film art films visual images museum media figure ethnographic african objects tuareg world exhibit image music video museums television

0.51 Karl G. Heider, The Indigenous Voices: The 2007 Taiwan International Ethnographic Film Festival, American Anthropologist, 2008.
0.45 Brenda Baugh, The Jean Rouch Tribute Website at DER: A Collaborative Work, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.43 Jay Ruby, Jean Rouch: Hidden and Revealed, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.42 Alaka Wali, Ethnography for the Digital Age: http://wwwYouTube/Digital Ethnography (Michael Wesch), American Anthropologist, 2010.
0.42 Sam Diiorio, Notes on Jean Rouch and French Cinema, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.41 Paul Stoller, The Work Must Go on: A Tribute to Jean Rouch, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.41 Amy J. Staples Charles Kilgore, An Interview with Dr Mondo, American Anthropologist, 1995.
0.40 John T. Hitchcock Patricia J. Hitchcock, Some Considerations for the Prospective Ethnographic Cinematographer, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.40 John Bishop, Dead Birds Migrating: DVD Reinvigorates Classic Ethnographic Film, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.39 Elizabeth A. Davis, Metamorphosis in the Culture Market of Niger, American Anthropologist, 1999.
0.38 Walter Armbrust, Islamists in Egyptian Cinema, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.38 Emily Cohen, The Orphanista Manifesto: Orphan Films and the Politics of Reproduction, American Anthropologist, 2004.
0.38 Kristin Dowell, Indigenous Media Gone Global: Strengthening Indigenous Identity On- and Offscreen at the First Nations\First Features Film Showcase, American Anthropologist, 2006.
0.37 Kate Hennessy Craig Campbell, A New Website for the Society for Visual Anthropology: http://societyforvisualanthropologyorg/, American Anthropologist, 2009.
0.37 Cindy Hing-Yuk Wong Gary W. McDonogh, The Mediated Metropolis: Anthropological Issues in Cities and Mass Communication, American Anthropologist, 2001.
0.37 Jonathan H. Shannon, Sultans of Spin: Syrian Sacred Music on the World Stage, American Anthropologist, 2003.
0.37 Daniel Martin Varisco, September 11: Participant Webservation of the "War on Terrorism", American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.36 Faye Ginsburg, Dans le bain avec Rouch: A Reminiscence, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.36 Lucas Bessire, From the Ground Looking up: Report on the Video nas Aldeias Tour, American Anthropologist, 2009.
0.36 Jean Lydall Ivo Strecker, A Critique Of Lionel Bender's Review Of Rivers of Sand, American Anthropologist, 1978.
0.35 Roderick Coover, Filmmaker to Filmmaker: Robert Gardner and the Cinematic Process, American Anthropologist, 2007.
0.34 Lucas Bessire, Talking Back to Primitivism: Divided Audiences Collective Desires, American Anthropologist, 2003.
0.34 Jean-Paul Colleyn, Jean Rouch: An Anthropologist Ahead of His Time, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.34 Monica L. Udvardy Linda L. Giles John B. Mitsanze, The Transatlantic Trade in African Ancestors: Mijikenda Memorial Statues (Vigango) and the Ethics of Collecting and Curating Non-Western Cultural Property, American Anthropologist, 2003.
0.34 Nadine Wanono, Au vent de l'éventuel: Following the Winds of Chance, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.33 Damien Stankiewicz, Anthropology on European Television: The Case of "Arts du Mythe/Kunst und Mythos", American Anthropologist, 2010.
0.33 Ann Fienup-Riordan, Collaboration on Display: A Yup'ik Eskimo Exhibit at Three National Museums, American Anthropologist, 1999.
0.32 , Jean Rouch Cited Filmography, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.32 Hamid Naficy, Iranian Cinema under the Islamic Republic, American Anthropologist, 1995.
0.32 , Erratum: Watunna, American Anthropologist, 1993.
0.31 Faye Ginsburg, "Atanarjuat" Off-Screen: From "Media Reservations" to the World Stage, American Anthropologist, 2003.
0.31 Ruth M. Van Dyke, Seeing the past: Visual Media in Archaeology, American Anthropologist, 2006.
0.31 Paul Stoller, Spaces Places and Fields: The Politics of West African Trading in New York City's Informal Economy, American Anthropologist, 1996.
0.31 Chris Spring, Commentary on Ruth Phillips's "Where Is Africa?", American Anthropologist, 2003.
0.31 Ákos Östör, Misreading the Metaphor: A Comment on Mishler's "Narrativity and Metaphor", American Anthropologist, 1988.
0.31 Sabra Thorner, Two Exhibitions Resignify Aboriginality and Photography in Australia's Visual Lexicon, American Anthropologist, 2008.
0.30 Ilisa Barbash David Mac Dougall Lucien Taylor Judith Mac Dougall, Reframing Ethnographic Film: A "Conversation" with David MacDougall and Judith MacDougall, American Anthropologist, 1996.
0.30 , Notes and News, American Anthropologist, 1941.
0.30 Deborah A. Kapchan, The Promise of Sonic Translation: Performing the Festive Sacred in Morocco, American Anthropologist, 2008.
0.30 Alireza Doostdar, "The Vulgar Spirit of Blogging": On Language Culture and Power in Persian Weblogestan, American Anthropologist, 2004.
0.29 Florence E. Babb, Recycled Sandalistas: From Revolution to Resorts in the New Nicaragua, American Anthropologist, 2004.
0.29 Elizabeth F. Vann, The Limits of Authenticity in Vietnamese Consumer Markets, American Anthropologist, 2006.
0.29 Alison Cool, Best of the Sámi Film Festival 2008. American Anthropologist, 2009,
0.28 Craig Mishler, Dead Arguments: A Reply to Ostör, American Anthropologist, 1988.
0.28 James McW. Kellers, 4-Butte-1: A Comment, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.27 Roxanne Varzi, Picturing Change: Mohsen Makhmalbaf's "Kandahar", American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.27 Robert Moore, Ben Zimmer's "On Language" in the "New York Times" Magazine and the New Public Linguistics, American Anthropologist, 2011.
0.27 Ákos Östör, Brief Reply to Mishler, American Anthropologist, 1989.
0.27 Carolyn Schiller Johnson, Public Anthropology "at the Fair": 1893 Origins 21st-century Opportunities, American Anthropologist, 2011.
0.27 Steven Feld, Remembering Rouch, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.27 Norman G. Dyhrenfurth, Film Making for Scientific Field Workers, American Anthropologist, 1952.
0.27 Thomas Wight Beale Paul F. Healy, Archaeological Films: The Past as Present, American Anthropologist, 1975.
0.27 Stuart Plattner, A Most Ingenious Paradox: The Market for Contemporary Fine Art, American Anthropologist, 1998.
0.26 Marc L. Moskowitz, A Review of Hu Tai-Li's Documentary Educational Resources Series, American Anthropologist, 2008.
0.26 Miriam Kahn, Heterotopic Dissonance in the Museum Representation of Pacific Island Cultures, American Anthropologist, 1995.
0.26 John Adai Sol Wort, The Navajo as Filmmaker: A Brief Report of Research in the Cross-Cultural Aspects of Film Communication, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.26 Eric Gable Richard Handler, After Authenticity at an American Heritage Site, American Anthropologist, 1996.
0.26 Andrew J. Shryock, New Images of Arab Detroit: Seeing Otherness and Identity through the Lens of September 11, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.26 Annette B. Weiner, Epistemology and Ethnographic Reality: A Trobriand Island Case Study, American Anthropologist, 1978.
0.26 John R. F. Bower, 6000 Years in Suswa, American Anthropologist, 1983.
0.25 Bilinda Straight, From Samburu Heirloom to New Age Artifact: The Cross-Cultural Consumption of Mporo Marriage Beads, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.25 M. Lionel Bender, Reply To Lydall and Strecker on Rivers of Sand, American Anthropologist, 1978.
0.25 Paul Henley Carlos Y. Flores, Interview: Reflections of an Ethnographic Filmmaker-Maker: An Interview with Paul Henley Director of the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology University of Manchester, American Anthropologist, 2009.
0.25 Edward M. Bruner, Abraham Lincoln as Authentic Reproduction: A Critique of Postmodernism, American Anthropologist, 1994.
0.25 Judith C. Berman, A Note on the Paintings of Prehistoric Ancestors by Charles R Knight, American Anthropologist, 2003.
0.25 Edward M. Bruner, Tourism in Ghana: The Representation of Slavery and the Return of the Black Diaspora, American Anthropologist, 1996.
0.24 Jim Igoe, Sidewalk Radio: Anthropology as Resource to Promote Health Labor Rights and Visual Media (http://wwwsidewalkradio net), American Anthropologist, 2010.
0.24 , Jean Rouch Talks about His Films to John Marshall and John W Adams, American Anthropologist, 1978.
0.24 Andrew Shryock, Tribes and the Print Trade: Notes from the Margins of Literate Culture in Jordan, American Anthropologist, 1996.
0.24 Jonathan R. Walz, Size Matters: A Commentary on Manning and Uplisashvili's "Our Beer", American Anthropologist, 2008.
0.24 Deborah Pellow, Cultural Differences and Urban Spatial Forms: Elements of Boundedness in an Accra Community, American Anthropologist, 2001.
0.23 Janet E. Levy, Prehistory Identity and Archaeological Representation in Nordic Museums, American Anthropologist, 2006.
0.23 Paul Manning Ann Uplisashvili, "Our Beer": Ethnographic Brands in Postsocialist Georgia, American Anthropologist, 2007.
0.23 John C. Ewers, Problems and Procedures in Modernizing Ethnological Exhibits, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.23 Fassil Demissie Andrew Apter, An Enchanting Darkness: A New Representation of Africa, American Anthropologist, 1995.
0.23 Sol Worth John Adair, Navajo Filmmakers, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.22 Shari Huhndorf, "Atanarjuat the Fast Runner": Culture History and Politics in Inuit Media, American Anthropologist, 2003.
0.22 Robert P. Crawford, Comment by the Production Director, American Anthropologist, 1953.
0.22 Stephanos Stephanides, Cinematography and Ethnography: How They are Reconciled in Hail Mother Kali, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.22 Gregory Starrett, The Political Economy of Religious Commodities in Cairo, American Anthropologist, 1995.
0.22 Susan J. Terrio, Crafting Grand Cru Chocolates in Contemporary France, American Anthropologist, 1996.
0.22 John Terrell, Disneyland and the Future of Museum Anthropology, American Anthropologist, 1991.
0.21 Matthew Durington, John Marshall's Kalahari Family, American Anthropologist, 2004.
0.21 Lila Abu-Lughod, The Adjacent Art of Documentary: A Palestinian Film Festival, American Anthropologist, 2004.
0.20 Timothy de Waal Malefyt, Understanding the Rise of Consumer Ethnography: Branding Technomethodologies in the New Economy, American Anthropologist, 2009.
0.20 S. L. Washburn, Double Projection, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.20 Tanya L. Coen Michael J. Higgins John Payne, Oigame! Oigame!: A Kindly Reply, American Anthropologist, 1993.
0.20 Craig Mishler, Narrativity and Metaphor in Ethnographic Film: A Critique of Robert Gardner's Dead Birds, American Anthropologist, 1985.
0.20 Robert C. Ulin, Invention and Representation as Cultural Capital: Southwest French Winegrowing History, American Anthropologist, 1995.
0.20 Meg McLagan, Principles Publicity and Politics: Notes on Human Rights Media, American Anthropologist, 2003.
0.20 Schuyler Cammann, Exhibit of the Month, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.20 Graham Jones, A Diplomacy of Dreams: Jean Rouch and Decolonization, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.20 Frances E. Mascia-Less, Piano Lessons, American Anthropologist, 1995.
0.19 Andrew Walsh, In the Wake of Things: Speculating in and about Sapphires in Northern Madagascar, American Anthropologist, 2004.
0.19 John L. Jackson Jr., An Ethnographic Filmflam: Giving Gifts Doing Research and Videotaping the Native Subject/Object, American Anthropologist, 2004.
0.19 Dan Marks, Ethnography and Ethnographic Film: From Flaherty to Asch and after, American Anthropologist, 1995.
0.19 Yasmine Musharbash, Boredom Time and Modernity: An Example from Aboriginal Australia, American Anthropologist, 2007.
0.19 Richard L. Anderson, Do Other Cultures Have "Art"?, American Anthropologist, 1992.
0.19 Ruth B. Phillips Mark Salber Phillips, Double Take: Contesting Time Place and Nation in the First Peoples Hall of the Canadian Museum of Civilization, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.19 Phil C. Orr, An Electric Bead Sorter, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.19 Michael Brian Schiffer, Studying Technological Differentiation: The Case of 18th-Century Electrical Technology, American Anthropologist, 2002.
0.18 O. Michael Watson Theodore D. Graves, Quantitative Research in Proxemic Behavior, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.18 Richard Price Sally Price, Executing Culture Musée Museo Museum, American Anthropologist, 1995.
0.18 Helán E. Page, "Black Male" Imagery and Media Containment of African American Men, American Anthropologist, 1997.
0.18 Deborah Nelson, "Immigrant Voices": Using Video to Tell Stories, American Anthropologist, 2010.
0.18 Samuel Redman, Remembering Exhibitions on Race in the 20th-Century United States, American Anthropologist, 2009.
0.18 John Collier_ Jr., Photography in Anthropology: A Report on Two Experiments, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.18 Phil Hughte, A Zuni Artist Looks at Frank Hamilton Cushing, American Anthropologist, 1995.
0.18 Judith Gleason, Off the Grid: Response to Blakely and Blakely, American Anthropologist, 1993.
0.17 George T. Mills, Social Anthropology and the Art Museum, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.17 Richard J. Preston, Now That the Buffalo's Gone and the Exiles: A Comment, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.17 Andrew Walsh, The Obvious Aspects of Ecological Underprivilege in Ankarana Northern Madagascar, American Anthropologist, 2005.
0.17 Alan E. Mann, Imagining Prehistory: Pictorial Reconstructions of the Way We Were, American Anthropologist, 2003.
0.17 Frits Staal, Comment: Altar of Fire, American Anthropologist, 1979.
0.17 Ron Eglash, Bamana Sand Divination: Recursion in Ethnomathematics, American Anthropologist, 1997.
0.17 Ron Eglash Audrey Bennett Casey O'Donnell Sybillyn Jennings Margaret Cintorino, Culturally Situated Design Tools: Ethnocomputing from Field Site to Classroom, American Anthropologist, 2006.
0.17 David H. Price, Blogging Anthropology: Savage Minds Zero Anthropology and AAA Blogs, American Anthropologist, 2010.
0.17 Miriam Kahn, Tahiti Intertwined: Ancestral Land Tourist Postcard and Nuclear Test Site, American Anthropologist, 2000.
0.17 Walter E. Little, Commentary on "Chocolate" Review, American Anthropologist, 2003.
0.16 Liza Bakewell, Image Acts, American Anthropologist, 1998.
0.16 Susan Rasmussen, Ritual Powers and Social Tensions as Moral Discourse among the Tuareg, American Anthropologist, 1998.
0.16 Paul Stoller, Embodying Colonial Memories, American Anthropologist, 1994.
0.16 Najwa Adra, A Response to Loeb, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.16 Elizabeth Chin, Katherine Dunham's Dance as Public Anthropology, American Anthropologist, 2010.
0.15 Richard Pace, Television's Interpellation: Heeding Missing Ignoring and Resisting the Call for Pan-National Identity in the Brazilian Amazon, American Anthropologist, 2009.
0.15 Jack Santino, Public Protest and Popular Style: Resistance from the Right in Northern Ireland and South Boston, American Anthropologist, 1999.
0.15 Luis A. Vivanco, Seeing Green: Knowing and Saving the Environment on Film, American Anthropologist, 2002.