0.89 Gordon C. Baldwin, An Analysis of Basket Maker III Sandals from Northeastern Arizona, American Anthropologist, 1938.
0.82 George Grant Mac Curdy, The Octopus Motive in Ancient Chiriquian Art, American Anthropologist, 1916.
0.82 J. Walter Fewkes, A Prehistoric Stone Collar from Porto Rico, American Anthropologist, 1914.
0.81 A. V. Kidder, A Sandal from Northeastern Arizona, American Anthropologist, 1926.
0.79 Otis T. Mason, The Technic of Aboriginal American Basketry, American Anthropologist, 1901.
0.77 Hiram Bingham, Types of Machu Picchu Pottery, American Anthropologist, 1915.
0.77 Gene Weltfish, White-On-Red Pottery from Cochiti Pueblo, American Anthropologist, 1931.
0.76 Gladys Ayer Nomland, Archaeological Site of Hato Viejo Venezuela, American Anthropologist, 1933.
0.76 W. H. Holmes, Studies in Aboriginal Decorative Art, American Anthropologist, 1892.
0.75 Gordon C. Baldwin, Further Notes on Basket Maker III Sandals from Northeastern Arizona, American Anthropologist, 1939.
0.75 J. Walter Fewkes, Porto Rican Elbow - Stones in the Heye Museum with Discussion of Similar Objects Elsewhere, American Anthropologist, 1913.
0.75 Harlan I. Smith, A Remarkable Pipe from Northwestern America, American Anthropologist, 1906.
0.74 Charlie R. Steen, Slit Tapestry from the Upper Salt River Valley Arizona, American Anthropologist, 1935.
0.74 C. V. Hartman, The Alligator as a Plastic Decorative Motive in Certain Costa Rican Pottery, American Anthropologist, 1907.
0.73 J. Walter Fewkes, Further Notes on the Archeology of Porto Rico, American Anthropologist, 1908.
0.73 Charles C. Willoughby, A New Type of Ceremonial Blanket from the Northwest Coast, American Anthropologist, 1910.
0.72 George Grant Mac Curdy, Note on the Archeology of Chiriqui, American Anthropologist, 1913.
0.71 Otis T. Mason, The Hudson Collection of Basketry, American Anthropologist, 1900.
0.70 Julian H. Steward, A New Type of Carving from the Columbia Valley, American Anthropologist, 1927.
0.69 Lila M. O'neale, Peruvian "Needleknitting", American Anthropologist, 1934.
0.69 Arthur C. Parker, Additional Notes on Iroquois Silversmithing, American Anthropologist, 1911.
0.68 George Grant Mac Curdy, Notes on the Ancient Art of Central America, American Anthropologist, 1912.
0.68 Lila M. O'Neale, A Peruvian Multicolored Patchwork, American Anthropologist, 1933.
0.68 D. I. Bushnell_ Jr., Two Ancient Mexican Atlatls, American Anthropologist, 1905.
0.67 H. Newell Wardle, Certain Rare West - Coast Baskets, American Anthropologist, 1912.
0.67 William H. Holmes, Use of Textiles in Pottery Making and Embellishment, American Anthropologist, 1901.
0.67 W. H. Holmes, Certain Notched or Scalloped Stone Tablets of the Mound-Builders, American Anthropologist, 1906.
0.65 Gene Weltfish, Prehistoric North American Basketry Techniques and Modern Distributions, American Anthropologist, 1930.
0.65 Robert F. Heizer, A Decorated Mortar in Columbia Valley Art Style, American Anthropologist, 1942.
0.65 David I. Bushnell_ Jr., North American Ethnographical Material in Italian Collections, American Anthropologist, 1906.
0.64 T. A. Joyce, The Southern Limit of Inlaid and In-Crusted Work in Ancient America, American Anthropologist, 1908.
0.64 S. K. Lothrop, American Feather - Decorated Mats, American Anthropologist, 1923.
0.64 Wilfrid D. Hambly, The Preservation of Local Types of Weapons and Other Objects in Western Australia, American Anthropologist, 1931.
0.64 Walter Hough, A Chiriguano Canteen, American Anthropologist, 1930.
0.63 Charles C. Willoughby, The Adze and the Ungrooved Axe of the New England Indians, American Anthropologist, 1907.
0.63 Gene Weltfish, Pottery Implements of the Ancient Basket Makers, American Anthropologist, 1931.
0.63 Franz Boas, Property Marks of Alaskan Eskimo, American Anthropologist, 1899.
0.62 G. H. Perkins, Aboriginal Remains in the Champlain Valley Second Paper, American Anthropologist, 1911.
0.62 Helen H. Roberts, Double Coiling, American Anthropologist, 1916.
0.61 George T. Flom, Figures of Ships and the Four-Spoked Wheel in Ancient Irish Sculpture, American Anthropologist, 1923.
0.61 Gene Weltfish, Problems in the Study of Ancient and Modern Basket-Makers, American Anthropologist, 1932.
0.60 Charles C. Willoughby, Textile Fabrics of the New England Indians, American Anthropologist, 1905.
0.60 George Brinton Phillips, The Earliest Ornamental Metal Work, American Anthropologist, 1928.
0.60 George Brinton Phillips, The Composition of Some Ancient Bronze in the Dawn of the Art of Metallurgy, American Anthropologist, 1922.
0.60 Frederick Starr, Stone Images from Tarascan Territory Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1897.
0.59 Wm. S. Webb, Report of a New Double Conoidal Pipe from Kentucky, American Anthropologist, 1925.
0.59 Leslie Spier, Zuñi Weaving Technique, American Anthropologist, 1924.
0.59 Roland B. Dixon, Basketry Designs of the Maidu Indians of California, American Anthropologist, 1900.
0.59 J. Walter Fewkes, Precolumbian West Indian Amulets, American Anthropologist, 1903.
0.58 Harlan I. Smith, Noteworthy Archeological Specimens from Lower Columbia Valley, American Anthropologist, 1906.
0.58 Charles C. Willoughby, Primitive Metal Working, American Anthropologist, 1903.
0.58 G. H. Perkins, Aboriginal Remains in the Champlain Valley, American Anthropologist, 1912.
0.58 F. G. Speck, Huron Moose Hair Embroidery, American Anthropologist, 1911.
0.58 Harlan I. Smith, Stone Hammers or Pestles of the North-West Coast of America, American Anthropologist, 1899.
0.57 Titus Ulke, The Artifacts of the Potomac Valley Indians, American Anthropologist, 1929.
0.57 Marian W. Smith, Columbia Valley Art Style, American Anthropologist, 1943.
0.57 C. W. Branch, Aboriginal Antiquities in Saint Kitts and Nevis, American Anthropologist, 1907.
0.56 Max Uhle, Peruvian Throwing-Sticks, American Anthropologist, 1909.
0.56 George Brinton Phillips, The Metal Industry of the Aztecs, American Anthropologist, 1925.
0.56 J. Walter Fewkes, Prehistoric Objects from A Shell-Heap at Erin Bay Trinidad, American Anthropologist, 1914.
0.55 W. H. Holmes, Studies in Aboriginal Decorative Art, American Anthropologist, 1892.
0.55 Charles C. Willoughby, Feather Mantles of California, American Anthropologist, 1922.
0.55 Emil W. Haury, Minute Beads from Prehistoric Pueblos, American Anthropologist, 1931.
0.55 G. H. Perkins, Aboriginal Remains in the Champlain Valley, American Anthropologist, 1909.
0.55 E. B. Sayles, Three Mexican Crafts, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.55 Theodoor De Booy, Certain Archaeological Investigations in Trinidad British West Indies, American Anthropologist, 1917.
0.54 S. A. Barrett, Basket Designs of the Pomo Indians, American Anthropologist, 1905.
0.54 Cyrus Thomas, Stone Images from Mounds and Ancient Graves, American Anthropologist, 1896.
0.54 Douglas Leechman, A New Type of Adze Head, American Anthropologist, 1943.
0.54 George Brinton Phillips, The Primitive Copper Industry of America, American Anthropologist, 1925.
0.54 George Grant Mac Curdy, An Example of Eskimo Art, American Anthropologist, 1921.
0.54 George T. Flom, Sun-Symbols of the Tomb-Sculptures at Loughcrew Ireland Illustrated by Similar Figures in Scandinavian Rock-Tracings, American Anthropologist, 1924.
0.53 John Leonard Baer, A Preliminary Report on the So-Called "Bannerstones", American Anthropologist, 1921.
0.53 Gladys A. Reichard, The Complexity of Rhythm in Decorative Art, American Anthropologist, 1922.
0.53 Charles Amsden, The Loom and Its Prototypes, American Anthropologist, 1932.
0.52 George Grant Mac Curdy, Shell Gorgets from Missouri, American Anthropologist, 1913.
0.52 Charles C. Willoughby, Wooden Bowls of the Algonquian Indians, American Anthropologist, 1908.
0.52 M. A.A. V. Kidder, Notes on the Pottery of Pecos, American Anthropologist, 1917.
0.52 J. Walter Fewkes, Animal Figures on Prehistoric Pottery from Mimbres Valley New Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1916.
0.52 Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff, On the Discovery of the Ikat-Technique in Colombia S A, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.52 Katharine Bartlett, A Unique Pueblo II Bird Fetish, American Anthropologist, 1932.
0.51 Gordon F. Ekholm, The Probable Use of Mexican Stone Yokes, American Anthropologist, 1946.
0.51 Morten P. Porsild, The Principle of the Screw in the Technique of the Eskimo, American Anthropologist, 1915.
0.51 Lila M. O'neale, A Survey of the Woolen Textiles in the Sir Aurel Stein Collections, American Anthropologist, 1936.
0.51 R. W. Lothrop S. K. Lothrop, The Use of Plaster on Porto Rican Stone Carvings, American Anthropologist, 1927.
0.50 Hermann Beyer, The New Atlatl Found in Italy a Falsification, American Anthropologist, 1934.
0.50 David I. Bushnell_ Jr., The Sloane Collection in the British Museum, American Anthropologist, 1906.
0.50 Adolfo de Hostos, Anthropomorphic Carvings from the Greater Antilles, American Anthropologist, 1923.
0.50 Walter Hough, A New Type of Stone Knife, American Anthropologist, 1927.
0.50 Rose L. Solecki Ralph S. Solecki, Grooved Stones from Zawi Chemi Shanidar a Protoneolithic Site in Northern Iraq, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.50 George H. Pepper, Ceremonial Objects and Ornaments from Pueblo Bonito New Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1905.
0.49 Earl H. Morris, The Place of Coiled Ware in Southwestern Pottery, American Anthropologist, 1917.
0.49 Mary Lois Kissell, Organized Salish Blanket Pattern, American Anthropologist, 1929.
0.49 Charles C. Willoughby, Antler-Pointed Arrows of the South-Eastern Indians, American Anthropologist, 1901.
0.49 Adolfo de Hostos, Prehistoric Porto Rican Ceramics, American Anthropologist, 1919.
0.49 Mary Lois Kissell, A New Type of Spinning in North America, American Anthropologist, 1916.
0.49 Clarence B. Moore, Notes on Shell Implements from Florida, American Anthropologist, 1921.
0.48 J. Walter Fewkes, Clay Figurines Made by Navaho Children, American Anthropologist, 1923.
0.48 Theodoor De Booy, Lucayan Artifacts from the Bahamas, American Anthropologist, 1913.
0.48 Margaret E. Ashley, On a Method of Making Rubbings, American Anthropologist, 1930.
0.48 J. D. M'guire, The Stone Hammer and Its Various Uses, American Anthropologist, 1891.
0.48 Karl Schmitt, Notes on Some Recent Archeological Sites in the Netherlands East Indies, American Anthropologist, 1947.
0.47 Mary Lois Kissell, The Early Geometric Patterned Chilkat, American Anthropologist, 1928.
0.47 Frank Hamilton Cushing, Primitive Copper Working: An Experimental Study, American Anthropologist, 1894.
0.47 Carl Lumholtz, A Remarkable Ceremonial Vessel from Cholula Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1909.
0.47 Agnes C. L. Donohugh, Comments on "the Place of Coiled Ware in Southwestern Pottery", American Anthropologist, 1917.
0.46 J. Walter Fewkes, On Zemes from Santo Domingo, American Anthropologist, 1891.
0.45 John Leonard Baer, A Prochlorite Bannerstone Workshop, American Anthropologist, 1922.
0.45 C. C. Willoughby, A Mohawk (Caughnawaga) Halter for Leading Captives, American Anthropologist, 1938.
0.45 J. D. Mcguire, The Development of Sculpture, American Anthropologist, 1894.
0.45 Kenneth Mac Leish, Notes on Hopi Belt-Weaving of Moenkopi, American Anthropologist, 1940.
0.45 M. R. Harrington, Catawba Potters and Their Work, American Anthropologist, 1908.
0.45 M. R. Harrington, Vestiges of Material Culture among the Canadian Delawares, American Anthropologist, 1908.
0.45 Joseph E. Pogue, The Aboriginal Use of Turquois in North America, American Anthropologist, 1912.
0.44 A. L. Kroeber, California Basketry and the Pomo, American Anthropologist, 1909.
0.44 Florence M. Hawley, Prehistoric Pottery and Culture Relations in the Middle Gila, American Anthropologist, 1930.
0.44 A. J. Waring_ Jr.Preston Holder, A Prehistoric Ceremonial Complex in the Southeastern United States, American Anthropologist, 1945.
0.44 Clarence B. Moore, The So-Called "Hoe-Shaped Implement", American Anthropologist, 1903.
0.44 J. Walter Fewkes, The Feather Symbol in Ancient Hopi Designs, American Anthropologist, 1898.
0.44 D. I. Bushnell_ Jr., Relics of Early Man in Western Switzerland, American Anthropologist, 1906.
0.43 D. Jenness, Note on Cadzow's "Native Copper Objects of the Copper Eskimo", American Anthropologist, 1921.
0.43 J. Walter Fewkes, An Antillean Statuette with Notes on West Indian Religious Beliefs, American Anthropologist, 1909.
0.43 Walter Hough, Northwest Coast Spliced Harpoon Shafts, American Anthropologist, 1933.
0.43 Florence M. Hawley, Chemical Examination of Prehistoric Smudged Wares, American Anthropologist, 1930.
0.43 H. J. Spinden, An Ancient Sepulcher at Placeres Del Oro State of Guerrero Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1911.
0.43 J. Walter Fewkes, Pacific Coast Shells from Prehistoric Tusayan Pueblos, American Anthropologist, 1896.
0.43 H. Newell Wardle, Triple Cloth: New Types of Ancient Peruvian Technique, American Anthropologist, 1944.
0.43 William H. Holmes, The Tomahawk, American Anthropologist, 1908.
0.42 Albert Ernest Jenks, The Problem of the Culture from the Arvilla Gravel Pit, American Anthropologist, 1932.
0.42 William S. Laughlin Douglas Osborne Carolyn Osborne, Twines and Terminologies, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.42 H. Newell Wardle, Stone Implements of Surgery (?) From San Miguel Island California, American Anthropologist, 1913.
0.42 George T. Emmons, Petroglyphs in Southeastern Alaska, American Anthropologist, 1908.
0.42 R. H. Mathews, Australian Rock Pictures, American Anthropologist, 1895.
0.41 George M. Foster, Resin-Coated Pottery in the Philippines, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.41 Earl H. Morris, The Excavation of a Ruin near Aztec San Juan County new Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1915.
0.41 F. G. Speck, Notes on the Material Culture of the Huron, American Anthropologist, 1911.
0.41 Dolores Morgadanes, Similarity between the Mixco (Guatemala) and the Yalalag (Oaxaca Mexico) Costumes, American Anthropologist, 1940.
0.40 Cornelius Osgood, The Archaeological Problem in Chiriqui, American Anthropologist, 1935.
0.40 Charles C. Willoughby, A Few Ethnological Specimens Collected by Lewis and Clark, American Anthropologist, 1905.
0.40 O. T. Mason, [Notes and News], American Anthropologist, 1896.
0.40 David I. Bushnell_ Jr., Ethnographical Material from North America in Swiss Collections, American Anthropologist, 1908.
0.40 W. C. McKern, Wisconsin Pottery, American Anthropologist, 1931.
0.40 , Errata for Witherspoon and Smith, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.40 H. W. Krieger, Pseudo-Culture Diffusion on the Northwest Coast, American Anthropologist, 1926.
0.40 Gertrude Hill, Notes on Papago Pottery Manufacture at Santa Rosa Arizona, American Anthropologist, 1942.
0.40 Thomas Huckerby, Petroglyphs of St Vincent British West Indies, American Anthropologist, 1914.
0.40 Bror Gustaver, On a Peculiar Type of Whistle Found in Ancient American Indian Graves, American Anthropologist, 1923.
0.39 R. M. Berndt C. H. Berndt, Secular Figures of Northeastern Arnhem Land, American Anthropologist, 1949.
0.39 W. H. Holmes, The Thruston Tablet, American Anthropologist, 1891.
0.39 T. H. Manning, Pipestems of the Caribou Eskimos, American Anthropologist, 1948.
0.39 George A. Dorsey, A Copper Mask from Chimbote Peru, American Anthropologist, 1897.
0.39 Thorne Deuel, Basic Cultures of the Mississippi Valley, American Anthropologist, 1935.
0.39 A. L. Kroeber, Decorative Symbolism of the Arapaho, American Anthropologist, 1901.
0.39 Herbert J. Spinden, Notes on the Archeology of Salvador, American Anthropologist, 1915.
0.39 M. R. Harrington, The Ozark Bluff-Dwellers, American Anthropologist, 1924.
0.39 Joseph D. M'guire, Materials Apparatus and Processes of the Aboriginal Lapidary, American Anthropologist, 1892.
0.39 Charles Amsden, What is Clockwise, American Anthropologist, 1930.
0.38 George Grant Mac Curdy, Certain Specimens from the Riviêre Collection, American Anthropologist, 1923.
0.38 George T. Flom, A Recently Discovered Stone Sculpture in Öland Sweden, American Anthropologist, 1922.
0.38 Adolfo de Hostos, Three-Pointed Stone Zemi or Idols from the West Indies: An Interpretation, American Anthropologist, 1923.
0.38 R. H. Mathews, Australian Ground and Tree Drawings, American Anthropologist, 1896.
0.38 Herman K. Haeberlin, Types of Ceramic Art in the Valley of Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1919.
0.37 F. S. Dellenbaugh, Death-Masks in Ancient American Pottery, American Anthropologist, 1897.
0.37 Roy L. Carlson, Klamath Henwas and Other Stone Sculpture, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.37 Harlan I. Smith, Unique Prehistoric Carvings from near Vancouver B C, American Anthropologist, 1925.
0.37 Berthold Laufer, Petroglyphs on the Amoor, American Anthropologist, 1899.
0.37 Florence M. Hawley, Prehistoric Pottery Pigments in the Southwest, American Anthropologist, 1929.
0.37 J. Walter Fewkes, Ancient Pueblo and Mexican Water Symbol, American Anthropologist, 1904.
0.37 Mary Key, Resin-Glazed Pottery in Bolivia, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.37 O. T. Mason H. Newell Wardle Gerard Fowke Harriet Phillips Eaton F. W. H.Otis T. Mason A. S. Gatschet Pliny E. Goddard Thomas Wilson, Correction: Woven Basketry: A Study in Distribution, American Anthropologist, 1901.
0.37 Hilda J. Davis, The History of Seminole Clothing and Its Multi-Colored Designs, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.36 Arthur C. Parker, The Origin of Iroquois Silversmithing, American Anthropologist, 1910.
0.36 Mary Butler, Ethnological and Historical Implications of Certain Phases of Maya Pottery Decoration, American Anthropologist, 1936.
0.36 Simon D. Messing, Further Comments on Resin-Coated Pottery: Ethiopia, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.36 Walter E. Roth, Weaving in South America, American Anthropologist, 1929.
0.36 Charles C. Willoughby, Dress and Ornaments of the New England Indians, American Anthropologist, 1905.
0.36 R. H. Mathews, Message-Sticks Used by the Aborigines of Australia, American Anthropologist, 1897.
0.35 N. C. Nelson, Chronology of the Tano Ruins New Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1916.
0.35 M. R. Harrington, Some Unusual Iroquois Specimens, American Anthropologist, 1909.
0.35 Victor J. Smith, Some Notes on Dry Rock Shelters in Western Texas, American Anthropologist, 1927.
0.35 W. H. Holmes, Caribbean Influence in the Prehistoric Art of Southern States, American Anthropologist, 1894.
0.35 A. B. Meyer, The Nephrite Question, American Anthropologist, 1888.
0.35 J. Walter Fewkes, Prehistoric Porto Rican Pictographs, American Anthropologist, 1903.
0.35 Robin A. Drews, A Gilbert Island Canoe, American Anthropologist, 1945.
0.35 A. Hooton Blackiston, Recent Discoveries in Honduras, American Anthropologist, 1910.
0.35 Frances Densmore, The Native Art of the Chippewa, American Anthropologist, 1941.
0.34 William R. Gerard, The Term Tomahawk, American Anthropologist, 1908.
0.34 Clarence B. Moore, Sheet-Copper from the Mounds is not Necessarily of European Origin, American Anthropologist, 1903.
0.34 P. F. Titterington, Has the X-Ray a Place in the Archaeological Laboratory?, American Anthropologist, 1933.
0.34 Mary Butler, A Study of Maya Mouldmade Figurines, American Anthropologist, 1935.
0.34 Charles C. Willoughby, Michabo the Great Hare: A Patron of the Hopewell Mound Settlement, American Anthropologist, 1935.
0.34 Alanson Skinner, Traces of the Stone Age among the Eastern and Northern Tribes, American Anthropologist, 1912.
0.34 Henry A. Carey, An Analysis of the Northwestern Chihuahua Culture, American Anthropologist, 1931.
0.34 Walter Hough, The Lead Glaze Decorated Pottery of the Pueblo Region, American Anthropologist, 1928.
0.34 Paul Taylor, Making Cántaros at San José Tateposco Jalisco Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1933.
0.34 Ronald L. Olson, The Possible Middle American Origin of Northwest Coast Weaving, American Anthropologist, 1929.
0.33 George Brinton Phillips, The Claims of India for the Early Production of Iron, American Anthropologist, 1924.
0.33 Marshall H. Saville, Precolumbian Decoration of the Teeth in Ecuador With Some Account of the Occurrence of the Custom in Other Parts of North and South America, American Anthropologist, 1913.
0.33 Cyrus Thomas, On Certain Stone Images, American Anthropologist, 1897.
0.33 William Duncan Strong W. Egbert Schenck, Petroglyphs near the Dalles of the Columbia River, American Anthropologist, 1925.
0.33 R. W. Breckenridge, Norse Halberds, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.33 James Mooney, A Kiowa Mescal Rattle, American Anthropologist, 1892.
0.33 Douglas Leechman, Abalone Shells from Monterey, American Anthropologist, 1942.
0.32 J. Walter Fewkes, A Few Tusayan Pictographs, American Anthropologist, 1892.
0.32 George Brinton Phillips, The Antiquity of the Use of Iron, American Anthropologist, 1924.
0.32 Freddie Curtis, The Utility Pottery Industry of Bailén Southern Spain, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.32 L. Leland Locke, The Ancient Quipu a Peruvian Knot Record, American Anthropologist, 1912.
0.32 George Grant Mac Curdy, The Obsidian Razor of the Aztecs, American Anthropologist, 1900.
0.32 Charles C. Willoughby, The "Red Paint People" of Maine, American Anthropologist, 1915.
0.32 Albert Heinrich, Some Present-Day Acculturative Innovations in a Nonliterate Society, American Anthropologist, 1950.
0.32 Theodoor De Booy, Pottery from Certain Caves in Eastern Santo Domingo West Indies, American Anthropologist, 1915.
0.31 E. E. Schneider, Dental Decoration, American Anthropologist, 1921.
0.31 J. Walter Fewkes, An Ancient Megalith in Jalapa Vera Cruz, American Anthropologist, 1906.
0.31 Albert Ernest Jenks, A Remarkable Counterfeiter, American Anthropologist, 1900.
0.31 Samuel A. Lafone Quevedo, On Zemes from Catamarca Argentine Republic, American Anthropologist, 1891.
0.30 Frank M. Setzler, A Prehistoric Cave Culture in Southwestern Texas, American Anthropologist, 1935.
0.30 Diamond Jenness, Copper Objects of the Copper Eskimos - A Reply to Mr Cadzow, American Anthropologist, 1922.
0.30 Theodoor De Booy, Certain Kitchen - Middens in Jamaica, American Anthropologist, 1913.
0.30 Jule Eisenbud, A Recently Found Carving as a Breast Symbol, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.30 E. H. Hawley, Distribution of the Notched Rattle, American Anthropologist, 1898.
0.30 W J McGee, Ponka Feather Symbolism, American Anthropologist, 1898.
0.30 C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, Archeology and Metallurgical Technology in Prehistoric Afghanistan India and Pakistan, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.30 Clarence B. Moore, A Rectification, American Anthropologist, 1925.
0.30 C. Hart Merriam, Why not More Care in Identifying Animal Remains?, American Anthropologist, 1928.
0.29 Harlan I. Smith, A Pictograph on the Lower Skeena River British Columbia, American Anthropologist, 1927.
0.29 J. Walter Fewkes, An Ancient Human Effigy Vase from Arizona, American Anthropologist, 1898.
0.29 Arthur C. Parker, Certain Iroquois Tree Myths and Symbols, American Anthropologist, 1912.
0.29 Edward Sapir, A Note on Sarcee Pottery, American Anthropologist, 1923.
0.29 Edward Sapir, A Navaho Sand Painting Blanket, American Anthropologist, 1935.
0.29 James B. Nies, The Boomerang in Ancient Babylonia, American Anthropologist, 1914.
0.28 M. R. Harrington, Some Seneca Corn-Foods and Their Preparation, American Anthropologist, 1908.
0.28 Hermann Beyer, The Maya Day-Signs Been and Kan, American Anthropologist, 1931.
0.28 Frederick S. Dellenbaugh, The Aztec Calendar Stone, American Anthropologist, 1933.
0.28 Edwin H. Colbert, Was the Extinct Giraffe (Sivatherium) Known to the Early Sumerians?, American Anthropologist, 1936.
0.28 Alex D. Krieger, An Inquiry into Supposed Mexican Influence on a Prehistoric "Cult" in the Southern United States, American Anthropologist, 1945.
0.28 H. Matsumoto, Notes on the Stone Age People of Japan, American Anthropologist, 1921.
0.28 W. H. Holmes, On a Nephrite Statuette from San Andrés Tuxtla Vera Cruz Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1907.
0.28 D. S. Davidson, Australian Throwing-Sticks Throwing-Clubs and Boomerangs, American Anthropologist, 1936.
0.28 Richard E. Latcham, Atacameño Archaeology, American Anthropologist, 1936.
0.28 Washington Matthews, A Two-Faced Navaho Blanket, American Anthropologist, 1900.
0.28 Keith A. Dixon, Systematic Cordage Structure Analysis, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.28 Arthur C. Parker, The Origin of the Iroquois as Suggested by Their Archeology, American Anthropologist, 1916.
0.27 Albert S. Ashmead, An Ancient Peruvian Effigy Vase Exhibiting Disease of the Foot, American Anthropologist, 1907.
0.27 George Grant Mac Curdy, An Aztec "Calendar Stone" in Yale University Museum, American Anthropologist, 1910.
0.27 Herman K. Haeberlin, Some Archaeological Work in Porto Rico, American Anthropologist, 1917.
0.27 Walter E. Roth, Pressure-Fracture Processes: An Omission, American Anthropologist, 1921.
0.27 George I. Quimby_ Jr., A Subjective Interpretation of Some Design Similarities between Hopewell and Northern Algonkian, American Anthropologist, 1943.
0.27 Florence Hawley, Kokopelli of the Prehistoric South-Western Pueblo Pantheon, American Anthropologist, 1937.
0.27 Ronald Singer, The "Bone Tools" from Hopefield, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.27 D. S. Davidson, Knotless Netting in America and Oceania, American Anthropologist, 1935.
0.26 Charles C. Willoughby, The Virginia Indians in the Seventeenth Century, American Anthropologist, 1907.
0.26 Spencer L. Rogers, The Aboriginal Bow and Arrow of North America and Eastern Asia, American Anthropologist, 1940.
0.26 Neil M. Judd, The Use of Glue Molds in Reproducing Aboriginal Monuments at Quirigua Guatemala, American Anthropologist, 1915.
0.26 Frank Hamilton Cushing, The Arrow, American Anthropologist, 1895.
0.26 Irving Rouse, Some Evidence concerning the Origins of West Indian Pottery-Making, American Anthropologist, 1940.
0.26 John Gillin, An Urn from the Rio Aguarico Eastern Ecuador, American Anthropologist, 1936.
0.26 Harry Tschopik_ Jr., Taboo as a Possible Factor Involved in the Obsolescence of Navaho Pottery and Basketry, American Anthropologist, 1938.
0.26 J. E. Pearce, The Archaeology of East Texas, American Anthropologist, 1932.
0.26 M. R. Harrington, A Primitive Pueblo City in Nevada, American Anthropologist, 1927.
0.26 Paul S. Martin, The Bow-Drill in North America, American Anthropologist, 1934.
0.26 Graham Rowley, The Dorset Culture of the Eastern Arctic, American Anthropologist, 1940.
0.26 Otis T. Mason W. H. Holmes Thomas Wilson Walter Hough Weston Flint W. J. Hoffman John G. Bourke, Arrows and Arrow-Makers, American Anthropologist, 1891.
0.26 D. S. Davidson, Stone Axes of Western Australia, American Anthropologist, 1938.
0.26 George T. Emmons, Copper Neck-Rings of Southern Alaska, American Anthropologist, 1908.
0.26 S. K. Lothrop, The Stone Statues of Nicaragua, American Anthropologist, 1921.
0.26 George A. Dorsey, Certain Gambling Games of the Klamath Indians, American Anthropologist, 1901.
0.25 Edward Sapir Albert G. Sandoval, A Note on Navaho Pottery, American Anthropologist, 1930.
0.25 Frederica de Laguna, Indian Masks from the Lower Yukon, American Anthropologist, 1936.
0.25 Wm. S. Webb, A Note on Recently Discovered Evidence throwing Light on the Possible Age of a Kentucky Site, American Anthropologist, 1927.
0.25 Editha L. Watson, Two Mimbres River Ruins, American Anthropologist, 1931.
0.25 J. Walter Fewkes, Prehistoric Culture of Cuba, American Anthropologist, 1904.
0.25 M. H. Saville, The Musical Bow in Ancient Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1898.
0.25 George T. Emmons, Portraiture among the North Pacific Coast Tribes, American Anthropologist, 1914.
0.25 C. W. Mead, Coca and Betel Chewing: A reply, American Anthropologist, 1919.
0.25 Wilfrid D. Hambly, Types of "Tronattas" or Stone Implements Used by the Aborigines of Tasmania, American Anthropologist, 1931.
0.25 Harlan I. Smith, Archeological Evidence as Determined by Method and Selection, American Anthropologist, 1911.
0.25 Morris K. Jessup, Inca Masonry at Cuzco, American Anthropologist, 1934.
0.25 W. S. Stallings_ Jr., Notes on the Pueblo Culture in South-Central New Mexico and in the Vicinity of El Paso Texas, American Anthropologist, 1932.
0.25 Robert H. Lowie, A Note on Aesthetics, American Anthropologist, 1921.
0.24 Alfred C. Haddon, The Interpretation of Melanesian Design: A Review, American Anthropologist, 1935.
0.24 Donald A. Cadzow, Copper Objects of the Copper Eskimo - A Reply, American Anthropologist, 1921.
0.24 George Grant Mac Curdy, The Field of Paleolithic Art, American Anthropologist, 1924.
0.24 Henry W. Haynes, Notes and News, American Anthropologist, 1898.
0.24 W. H. Holmes, Traces of Aboriginal Operations in an Iron Mine near Leslie Missouri, American Anthropologist, 1903.
0.24 F. W. Putnam, Evidence of the Work of Man on Objects from Quaternary Caves in California, American Anthropologist, 1906.
0.24 H. L. Brunner, Aboriginal Rock-Mortars near El Paso Texas, American Anthropologist, 1891.
0.24 Charles C. Willoughby, The Serpent Mound of Adams County Ohio, American Anthropologist, 1919.
0.24 E. W. Gifford, Pottery-Making in the Southwest, American Anthropologist, 1935.
0.24 W. R. Gerard, Origin of the Word Lagetto, American Anthropologist, 1912.
0.24 Frederica de Laguna, Mummified Heads from Alaska, American Anthropologist, 1933.
0.23 Walter Hough, The Columbian Historical Exposition in Madrid, American Anthropologist, 1893.
0.23 Nenozo Utsurikawa, Demon Design on the Bornean Shield: A Hermeneutic Possibility, American Anthropologist, 1921.
0.23 Alfred C. Haddon, A Few American String Figures and Tricks, American Anthropologist, 1903.
0.23 George Grant Mac Curdy, La Combe A Paleolithic Cave in the Dordogne, American Anthropologist, 1914.
0.23 Keith A. Dixon, The Interamerican Diffusion of a Cooking Technique: The Culinary Shoe-Pot, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.23 Dorothy Hosler, Ancient West Mexican Metallurgy: South and Central American Origins and West Mexican Transformations, American Anthropologist, 1988.
0.23 George Langford, The Kankakee River Refuse Heap Evidence of a Unique and Primitive Culture in the Southwestern Chicago Area, American Anthropologist, 1919.
0.23 Omer C. Stewart, Navaho Basketry as Made by ute and Paiute, American Anthropologist, 1938.
0.23 Verne F. Ray, Pottery on the Middle Columbia, American Anthropologist, 1932.
0.23 Elsie Clews Parsons, A Pre-Spanish Record of Hopi Ceremonies, American Anthropologist, 1940.
0.23 David I. Bushnell_ Jr, The Various Uses of Buffalo Hair by the North American Indians, American Anthropologist, 1909.
0.23 Washington Matthews, The Earth Lodge in Art, American Anthropologist, 1902.
0.23 W J McGee, A Muskwaki Bowl, American Anthropologist, 1898.
0.23 John P. Harrington, The Tewa Indian Game of "Cañute", American Anthropologist, 1912.
0.22 E. W. Hawkes Ralph Linton, A Pre-Lenape Culture in New Jersey, American Anthropologist, 1917.
0.22 George C. Vaillant, An Early Occurrence of Cotton in Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1939.
0.22 Lewis W. Gunckel, Analysis of the Deities of Mayan Inscriptions, American Anthropologist, 1897.
0.22 Harris Hawthorne Wilder, A Petroglyph from Eastern Massachusetts, American Anthropologist, 1911.
0.22 Samuel Mathewson Scott, The Huacos of Chira Valley Peru, American Anthropologist, 1895.
0.22 John C. Ewers, The Case for Blackfoot Pottery, American Anthropologist, 1945.
0.22 L. L. W. Wilson, A Prehistoric Anthropomorphic Figure from the Rio Grande Basin, American Anthropologist, 1916.
0.22 Elsie Clews Parsons, War God Shrines of Laguna and Zuñi, American Anthropologist, 1918.
0.22 Alferd Cazalas, Prehistoric Stations in the Ivory Coast French West Africa, American Anthropologist, 1927.
0.22 W. H. Holmes, On the Evolution of Ornament - An American Lesson, American Anthropologist, 1890.
0.22 D. I. Bushnell_ Jr.Harlan I. Smith, Foreign Notes, American Anthropologist, 1908.
0.22 Roberta S. Greenwood, Frogs Breasts and Primitive Art: A Reply to Jule Eisenbud, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.22 Hermann Beyer, The Supposed Maya Hieroglyph of the Screech-Owl, American Anthropologist, 1929.
0.22 Frank Hamilton Cushing, Observations Relative to the Origin of the Fylfot or Swastika, American Anthropologist, 1907.
0.21 Robin A. Drews, Notes on Gilbert Island Houses and House Construction, American Anthropologist, 1946.
0.21 T. T. Waterman, Some Conundrums in Northwest Coast Art, American Anthropologist, 1923.
0.21 Carl E. Guthe, The University of Michigan Philippine Expedition, American Anthropologist, 1927.
0.21 Harlan I. Smith, The Petroglyph at Aldridge Point near Victoria British Columbia, American Anthropologist, 1924.
0.21 Robert Ascher, Experimental Archeology, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.21 S. K. Lothrop, A Chronological Link between Maya and Olmeca Art, American Anthropologist, 1941.
0.21 J. S. Slotkin Karl Schmitt, Studies of Wampum, American Anthropologist, 1949.
0.21 P. J. J. Valentini, Clay Figures Found in Guatemala, American Anthropologist, 1895.
0.21 John Murdoch, Eskimo Boot-Strings, American Anthropologist, 1898.
0.21 Alfred S. Barnes, The Production of Long Blades in Neolithic Times, American Anthropologist, 1947.
0.21 Agnes C. L. Donohugh, Some Criticisms of Curtis's "Songs from the Dark Continent", American Anthropologist, 1921.
0.21 S. H. L. Quevedo, A Traveller's Notes in the Calchaqui Region, American Anthropologist, 1891.
0.21 S. H. L. Quevedo, A Traveler's Notes in the Calchaqui Region Argentine Republic, American Anthropologist, 1891.
0.21 Otis T. Mason, Geographical Distribution of the Musical Bow, American Anthropologist, 1897.
0.20 John Murdoch, The History of the "Throwing-Stick" Which Drifted from Alaska to Greenland, American Anthropologist, 1890.
0.20 , Correction: A Re-Examination of the Causes of Plains Warfare, American Anthropologist, 1951.
0.20 Rosemary A. Joyce John S. Henderson, From Feasting to Cuisine: Implications of Archaeological Research in an Early Honduran Village, American Anthropologist, 2007.
0.20 Henry Montgomery, Prehistoric Man in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, American Anthropologist, 1908.
0.20 Daniel J. Scheans, The Evolution of the Potter's Wheel: the Philippines Data, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.20 Constance Goddard Du Bois, Diegueño Mortuary Ollas, American Anthropologist, 1907.
0.20 D. I. Bushnell_ Jr., Foreign Notes, American Anthropologist, 1909.
0.20 Theodore Stern, Resin-Glazed Pottery in the Chin Hills Burma, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.20 Emilio Estrada Betty J. Meggers, A Complex of Traits of Probable Transpacific Origin on the Coast of Ecuador, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.20 M. W. Stirling, The Importance of Sitio Conte, American Anthropologist, 1949.
0.20 Frank G. Speck, The Cane BlowGun in Catawba and Southeastern Ethnology, American Anthropologist, 1938.
0.20 David I. Bushnell_ Jr, Petroglyphs Representing the Imprint of the Human Foot, American Anthropologist, 1913.
0.20 Horatio N. Rust, A Cache of Stone Bowls in California, American Anthropologist, 1906.
0.20 Alexander Francis Chamberlain, Kootenay Group-Drawings, American Anthropologist, 1901.
0.19 W. C. McKern, A Hopewell Type of Culture in Wisconsin, American Anthropologist, 1929.
0.19 Hugh W. Littlejohn, A Northeastern Californian Dug-Out Canoe, American Anthropologist, 1929.
0.19 George Frederick Kunz, Heber Reginald Bishop and His Jade Collection, American Anthropologist, 1903.
0.19 Sidney J. Thomas, A Sioux Medicine Bundle, American Anthropologist, 1941.
0.19 Clarence B. Moore, Notes on the Archaeology of Florida, American Anthropologist, 1919.
0.19 Charles Peabody, A Prehistoric Wind - Instrument from Pecos New Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1917.
0.19 Robert Bennett Bean, Notes on the Hairy Men of the Philippine Islands and Elsewhere, American Anthropologist, 1913.
0.19 Forrest E. Clements Sara M. Schenck T. K. Brown, A New Objective Method for Showing Special Relationships, American Anthropologist, 1926.
0.19 A. L. Kroeber, Culture Stratifications in Peru, American Anthropologist, 1926.
0.19 Walter E. Roth, Comments: "The Central Arawaks", American Anthropologist, 1920.
0.19 J. Owen Dorsey, Omaha Clothing and Personal Ornaments, American Anthropologist, 1890.
0.19 W. Egbert Schenck, Archaeological Opportunities in Japan, American Anthropologist, 1937.
0.19 Louise Welles Murray, Aboriginal Sites in and near "Teaoga" Now Athens Pennsylvania, American Anthropologist, 1921.
0.19 Alanson Skinner, Observations on Sapir's "a Note on Sarcee Pottery", American Anthropologist, 1923.
0.19 Berthold Laufer, Preliminary Notes on Explorations among the Amoor Tribes, American Anthropologist, 1900.
0.19 A. V. Kidder, Ruins of the Historic Period in the Upper San Juan Valley New Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1920.
0.19 Elizabeth F. Henrickson Mary M. A. McDonald, Ceramic Form and Function: An Ethnographic Search and an Archeological Application, American Anthropologist, 1983.
0.18 Harry Tschopik_ Jr., Navaho Basketry: A Study of Culture Change, American Anthropologist, 1940.
0.18 Philip Mills Jones, A New Method of Preserving Specimens of Shell and Other Perishable Materials, American Anthropologist, 1905.
0.18 C. W. Furlong, Brief Notes on the Furlong Collections, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.18 Joseph D. McGuire, Ethnological and Archeological Notes on Moosehead Lake Maine, American Anthropologist, 1908.
0.18 D. I. Bushnell_ Jr Alexander F. Chamberlain Walter Hough, Foreign Notes, American Anthropologist, 1908.
0.18 Robert Bennett Bean, Philippine Types, American Anthropologist, 1910.
0.18 Donald D. Brand, The Distribution of Pottery Types in Northwest Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1935.
0.18 Herman K. Haeberlin, Principles of Esthetic Form in the Art of the North Pacific Coast A Preliminary Sketch, American Anthropologist, 1918.
0.18 W J McGee, Ojibwa Feather Symbolism, American Anthropologist, 1898.
0.18 Theodoor De Booy, Lucayan Remains on the Caicos Islands, American Anthropologist, 1912.
0.18 Alaska Packers Association Walter Hough, Anthropological Notes, American Anthropologist, 1917.
0.18 Winifred Smeaton, Tattooing among the Arabs of Iraq, American Anthropologist, 1937.
0.18 W J McGee, Primitive Rope-Making in Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1897.
0.18 Francis W. Kelsey, Some Archeological Forgeries from Michigan, American Anthropologist, 1908.
0.18 Julian H. Steward, A Peculiar Type of Stone Implement, American Anthropologist, 1928.
0.18 Ellen S. Spinden, The Place of Tajin in Totonac Archaeology, American Anthropologist, 1933.
0.18 Stewart Culin, Philippine Games, American Anthropologist, 1900.
0.18 H. W. Henshaw A. F. Chamberlain, Notes and News, American Anthropologist, 1890.
0.18 J. Walter Fewkes, On Certain Personages Who Appear in a Tusayan Ceremony, American Anthropologist, 1894.
0.18 S. A. Barrett, The Lapham Research Medal, American Anthropologist, 1926.
0.18 J. E. Spencer, Pueblo Sites of Southwestern Utah, American Anthropologist, 1934.
0.18 P. A. Brannon, Aboriginal Remains in the Middle Chattahoochee Valley of Alabama and Georgia, American Anthropologist, 1909.
0.18 Zelia Nuttall, Comments on Handbook of Aboriginal American Antiquities (Holmes), American Anthropologist, 1920.
0.18 Robert Redfield, The Material Culture of Spanish-Indian Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1929.
0.18 Horatio N. Rust, The Obsidian Blades of California, American Anthropologist, 1905.
0.18 Henry Montgomery, "Calf Mountain" Mound in Manitoba, American Anthropologist, 1910.
0.17 Robert F. Heizer Franklin Fenenga, Archaeological Horizons in Central California, American Anthropologist, 1939.
0.17 W. H. Holmes, A West Virginia Rock-Shelter, American Anthropologist, 1890.
0.17 William A. Ritchie, The Algonkin Sequence in New York, American Anthropologist, 1932.
0.17 Aleš Hrdlička, Notes on the San Carlos Apache, American Anthropologist, 1905.
0.17 Helen C. Palmatary, Concerning Tapajó Pottery: In Reply to a Review, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.17 Henry W. Haynes H. W. Henshaw, Notes and News, American Anthropologist, 1890.
0.17 Nancy D. Munn, Visual Categories: An Approach to the Study of Representational Systems, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.17 Walter Hough, Aboriginal Fire-Making, American Anthropologist, 1890.
0.17 George Byron Gordon, On the Interpretation of a Certain Group of Sculptures at Copan, American Anthropologist, 1902.
0.17 Harlan I. Smith, New Evidence of the Distribution of Chipped Artifacts and Interior Culture in British Columbia, American Anthropologist, 1909.
0.17 A. T. Sinclair, Tattooing of the North American Indians, American Anthropologist, 1909.
0.17 George M. Foster_ Jr., String-Figure Divination, American Anthropologist, 1941.
0.17 Lucy L. W. Wilson, Hand Sign or Avanyu A Note on a Pajaritan Biscuit-Ware Motif, American Anthropologist, 1918.
0.17 Frederick Vernon Coville, The Panamint Indians of California, American Anthropologist, 1892.
0.17 W. Hough, Games of Seneca Indians, American Anthropologist, 1888.
0.17 Flora S. Kaplan David M. Levine, Cognitive Mapping of a Folk Taxonomy of Mexican Pottery: A Multivariate Approach, American Anthropologist, 1981.
0.17 Leonard Bloom, A Measure of Conservatism, American Anthropologist, 1945.
0.17 Morris Steggerda, "Stone Gongs" or "Ringing Stones", American Anthropologist, 1944.
0.17 R. H. Mathews, Initiation Ceremonies of the Wiradjuri Tribes, American Anthropologist, 1901.
0.17 Orvoell R. Gallagher Louis H. Powell, Time Perspective in Plains Indian Beaded Art, American Anthropologist, 1953.
0.17 Harlan I. Smith, Archeological Investigations on the North Pacific Coast in 1899. American Anthropologist, 1900,
0.17 John M. Goggin, A Prehistoric Wooden Club from Southern Florida, American Anthropologist, 1942.
0.16 Robert H. Lowie, The Emergence Hole and the Foot Drum, American Anthropologist, 1938.
0.16 Alanson Skinner, A Comparative Sketch of the Menomini, American Anthropologist, 1911.
0.16 Wm. Duncan Strong, The Occurrence and Wider Implications of a "Ghost Cult" on the Columbia River Suggested by Carvings in Wood Bone and Stone, American Anthropologist, 1945.
0.16 John Murdoch, On the Siberian Origin of Some Customs of the Western Eskimos, American Anthropologist, 1888.
0.16 Jean Janmart, Elephant Hunting as Practised by the Congo Pygmies, American Anthropologist, 1952.
0.16 Berthold Laufer, A Theory of the Origin of Chinese Writing, American Anthropologist, 1907.
0.16 Ralph Linton, Report on Work of Field Museum Expedition in Madagascar, American Anthropologist, 1927.
0.16 Nola Shoemaker, Toys of Chama (Eseejja) Indian Children, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.16 Raymond A. Dart, Bone Tools and Porcupine Gnawing, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.16 Albert B. Reagan, Petroglyphs Show That the Ancients of the Southwest Wore Masks, American Anthropologist, 1935.
0.16 Clarence B. Moore, Aboriginal Urn-Burial in the United States, American Anthropologist, 1904.
0.16 Frank H. H. Roberts Jr., A Survey of Southwestern Archaeology, American Anthropologist, 1935.
0.16 Peggy Golde Helena C. Kraemer, Analysis of an Aesthetic Values Test: Detection of Inter-Subgroup Differences within a Pottery Producing Community in Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.16 Frederick S. Hammett, Notes on the Shell-Heap at Whitmanville Cape Cod Massachusetts, American Anthropologist, 1925.
0.16 F. Plancarte, Archeologic Explorations in Michoacan Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1893.
0.16 C. Peabody W. K. Moorehead, The Naming of Specimens in American Archeology, American Anthropologist, 1905.
0.16 Nancy D. Munn, Walbiri Graphic Signs: An Analysis, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.16 Prudence M. Rice, Serpents and Styles in Peten Postclassic Pottery, American Anthropologist, 1983.
0.16 Harlan I. Smith, A List of Petroglyphs in British Columbia, American Anthropologist, 1927.
0.16 Albert B. Reagan, Certain "Writings" of Northwestern Indians, American Anthropologist, 1928.
0.16 Zelia Nuttall, The Island of Sacrificios, American Anthropologist, 1910.
0.16 Helen C. Palmatary, The Pottery of Marajó Island Brazil; Reply to a Review, American Anthropologist, 1952.
0.16 Albert B. Reagan, Some Notes on the Snake Pictographs of Nine Mile Canyon Utah, American Anthropologist, 1933.
0.16 , The Guahivos Indians, American Anthropologist, 1888.
0.15 Walter Stanley Campbell, The Tipis of the Crow Indians, American Anthropologist, 1927.
0.15 J. Walter Fewkes, The Butterfly in Hopi Myth and Ritual, American Anthropologist, 1910.
0.15 George Langford, The Fisher Mound Group Successive Aboriginal Occupations near the Mouth of the Illinois River, American Anthropologist, 1927.
0.15 Albert A. Dahlberg, Punch Cards and Dentition Data, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.15 William S. Laughlin, Japanese Glass Fishing-Net Floats, American Anthropologist, 1948.
0.15 Harlan I. Smith, Archeological Remains on the Coast of Northern British Columbia and Southern Alaska, American Anthropologist, 1909.
0.15 Marie Jeanne Adams, Structural Aspects of a Village Art, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.15 Ralph Linton, Culture Areas in Madagascar, American Anthropologist, 1928.
0.15 Charles Peabody, Notes on Prehistoric Palestine and Syria, American Anthropologist, 1915.
0.15 Harold S. Colton, The Principle of Analogous Pottery Types, American Anthropologist, 1943.
0.15 C. Daryll Forde, Early Cultures of Atlantic Europe, American Anthropologist, 1930.
0.15 Michael D. Coe, Archeological Linkages with North and South America at La Victoria Guatemala, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.15 Robert F. Gilder, Excavation of Earth-Lodge Ruins in Eastern Nebraska, American Anthropologist, 1909.
0.15 Thomas Wilson, Arrow Wounds, American Anthropologist, 1901.