social group groups political society organization members community societies system local village land status structure lineage relations individual economic

0.74 S. N. Eisenstadt, Primitive Political Systems: A Preliminary Comparative Analysis, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.64 Harumi Befu Leonard Plotnicov, Types of Corporate Unilineal Descent Groups, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.62 Marshall D. Sahlins, The Segmentary Lineage: An Organization of Predatory Expansion, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.60 Melvin Ember, Political Authority and the Structure of Kinship in Aboriginal Samoa, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.60 Bruce Haight, A Note on the Leopard-Skin Chief, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.58 Janet M. Bujra, The Dynamics of Political Action: A New Look at Factionalism, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.57 Warren L. D'Azevedo, Common Principles of Variant Kinship Structures among the Gola of Western Liberia, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.57 Richard M. Fulton, The Political Structures and Functions of Poro in Kpelle Society, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.56 Harvey Goldberg, Elite Groups in Peasant Communities: A Comparison of Three Middle Eastern Villages, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.56 Philip Carl Salzman, Tribal Organization and Subsistence: A Response to Emanuel Marx, American Anthropologist, 1979.
0.55 O. Doctorow, Group Structure and Authority, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.53 Lloyd Fallers, The Predicament of the Modern African Chief: An Instance from Uganda, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.53 Philip Carl Salzman, Does Complementary Opposition Exist?, American Anthropologist, 1978.
0.53 Michel Verdon, Where Have All Their Lineages Gone? Cattle and Descent among the Nuer, American Anthropologist, 1982.
0.52 I. M. Lewis, Force and Fission in Northern Somali Lineage Structure, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.51 Raymond C. Kelly, A Note on Nuer Segmentary Organization, American Anthropologist, 1983.
0.51 Marshall D. Sahlins, That's Not What I Said: A Reply to Derek Freeman, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.49 J. S. Yadava, Factionalism in a Haryana Village, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.49 Emanuel Marx, Back to the Problem of Tribe, American Anthropologist, 1979.
0.49 H. W. Scheffler, The Genesis and Repression of Conflict: Choiseul Island, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.48 Maurice Glickman, Patriliny among the Gusii and the Luo of Kenya, American Anthropologist, 1974.
0.46 Burton Pasternak, Agnatic Atrophy in a Formosan Village, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.46 Meyer Fortes, The Structure of Unilineal Descent Groups, American Anthropologist, 1953.
0.46 L. L. Langness, Some Problems in the Conceptualization of Highlands Social Structures, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.45 Max Gluckman, The Technical Vocabulary of Barotse Jurisprudence, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.44 Robert N. Pehrson, The Lappish Herding Leader: A Structural Analysis, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.44 Melvin Ember, Samoan Kinship and Political Structure: An Archeological Test to Decide between the Two Alternative Reconstructions (Ember's vs Freeman's), American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.43 Ronald M. Berndt, Warfare in the New Guinea Highlands, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.43 Robert F. Murphy Leonard Kasdan, The Structure of Parallel Cousin Marriage, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.43 James Dow, On the Muddled Concept of Corporation in Anthropology, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.43 Peter J. Greuel, The Leopard-Skin Chief: An Examination of Political Power among the Nuer, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.43 Harold Scheffler, The Descent of Rights and the Descent of Persons, American Anthropologist, 1986.
0.43 Adam Kuper, Gluckman's Village Headman, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.42 Louis C. Faron, The Formation of Two Indigenous Communities in Coastal Peru, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.41 Bernd Lambert, Ambilineal Descent Groups in the Northern Gilbert Islands, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.41 Robert T. Anderson Gallatin Anderson, The Indirect Social Structure of European Village Communities, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.41 Melvin Ember, The Nonunilinear Descent Groups of Samoa, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.40 Norman D. Humphrey, A Characterization of Certain Plains Associations, American Anthropologist, 1941.
0.40 Ian Cunnison, History and Genealogies in a Conquest State, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.40 Michel Verdon, Response to Kelly, American Anthropologist, 1983.
0.40 Richard R. Randolph, The "Matrifocal Family" as a Comparative Category, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.40 Philip Drucker, Rank Wealth and Kinship in Northwest Coast Society, American Anthropologist, 1939.
0.40 M. Kay Martin, South American Foragers: A Case Study in Cultural Devolution, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.39 Eric J. Miller, Caste and Territory in Malabar, American Anthropologist, 1954.
0.39 Robert T. Anderson, Voluntary Associations in History, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.39 H. S. Morris, The Indian Family in Uganda, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.39 Roger M. Keesing, Nonunilineal Descent and Contextual Definition of Status: The Kwaio Evidence, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.39 Conrad Phillip Kottak, Social Groups and Kinship Calculation among the Southern Betsileo, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.39 E. N. Anderson_ Jr., Lineage Atrophy in Chinese Society, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.39 Allan D. Coult, Role Allocation Position Structuring and Ambilineal Descent, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.39 Glynn Cochrane, Use of the Concept of the "Corporation": A Choice between Colloquialism or Distortion, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.38 Edwin G. Burrows, Breed and Border in Polynesia, American Anthropologist, 1939.
0.38 Emanuel Marx, The Tribe as a Unit of Subsistence: Nomadic Pastoralism in the Middle East, American Anthropologist, 1977.
0.38 Norman B. Schwartz, Goal Attainment Through Factionalism: A Guatemalan Case, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.38 Kalervo Oberg, Types of Social Structure among the Lowland Tribes of South and Central America, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.38 Chet S. Lancaster, Battle of the Sexes in Zambia: A Reply to Karla Poewe, American Anthropologist, 1979.
0.37 Wayne Suttles, Private Knowledge Morality and Social Classes among the Coast Salish, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.36 Rolf Wirsing, Political Power and Information: A Cross-Cultural Study, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.36 Harry Izmirlian_ Jr., Structural and Decision-Making Models: A Political Example, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.36 Clifford Geertz, Form and Variation in Balinese Village Structure, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.36 G. Gordon Brown James H. Barnett, Social Organization and Social Structure, American Anthropologist, 1942.
0.36 Irving Goldman, Status Rivalry and Cultural Evolution in Polynesia, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.35 Ward H. Goodenough, A Problem in Malayo-Polynesian Social Organization, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.35 James R. Hess Duran Bell, A Comment on Lambek's "Exchange Time and Person in Mayotte", American Anthropologist, 1992.
0.35 D. E. Brown, Voluntary Association: A Further Comment, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.35 M. J. Levy_ Jr.L. A. Fallers, The Family: Some Comparative Considerations, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.35 Daniel T. Hughes, Democracy in a Traditional Society: Two Hypotheses on Role, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.35 Edward Winslow Gifford, Miwok Lineages and the Political Unit in Aboriginal California, American Anthropologist, 1926.
0.35 Harumi Befu, Patrilineal Descent and Personal Kindred in Japan, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.34 Donna Nelson, Descent Systems Affines and Kindreds: A Rejoinder to Befu, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.34 Charles C. Lantz, Yadava and "Quasi-Groups": A Comment, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.34 Don Handelman Bruce Kapferer, Forms of Joking Activity: A Comparative Approach, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.34 Louise E. Sweet, Camel Raiding of North Arabian Bedouin: A Mechanism of Ecological Adaptation, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.33 Nancie L. Solien, The Nonunilineal Descent Group in the Caribbean and Central America, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.33 Alice Schlegel, African Political Models in the American Southwest: Hopi as an Internal Frontier Society, American Anthropologist, 1992.
0.33 Pedro Carrasco, The Civil-Religious Hierarchy in Mesoamerican Communities: Pre-Spanish Background and Colonial Development, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.33 William Davenport, Nonunilinear Descent and Descent Groups, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.33 K. E. Read, Leadership and Consensus in a New Guinea Society, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.33 Burton Benedict, Stratification in Plural Societies, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.33 George P. Murdock, The Kindred, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.32 Thomas Schweizer, Detecting Positions in Networks: A Formal Analysis of Loose Social Structure in Rural Java, American Anthropologist, 1988.
0.32 Lowell D. Holmes, Concerning Ember's "Political Authority and the Structure of Kinship in Aboriginal Samoa", American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.32 Douglas Oliver Walter B. Miller, Suggestions for a More Systematic Method of Comparing Political Units, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.32 Donald R. Bender, A Refinement of the Concept of Household: Families Co-Residence and Domestic Functions, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.32 Frederick S. Hulse, Status and Function as Factors in the Structure of Organizations among the Japanese, American Anthropologist, 1947.
0.32 Keith F. Otterbein, Internal War: A Cross-Cultural Study, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.32 Melvin Ember, Reply to Holmes, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.32 Bernard J. Siegel, Some Methodological Considerations for a Comparative Study of Slavery, American Anthropologist, 1945.
0.32 Robert F. Maher, Social Structure and Cultural Change in Papua, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.32 Jeremy Boissevain, Factions Parties and Politics in a Maltese Village, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.32 Alex Weingrod, On Interpreting Change: A Reply to Milton Jacobs, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.32 David M. Hart, Rejoinder to Henry Munson Jr "On the Irrelevance of the Segmentary Lineage Model in the Moroccan Rif", American Anthropologist, 1989.
0.32 Bernard J. Siegel Alan R. Beals, Pervasive Factionalism, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.31 Yehudi A. Cohen, Ends and Means in Political Control: State Organization and the Punishment of Adultery Incest and Violation of Celibacy, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.31 Fumiko Ikawa, Comments on Befu's "Patrilineal Descent and Personal Kindred in Japan", American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.31 Paul J. Magnarella Orhan Türkdoğan, Descent Affinity and Ritual Relations in Eastern Turkey, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.31 Eric R. Wolf, Aspects of Group Relations in a Complex Society: Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.31 John W. Bennett Leo A. Despres, Kinship and Instrumental Activities: A Theoretical Inquiry, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.31 Symmes C. Oliver, Individuality Freedom of Choice and Cultural Flexibility of the Kamba, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.31 Leopold Pospisil, Papuan Social Structure: Rejoinder to Leach, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.31 Leonard Plotnicov, Fixed Membership Groups: The Locus of Culture Processes, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.31 Ronald M. Berndt, "Murngin" (Wulamba) Social Organization, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.30 David L. Webster, On Theocracies, American Anthropologist, 1976.
0.30 P. H. Gulliver, The Turkana Age Organization, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.30 John L. Sorenson, Rejoinder to Pearsall, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.30 Donald R. Bender, De Facto Families and De Jure Households in Ondo, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.30 E. R. Leach, Social Change and Primitive Law, American Anthropologist, 1959.
0.30 Abraham Rosman Paula G. Rubel, The Potlatch: A Structural Analysis, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.30 Paula Brown, From Anarchy to Satrapy, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.30 Walter B. Miller, Two Concepts of Authority, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.30 Gerald M. Erchak, The Position of Women in Kpelle Society, American Anthropologist, 1974.
0.29 Adrian C. Mayer, Associations in Fiji Indian Rural Society, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.29 Robert F. Murphy, Intergroup Hostility and Social Cohesion, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.29 D. Sutherland Davidson, The Basis of Social Organization in Australia, American Anthropologist, 1926.
0.29 William P. Murphy, Creating the Appearance of Consensus in Mende Political Discourse, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.29 Derek Freeman, Some Observations on Kinship and Political Authority in Samoa, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.29 Peter Kloos, Matrilocal Residence and Local Endogamy: Environmental Knowledge or Leadership, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.29 Lydia T. Black, Relative Status of Wife Givers and Wife Takers in Gilyak Society, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.28 Jules Henry, The Personal Community and Its Invariant Properties, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.28 Ayse Kudat Sertel, Images of Power, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.28 Robert Paine, Emergence of the Village as a Social Unit in a Coast Lappish Fjord, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.28 Anthony Leeds, Brazilian Careers and Social Structure: An Evolutionary Model and Case History, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.28 Alex Weingrod, Reciprocal Change: A Case Study of a Moroccan Immigrant Village in Israel, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.28 Bernard Gallin, Matrilateral and Affinal Relationships of a Taiwanese Village, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.28 A. A. Goldenweiser, Sociological Terminology in Ethnology, American Anthropologist, 1916.
0.28 Bruce Cox, Comments on Mitchell's Concept of Kindred, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.27 Nancie L. Solien de González, The Consanguineal Household and Matrifocality, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.27 Julia A. Hendon, Variation in Classic Maya Sociopolitical Organization, American Anthropologist, 1992.
0.27 Charles O. Frake, Malayo-Polynesian Land Tenure, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.27 Marie Reay, Present-Day Politics in the New Guinea Highlands, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.27 Kenneth Little, The Role of Voluntary Associations in West African Urbanization, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.27 Dan Soen Patrice de Comarmond, Savings Associations among the Bamilèkè: Traditional and Modern Cooperation in Southwest Cameroon, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.27 Diane Owen Hughes, On Voluntary Associations in History: Medieval Europe, American Anthropologist, 1974.
0.27 William E. Mitchell, Theoretical Problems in the Concept of Kindred, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.27 James L. Gibbs_ Jr., Marital Instability among the Kpelle: Towards a Theory of Epainogamy, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.27 Gwendoline van Den Berghe Pierre L. van Den Berghe, Compadrazgo and Class in Southeastern Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.27 Norman E. Whitten_ Jr., Strategies of Adaptive Mobility in the Colombian-Ecuadorian Littoral, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.27 Robert W. Wyllie, Ritual and Social Change: A Ghanaian Example, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.27 Aaron Podolefsky, Population Density Land Tenure and Law in the New Guinea Highlands: Reflections on Legal Evolution, American Anthropologist, 1987.
0.26 William Irons, On Magnarella's Review of The Yomut Turkmen, American Anthropologist, 1980.
0.26 John W. Cole, Social Process in the Italian Alps, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.26 Michael Lambek, Exchange Time and Person in Mayotte: The Structure and Destructuring of a Cultural System, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.26 Max Gluckman, The Utility of the Equilibrium Model in the Study of Social Change, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.26 Marc Howard Ross, Female Political Participation: A Cross-Cultural Explanation, American Anthropologist, 1986.
0.26 C. W. Cassinelli, An Introduction to the Principality of Sakya, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.26 Simone Dreyfus, Concerning Turner's Review of Dreyfus' "Les Kayapo Du Nord", American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.26 Laura Nader Duane Metzger, Conflict Resolution in Two Mexican Communities, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.26 Harumi Befu, Befu's Rejoinder, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.26 Henry Munson_ Jr., On the Irrelevance of the Segmentary Lineage Model in the Moroccan Rif, American Anthropologist, 1989.
0.26 Fredrik Barth, Analytical Dimensions in the Comparison of Social Organizations, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.26 Ernest Wallwork, Religion and Social Structure in The Division of Labor, American Anthropologist, 1984.
0.26 Bernard S. Cohn, Anthropological Notes on Disputes and Law in India, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.26 Terry Ray Reynolds Louise Lamphere Cecil E. Cook_ Jr., Time Resources and Authority in a Navaho Community, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.26 Aidan Southall, Ideology and Group Composition in Madagascar, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.26 Walter Goldschmidt, Social Organization in Native California and the Origin of Clans, American Anthropologist, 1948.
0.25 John A. Ballweg, Extensions of Meaning and Use for Kinship Terms, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.25 Fred Gearing, The Structural Poses of 18th Century Cherokee Villages, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.25 Sydel F. Silverman, Agricultural Organization Social Structure and Values in Italy: Amoral Familism Reconsidered, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.25 John D. Donoghue, An Eta Community in Japan: The Social Persistence of Outcaste Groups, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.25 Rodolfo Stavenhagen, Further Comment on Ethnic Relations in Southeastern Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.25 William Partridge, Reply to Brintnall, American Anthropologist, 1983.
0.25 Walter Goldschmidt Evalyn Jacobson Kunkel, The Structure of the Peasant Family, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.25 Roger M. Keesing, Shrines Ancestors and Cognatic Descent: The Kwaio and Tallensi, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.25 H. W. Scheffler, A Further Note on the Mangaian Kopu, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.25 Morton Klass, Community Structure in West Bengal, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.25 Charles R. Kaut, Western Apache Clan and Phratry Organization, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.25 John Gulick, The Lebanese Village: An Introduction, American Anthropologist, 1953.
0.25 Terence Turner, Reply to Mme Dreyfus, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.25 Elliott P. Skinner, Political Conflict and Revolution in an African Town, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.25 Harold Hickerson, The Genesis of Bilaterality among Two Divisions of Chippewa, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.25 Elsie B. Begler, Sex Status and Authority in Egalitarian Society, American Anthropologist, 1978.
0.25 Maurice Bloch, The Implications of Marriage Rules and Descent: Categories for Merina Social Structures, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.25 Walter H. Sangree, Secondary Marriage and Tribal Solidarity in Irigwe Nigeria, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.24 Susan D. Gillespie, Rethinking Ancient Maya Social Organization: Replacing "Lineage" with "House", American Anthropologist, 2000.
0.24 William F. Keegan Morgan D. Maclachlan, The Evolution of Avunculocal Chiefdoms: A Reconstruction of Taino Kinship and Politics, American Anthropologist, 1989.
0.24 Fred Voget, Acculturation at Caughnawaga: A Note on the Native-Modified Group, American Anthropologist, 1951.
0.24 Elizabeth Colson Thayer Scudder, Comment on Lancaster's Response: Gwembe Tonga Virilocality, American Anthropologist, 1981.
0.24 I. T. Stone, An Approach to the Comparative Study of Social Integration, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.24 Philip Mayer, Migrancy and the Study of Africans in Towns, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.24 Davydd J. Greenwood, Comment on Littlefield's Review of Greenwood's Unrewarding Wealth, American Anthropologist, 1979.
0.24 Robert B. Ekvall, Law and the Individual among the Tibetan Nomads, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.24 Paul Bohannan, An Alternate Residence Classification, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.24 Jan Pouwer, A Social System in the Star Mountains Toward a Reorientation of the Study of Social Systems, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.24 Glynn Cochrane, Juristic Persons Group and Individual Land Tenure: A Rejoinder to Goodenough, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.24 Paul Mercier, The Social Role of Circumcision among the Bεsorubε, American Anthropologist, 1951.
0.24 A. Endre Nyerges, The Ecology of Wealth-in-People: Agriculture Settlement and Society on the Perpetual Frontier, American Anthropologist, 1992.
0.24 Francis L. K. Hsu, The Effect of Dominant Kinship Relationships on Kin and Non-Kin Behavior: A Hypothesis, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.24 Talcott Parsons, The Kinship System of the Contemporary United States, American Anthropologist, 1943.
0.24 William K. Carr, Some Factors Affecting Residence Mobility, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.24 Ruth Benedict, Marital Property Rights in Bilateral Society, American Anthropologist, 1936.
0.24 George M. Foster, The Dyadic Contract: A Model for the Social Structure of a Mexican Peasant Village, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.24 Ralph W. Nicholas, A Reply to Beals and Siegel, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.23 K. L. Little, The Role of the Secret Society in Cultural Specialization, American Anthropologist, 1949.
0.23 Karen Sacks, State Bias and Women's Status, American Anthropologist, 1976.
0.23 Susan T. Freeman, Introduction, American Anthropologist, 1973.
0.23 Malcolm C. Collier, Leadership at Navajo Mountain and Klagetoh, American Anthropologist, 1946.
0.23 David M. Schneider, Yap Kinship Terminology and Kin Groups, American Anthropologist, 1953.
0.23 Marian W. Smith, Structured and Unstructured Class Societies, American Anthropologist, 1953.
0.23 Lloyd A. Fallers, Ideology and Culture in Uganda Nationalism, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.23 Dorrian Apple Sweetser, On the Incompatibility of Duty and Affection: A Note on the Role of the Mother's Brother, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.23 Hans-Dieter Evers, Magic and Religion in Sinhalese Society, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.23 Francis P. Conant, Korok: A Variable Unit of Physical and Social Space among the Pokot of East Africa, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.23 C. S. Lancaster, Women Horticulture and Society in Sub-Saharan Africa, American Anthropologist, 1976.
0.23 Hilda Kuper, The Language of Sites in the Politics of Space, American Anthropologist, 1972.
0.23 Florence M. Hawley, Pueblo Social Organization as a Lead to Pueblo History, American Anthropologist, 1937.
0.23 Suzanne L. Simons, A Critique of Brandt's "Sandia Pueblo", American Anthropologist, 1982.
0.23 Marian W. Smith, The Misal: A Structural Village-Group of India and Pakistan, American Anthropologist, 1952.
0.23 Henry Orenstein, The Ethnological Theories of Henry Sumner Maine, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.23 Michael W. Young, Bwaidogan Descent Groups, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.23 Robert F. Murphy, Unilineal Bilineal and the Mundurucú: Rejoinder, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.23 Susan Tax Freeman, Religious Aspects of the Social Organization of a Castilian Village, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.22 Elman R. Service, Kinship Terminology and Evolution, American Anthropologist, 1960.
0.22 Laura Nader, Choices in Legal Procedure: Shia Moslem and Mexican Zapotec, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.22 Emma Gilberthorp, Fasu Solidarity: A Case Study of Kin Networks Land Tenure and Oil Extraction in Kutubu Papua New Guinea, American Anthropologist, 2007.
0.22 Chet Lancaster Jane Beckman Lancaster, On the Male Supremacist Complex: A Reply to Divale and Harris, American Anthropologist, 1978.
0.22 John H. Dowling, Individual Ownership and the Sharing of Game in Hunting Societies, American Anthropologist, 1968.
0.22 Edward Norbeck, African Rituals of Conflict, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.22 Jerrold E. Levy, Community Organization of the Western Navajo, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.22 Keith Brown, Dōzoku and the Ideology of Descent in Rural Japan, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.22 Andrew P. Vayda, Expansion and Warfare among Swidden Agriculturalists, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.22 Leonard Broom John I. Kitsuse, The Validation of Acculturation: A Condition to Ethnic Assimilation, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.22 Arnold R. Pilling, Statistics Sorcery and Justice, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.22 Robert J. Smith Eudaldo P. Reyes, Community Interrelations with the Outside World: The Case of a Japanese Agricultural Community, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.22 Shirley K. Deshon, Compadrazgo on a Henequen Hacienda in Yucatan: A Structural Re-Evaluation, American Anthropologist, 1963.
0.22 Gerald D. Berreman, Aleut Reference Group Alienation Mobility and Acculturation, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.22 D. S. Davidson, The Family Hunting Territory in Australia, American Anthropologist, 1928.
0.22 Yehudi A. Cohen, The Establishment of Identity in a Social Nexus: The Special Case of Initiation Ceremonies and Their Relation to Value and Legal Systems, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.22 William R. Bascom, Social Status Wealth and Individual Differences among the Yoruba, American Anthropologist, 1951.
0.22 Jean Ensminger, Co-Opting the Elders: The Political Economy of State Incorporation in Africa, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.22 Kwang-Chih Chang, Study of the Neolithic Social Grouping: Examples from the New World, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.22 Keith F. Otterbein Charlotte Swanson Otterbein, An Eye for an Eye A Tooth for a Tooth: A Cross-Cultural Study of Feuding, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.21 Karla O. Poewe, Women Horticulture and Society in Sub-Saharan Africa: Some Comments, American Anthropologist, 1979.
0.21 David M. Schneider, Political Organization Supernatural Sanctions and the Punishment for Incest on Yap, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.21 Hans-Dieter Evers, Kinship and Property Rights in a Buddhist Monastery in Central Ceylon, American Anthropologist, 1967.
0.21 William Y. Adams, Navajo Social Organization, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.21 Robert F. Murphy, Social Distance and the Veil, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.21 Iwao Ishino, The Oyabun-Kobun: A Japanese Ritual Kinship Institution, American Anthropologist, 1953.
0.21 Derek Freeman, Samoa: A Matter of Emphasis, American Anthropologist, 1965.
0.21 L. M. Hanks_ Jr., Merit and Power in the Thai Social Order, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.21 Richard J. Parmentier, Diagrammatic Icons and Historical Processes in Belau, American Anthropologist, 1985.
0.21 Ju-K'ang T'ien, Pai Cults and Social Age in the Tai Tribes of the Yunnan-Burma Frontier, American Anthropologist, 1949.
0.21 Ward H. Goodenough, Malayo-Polynesian Land Tenure: Reply, American Anthropologist, 1956.
0.21 John F. Embree, New and Local Kin Groups among the Japanese Farmers of Kona Hawaii, American Anthropologist, 1939.
0.21 John W. Bennett Leo A. Despres, Rejoinder to Beidelman, American Anthropologist, 1961.
0.21 Roger M. Keesing, Descriptive Categories in the Analysis of Social Organization: A Rejoinder to Nelson, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.21 Morris E. Opler Rudra Datt Singh, Two Villages of Eastern Uttar Pradesh (U P) India: An Analysis of Similarities and Differences, American Anthropologist, 1952.
0.21 William A. Longacre, Changing Patterns of Social Integration: A Prehistoric Example from the American Southwest, American Anthropologist, 1966.
0.21 Chet S. Lancaster, Cultivation Intensiveness Population and Women's Status, American Anthropologist, 1977.
0.21 Charles Campbell Hughes, An Eskimo Deviant from the "Eskimo" Type of Social Organization, American Anthropologist, 1958.
0.21 Curt NimuendajúRobert H. Lowie, The Associations of the Šerénte, American Anthropologist, 1939.
0.20 Felix M. Keesing, Some Notes on Bontok Social Organization Northern Philippines, American Anthropologist, 1949.
0.20 Franz Boas, The Social Organization of the Tribes of the North Pacific Coast, American Anthropologist, 1924.
0.20 Elizabeth Keating, Moments of Hierarchy: Constructing Social Stratification by Means of Language Food Space and the Body in Pohnpei Micronesia, American Anthropologist, 2000.
0.20 Carolyn K. Lesorogol, Transforming Institutions among Pastoralists: Inequality and Land Privatization, American Anthropologist, 2003.
0.20 Chet S. Lancaster, Gwembe Valley Marriage Prestations in Historical Perspective: A Rejoinder to Colson and Scudder, American Anthropologist, 1981.
0.20 Abraham H. Maslow John J. Honigmann, Synergy: Some Notes of Ruth Benedict, American Anthropologist, 1970.
0.20 Helen Codere, Kwakiutl Society: Rank without Class, American Anthropologist, 1957.
0.20 Eric R. Wolf, Types of Latin American Peasantry: A Preliminary Discussion, American Anthropologist, 1955.
0.20 Peter J. Wilson, Sentimental Structure: Tsimihety Migration and Descent, American Anthropologist, 1971.
0.20 Benjamin N. Colby Pierre L. Van Den Berghe, Reply to Goldkind's Critique of "Ethnic Relations in Southeastern Mexico", American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.20 James L. Boone III, Parental Investment and Elite Family Structure in Preindustrial States: A Case Study of Late Medieval-Early Modern Portuguese Genealogies, American Anthropologist, 1986.
0.20 Michael Aiken David Goldberg, Social Mobility and Kinship: A Reexamination of the Hypothesis, American Anthropologist, 1969.
0.20 Kingsley Davis, Intermarriage in Caste Societies, American Anthropologist, 1941.
0.20 Leonard W. Moss Stephen C. Cappannari, Estate and Class in a South Italian Hill Village, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.20 James H. Vaughan_ Jr., Culture History and Grass-Roots Politics in a Northern Cameroons Kingdom, American Anthropologist, 1964.
0.20 Nur Yalman, The Structure of the Sinhalese Kindred: A Re-Examination of the Dravidian Terminology, American Anthropologist, 1962.
0.20 Derek Freeman, Anthropological Theorizing and Historical Scholarship: A Reply to M Ember, American Anthropologist, 1966.
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0.16 Melvin Ember Carol R. Ember, The Conditions Favoring Matrilocal versus Patrilocal Residence, American Anthropologist, 1971.
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0.16 Elvin Hatch, Response to Zehner, American Anthropologist, 1990.
0.16 Gerald D. Berreman, Social Categories and Social Interaction in Urban India, American Anthropologist, 1972.
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0.16 Robert Redfield, The Calpolli-Barrio in a Present-Day Mexican Pueblo, American Anthropologist, 1928.
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0.16 Marshall D. Sahlins, Esoteric Efflorescence in Easter Island, American Anthropologist, 1955.
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0.16 John B. Cornell, Outcaste Relations in a Japanese Village, American Anthropologist, 1961.
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0.15 Benjamin N. Colby Pierre L. van Den Berghe, Ethnic Relations in Southeastern Mexico, American Anthropologist, 1961.
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0.15 Susan Kent, And Justice for All: The Development of Political Centralization among Newly Sedentary Foragers, American Anthropologist, 1989.
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0.15 Robert J. Smith, The Japanese Rural Community: Norms Sanctions and Ostracism, American Anthropologist, 1961.
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0.15 C. M. Barbeau, Parallel between the Northwest Coast and Iroquoian Clans and Phratries, American Anthropologist, 1917.
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