behavior social children personality individual psychological child society american life group individuals role experience personal values psychology person emotional

0.51 Noel F. McGinn Ernest Harburg Gerald P. Ginsburg, Responses to Interpersonal Conflict by Middle Class Males in Guadalajara and Michigan, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.50 George D. Spindler, Research Design and Ojibwa Personality Persistence, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.49 Seymour Parker, The Wiitiko Psychosis in the Context of Ojibwa Personality and Culture, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.47 William Caudill George de Vos, Achievement Culture and Personality: The Case of the Japanese Americans, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.46 Mary H. Lystad, Adolescent Social Attitudes in South Africa and Swaziland, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.46 William Caudill, Psychological Characteristics of Acculturated Wisconsin Ojibwa Children, American Anthropologist, 1949.
0.45 Melford E. Spiro, Ghosts Ifaluk and Teleological Functionalism, American Anthropologist, 1952.
0.45 Arthur E. Hippler, Fusion and Frustration: Dimensions in the Cross-Cultural Ethnopsychology of Suicide, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.44 Seymour Parker, Eskimo Psychopathology in the Context of Eskimo Personality and Culture, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.44 Seymour Parker, Ethnic Identity and Acculturation in Two Eskimo Villages, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.44 John M. Roberts Garry E. Chick, Quitting the Game: Covert Disengagement from Butler County Eight Ball, American Anthropologist, 1984.
0.43 David Lester, The Relation between Discipline Experiences and the Expression of Aggression, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.42 Robert W. Shirley A. Kimball Romney, Love Magic and Socialization Anxiety: A Cross-Cultural Study, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.41 Alexandra Brewis Karen L. Schmidt Mary Meyer, ADHD-Type Behavior and Harmful Dysfunction in Childhood: A Cross-Cultural Model, American Anthropologist, 2000.
0.41 Ken Jacobson, ADHD in Cross-Cultural Perspective: Some Empirical Results, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.41 Lawrence C. Watson, Urbanization and Identity Dissonance: A Guajiro Case, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.40 George M. Guilmet, A Videotape Technique for the Elicitation of Values, American Anthropologist, 1979.
0.39 Mary H. Lystad, Traditional Values of Ghanaian Children, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.39 Nancy F. Young, Independence Training from a Cross-Cultural Perspective, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.38 June Okal, Are Teachers Subject to Social Controls? Comments on Warren's Analysis, American Anthropologist, 1974.
0.38 Theodore D. Graves, Acculturation Access and Alcohol in a Tri-Ethnic Community, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.38 Joe Wittmer, Homogeneity of Personality Characteristics: A Comparison between Old Order Amish and Non-Amish, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.38 Julian Silverman, Shamans and Acute Schizophrenia, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.38 Christie W. Kiefer, The Psychological Interdependence of Family School and Bureaucracy in Japan, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.37 Seymour Parker Robert J. Kleiner, The Culture of Poverty: An Adjustive Dimension, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.37 Melford E. Spiro Roy G. D'Andrade, A Cross-Cultural Study of Some Supernatural Beliefs, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.37 Ozzie G. Simmons, Ambivalence and the Learning of Drinking Behavior in a Peruvian Community, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.37 Charlotte Swanson Otterbein Keith F. Otterbein, Believers and Beaters: A Case Study of Supernatural Beliefs and Child Rearing in the Bahama Islands, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.37 Louise Spindler George Spindler, Male and Female Adaptations in Culture Change, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.37 Thomas H. Hay, A Technique of Formalizing and Testing Models of Behavior: Two Models of Ojibwa Restraint, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.37 Thomas H. Hay, The Windigo Psychosis: Psychodynamic Cultural and Social Factors in Aberrant Behavior, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.37 Arnold W. Green, Culture Normality and Personality Conflict, American Anthropologist, 1948.
0.37 John J. Honigmann Richard N. Carrera, Cross-Cultural Use of Machover's Figure Drawing Test, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.36 Richard L. Warren, The Classroom as a Sanctuary for Teachers: Discontinuities in Social Control, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.36 Louise S. Spindler, Witchcraft in Menomini Acculturation, American Anthropologist, 1952.
0.35 Thurlow R. Wilson, The Statistical Analysis of Whiting and Child's Child Training and Personality, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.35 Mary Ellen Goodman, Evidence concerning the Genesis of Interracial Attitudes, American Anthropologist, 1946.
0.35 Stephen T. Boggs, Culture Change and the Personality of Ojibwa Children, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.35 Arthur E. Hippler, The Athabascans of Interior Alaska: A Culture and Personality Perspective, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.35 James P. Spradley Mark Phillips, Culture and Stress: A Quantitative Analysis, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.34 William B. Rodgers Richard E. Gardner, Linked Changes in Values and Behavior in the out Island Bahamas, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.33 Stanton K. Tefft, Intergenerational Value Differentials and Family Structure among the Wind River Shoshone, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.33 A. Irving Hallowell, The Rorschach Technique in the Study of Personality and Culture, American Anthropologist, 1945.
0.33 Walter Goldschmidt Robert B. Edgerton, A Picture Technique for the Study of Values, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.33 Gary Schwartz Don Merten, Social Identity and Expressive Symbols: The Meaning of an Initiation Ritual, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.33 Jules Henry S. F. Nadel William Caudill John J. Honigmann Melford E. Spiro Donald W. Fiske George Spindler A. Irving Hallowell, Symposium: Projective Testing in Ethnography, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.33 Gerald D. Berreman, Aleut Reference Group Alienation Mobility and Acculturation, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.32 David F. Aberle, Southwestern Studies of Culture and Personality: Comments, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.32 Sally Falk Moore, Comment on Cohen's "Establishment of Identity in a Social Nexus", American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.32 Arthur E. Hippler, Response concerning Northern Athabascan Culture and Personality, American Anthropologist, 1976.
0.32 Thomas Gladwin, Latency and the Equine Subconscious, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.32 Yehudi A. Cohen, On Alternative Views of the Individual in Culture-and-Personality Studies, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.32 Frances W. Underwood Irma Honigmann, A Comparison of Socialization and Personality in Two Simple Societies, American Anthropologist, 1947.
0.31 Mattison Mines, Conceptualizing the Person: Hierarchical Society and Individual Autonomy in India, American Anthropologist, 1988.
0.31 Philip A. Dennis, The Role of the Drunk in a Oaxacan Village, American Anthropologist, 1975.
0.31 Steven Polgar, Biculturation of Mesquakie Teenage Boys, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.31 Takie Sugiyama Lebra, Reciprocity-Based Moral Sanctions and Messianic Salvation, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.31 Jane Richardson L. M. Hanks_ Jr., Water Discipline and Water Imagery among the Blackfoot, American Anthropologist, 1942.
0.31 Mottram Torre Elizabeth L. Torre, The Genesis of the Clinical Anthropologist, American Anthropologist, 1977.
0.31 William Madsen, The Alcoholic Agringado, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.30 Ivan N. Mensh Jules Henry, Direct Observation and Psychological Tests in Anthropological Field Work, American Anthropologist, 1953.
0.30 Pamela R. Stern, Learning to Be Smart: An Exploration of the Culture of Intelligence in a Canadian Inuit Community, American Anthropologist, 1999.
0.30 Barry Bricklin, Comment on Adcock and Ritchie's "Intercultural Use of Rorschach", American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.30 Mary Ellen Goodman, Values Attitudes and Social Concepts of Japanese and American Children, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.30 Yehudi A. Cohen, The Establishment of Identity in a Social Nexus: The Special Case of Initiation Ceremonies and Their Relation to Value and Legal Systems, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.30 Virginia Heyer Young, Family and Childhood in a Southern Negro Community, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.30 John Gillin, Acquired Drives in Culture Contact, American Anthropologist, 1942.
0.30 Beatrice B. Whiting, Sex Identity Conflict and Physical Violence: A Comparative Study, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.30 Alan Howard, Interactional Psychology: Some Implications for Psychological Anthropology, American Anthropologist, 1982.
0.30 Leonard Broom John I. Kitsuse, The Validation of Acculturation: A Condition to Ethnic Assimilation, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.30 Rosalie A. Cohen, Conceptual Styles Culture Conflict and Nonverbal Tests of Intelligence, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.29 Walter Mischel Frances Mischel, Psychological Aspects of Spirit Possession, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.29 Don Handelman, A Note on Play, American Anthropologist, 1974.
0.29 Lawrence A. Hirschfeld, Why Don't Anthropologists Like Children?, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.29 Laura Thompson, Attitudes and Acculturation, American Anthropologist, 1948.
0.29 Marvin K. Opler, On Devereux's Discussion of Ute Shamanism, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.29 Douglas P. Fry, "Respect for the Rights of Others Is Peace": Learning Aggression versus Nonaggression among the Zapotec, American Anthropologist, 1992.
0.29 Michael Kearney, An Exception to the "Image of Limited Good", American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.29 Alex Cohen, A Cross-Cultural Study of the Effects of Environmental Unpredictability on Aggression in Folktales, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.29 Melford E. Spiro, Is the Family Universal?, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.28 Robert B. Edgerton, Conceptions of Psychosis in Four East African Societies, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.28 Dorothy Eggan, The General Problem of Hopi Adjustment, American Anthropologist, 1943.
0.28 Theodore D. Graves, The Personal Adjustment of Navajo Indian Migrants to Denver Colorado, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.28 Grace A. de Laguna, Culture and Rationality, American Anthropologist, 1949.
0.28 Melford E. Spiro, Utopia and Its Discontents: The Kibbutz and Its Historical Vicissitudes, American Anthropologist, 2004.
0.28 Regina E. Holloman, Ritual Opening and Individual Transformation: Rites of Passage at Esalen, American Anthropologist, 1974.
0.28 Jules Henry, On the Psychology of Role Relations in American Kinship Terminology, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.28 Clyde Kluckhohn O. H. Mowrer, "Culture and Personality": A Conceptual Scheme, American Anthropologist, 1944.
0.27 A. Richard King, Comments on Jordheim and Olsen's Use of A Non-Verbal Test of Intelligence in the Pacific Islands Trust Territory, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.27 L. Bryce Boyer, Shamans: To Set the Record Straight, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.27 Stephen Miller, Ends Means and Galumphing: Some Leitmotifs of Play, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.27 Joseph Reser, Australian Aboriginal Man's Inhumanity to Man: A Case of Cultural Distortion, American Anthropologist, 1981.
0.26 Margaret Mead, On the Implications for Anthropology of the Gesellilg Approach to Maturation, American Anthropologist, 1947.
0.26 George de Vos Hiroshi Wagatsuma, Value Attitudes toward Role Behavior of Women in Two Japanese Villages, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.26 Douglas Hollan, Constructivist Models of Mind Contemporary Psychoanalysis and the Development of Culture Theory, American Anthropologist, 2000.
0.26 Richard Sosis W. Penn Handwerker, Psalms and Coping with Uncertainty: Religious Israeli Women's Responses to the 2006 Lebanon War, American Anthropologist, 2011.
0.26 John M. Roberts Malcolm J. Arth Robert R. Bush, Games in Culture, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.26 Margaret Mead, The Swaddling Hypothesis: Its Reception, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.25 Jacob Fried, Picture Testing: An Aid to Ethnological Field Work, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.25 Roland Reboussin Joel W. Goldstein, Achievement Motivation in Navaho and White Students, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.25 Don Handelman, Shamans: Explanation and Innovation, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.25 Benjamin D. Paul, Symbolic Sibling Rivalry in a Guatemalan Indian Village, American Anthropologist, 1950.
0.25 Arthur E. Hippler, Additional Perspective on Eskimo Female Infanticide, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.25 J. Merritt Emlen, On the Importance of Cultural and Biological Determinants in Human Behavior, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.25 Monika B. Vizedom, An Encounter as a Rite of Passage: A Corroborative Note, American Anthropologist, 1976.
0.25 A. Irving Hallowell, Southwestern Studies of Culture and Personality: Comments, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.25 Norman A. Chance, Acculturation Self-Identification and Personality Adjustment, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.25 Robert A. Paul, Athabascan Personality Again, American Anthropologist, 1976.
0.24 D. Paul Lumsden, On "Transcultural Psychiatry" Africans and Academic Racism, American Anthropologist, 1976.
0.24 Herbert Barry_ IIIIrvin L. Child Margaret K. Bacon, Relation of Child Training to Subsistence Economy, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.24 Stefan G. Perkowski, Comment on Ackerman's "Marital Instability and Juvenile Delinquency", American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.24 Thomas R. Williams, Cultural Structuring of Tactile Experience in a Borneo Society, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.24 H. Clyde Wilson, Regarding the Causes of MundurucĂș Warfare, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.24 Richard G. Sipes, War Sports and Aggression: An Empirical Test of Two Rival Theories, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.24 Richard Slobodin, Some Social Functions of Kutchin Anxiety, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.24 Thomas P. Rohlen, "Spiritual Education" in a Japanese Bank, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.24 Arthur E. Hippler, Some Alternative Viewpoints of the Negative Results of Euro-American Contact with Non-Western Group, American Anthropologist, 1974.
0.24 Jules Henry, The Personal Community and Its Invariant Properties, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.23 William E. Henry, Trukese TAT's, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.23 Francis L. K. Hsu, Psychosocial Homeostasis and Jen: Conceptual Tools for Advancing Psychological Anthropology, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.23 C. J. Adcock James E. Ritchie, Intercultural Use of Rorschach: Rejoinder to Clifton, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.23 Cyril J. Adcock James E. Ritchie, Intercultural Use of Rorschach, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.23 Ethel M. Albert, The Classification of Values: A Method and Illustration, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.23 David F. Lancy, Accounting for Variability in Mother-Child Play, American Anthropologist, 2007.
0.23 Cora du Bois, The Dominant Value Profile of American Culture, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.23 John C. Hotchkiss, Children and Conduct in a Ladino Community of Chiapas Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.23 Yehudi A. Cohen, On Putting the Toothpaste Back in the Tube: A Reply to Mrs Moore, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.23 Philip L. Newman, "Wild Man" Behavior in a New Guinea Highlands Community, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.23 Alexandra Brewis Karen Schmidt Mary Meyer, On the Biocultural Study of Children's Hyperactive and Inattentive Behavior, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.23 John Bushnell, La Virgen de Guadalupe as Surrogate Mother in San Juan Atzingo, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.23 Robert B. Edgerton Kenneth Polk, Statistical Problems in the Intercultural Use of Rorschach, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.22 Barbara Frankel, Comment on Holloman's Esalen Rites of Passage, American Anthropologist, 1976.
0.22 Edward D. Lowe, A Widow a Child and Two Lineages: Exploring Kinship and Attachment in Chuuk, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.22 Susan Koessler Postal, Body-Image and Identity: A Comparison of Kwakiutl and Hopi, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.22 Arthur E. Hippler, The Yolngu and Cultural Relativism: A Response to Reser, American Anthropologist, 1981.
0.22 Irwin Press, Ambiguity and Innovation: Implications for the Genesis of the Culture Broker, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.22 Jules Henry, Culture Personality and Evolution, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.22 Melford E. Spiro, The Acculturation of American Ethnic Groups, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.22 Erving Goffman, The Nature of Deference and Demeanor, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.22 Charles Hudson, Isometric Advantages of the Cradle Board: A Hypothesis, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.22 Esther S. Goldfrank, Socialization Personality and the Structure of Pueblo Society (With Particular Reference to Hopi and Zuni), American Anthropologist, 1945.
0.22 Glenn Bacon E. James Dixon_ Jr., Reply to Hippler's "The Athabascan of Interior Alaska: A Culture and Personality Perspective", American Anthropologist, 1974.
0.22 Everett E. Hagen, Personality and Religion in Burma, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.22 Clyde Kluckhohn, Southwestern Studies of Culture and Personality, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.22 Robert A. Levine, Ethnographic Studies of Childhood: A Historical Overview, American Anthropologist, 2007.
0.21 Adrienne Barnwell, Responses of Brazilian Children to the Pikunas Graphoscopic Scale, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.21 Richard M. Griffith Otoya Miyagi Akira Tago, The Universality of Typical Dreams: Japanese vs Americans, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.21 Anna Wierzbicka, Human Emotions: Universal or Culture-Specific?, American Anthropologist, 1986.
0.21 Alvin W. Wolfe, Man's Relation to Man in Africa, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.21 Leonard W. Doob, The Effect of the Jamaican Patois on Attitude and Recall, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.21 Melford E. Spiro, Human Nature in Its Psychological Dimensions, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.21 Steven M. Albert, Caregiving as a Cultural System: Conceptions of Filial Obligation and Parental Dependency in Urban America, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.21 Dorothy Eggan, The Manifest Content of Dreams: A Challenge to Social Science, American Anthropologist, 1952.
0.21 Richard Howard Robbins, Alcohol and the Identity Struggle: Some Effects of Economic Change on Interpersonal Relations, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.21 James A. Clifton, On the Intercultural Use of the Rorschach, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.21 Katherine A. Dettwyler, Styles of Infant Feeding: Parental/Caretaker Control of Food Consumption in Young Children, American Anthropologist, 1989.
0.21 G. Obeyesekere, Pregnancy Cravings (Dola-Duka) in Relation to Social Structure and Personality in a Sinhalese Village, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.21 G. E. Kearney, Comment on "The Use of a Non-Verbal Test of Intelligence in the Trust Territory of the Pacific" by Jordheim and Olsen, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.21 Jeannette Marie Mageo, Samoan Moral Discourse and the Loto, American Anthropologist, 1991.
0.20 Marc J. Swartz, Sexuality and Aggression on Romonum Truk, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.20 K. L. Little, Methodology in the Study of Adult Personality and "National Character", American Anthropologist, 1950.
0.20 Ashley Montagu, Sociogenic Brain Damage, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.20 Seymour Parker, The Moynihan Controversy: Letter to Seymour Parker from Daniel P Moynihan, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.20 George Devereux, Shamans as Neurotics, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.20 Robert James Bigart, Indian Culture and Industrialization, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.20 Don Handelman, Shamanizing on an Empty Stomach, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.20 Myra Bluebond-Langner Jill E. Korbin, Challenges and Opportunities in the Anthropology of Childhoods: An Introduction to "Children Childhoods and Childhood Studies", American Anthropologist, 2007.
0.20 Richard N. Adams, Ethnocentrism and Ingroup Consciousness, American Anthropologist, 1951.
0.20 Peter C. W. Gutkind, Amish Acculturation, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.20 Robert S. Canter, Comment on Componential Analysis, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.20 Anna Meigs Kathleen Barlow, Beyond the Taboo: Imaging Incest, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.20 G. D. Jordheim Inger A. Olsen, The Use of a Non-Verbal Test of Intelligence in the Trust Territory of the Pacific, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.20 Jules Henry, National Character and War, American Anthropologist, 1951.
0.20 Luis S. Kemnitzer, Adjustment and Value Conflict in Urbanizing Dakota Indians Measured by Q-Sort Technique, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.19 Ward H. Goodenough, Premarital Freedom on Truk: Theory and Practice, American Anthropologist, 1949.
0.19 June McCormick Collins, An Interpretation of Skagit Intragroup Conflict during Acculturation, American Anthropologist, 1952.
0.19 Seymour Parker, Rituals of Gender: A Study of Etiquette Public Symbols and Cognition, American Anthropologist, 1988.
0.19 Will Seymour Monroe, Counting-Out Rhymes of Children, American Anthropologist, 1904.
0.19 Martha Parker Reiskind, Comment on Danielson's Review of Banfield's The Unheavenly City, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.19 Anthony F. C. Wallace, Revitalization Movements, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.19 Stanley H. Brandes, Social Structure and Interpersonal Relations in Navanogal (Spain), American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.19 Hsien Chin Hu, The Chinese Concepts of "Face", American Anthropologist, 1944.
0.19 Mariam K. Slater, Rejoinder to Dr Moore's "Psychological Deterrents to Incest" (1960), American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.19 Bernard J. James, Some Critical Observations concerning Analyses of Chippewa "Atomism" and Chippewa Personality, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.19 Thomas W. Hill, Grab the Children and Run: A Comment on Schlesier's "Of Indians and Anthropologists", American Anthropologist, 1980.
0.19 Bernard J. James, Social-Psychological Dimensions of Ojibwa Acculturation, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.19 Jefferson M. Fish, What Anthropology Can Do for Psychology: Facing Physics Envy Ethnocentrism and a Belief in "Race", American Anthropologist, 2000.
0.19 W. W. Hill, Note on the Pima Berdache, American Anthropologist, 1938.
0.19 Alma Gottlieb, Do Infants Have Religion? The Spiritual Lives of Beng Babies, American Anthropologist, 1998.
0.19 E. A. Cook, Ideal and Real: The Acculturation Continuum, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.19 Joel S. Savishinsky, Mobility as an Aspect of Stress in an Arctic Community, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.19 Edwin M. Lemert, On Alcoholism among the Northwest Coast Indians, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.19 John J. Honigmann, Witch-Fear in Post-Contact Kaska Society, American Anthropologist, 1947.
0.19 Robert J. Quinlan Marsha B. Quinlan, Parenting and Cultures of Risk: A Comparative Analysis of Infidelity Aggression and Witchcraft, American Anthropologist, 2007.
0.19 Lucile Newman, The Couvade: A Reply to Kupferer, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.19 David Lester, Voodoo Death: Some New Thoughts on an Old Phenomenon, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.18 Arthur E. Hippler, Is "Raw" or "Cooked" a Useful Analytic Tool?, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.18 Vivian J. Rohrl, A Nutritional Factor in Windigo Psychosis, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.18 Barbara W. Lex, Voodoo Death: New Thoughts on an Old Explanation, American Anthropologist, 1974.
0.18 Malcolm McFee, The 150% Man a Product of Blackfeet Acculturation, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.18 Francis L. K. Hsu, The Effect of Dominant Kinship Relationships on Kin and Non-Kin Behavior: A Hypothesis, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.18 Niccolo Caldararo, Comment on Brewis et al, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.18 Joan Cassell, Ethical Principles for Conducting Fieldwork, American Anthropologist, 1980.
0.18 Betty J. Meggers, Recent Trends in American Ethnology, American Anthropologist, 1946.
0.18 S. F. Nadel, Witchcraft in Four African Societies: An Essay in Comparison, American Anthropologist, 1952.
0.18 Edward M. Bruner, Primary Group Experience and the Processes of Acculturation, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.18 Hortense Powdermaker, Social Change through Imagery and Values of Teen-Age Africans in Northern Rhodesia, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.18 Cara E. Richards, Presumed Behavior: Modification of the Ideal-Real Dichotomy, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.18 Edwin M. Lemert, Forms and Pathology of Drinking in Three Polynesian Societies, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.18 Gwen J. Broude, Rethinking the Couvade: Cross-Cultural Evidence, American Anthropologist, 1988.
0.18 Philip L. Kilbride Michael C. Robbins, Pictorial Depth Perception and Acculturation among the Baganda, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.18 J. Kirkpatrick, Some Unexamined Aspects of Childhood Association and Sexual Attraction in the Chinese Minor Marriage, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.18 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Stith Bennett, An Exploratory Model of Play, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.18 G. I. C. Ingram, Displacement Activity in Human Behavior, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.18 Edward Norbeck Donald E. Walker Mimi Cohen, The Interpretation of Data: Puberty Rites, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.17 Richard W. Howell, Linguistic Choice and Levels of Social Change, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.17 Erika E. Bourguignon, Comment on Leacock's "Ceremonial Drinking in an Afro-Brazilian Cult", American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.17 Margaret Mead, The Training of the Cultural Anthropologist, American Anthropologist, 1952.
0.17 Silvano Arieti, Some Basic Problems Common to Anthropology and Modern Psychiatry, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.17 Gary Schwartz, Moral Consciousness and Ethnocentrism: A Comment on Gewertz, American Anthropologist, 1986.
0.17 Daniel E. Brown, General Stress in Anthropological Fieldwork, American Anthropologist, 1981.
0.17 Lillian A. Ackerman, Marital Instability and Juvenile Delinquency among the Nez Perces, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.17 Abraham H. Maslow John J. Honigmann, Synergy: Some Notes of Ruth Benedict, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.17 Nancy Shand Yorio Kosawa, Culture Transmission: Caudill's Model and Alternative Hypotheses, American Anthropologist, 1985.
0.17 Carroll Mcc. Pastner, Comment on Hippler's Response to Reser, American Anthropologist, 1982.
0.17 Clyde Kluckhohn E. Adamson Hoebel, Covert Culture and Administrative Problems, American Anthropologist, 1943.
0.17 Emilio Willems, On the Concept of Assimilation, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.17 Robert B. Edgerton, "Cultural" vs "Ecological" Factors in the Expression of Values Attitudes and Personality Characteristics, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.17 Harriet J. K. Kupferer, Couvade: Ritual or Real Illness, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.17 Ernestine Friedl, Persistence in Chippewa Culture and Personality, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.17 Allen T. Dittmann Harvey C. Moore, Disturbance in Dreams as Related to Peyotism among the Navaho, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.17 B. Berthold Wolff Sarah Langley, Cultural Factors and the Response to Pain: A Review, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.17 W. D. Wallis, Educational Theories, American Anthropologist, 1912.
0.17 C. J. Adcock James E. Ritchie, Rejoinder to Edgerton and Polk, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.17 Walter Goldschmidt, Ethics and the Structure of Society: An Ethnological Contribution to the Sociology of Knowledge, American Anthropologist, 1951.
0.17 Arthur P. Wolf, Childhood Association Sexual Attraction and the Incest Taboo: A Chinese Case, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.17 Herbert P. Phillips, "Psychological" vs "Social Structural" Explanations of Thai Peasants: A Reply to Keyes, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.16 Drexel A. Peterson_ Jr., The Effects of Sickle-Cell Disease on Black IQ and Educational Accomplishment: Support for Montagu and "Sociogenic Brain Damage", American Anthropologist, 1974.
0.16 Melford E. Spiro, Whatever Happened to the Id?, American Anthropologist, 1979.
0.16 Margaret Mead, A Reply to a Review of "Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies", American Anthropologist, 1937.
0.16 George M. Foster, Peasant Society and the Image of Limited Good, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.16 Stanley A. Freed, Suggested Type Societies in Acculturation Studies, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.16 Vivian J. Rohrl, Comment on "The Cure and Feeding of Windigos: A Critique", American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.16 Ronald M. Berndt Catherine H. Berndt, On Beach's Review of Sexual Behavior in Western Arnhem Land, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.16 Robert Sommer Humphry Osmond, Association Methods in Anthropology, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.16 Eduardo Seda Bonilla, Spiritualism Psychoanalysis and Psychodrama, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.16 Robert A. Paul, Response to Robarchek and Dentan, American Anthropologist, 1988.
0.16 Ruben E. Reina, Two Patterns of Friendship in a Guatemalan Community, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.16 Michael C. Robbins Richard B. Pollnac, Drinking Patterns and Acculturation in Rural Buganda, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.16 Henry W. Nissen, Individuality in the Behavior of Chimpanzees, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.16 Takie Sugiyama Lebra, An Alternative Approach to Reciprocity, American Anthropologist, 1975.
0.16 A. L. Kroeber, Totem and Taboo: An Ethnologic Psychoanalysis, American Anthropologist, 1920.
0.16 J. L. Fischer, Art Styles as Cultural Cognitive Maps, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.16 A. J. M. Sykes, Joking Relationships in an Industrial Setting, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.16 Clifton Amsbury, The "Human versus Culture" Controversy, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.16 Henry Angelino Charles L. Shedd, A Note on Berdache, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.16 David McAllester, Water as a Disciplinary Agent among the Crow and Blackfoot, American Anthropologist, 1941.
0.16 Geoffrey M. White, Conceptual Universals in Interpersonal Language, American Anthropologist, 1980.
0.16 Melford E. Spiro, Sorcery Evil Spirits and Functional Analysis: A Rejoinder, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.16 Georgina Born, Anthropology Kleinian Psychoanalysis and the Subject in Culture, American Anthropologist, 1998.
0.16 Allan D. Coult, Unconscious Inference and Cultural Origins, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.15 Susan Ervin-Tripp, An Analysis of the Interaction of Language Topic and Listener, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.15 Margaret Mead, The Institute for Intercultural Studies and Japanese Studies, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.15 James K. McNeley, The Northern Anthropologists: Culture and Personality, American Anthropologist, 1974.
0.15 Alexander H. Leighton Dorothea C. Leighton, Some Types of Uneasiness and Fear in a Navaho Indian Community, American Anthropologist, 1942.
0.15 Lorand B. Szalay Bela C. Maday, Implicit Culture and Psychocultural Distance, American Anthropologist, 1983.
0.15 Alexander Laban Hinton, Agents of Death: Explaining the Cambodian Genocide in Terms of Psychosocial Dissonance, American Anthropologist, 1996.
0.15 Jennifer Brown, Plato's Republic as an Early Study of Media Bias and a Charter for Prosaic Education, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.15 Nancy Oestreich Lurie, Comments on Bernard J James's Analysis of Ojibwa Acculturation, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.15 Esther S. Goldfrank, Concerning "People of the Middle Place", American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.15 Edwin Zehner, Social Honor and Systems of Meaning: A Comment Inspired by Hatch, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.15 Geza Roheim, An Old-Fashioned Reply to a Modern Reviewer, American Anthropologist, 1947.
0.15 Yehudi A. Cohen, Structure and Function: Family Organization and Socialization in a Jamaican Community, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.15 George Devereux, Dream Learning and Individual Ritual Differences in Mohave Shamanism, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.15 John H. Weakland, Themes in Chinese Communist Films, American Anthropologist, 1966.