forest plant plants species wild guinea tropical highlands hunting maize conservation area animals cultivation rice rain trees cultivated forests

0.59 Ralph V. Chamberlin, Some Plant Names of the Ute Indians, American Anthropologist, 1909.
0.55 Bryan Curran David S. Wilkie, Reply to Roscoe, American Anthropologist, 1993.
0.55 Eugene Parker, Forest Islands and Kayapó Resource Management in Amazonia: A Reappraisal of the Apêtê, American Anthropologist, 1992.
0.49 David S. Wilkie Bryan Curran, Why Do Mbuti Hunters Use Nets? Ungulate Hunting Efficiency of Archers and Net-Hunters in the Ituri Rain Forest, American Anthropologist, 1991.
0.49 Walter Hough, Environmental Interrelations in Arizona, American Anthropologist, 1898.
0.46 Kent H. Redford John G. Robinson, The Game of Choice: Patterns of Indian and Colonist Hunting in the Neotropics, American Anthropologist, 1987.
0.44 Darna L. Dufour, Insects as Food: A Case Study from the Northwest Amazon, American Anthropologist, 1987.
0.44 Robert C. Bailey Mark Jenike Robert Rechtman, Reply to Colinvaux and Bush, American Anthropologist, 1991.
0.44 Walter Hough, The Hopi in Relation to Their Plant Environment, American Anthropologist, 1897.
0.43 Paul B. Roscoe, The Net and the Bow in the Ituri, American Anthropologist, 1993.
0.42 Emilio F. Moran, Human Adaptive Strategies in Amazonian Blackwater Ecosystems, American Anthropologist, 1991.
0.42 Wilson Popenoe, The Useful Plants of Copan, American Anthropologist, 1919.
0.41 Paul B. Roscoe, The Bow and Spreadnet: Ecological Origins of Hunting Technology, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.40 A. C. Haddon, Tobacco in New Guinea, American Anthropologist, 1931.
0.40 Patricia K. Townsend, On the Possibility/ Impossibility of Tropical Forest Hunting and Gathering, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.39 Paul A. Colinvaux Mark B. Bush, The Rain-Forest Ecosystem as a Resource for Hunting and Gathering, American Anthropologist, 1991.
0.38 Charles B. Heiser_ Jr., Cultivated Plants and Cultural Diffusion in Nuclear America, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.36 Robert C. Bailey, Exciting Opportunities in Tropical Rain Forests: A Reply to Townsend, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.36 Darrell Addison Posey, Reply to Parker, American Anthropologist, 1992.
0.35 Gary Paul Nabhan, Plant Domestication and Folk-Biological Change: The Upper Piman/Devil's Claw Example, American Anthropologist, 1987.
0.35 Ted L. Gragson, Fishing the Waters of Amazonia: Native Subsistence Economies in a Tropical Rain Forest, American Anthropologist, 1992.
0.35 Katharine Milton, Protein and Carbohydrate Resources of the Maku Indians of Northwestern Amazonia, American Anthropologist, 1984.
0.35 Richard A. Yarnell, Implications of Distinctive Flora on Pueblo Ruins, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.34 Eugene Parker, Fact and Fiction in Amazonia: The Case of the Apêtê, American Anthropologist, 1993.
0.34 Carroll Quigley, Aboriginal Fish Poisons and the Diffusion Problem, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.33 Erin P. Riley, The Human-Macaque Interface: Conservation Implications of Current and Future Overlap and Conflict in Lore Lindu National Park Sulawesi Indonesia, American Anthropologist, 2007.
0.33 Henry T. Lewis, Ecological and Technological Knowledge of Fire: Aborigines Versus Park Rangers in Northern Australia, American Anthropologist, 1989.
0.33 Robert C. Bailey Genevieve Head Mark Jenike Bruce Owen Robert Rechtman Elzbieta Zechenter, Hunting and Gathering in Tropical Rain Forest: Is It Possible?, American Anthropologist, 1989.
0.33 Inez Adams, Rice Cultivation in Asia, American Anthropologist, 1948.
0.31 P. C. Mangelsdorf R. G. Reeves, The Origin of Maize: Present Status of the Problem, American Anthropologist, 1945.
0.31 E. D. Merrill, Tobacco in New Guinea, American Anthropologist, 1930.
0.31 William Albert Setchell, Aboriginal Tobaccos, American Anthropologist, 1921.
0.31 Alfred F. Whiting, The Origin of Corn: An Evaluation of Fact and Theory, American Anthropologist, 1944.
0.31 Clifford A. Behrens, The Scientific Basis for Shipibo Soil Classification and Land Use: Changes in Soil-Plant Associations with Cash Cropping, American Anthropologist, 1989.
0.31 Richard W. Stoffle David B. Halmo Michael J. Evans John E. Olmsted, Calculating the Cultural Significance of American Indian Plants: Paiute and Shoshone Ethnobotany at Yucca Mountain Nevada, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.30 Daniel R. Gross, Protein Capture and Cultural Development in the Amazon Basin, American Anthropologist, 1975.
0.30 Nancy J. Turner, "The Importance of a Rose": Evaluating the Cultural Significance of Plants in Thompson and Lillooet Interior Salish, American Anthropologist, 1988.
0.30 D. K. Feil, A Social Anthropologist's View of Papua New Guinea Highlands Prehistory, American Anthropologist, 1986.
0.30 Stephen Beckerman, The Abundance of Protein in Amazonia: A Reply to Gross, American Anthropologist, 1979.
0.29 Oliver T. Coomes, Blackwater Rivers Adaptation and Environmental Heterogeneity in Amazonia, American Anthropologist, 1992.
0.29 Dolores R. Piperno Karen H. Clary Richard G. Cooke Anthony J. Ranere Doris Weiland, Preceramic Maize in Central Panama: Phytolith and Pollen Evidence, American Anthropologist, 1985.
0.29 A. Endre Nyerges Glen Martin Green, The Ethnography of Landscape: GIS and Remote Sensing in the Study of Forest Change in West African Guinea Savanna, American Anthropologist, 2000.
0.28 Hale G. Smith, The Ethnological and Archeological Significance of Zamia, American Anthropologist, 1951.
0.28 Leopold Pospisil, A Formal Analysis of Substantive Law: Kapauku Papuan Laws of Land Tenure, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.28 Susan Bulmer Ralph Bulmer, The Prehistory of the Australian New Guinea Highlands, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.27 H. C. Brookfield, The Ecology of Highland Settlement: Some Suggestions, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.27 Albert B. Lewis, Tobacco in New Guinea, American Anthropologist, 1931.
0.27 J. Walter Fewkes, A Contribution to Ethnobotany, American Anthropologist, 1896.
0.27 George F. Carter, Origins of American Indian Agriculture, American Anthropologist, 1946.
0.26 Deborah M. Pearsall, Phytolith Analysis: Applications of a New Paleoethnobotanical Technique in Archeology, American Anthropologist, 1982.
0.26 L. M. Serpenti, Comments on Barrau's and Scheffler's Review, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.25 Paige West, Translation Value and Space: Theorizing an Ethnographic and Engaged Environmental Anthropology, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.25 Emilio F. Moran, Response to Coomes, American Anthropologist, 1992.
0.25 Robert F. Heizer, The Botanical Identification of Northwest Coast Tobacco, American Anthropologist, 1940.
0.24 Roland B. Dixon, Tobacco Chewing on the Northwest Coast, American Anthropologist, 1933.
0.24 Aletta Biersack, The Mount Kare Python and His Gold: Totemism and Ecology in the Papua New Guinea Highlands, American Anthropologist, 1999.
0.24 E. D. Merrill, Further Notes on Tobacco in New Guinea, American Anthropologist, 1946.
0.24 Berthold Laufer, Tobacco in New Guinea: An Epilogue, American Anthropologist, 1931.
0.24 Julie Velásquez Runk, Social and River Networks for the Trees: Wounaan's Riverine Rhizomic Cosmos and Arboreal Conservation, American Anthropologist, 2009.
0.24 Edward F. Castetter, Early Tobacco Utilization and Cultivation in the American Southwest, American Anthropologist, 1943.
0.23 Leonard B. Glick, Categories and Relations in Gimi Natural Science, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.23 Charles B. Heiser_ Jr., Sangorache an Amaranth Used Ceremonially in Ecuador, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.23 Morris Steggerda, Plants of Jamaica Used by Natives for Medicinal Purposes, American Anthropologist, 1929.
0.23 Rebecca Hardin Melissa J. Remis, Biological and Cultural Anthropology of a Changing Tropical Forest: A Fruitful Collaboration across Subfields, American Anthropologist, 2006.
0.22 Thomas O. Beidelman, Beer Drinking and Cattle Theft in Ukaguru: Intertribal Relations in a Tanganyika Chiefdom, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.22 Ashley Montagu, A Remarkable Case of Tool-Using in a Bird, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.22 Paula Brown, No Dialogue: Premises and Confrontations in Intercultural Encounter Papua New Guinea, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.22 J Carlton Snook B. K. Swartz_ Jr., An over Extension of the Mud-Flats Hypothesis? A Comment on the Struever-Vickery Hypothesis, American Anthropologist, 1975.
0.22 David A. Burney Ramilisonina, The Kilopilopitsofy Kidoky and Bokyboky: Accounts of Strange Animals from Belo-sur-mer Madagascar and the Megafaunal "Extinction Window", American Anthropologist, 1998.
0.21 George M. Foster, Indigenous Apiculture among the Popoluca of Veracruz, American Anthropologist, 1942.
0.21 Thomas M. Ernst, Land Stories and Resources: Discourse and Entification in Onabasulu Modernity, American Anthropologist, 1999.
0.21 Clifford A. Behrens, Shipibo Food Categorization and Preference: Relationships between Indigenous and Western Dietary Concepts, American Anthropologist, 1986.
0.21 Norman E. Whitten_ Jr., Ecological Imagery and Cultural Adaptability: The Canelos Quichua of Eastern Ecuador, American Anthropologist, 1978.
0.21 C. B. Davenport, The Dietaries of Primitive Peoples, American Anthropologist, 1945.
0.21 W J McGee, The Beginning of Agriculture, American Anthropologist, 1895.
0.20 Lisa Kealhofer, Changing Perceptions of Risk: The Development of Agro-Ecosystems in Southeast Asia, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.20 Ping-Ti Ho, The Introduction of American Food Plants into China, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.20 John H. Provinse, Cooperative Ricefield Cultivation among the Siang Dyaks of Central Borneo, American Anthropologist, 1937.
0.20 J. Peter Brosius, Green Dots Pink Hearts: Displacing Politics from the Malaysian Rain Forest, American Anthropologist, 1999.
0.19 Theodor Just, The Paleobotanical Record of Zamia, American Anthropologist, 1952.
0.19 Peter D. Dwyer David C. Hyndman, "Frog" and "Lizard": Additional Life-Forms from Papua New Guinea, American Anthropologist, 1983.
0.19 Catherine M. Hill, Primate Conservation and Local Communities: Ethical Issues and Debates, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.19 E. F. Castetter, Prehistoric Seeds, American Anthropologist, 1941.
0.19 Melvin R. Gilmore, Importance of Ethnobotanical Investigation, American Anthropologist, 1932.
0.19 Jean Janmart, Elephant Hunting as Practised by the Congo Pygmies, American Anthropologist, 1952.
0.19 Aidan Southall, Ecology and Social Change in Madagascar: Linton's Hypothesis on the Tanala and Betsileo, American Anthropologist, 1975.
0.19 Melvin R. Gilmore, Some Comments on "Aboriginal Tobaccos", American Anthropologist, 1922.
0.19 Richard A. Yarnell, Iva annua var macrocarpa: Extinct American Cultigen?, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.19 Marian W. Smith, Additional Materials on Mount Hagen New Guinea, American Anthropologist, 1950.
0.18 Melvin R. Gilmore, Being an Account of an Hidatsa Shrine and the Beliefs Respecting It, American Anthropologist, 1926.
0.18 Carl D. Spath, Getting to the Meat of the Problem: Some Comments on Protein as a Limiting Factor in Amazonia, American Anthropologist, 1981.
0.18 Ralph Linton, Rice a Malagasy Tradition, American Anthropologist, 1927.
0.18 Jaime de Angulo, Taos Kinship Terminology, American Anthropologist, 1925.
0.18 Genese Sodikoff, The Low-Wage Conservationist: Biodiversity and Perversities of Value in Madagascar, American Anthropologist, 2009.
0.18 Carlos E. A. Coimbra Jr., Human Settlements Demographic Pattern and Epidemiology in Lowland Amazonia: The Case of Chagas's Disease, American Anthropologist, 1988.
0.18 Terence Turner, Reply to Mme Dreyfus, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.17 Walter E. Roth, Comments: "The Central Arawaks", American Anthropologist, 1920.
0.17 Jean Treloggen Peterson, Hunter-Gatherer/Farmer Exchange, American Anthropologist, 1978.
0.17 Patricia J. O'Brien, The Sweet Potato: Its Origin and Dispersal, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.16 Mildred Dickeman, Sweet Potatoes O'Brien: A Comment, American Anthropologist, 1974.
0.16 Emma Gilberthorp, Fasu Solidarity: A Case Study of Kin Networks Land Tenure and Oil Extraction in Kutubu Papua New Guinea, American Anthropologist, 2007.
0.15 Mario Blaser, The Threat of the Yrmo: The Political Ontology of a Sustainable Hunting Program, American Anthropologist, 2009.
0.15 Stuart Struever Kent D. Vickery, The Beginnings of Cultivation in the Midwest-Riverine Area of the United States, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.15 Stephen B. Brush, Indigenous Knowledge of Biological Resources and Intellectual Property Rights: The Role of Anthropology, American Anthropologist, 1993.