehistoric Paradigms, American Anthropologist, 1994.
0.23 Jack Santino, Public Protest and Popular Style: Resistance from the Right in Northern Ireland and South Boston, American Anthropologist, 1999.
0.23 Elliott P. Skinner, Political Conflict and Revolution in an African Town, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.23 Neil L. Whitehead, A History of Research on Warfare in Anthropology - Reply to Keith Otterbein, American Anthropologist, 2000.
0.23 Omer C. Stewart Bernard E. Gorton, Peyote and the Arizona Court Decision, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.22 Wilcomb E. Washburn, A Fifty-Year Perspective on the Indian Reorganization Act, American Anthropologist, 1984.
0.22 Leopold Pospisil, Anthropology of Law: A Rejoinder to Lowy, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.22 Uli Linke, Gendered Difference Violent Imagination: Blood Race Nation, American Anthropologist, 1997.
0.22 Anna Simons, Somalia and the Dissolution of the Nation-State, American Anthropologist, 1994.
0.21 Edwin McManus, Catholic Doctrine and Cultural Relativism, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.21 June Nash, The Fiesta of the Word: The Zapatista Uprising and Radical Democracy in Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1997.
0.21 Paul Roscoe, Dead Birds: The "Theater" of War among the Dugum Dani, American Anthropologist, 2011.
0.21 R. F. Fortune, Law and Force in Papuan Societies, American Anthropologist, 1947.
0.21 Alexander Moore, From Council to Legislature: Democracy Parliamentarianism and the San Blas Cuna, American Anthropologist, 1984.
0.21 B. W. Aginsky, Social Science and the World Situation, American Anthropologist, 1942.
0.21 Sandra A. Scham, Mediating Nationalism and Archaeology: A Matter of Trust?, American Anthropologist, 1998.
0.21 Gail Landsman, Ganienkeh: Symbol and Politics in an Indian/White Conflict, American Anthropologist, 1985.
0.21 Michelle Carnes, Judith Lynne Hanna and "Striptease Culture", American Anthropologist, 2011.
0.21 Chiara De Cesari, Creative Heritage: Palestinian Heritage NGOs and Defiant Arts of Government, American Anthropologist, 2010.
0.21 Robert B. Ekvall, Law and the Individual among the Tibetan Nomads, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.21 Wilcomb E. Washburn, Anthropological Advocacy in the Hopi-Navajo Land Dispute, American Anthropologist, 1989.
0.21 Leslie E. Sponsel, Response to Otterbein, American Anthropologist, 2000.
0.20 Barbara Aswad, Voices from Gaza and Children of Fire: An Amendment to the Original Review, American Anthropologist, 1992.
0.20 Paul Shankman Angela Thieman Dino, The FBI File of Leslie A White, American Anthropologist, 2001.
0.20 Shannon Speed, At the Crossroads of Human Rights and Anthropology: Toward a Critically Engaged Activist Research, American Anthropologist, 2006.
0.20 Karl H. Schlesier, Reply to Deloria DeMallie Hill and Washburn, American Anthropologist, 1980.
0.20 Lawrence Rosen, Response to Stewart, American Anthropologist, 1979.
0.20 Thomas R. Williams, - Reply by the Author, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.20 Roberta Fiske-Rusciano, Responding to Michael Cohn's Comments on Roberta Fiske-Rusciano's Book Review Essay "The Ethnography of Contradiction: Studying Post-Unification Germany", American Anthropologist, 2001.
0.20 Jules Henry, National Character and War, American Anthropologist, 1951.
0.20 Akbar S. Ahmed, Reply to Hanifi, American Anthropologist, 1986.
0.19 William Seagle, Primitive Law and Professor Malinowski, American Anthropologist, 1937.
0.19 Bettina Shell-Duncan, From Health to Human Rights: Female Genital Cutting and the Politics of Intervention, American Anthropologist, 2008.
0.19 Jean E. Ludtke, Mashpee: Town or Tribe? - Current Wampanoag Land Claims Suit, American Anthropologist, 1978.
0.19 Ronald Cohen, Human Rights and Cultural Relativism: The Need for a New Approach, American Anthropologist, 1989.
0.19 Beth Baker-Cristales, Magical Pursuits: Legitimacy and Representation in a Transnational Political Field, American Anthropologist, 2008.
0.19 Lila Abu-Lughod, The Adjacent Art of Documentary: A Palestinian Film Festival, American Anthropologist, 2004.
0.19 Beth A. Conklin, Shamans versus Pirates in the Amazonian Treasure Chest, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.19 Annelise Riles, Anthropology Human Rights and Legal Knowledge: Culture in the Iron Cage, American Anthropologist, 2006.
0.19 Martin Daly Margo Wilson, Homicide and Kinship, American Anthropologist, 1982.
0.19 Laura Nader, The Anthropological Study of Law, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.18 James H. Vaughan_ Jr., Culture History and Grass-Roots Politics in a Northern Cameroons Kingdom, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.18 Maxwell Owusu, Ethnic Bias Charisma and the Analysis of Leadership: Comment on William John Hanna's Review, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.18 Robert B. Ekvall, Peace and War among the Tibetan Nomads, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.18 Lloyd A. Fallers, Ideology and Culture in Uganda Nationalism, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.17 Keith F. Otterbein, A History of Research on Warfare in Anthropology, American Anthropologist, 1999.
0.17 Sally Engle Merry, Transnational Human Rights and Local Activism: Mapping the Middle, American Anthropologist, 2006.
0.17 Alisse Waterston Antigona Kukaj, Reflections on Teaching Social Violence in an Age of Genocide and a Time of War, American Anthropologist, 2007.
0.17 Meg McLagan, Principles Publicity and Politics: Notes on Human Rights Media, American Anthropologist, 2003.
0.17 William J. Peace, Bernhard Stern Leslie A White and an Anthropological Appraisal of the Russian Revolution, American Anthropologist, 1998.
0.17 Wilcomb E. Washburn, Comment on Richard Stoffle's Commentary "The Hopi Navajo Paiute Zuni Land Disputes", American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.17 Paul A. Shackel, Public Memory and the Search for Power in American Historical Archaeology, American Anthropologist, 2001.
0.17 R. K. Dentan, Hawks Doves and Birds in the Bush: A Response to Keith Otterbein Neil Whitehead and Leslie Sponsel, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.17 , Court Decision regarding Peyote and the Native American Church, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.17 Walter P. Zenner, Comment on Safa's Review of Cities under Siege, American Anthropologist, 1975.
0.17 Marie Reay, Present-Day Politics in the New Guinea Highlands, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.17 Richard O. Clemmer David F. Aberle Joseph G. Jorgensen Thayer Scudder, Anthropology Anthropologists and the Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute: Reply to Washburn, American Anthropologist, 1989.
0.17 Robert F. Spencer, Culture Process and Intellectual Current: Durkheim and Atatürk, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.17 Andrew Arno, Structural Communication and Control Communication: An Interactionist Perspective on Legal and Customary Procedures for Conflict Management, American Anthropologist, 1985.
0.17 Lawrence A. Kuznar, Rationality Wars and the War on Terror: Explaining Terrorism and Social Unrest, American Anthropologist, 2007.
0.16 Stevan Harrell, Politics and Scholarship on Taiwan: Some Errors of Murray and Hong, American Anthropologist, 1989.
0.16 Robert Miller, Innocents Abroad for Séamus Heaney, American Anthropologist, 1997.
0.16 June Nash, Death as a Way of Life: The Increasing Resort to Homicide in a Maya Indian Community, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.16 Mark Goodale, Ethical Theory as Social Practice, American Anthropologist, 2006.
0.16 J. Christopher Kovats-Bernat, Negotiating Dangerous Fields: Pragmatic Strategies for Fieldwork Amid Violence and Terror, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.16 Dorothy Willner, For Whom the Bell Tolls: Anthropologists Advising on Public Policy, American Anthropologist, 1980.
0.16 Bruce Cox, Johnson's Review of the New Indians: A Comment, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.16 Dale L. Johnson, Ethics of the Nature Procedures and Funding of Research in Other Countries, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.16 Keith F. Otterbein, Internal War: A Cross-Cultural Study, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.16 Thomas A. Gregor Daniel R. Gross, Guilt by Association: The Culture of Accusation and the American Anthropological Association's Investigation of "Darkness in El Dorado", American Anthropologist, 2004.
0.16 Stephen O. Murray Keelung Hong, Taiwan China and the "Objectivity" of Dictatorial Elites, American Anthropologist, 1988.
0.15 Marvin Harris, Distinguished Lecture: Anthropology and the Theoretical and Paradigmatic Significance of the Collapse of Soviet and East European Communism, American Anthropologist, 1992.
0.15 Tom Boellstorff, Between Religion and Desire: Being Muslim and Gay in Indonesia, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.15 Elizabeth L. Krause Milena Marchesi, Fertility Politics as "Social Viagra": Reproducing Boundaries Social Cohesion and Modernity in Italy, American Anthropologist, 2007.
0.15 Bernard S. Cohn, Anthropological Notes on Disputes and Law in India, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.15 James Ellison, Governmentality and the Family: Neoliberal Choices and Emergent Kin Relations in Southern Ethiopia, American Anthropologist, 2009.
0.15 Bruce M. Knauft, Violence among Newly Sedentary Foragers, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.15 Raymond Firth, Spiritual Aroma: Religion and Politics, American Anthropologist, 1981.
0.15 Roxanne Varzi, Picturing Change: Mohsen Makhmalbaf's "Kandahar", American Anthropologist, 2002.