oo na ka cf ch abn li te pa im pp ha ma el pl ni pm ia wn
0.70 George Peter Murdock, World Ethnographic Sample,
American Anthropologist
, 1957.
0.68 J. Dyneley Prince, A Passamaquoddy Aviator,
American Anthropologist
, 1909.
0.68 J. Dyneley Prince, An Ancient New Jersey Indian Jargon,
American Anthropologist
, 1912.
0.65 J. Dyneley Prince, A Text in the Indian Language of Panamá - Darien,
American Anthropologist
, 1913.
0.63 Harry Hoijer, Athapaskan Kinship Systems,
American Anthropologist
, 1956.
0.63 J. Dyneley Prince Frank G. Speck, Glossary of the Mohegan-Pequot Language,
American Anthropologist
, 1904.
0.63 J. Dyneley Prince, The Penobscot Language of Maine,
American Anthropologist
, 1910.
0.63 J. Dyneley Prince, A Tale in the Hudson River Indian Language,
American Anthropologist
, 1905.
0.62 J. Dyneley Prince, Grammar and Glossary of the Tule Language of Panama,
American Anthropologist
, 1913.
0.54 J. Dyneley Prince, Prolegomena to the Study of the San Blas Language of Panamá,
American Anthropologist
, 1912.
0.49 Robert Burkitt, Notes on the Kekchí Language,
American Anthropologist
, 1902.
0.48 James R. Walker, Oglala Kinship Terms,
American Anthropologist
, 1914.
0.48 J. Dyneley Prince Frank G. Speck, The Modern Pequots and Their Language,
American Anthropologist
, 1903.
0.47 J. H. Driberg, Lotuko Dialects,
American Anthropologist
, 1932.
0.46 Harold C. Fleming Herbert S. Lewis, Concerning Haberland's Comments on Review of Altvölker Süd-Äthiopiens: A Rejoinder,
American Anthropologist
, 1963.
0.44 Arthur E. Robinson, "Abu El Kaylik" the Kingmaker of the Fung of Sennar,
American Anthropologist
, 1929.
0.43 Robert Burkitt, A Kekchí Will of the Sixteenth Century,
American Anthropologist
, 1905.
0.41 Harry Hoijer, The Southern Athapaskan Languages,
American Anthropologist
, 1938.
0.41 J. Dyneley Prince, The Differentiation between the Penobscot and the Canadian Abenaki Dialects,
American Anthropologist
, 1902.
0.41 Horace Miner, Songhoi Circumcision,
American Anthropologist
, 1942.
0.39 Martha W. Beckwith, The Hawaiian "Hoopapa",
American Anthropologist
, 1923.
0.34 Joel Sherzer, The Kuna and Columbus: Encounters and Confrontations of Discourse,
American Anthropologist
, 1994.
0.31 A. Ernst, Upper Orinoco Vocabularies,
American Anthropologist
, 1895.
0.30 P. David Price Cecil E. Cook_ Jr., The Present Situation of the Nambiquara,
American Anthropologist
, 1969.
0.29 Paul K. Benedict, Thai Kadai and Indonesian: A New Alignment in Southeastern Asia,
American Anthropologist
, 1942.
0.29 William Edwin Safford, The Chamorro Language of Guam-IV,
American Anthropologist
, 1904.
0.28 George Eaton Simpson, The Vodun Service in Northern Haiti,
American Anthropologist
, 1940.
0.27 G. R. Heath, Notes on Miskuto Grammar and on Other Indian Languages of Eastern Nicaragua,
American Anthropologist
, 1913.
0.26 Jaime de Angulo, Taos Kinship Terminology,
American Anthropologist
, 1925.
0.25 R. H. Mathews, Social Organization of the Chingalee Tribe Northern Australia,
American Anthropologist
, 1905.
0.23 Douglas Taylor, The Origin of West Indian Creole Languages: Evidence from Grammatical Categories,
American Anthropologist
, 1963.
0.23 George Eaton Simpson, The Belief System of Haitian Vodun,
American Anthropologist
, 1945.
0.22 George Bird Grinnell, Notes on Some Cheyenne Songs,
American Anthropologist
, 1903.
0.20 Niko Besnier, Literacy and the Notion of Person on Nukulaelae Atoll,
American Anthropologist
, 1991.
0.19 Harry Tschopik_ Jr., Shipibo Kinship Terms,
American Anthropologist
, 1958.
0.19 Laura S. Green Martha Warren Beckwith, Hawaiian Household Customs,
American Anthropologist
, 1928.
0.18 William Edwin Safford, The Chamorro Language of Guam-II,
American Anthropologist
, 1903.
0.18 Wallace L. Chafe, Another Look at Siouan and Iroquoian,
American Anthropologist
, 1964.
0.18 William Edwin Safford, The Chamorro Language of Guam-V,
American Anthropologist
, 1905.
0.18 Martha W. Beckwith, Hawaiian Riddling,
American Anthropologist
, 1922.
0.17 J. Dyneley Prince, Last Living Echoes of the Natick,
American Anthropologist
, 1907.
0.17 Frank G. Speck, A Modern Mohegan-Pequot Text,
American Anthropologist
, 1904.
0.17 B. N. Colby, A Partial Grammar of Eskimo Folktales,
American Anthropologist
, 1973.
0.17 David B. Kronenfeld, Fanti Kinship: The Structure of Terminology and Behavior,
American Anthropologist
, 1973.
0.16 M. D. W. Jeffreys, The Diffusion of Cowries and Egyptian Culture in Africa,
American Anthropologist
, 1948.
0.16 George Bird Grinnell, Some Indian Stream Names,
American Anthropologist
, 1913.
0.16 Catherine J. Allen Nathan Garner, Condor Qatay Anthropology in Performance,
American Anthropologist
, 1995.
0.15 Eike Haberland, Reply to the Review of Altvölker Süd-Äthiopiens,
American Anthropologist
, 1962.
0.15 Hans G. Mukarovsky, On Meaningful Evidence,
American Anthropologist
, 1966.
0.15 William Edwin Safford, The Chamorro Language of Guam,
American Anthropologist
, 1903.
0.15 Daniel G. Brinton, On the Chane-Abal (Four-Language) Tribe and Dialect of Chiapas,
American Anthropologist
, 1888.