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0.90 Salvador Canals Frau, Letters to the Editor,
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0.81 José Imbelloni, On Rowe's Review of Prehistoria de América,
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0.73 Alexander F. Chamberlain, Linguistic Stocks of South American Indians with Distribution - Map,
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0.57 Rudolph Schuller, One of the Rarest American Books,
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0.55 Alexander F. Chamberlain, The Allentiacan Bororoan and Calchaquian Linguistic Stocks of South America,
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0.52 Alexander F. Chamberlain, On the Puelchean and Tsonekan (Tehuelchean) the Atacameñan (Atacaman) and Chonoan and the Charruan Linguistic Stocks of South America,
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0.47 Irving A. Leonard, Peyote and the Mexican Inquisition 1620.
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0.46 Robert C. West, Aboriginal Sea Navigation between Middle and South America,
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0.39 Alexander F. Chamberlain, The Present State of Our Knowledge Concerning the Three Linguistic Stocks of the Region of Tierra Del Fuego South America,
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0.36 Alexander F. Chamberlain, The Uran: A New South American Linguistic Stock,
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0.36 Rudolph Schuller, The Linguistic and Ethnological Position of the Nambicuára Indians,
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0.35 Betty Starr, The Chorti and the Problem of the Survival of Maya Culture,
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0.26 Norman A. McQuown, The Indigenous Languages of Latin America,
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0.26 Carlos E. A. Coimbra Jr., Human Settlements Demographic Pattern and Epidemiology in Lowland Amazonia: The Case of Chagas's Disease,
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0.24 Rudolph Schuller, Discovery of New Materials of the Moseten Idiom,
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0.24 Daniel G. Brinton, The Calchaqui: An Archeological Problem,
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0.24 A. Ernst, On the Etymology of the Word Tobacco,
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0.24 R. T. Zuidema, A Reply to Brundage,
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0.23 Adolph F. Bandelier, The Aboriginal Ruins at Sillustani Peru,
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0.22 Jennifer Roth-Gordon, The Language That Came down the Hill: Slang Crime and Citizenship in Rio de Janeiro,
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0.22 Miguel Layrisse Zulay Layrisse Johannes Wilbert, Blood Group Antigen Studies of Four Chibchan Tribes,
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0.22 Philip Ainsworth Means, A New Anthropological Journal in Peru,
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0.22 Frank Salomon Sue Grosboll, Names and Peoples in Incaic Quito: Retrieving Undocumented Historic Processes Through Anthroponymy and Statistics,
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0.22 P. H. Saldanha, Race Mixture among Northeastern Brazilian Populations,
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0.22 John Gillin, Quichua-Speaking Indians of Northern Ecuador,
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0.21 Marshall H. Saville, A Grammar and Vocabulary of the Szinca Language of Guatemala,
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0.21 A. S. Gatschet, Notes and News,
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0.21 A. Lipschutz, On the Reliability of Some Written Sources of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,
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0.21 Betty J. Meggers, Comment on Weiss' Review of the Americas and Civilization,
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0.21 George Grant Mac Curdy, Seventeenth International Congress of Americanists Second Session - City of Mexico,
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0.20 J. Walter Fewkes, A Fictitious Ruin in Gila Valley Arizona,
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0.20 John G. Bourke, Distillation by Early American Indians,
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0.19 Jerry D. Moore, Pre-Hispanic Beer in Coastal Peru: Technology and Social Context of Prehistoric Production,
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0.19 Claude Lévi-Strauss, The Name of the Nambikuara,
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0.19 L. Leland Locke, The Ancient Quipu a Peruvian Knot Record,
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0.19 Brian S. Bauer R. Alan Covey, Processes of State Formation in the Inca Heartland (Cuzco Peru),
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0.18 George Grant Mac Curdy, International Congress of Americanists,
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0.18 Douglas Taylor, A Note on the Derivation of the Word "Tobacco",
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0.18 B. Laufer, Coca and Betel Chewing: A Query,
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0.18 Claude Lévi-Strauss, Reciprocity and Hierarchy,
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0.18 Alfred Métraux, Social Organization of the Kaingang and Aweikóma According to C Nimuendajú's Unpublished Data,
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0.18 Philip Ainsworth Means, Some Comments on the Inedited Manuscript of Poma de Ayala,
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0.18 Mary Van Buren, Rethinking the Vertical Archipelago: Ethnicity Exchange and History in the South Central Andes,
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0.17 A. L. Kroeber, Coast and Highland in Prehistoric Peru,
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0.17 Olga Nájera-Ramírez, The Racialization of a Debate: The Charreada as Tradition or Torture,
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0.17 Daniel G. Brinton, The Dwarf Tribe of the Upper Amazon,
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0.17 Richard L. Burger Nikolaas J. Van Der Merwe, Maize and the Origin of Highland Chavín Civilization: An Isotopic Perspective,
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0.16 S. Klimek W. Milke, An Analysis of the Material Culture of the Tupi Peoples,
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0.16 J. Walter Fewkes, A Central American Ceremony Which Suggests the Snake Dance of the Tusayan Villagers,
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0.16 John G. Bourke, The Laws of Spain in Their Application to the American Indians,
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0.16 Marcela Mendoza, Culture Demic Expansions and Bilateral Kinship in the South American Gran Chaco: A Response to Doug Jones,
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0.16 Lila Wistrand, A Type of Cashibo Moral Judgment,
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0.16 Jeffrey Quilter Terry Stocker, Subsistence Economies and the Origins of Andean Complex Societies,
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0.16 Karsten Paerregaard, The Dark Side of the Moon: Conceptual and Methodological Problems in Studying Rural and Urban Worlds in Peru,
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0.16 Antonio Serrano, The So-Called Chaco-Santiagueña Civilization (Argentina),
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0.16 Bruce Mannheim Krista van Vleet, The Dialogics of Southern Quechua Narrative,
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0.16 Jerry D. Moore, The Archaeology of Plazas and the Proxemics of Ritual: Three Andean Traditions,
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0.16 J. Walter Fewkes, Prehistoric Culture of Cuba,
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0.15 Gray Graffam, Beyond State Collapse: Rural History Raised Fields and Pastoralism in the South Andes,
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, 1992.